function newImprovedCombo($data, $colRules, $noOfRows, $noOfCols, $startTime, &$counter = 0, $group = array(), $val = null, $i = 0) { if (isset($val)) { array_push($group, $val); } if ($i >= count($data)) { $counter++; if ($counter >= 1000000) { if ($counter % 1000000 == 0) { echo $counter . " (" . (microtime_float() - $startTime) . ")" . PHP_EOL; exit; } } $pool = new My(); $pool->start(); // if(checkSuccess($group, $colRules, $noOfRows, $noOfCols)) { // echo "<div style=\"float:right\">Solution Found<br />"; // $endTime = microtime_float(); // echo "END:".$endTime."<br />"; // echo "START:".$startTime."<br />"; // echo " - Time taked ".($endTime - $startTime)."</div>"; // exit; // } } else { foreach ($data[$i] as $v) { newImprovedCombo($data, $colRules, $noOfRows, $noOfCols, $startTime, $counter, $group, $v, $i + 1); } } }
public static function release_lockfile() { $f3 = \Base::instance(); $lock_file = realpath($f3->get('FILE')) . ".lock"; $pid = self::get_lock_file(); if ($pid == getmypid() or !self::isrunning($pid, FALSE)) { if (is_file($lock_file) && unlink($lock_file)) { My::function_debug(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "OK!"); return TRUE; } else { My::function_debug(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "{$lock_file} could NOT be released, check permissions etc....", "error"); return FALSE; } } if ($pid) { My::function_debug(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "{$lock_file} not mine and still running. My pid=" . getmypid() . ".", "warn"); return TRUE; } My::function_debug(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "{$lock_file} does not exist. Nothing to release..."); return TRUE; }
return SearchHelper::getForums($fIds); } function onCommonSetConfig($data) { $settings = array(); if (is_array($data) && $data) { foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if (substr($key, 0, 3) != 'my_') { continue; } $settings[] = "('{$key}', '{$val}')"; } if ($settings) { DB::query("REPLACE INTO " . DB::table('common_setting') . " (`skey`, `svalue`) VALUES " . implode(',', $settings)); require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/function/function_cache.php'; updatecache('setting'); return true; } } return false; } } $siteId = $_G['setting']['my_siteid']; $siteKey = $_G['setting']['my_sitekey']; $timezone = $_G['setting']['timeoffset']; $language = $_SC['language'] ? $_SC['language'] : 'zh_CN'; $version = $_G['setting']['version']; $myAppStatus = $_G['setting']['my_app_status']; $mySearchStatus = $_G['setting']['my_search_status']; $my = new My($siteId, $siteKey, $timezone, $version, CHARSET, $language, $myAppStatus, $mySearchStatus); $my->run();
?> <!-- END --> <!-- Main menu --> <?php include 'include/menu.php'; ?> <!-- END --> <!-- Main content --> <div id="content"> <h1>Settings</h1> <?php include 'include/include_my_settings.php'; $Settings = new My(); $Settings->Settings(); ?> <form class="globalForms noPadding" action="" method="post"> <table class="globalTables leftAlign noHover" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="boldText"> First Name </td> <td> <input name="firstname" type="text" class="medium" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { echo $_POST['firstname']; } else {
public static function dump_errors() { if (self::$exit_code) { return; } if (is_array(error_get_last())) { \Base::instance()->get("FP")->error(error_get_last()); self::$exit_code = 64; } }
public static function mysql_query($sql, $line = false) { self::mysql_connect(); if ($line) { $sql = trim($sql) . " " . "#----{$line}"; } $result = self::$my->exec($sql); My::log(str_replace("#----", "#", self::$my->log()) . " rows=" . count($result)); if ($result === FALSE) { trigger_error("{$sql} falied"); } return $result; }
<?php class My extends Thread { public function run() { } } $my = new My(); var_dump($my->start());
/** * Overload delete() method * * @param Int $id * @return Boolean */ public function delete($id = 0) { $orm_instance = ORM::factory('used_coupon')->where('cpn_id', $id)->delete_all(); Mycpn_promotion::instance()->delete_by_couponid($id); return parent::delete($id); }
<?php define('IN_MYOP', TRUE); error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); require_once './define.php'; require_once './function.php'; require_once API_ROOT . '/class/My.class.php'; require_once API_ROOT . '/class/APIErrorResponse.class.php'; require_once API_ROOT . '/class/APIResponse.class.php'; require_once API_ROOT . '/class/MyBase.class.php'; //所有URL的后面都不带“/” define('SITE_PATH', getcwd()); define('MYOP_URL', getmyopurlInApi()); define('UC_URL', MYOP_URL); define('SITE_URL', substr(MYOP_URL, 0, -(strlen(APPS_DIR_NAME) + strlen(MYOP_DIR_NAME) + 2))); define('PUBLIC_URL', SITE_URL . '/public'); //系统配置 $_SITE_CONFIG = array(); refreshConfig(); //漫游平台的全局变量 $_MY_GLOBAL = array(); $_MY_GLOBAL['timestamp'] = time(); //个人空间 $space = array(); $server = new My(); $response = $server->parseRequest(); echo $server->formatResponse($response);
/** * @covers \SebastianBergmann\My\My::__construct * @covers \SebastianBergmann\My\My::prints * @uses \SebastianBergmann\My\My */ public function test1() { $xx = new My(); $tt = $xx->prints("hello"); $this->assertEquals('hello', $tt); }
/** * add doc */ public function add($data) { $id = parent::add($data); if ($id) { //order和ID初始赋同样的值 $doc = ORM::factory('doc', $id); $doc->save(); //$this->clear_uris(); return $id; } else { return false; } }
/** * GET /my/tasks * 自分のタスク一覧を取得する. * @TODO ページネーション未対応. * * 引数0:assigned_by_account_id タスクの依頼者のアカウントID. * 引数1:status タスクのステータス. (open, done) */ public function fetchMyTasks() { $query_parameters = array('assigned_by_account_id' => isset($this->args[0]) ? $this->args[0] : null, 'status' => isset($this->args[1]) ? $this->args[1] : null); $query_parameters = self::filteringParameters($query_parameters); $this->loadModel('Chatwork.My'); $results = My::get(array('action' => '/tasks', 'query_parameters' => $query_parameters)); $this->out(print_r($results, true)); }