Exemplo n.º 1
 function handler($arguments = array(), $options = array())
     $class = !empty($arguments['module']) ? 'Mojo' . $arguments['module'] : false;
     $action = !empty($arguments['action']) ? $arguments['action'] : false;
     if (file_exists(MojoConfig::get('mojo_task_lib') . $class . '.class.php')) {
         include_once MojoConfig::get('mojo_task_lib') . $class . '.class.php';
         ${$class} = new $class($options);
         if (count($arguments) < 2 || array_key_exists("help", $options)) {
             if (method_exists(${$class}, "Help")) {
             } else {
         if (method_exists(${$class}, $action)) {
         } else {
     } else {
         if (MojoConfig::get('mojo_task_lib')) {
         } else {
Exemplo n.º 2
 function Scaffold()
     //Replace this with a validation method
     if (empty($this->args['name'])) {
         return Mojo::prompt('Provide a full mojo path in your params string, ie: name=mojo.controller.myController');
     if (strpos($this->args['name'], 'controller.') < 1) {
         return Mojo::prompt('The name you provided for your Controller appears to be incorrect. ' . 'Please use full Controller path, ie: name=mojo.controller.myController');
     $source = self::editStream(array('app_name' => MojoConfig::get('mojo_app_name')), self::Source());
     $file = self::makeNewFile($this->args['name'], 'controller');
     self::write($file, self::editStream($this->args, $source));
     Mojo::prompt('Generated Controller Scaffolding to ' . $file);
Exemplo n.º 3
 static function makeNewFile($name, $type)
     $path = MojoConfig::get('mojo_js_dir') . $type . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     $arr = explode($type . '.', $name);
     $dirs = explode('.', $arr[0]);
     $file = trim(array_pop($dirs));
     foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
         $path .= $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
         if (!is_dir($path)) {
     return $path . $file . '.js';
Exemplo n.º 4
 function Compress()
     global $bc;
     define('JS_DEBUG', false);
     include "phpjs/js.php";
     $controllers = $rules = $dependencies = array();
     $app = isset($this->args['app']) ? $this->args['app'] : '';
     $js_dir = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, MojoConfig::get('mojo_js_dir'));
     $js_dir = array_slice($js_dir, 0, count($js_dir) - 2);
     $js_dir = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $js_dir) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     $dependencies = array();
     $base = MojoConfig::get('mojo_' . (!empty($app) ? strtolower(trim($app)) . '_' : '') . 'base_dependencies');
     if (isset($base)) {
         $base = str_replace("/", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $base);
         $base = explode(',', $base);
         foreach ($base as $dependent) {
             $dependencies[] = $js_dir . trim($dependent);
     $sitemap = MojoConfig::get('mojo_js_dir') . 'SiteMap' . $app . '.js';
     $src = file_get_contents($sitemap);
     foreach ($bc['.'] as $k => $v) {
         if (isset($v[9])) {
             if (isset($v[9][2][1])) {
                 $controller = str_replace("'", "", $v[9][2][1]);
                 $controller = $js_dir . join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, explode('.', $controller)) . '.js';
                 $controllers[] = $controller;
                 if (!array_search($controller, $dependencies)) {
                     $dependencies[] = $controller;
         if (isset($v[7])) {
             //sitemap entries
             if (isset($v[7][2][1])) {
                 $controller = str_replace("'", "", $v[7][2][1]);
                 $controller = $js_dir . join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, explode('.', $controller)) . '.js';
                 $controllers[] = $controller;
                 if (!array_search($controller, $dependencies)) {
                     $dependencies[] = $controller;
             if (isset($v[7][6][0][1]) && isset($v[7][6][2][1])) {
                 if ($v[7][6][0][1] == 'formrules') {
                     $rule = str_replace("'", "", $v[7][6][2][1]);
                     $rule = $js_dir . join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, explode('.', $rule)) . '.js';
                     $rules[] = $rule;
                 if ($v[7][6][0][1] == 'metricsmap') {
                     $controller = str_replace("'", "", $v[7][6][2][1]);
                     $controller = $js_dir . join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, explode('.', $controller)) . '.js';
                     $controllers[] = $controller;
                     if (!array_search($controller, $dependencies)) {
                         $dependencies[] = $controller;
     $locale = !empty($this->args['locale']) ? $this->args['locale'] : 'en_US';
     $i18n = MojoFile::getAll(MojoConfig::get('mojo_js_dir') . '_i18n' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $locale . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     foreach ($rules as $rule) {
         $c = file_get_contents($rule);
         preg_match_all("/\\.locale[^\"]*\"\\.([^\"]*)\"/", $c, $matches);
         foreach ($i18n as $files => $file) {
             $f = $js_dir . MojoConfig::get('mojo_app_name') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_i18n' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $locale . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
             if (strpos($file, $matches[1][0]) > -1 && !array_search($f, $dependencies)) {
                 $dependencies[] = $f;
         if (!array_search($rule, $dependencies)) {
             $dependencies[] = $rule;
     foreach ($controllers as $controller) {
         $c = file_get_contents($controller);
         preg_match_all("/addCommand[^,]*[^\"']*('|\")([^'\"]*)('|\")/", $c, $matches);
         foreach ($matches[2] as $commands => $command) {
             $command = $js_dir . join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, explode('.', $command)) . '.js';
             if (!empty($command) && !array_search($command, $dependencies)) {
                 $dependencies[] = $command;
     $js = "";
     foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) {
         $js .= file_get_contents($dependency);
     $js = preg_replace('/dojo\\.require\\("[^\\)]+"\\);/i', '', $js);
     $js = preg_replace("/dojo\\.require\\('[^\\)]+'\\);/i", '', $js);
     $config = !empty($app) ? $js_dir . MojoConfig::get('mojo_app_name') . '.' . strtolower($app) . '.config.js' : $js_dir . MojoConfig::get('mojo_app_name') . '.config.js';
     $js .= file_get_contents($sitemap);
     $js .= file_get_contents($config);
     $dependencies[] = $sitemap;
     $dependencies[] = $config;
     if (isset($this->args['debug'])) {
     $app = !empty($app) ? $app . '.' : 'main.';
     $locale = strtolower($locale) . '.';
     $build = MojoConfig::get('mojo_build_number');
     $build = !empty($build) ? $build : '0';
     if (!isset($this->args['overwrite'])) {
     if (!is_dir($js_dir . 'dist' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) {
         mkdir($js_dir . 'dist' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     if (!is_dir($js_dir . 'dist' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $build . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) {
         mkdir($js_dir . 'dist' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $build . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     MojoConfig::set('mojo_build_number', $build);
     if (MojoFile::write($js_dir . 'dist' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $build . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'application.' . $app . $locale . 'uncompressed.js', $js)) {
         Mojo::prompt('application.' . $app . $locale . 'uncompressed.js written to ' . $js_dir . 'dist' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $build . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'application.' . $app . $locale . 'uncompressed.js');
     Mojo::prompt('YUI Compressing application.' . $app . $locale . 'uncompressed.js to ' . $js_dir . 'dist' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $build . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'application.' . $app . $locale . 'js');
     passthru('java -jar ' . MojoConfig::get('mojo_bin_dir') . 'yui.jar ' . $js_dir . 'dist' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $build . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'application.' . $app . $locale . 'uncompressed.js -o ' . $js_dir . 'dist' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $build . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'application.' . $app . $locale . 'js --charset UTF-8') . "\n";
     if ($this->args['deploy']) {
         Mojo::prompt('Copying to deploy directory: ' . $js_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->args['deploy']);
         passthru('cp ' . $js_dir . 'dist' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $build . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'application.' . $app . $locale . 'js ' . $js_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->args['deploy']);