Since: 1.6
Author: app (
Inheritance: extends CApiComponent
Exemplo n.º 1
 private function setEndVariationValue(Move $move)
     if ($this->endingVariation) {
         $this->endingVariation = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function makeMove(Move $move)
     if ($this->gameState !== self::GAME_STATE_PLAYING) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('game is already over');
     $row = $move->getRow();
     $column = $move->getColumn();
     // wait until the user makes a first move to initialize the bomb locations
     // in order to ensure that the first move doesn't ever land on a mine
     if (!$this->bombsInitialized) {
         $points = RandomPointGenerator::generate($this->getLength(), $this->getWidth(), $row, $column, $this->getBombCount());
     $cell = $this->getCell($row, $column);
     if (!$cell->isHidden()) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException($row . ',' . $column . ' is already showing');
     if ($move->isFlag()) {
     if ($cell->isBomb()) {
         $this->gameState = self::GAME_STATE_LOST;
     } else {
         if ($cell->getSurroundingBombCount() === 0) {
             $this->revealSurroundingCells($row, $column);
         if ($this->isGameWon()) {
             $this->gameState = self::GAME_STATE_WON;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function setUp()
     LudoDBRegistry::set('FILE_UPLOAD_PATH', '/tmp/');
     $mv = new MetadataValue();
     $m = new Move();
     $g = new Game();
     $db = new Database(1);
     if (!$db->getId()) {
         $db->setTitle('My database');
Exemplo n.º 4
 private function getUsersNextMove($handle)
     $length = $this->board->getLength();
     $width = $this->board->getWidth();
     $exampleRow = floor($length / 2);
     $exampleColumn = floor($width / 2);
     $examplePoint = $exampleRow . ',' . $exampleColumn;
     $prompt = 'Enter move in the format "[row],[column]" e.g. "' . $examplePoint . '". To toggle a flag on a cell, prefix with an "f" e.g. "f' . $examplePoint . '"';
     $move = null;
     do {
         echo $prompt . ': ';
         $input = rtrim(fgets($handle));
         try {
             $move = Move::parse($input, $length - 1, $width - 1);
         } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
             echo "\nInvalid move. Please try again.\n";
     } while ($move === null);
     return $move;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * @test
 public function testCommandGeneration()
     $cmd = new Move('from', 'to');
     $this->assertEquals("mv from to", $cmd->getCommand());
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Move Folder
  * @param folderId - required -
  *            The id of the folder.
  * @param parentId - required -
  *            The id of the parent where the file should be moved.
  * @return The Move object which contains the status of the operation.
 public function moveFolder($folderId, $parentId)
     $parameters = array('folderId' => $folderId, 'parentId' => $parentId);
     $urld = 'dpi/v1/folder/' . $folderId . '/move';
     $this->response = $this->restTransportInstance->sendRequest($urld, $parameters, self::HTTP_PUT, $this->authToken);
     $responseBody = simplexml_load_string($this->response);
     $returnObject = new Move();
     if ($responseBody === false) {
         $errorCode = 'N/A';
         $errorMessage = 'The server has encountered an error, please try again.';
         $errorObject = new ErrorStatus($errorCode, $errorMessage);
     } else {
         $errorStatus = $responseBody->errorStatus;
         if (empty($errorStatus)) {
             $returnObject->setStatus((string) $responseBody->status);
         } else {
             $errorCode = (string) $responseBody->errorStatus->code;
             $errorMessage = (string) $responseBody->errorStatus->message;
             $errorObject = new ErrorStatus($errorCode, $errorMessage);
     return $returnObject;
Exemplo n.º 7

 * 转移采购信息到采购商社区
$move = new Move();
class Move
    public $provinceArr = array(1 => array("title" => "北京", "fid" => 85, "num" => 50), 2 => array("title" => "上海", "fid" => 95, "num" => 0), 3 => array("title" => "天津市", "fid" => 86, "num" => 0), 4 => array("title" => "重庆市", "fid" => 75, "num" => 0), 7 => array("title" => "安徽省", "fid" => 98, "num" => 0), 8 => array("title" => "福建省", "fid" => 104, "num" => 0), 10 => array("title" => "广东省", "fid" => 100, "num" => 0), 11 => array("title" => "贵州省", "fid" => 77, "num" => 0), 12 => array("title" => "河北省", "fid" => 87, "num" => 0), 13 => array("title" => "黑龙江省", "fid" => 94, "num" => 0), 14 => array("title" => "河南省", "fid" => 88, "num" => 0), 15 => array("title" => "湖北省", "fid" => 103, "num" => 0), 16 => array("title" => "湖南省", "fid" => 102, "num" => 0), 17 => array("title" => "吉林省", "fid" => 93, "num" => 0), 18 => array("title" => "江西省", "fid" => 99, "num" => 0), 19 => array("title" => "江苏省", "fid" => 96, "num" => 0), 20 => array("title" => "辽宁省", "fid" => 92, "num" => 0), 21 => array("title" => "山东省", "fid" => 89, "num" => 0), 22 => array("title" => "陕西省", "fid" => 81, "num" => 0), 23 => array("title" => "山西省", "fid" => 90, "num" => 0), 24 => array("title" => "四川省", "fid" => 76, "num" => 0), 25 => array("title" => "云南省", "fid" => 78, "num" => 0), 26 => array("title" => "浙江省", "fid" => 97, "num" => 0), 27 => array("title" => "青海省", "fid" => 83, "num" => 0), 28 => array("title" => "广西壮族自治区", "fid" => 101, "num" => 0), 29 => array("title" => "内蒙古自治区", "fid" => 91, "num" => 0), 30 => array("title" => "宁夏回族自治区", "fid" => 82, "num" => 0), 31 => array("title" => "西藏自治区", "fid" => 79, "num" => 0), 32 => array("title" => "新疆维吾尔自治区", "fid" => 84, "num" => 0), 34 => array("title" => "海南省", "fid" => 105, "num" => 0));
    public $op = "gongyepin";
    public function __construct()
    public function run()
        $op = $this->op . "Action";
    public function gongyepinAction()
        $this->num = 1000;
        $this->online = new Table("online");
        $maxInfo = $this->online->findOne("select max(eid) as eid from productoffer.pd_sendenq");
        $maxId = $maxInfo['eid'];
        $maxId = 1923834;
        $eid = $maxId;
        while (1) {
            $buyInfo = $this->online->findAll("select eid,cid,  proname, buycount, unit, contact, tel, pubtime,cate1,  buytitle, is_public, status, endtime from productoffer.pd_sendenq where eid <= '" . $eid . "' order by eid desc limit 100");
            if (empty($buyInfo)) {
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Append new move to the game
  * @param $move
  * @return Array
 public function appendMove($move)
     if (!$this->getId()) {
     $move = $this->gameParser()->getParsed($move);
     $move['game_id'] = $this->getId();
     $move['fen_id'] = Fen::getIdByFen($move['fen']);
     $m = new Move();
     return $move;