Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function min(Money $m, Money $m2)
     if ($m->isGreaterThan($m2)) {
         return $m2->copy();
     return $m->copy();
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: Price.php Projeto: ayeo/price
  * @deprecated: Constructor will be private within few next releases
  * It is not possible to calculate correct tax rate for a given nett and gross
  * Dedicated class will be introduced to allow building price with these data but
  * acquiring tax value will be prohibited
  * Building price is only possible using:
  * - buildByGross()
  * - buildByNett()
  * - buildEmpty()
  * @param float $nett
  * @param float $gross
  * @param string $currencySymbol
 public function __construct($nett = 0.0, $gross = 0.0, $currencySymbol, $tax = null)
     //todo: check tax
     $this->currency = new Currency($currencySymbol);
     $this->nett = new Money($nett);
     $this->gross = new Money($gross);
     if ($this->nett->isGreaterThan($this->gross)) {
         throw new \LogicException('Nett must not be greater than gross');
     if (is_null($tax)) {
         $this->tax = Tax::build($nett, $gross);
         $this->mixedTax = true;
     } else {
         $this->tax = new Tax($tax);
         $this->tax->validate($nett, $gross);
Exemplo n.º 3
 /** Calculate shipping cost (Also set free shipping)
  * @param Money $totalSubtotal
  * @param $orderItems
  * @return array
  * @internal param Money $credits
 public function getShippingTotal(Money $totalSubtotal, $orderItems, $zipCode = null)
     $hasFreeShipping = FALSE;
     $shipping = [];
     $market_check = Configure::read('market_id');
     if (!empty($market_check)) {
         $market_id = Configure::read('market_id');
     } else {
         $market_id = $this->getMarketId();
     //shipping tiers
     // market touch point
     $trait = ClassRegistry::init('TraitCountry');
     $defaultShipping = Money::fromFloat($trait->getTrait($market_id, 'default_shipping'));
     $midTierShipping = Money::fromFloat($trait->getTrait($market_id, 'mid_shipping_tier'));
     $marketShippingTierMid = Money::fromFloat($trait->getTrait($market_id, 'market_shipping_mid_tier'));
     $marketShippingTierFree = Money::fromFloat($trait->getTrait($market_id, 'market_shipping_free_tier'));
     $total_weight = 0.0;
     $no_expedite_reason = array();
     $backordered_items = false;
     $items = 0;
     $backorder_num = 0;
     $expedite = true;
     if (Configure::read('market_id') != MARKET::MARKET_USA) {
         $expedite = false;
         $no_expedite_reason[] = 1;
         //Currently none expeditable market
     $expedite_check = $this->getExpeditedShipCount();
     if (!$expedite_check) {
         $expedite = false;
         $no_expedite_reason[] = 2;
         //Limit exceeded for expedited shipping requests
     foreach ($orderItems as $key => $item) {
         if ($item['backordered'] == true) {
             $backordered_items = true;
             $this->orderObject->backOrderCount += (int) $item['qty'];
         if ($item['childBackordered'] == true) {
             $backordered_items = true;
         if ($item['sku'] == 'US-12001-01') {
             $expedite = false;
             $no_expedite_reason[] = 4;
         if ($item['hazmat'] == TRUE) {
             $expedite = false;
             $no_expedite_reason[] = 4;
         if (!empty($item['weight'])) {
             $total_weight += $item['weight'];
         } else {
             $total_weight += 0.35;
         $shipping[$key] = $defaultShipping;
         // Convention tickets have free shipping + Presenter Kits
         if (in_array($item['item_type_id'], [Item::TYPE_CONVENTION_TICKET])) {
             $hasFreeShipping = TRUE;
         // Items with free shipping (guest passes)
         if (in_array($item['sku'], ProductGlobal::freeShipping())) {
             $hasFreeShipping = TRUE;
         // Remove business supplies from subtotal
         if ($item['item_type_id'] == Item::TYPE_SUPPLIES || $item['item_type_id'] == Item::TYPE_SUPPLIES_SETS) {
         // Remove presenter kits from subtotal
         if ($item['item_type_id'] == Item::TYPE_PRESENTER_KIT) {
     if (CakeSession::read('market_id') != $market_id) {
         $this->orderObject->backOrderCount = 0;
         $wid = WarehouseUtil::idByMarket($market_id);
         Configure::write('ns_warehouse_id', $wid);
         $locale = CakeSession::read('Config');
         $locale = $locale['language'];
          * Get Cart
         $results = ['backordered' => [], 'unavailable' => []];
          * Get availability for cart items
         $this->Item = ClassRegistry::init('Item');
         $this->NsWarehouse = ClassRegistry::init('NsWarehouse');
         foreach ($orderItems as $key => $item) {
             $itemCheck = $this->Item->detailsBySku($item['sku'], $locale, true);
              * Unavailable items
             if ($this->NsWarehouse->unorderable($itemCheck['sku'], $wid)) {
                 $results['unavailable'][] = ['sku' => $itemCheck['sku'], 'name' => $itemCheck['name']];
                  * Backordered items
             } elseif ($this->NsWarehouse->backordered($itemCheck['sku'], $wid)) {
                 $results['backordered'][] = ['sku' => $itemCheck['sku'], 'name' => $itemCheck['name']];
                 $backordered_items = true;
                 $this->orderObject->backOrderCount += $item['qty'];
     if ($this->orderObject->backOrderCount == $this->orderObject->totalItemCount && $this->orderObject->totalItemCount > 0) {
         $backordered_items = false;
         $no_expedite_reason[] = 3;
         $expedite = false;
     $total_weight = ceil($total_weight);
     $this->ShippingZone = ClassRegistry::init('ShippingZone');
     $this->ShippingRate = ClassRegistry::init('ShippingRate');
     if ($zipCode && $expedite) {
         $zone = $this->ShippingZone->find('first', array('fields' => array('ShippingZone.id'), 'conditions' => array('ShippingZone.zip_min <=' => (int) $zipCode, 'ShippingZone.zip_max >=' => (int) $zipCode, 'ShippingZone.warehouse_id' => '1')));
         $results = $this->ShippingRate->find('first', array('fields' => array('ShippingRate.rate_ground', 'ShippingRate.rate_2day'), 'conditions' => array('ShippingRate.zone_id' => $zone['ShippingZone']['id'], 'ShippingRate.weight' => $total_weight)));
         $newDate = new DateTime();
         $newDate = $newDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $promo_dates = $this->SystemSetting->find('all', array('conditions' => array('id' => array('expedited_promo_start_date', 'expedited_promo_end_date', 'two_day_shipping_promo_price'))));
         foreach ($promo_dates as $promo) {
             if ($promo['SystemSetting']['id'] == 'expedited_promo_start_date') {
                 $beginDate = $promo['SystemSetting']['value'];
             if ($promo['SystemSetting']['id'] == 'expedited_promo_end_date') {
                 $endDate = $promo['SystemSetting']['value'];
             if ($promo['SystemSetting']['id'] == 'two_day_shipping_promo_price') {
                 $promo_2day = $promo['SystemSetting']['value'];
         $hide_ground = false;
         if (!empty($beginDate) && !empty($endDate) && isset($promo_2day)) {
             if ($newDate >= $beginDate && $newDate <= $endDate) {
                 $results['ShippingRate']['rate_2day'] = $promo_2day;
                 $hide_ground = true;
         $estimated_shipoutdate = $this->shipByDate();
         $shipped_by_dates = $this->estimatedShippingDates();
         $shipping['rate_ground'] = array('price' => $results['ShippingRate']['rate_ground'], 'date' => $shipped_by_dates['Ground']);
         $shipping['rate_2day'] = array('price' => $results['ShippingRate']['rate_2day'], 'date' => $shipped_by_dates['TwoDay']);
     if ($hasFreeShipping || $totalSubtotal->isGreaterThan($marketShippingTierFree)) {
         $shipping["total"] = Money::fromFloat(0);
     } else {
         if ($totalSubtotal->isGreaterThan($marketShippingTierMid)) {
             $shipping["total"] = $midTierShipping;
         } else {
             $shipping["total"] = $defaultShipping;
     $shipping["no_expedite_reason"] = $no_expedite_reason;
     $shipping["backordered_items"] = $backordered_items;
     $shipping['ship_out_date'] = $estimated_shipoutdate;
     $shipping['hide_ground'] = $hide_ground;
     return $shipping;