$renderer = new GD_GRenderer($_REQUEST["width"], $_REQUEST["height"]); $graph = new MultibarGraphic(); $graph->setTitle(tra($_REQUEST["title"])); $graph->setData(array('x' => $dataxy->xdata, 'y0' => $dataxy->ydata)); if ($_REQUEST["type"] == 'barvert') { $graph->setParam('grid-independant-location', 'horizontal'); } else { $graph->setParam('grid-independant-location', 'vertical'); $graph->setParam('grid-horizontal-position', 'top'); } $graph->setParam('grid-independant-major-font', 'Normal-Text'); $graph->setParam('grid-independant-major-guide', false); } elseif ($_REQUEST["type"] == 'multiline') { // multiline not working as yet so shouldn't get here $renderer = new GD_GRenderer($_REQUEST["width"], $_REQUEST["height"]); $graph = new MultilineGraphic(); $graph->setTitle(tra($_REQUEST["title"])); $graph->setData(array('x' => $dataxy['xdata'], 'y0' => $dataxy['ydata'])); $graph->setParam('grid-independant-location', 'vertical'); $graph->setParam('grid-independant-major-font', 'Normal-Text'); $graph->setParam('grid-independant-major-guide', false); } elseif ($_REQUEST["type"] == 'pie') { // pie not working as yet so shouldn't get here $renderer = new GD_GRenderer($_REQUEST["width"], $_REQUEST["height"]); $graph = new PieChartGraphic(); $graph->setTitle(tra($_REQUEST["title"])); $graph->setData(array('x' => $dataxy['xdata'], 'y0' => $dataxy['ydata'])); $graph->setParam('grid-independant-location', 'vertical'); $graph->setParam('grid-independant-major-font', 'Normal-Text'); $graph->setParam('grid-independant-major-guide', false); } else {
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2013 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-pv_chart.php 44444 2013-01-05 21:24:24Z changi67 $ require_once 'tiki-setup.php'; $access->check_feature('feature_stats'); $access->check_permission('tiki_p_view_stats'); require_once "lib/graph-engine/gd.php"; require_once "lib/graph-engine/graph.multiline.php"; //Define the object $renderer = new GD_GRenderer(450, 300); $graph = new MultilineGraphic(); $graph->setTitle(tra('Pageviews')); //Set some data if (!isset($_REQUEST["days"])) { $_REQUEST["days"] = 7; } $statslib = TikiLib::lib('stats'); $data = $statslib->get_pv_chart_data($_REQUEST["days"]); foreach ($data['xdata'] as $key => $date) { $data['xdata'][$key] = strtotime($date) / 24 / 3600; } $graph->setData(array('x' => $data['xdata'], 'y0' => $data['ydata'])); $graph->setParam('grid-independant-major-font', false); $graph->setParam('grid-independant-major-guide', false); $graph->draw($renderer); $renderer->httpOutput('stats.png');
} $access->check_permission('feature_sheet'); if (!(is_numeric($_GET['w']) && is_numeric($_GET['h']) && is_numeric($_GET['s']) && $_GET['s'] <= 500 && $_GET['s'] > 0 && is_numeric($_GET['min']) && is_numeric($_GET['max']) && is_array($_GET['f']) && $_GET['min'] < $_GET['max'] && $_GET['w'] >= 100 && $_GET['h'] >= 100)) { die; } switch ($_GET['t']) { case 'png': $renderer = new GD_GRenderer($_GET['w'], $_GET['h']); break; case 'pdf': $renderer = new PDFLib_GRenderer($_GET['p'], $_GET['o']); break; default: die; } $graph = new MultilineGraphic(); $graph->setTitle($_GET['title']); $size = ($_GET['max'] - $_GET['min']) / $_GET['s']; $data = array(); foreach (array_values($_GET['f']) as $key => $formula) { $formula = convert_formula($formula); $data['x'] = array(); $data['y' . $key] = array(); for ($x = $_GET['min']; $_GET['max'] > $x; $x += $size) { $data['x'][] = $x; $data['y' . $key][] = $formula($x); } } $graph->setData($data); $graph->draw($renderer); $renderer->httpOutput("graph.{$_GET['t']}");