Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function update($translation)
     $conn = Gio_Db_Connection::getConnection();
     $dao = new Modules_Core_Models_Mysql_Translation();
     return $dao->update($translation);
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected function showAction()
     $currRoute = Gio_Core_Route::getCurrentRoute();
     $routeName = $currRoute['name'];
     $defaults = $currRoute;
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $this->view->lang = $request->getParam('lang');
     $links = array();
     if (isset($defaults['localization']['enable']) && 'true' == $defaults['localization']['enable'] && isset($defaults['localization']['identifier']['class'])) {
         $class = $defaults['localization']['identifier']['class'];
         $name = $defaults['localization']['identifier']['param'];
          * The DAO method used to get the model instance
         $method = isset($defaults['localization']['identifier']['method']) ? $defaults['localization']['identifier']['method'] : 'getById';
         $id = Gio_Core_Request::getInstance()->getParam($name);
         $conn = Gio_Db_Connection::getConnection();
         $translationDao = new Modules_Core_Models_Mysql_Translation();
         $items = $translationDao->getItems($id, $class);
         $array = explode('_', $class);
         $array[] = $array[count($array) - 1];
         $array[count($array) - 2] = 'Mysql';
         $daoClass = implode('_', $array);
         $daoInstance = new $daoClass();
         if ($items != null) {
             $config = Gio_Core_Config_Xml::getConfig('localization');
             $languages = $config->languages->details;
             foreach ($items as $item) {
                 if ($item['item_id'] == $id) {
                 $object = $daoInstance->{$method}($item['item_id']);
                 if ($object != null) {
                     $language = $item['language'];
                     if (isset($languages[$item['language']])) {
                         $info = explode('|', $languages[$item['language']]);
                         $language = $info[1];
                     $links[] = array('url' => $this->view->url($routeName, $object), 'label' => $language);
     $this->view->assign('links', $links);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function dispatch()
     $cacheType = 'widgets';
     $request = $this->_request;
      * XML
     $xmlFilename = array($this->_module, $this->_widget, $this->_action);
     $xmlFilename = implode('_', $xmlFilename);
      * Check file html cache 
     $globalConfig = Gio_Core_Config_Xml::getConfig();
     $configs = Gio_Core_Config_Xml::getConfig('cache');
     $checkCache = false;
     if ($configs->enable == 'true' && $this->_cacheEnable == true) {
         $cacheName = $xmlFilename;
         $postParams = $request->getPostParams();
         $getParams = $request->getParams();
         $widgetParams = $this->_params;
         $json = new Services_JSON();
         $cacheParams = !empty($postParams) ? base64_encode($json->encodeUnsafe($postParams)) : null;
         $cacheParams = !empty($getParams) ? base64_encode($json->encodeUnsafe($getParams)) : null;
         $cacheParams = !empty($widgetParams) ? base64_encode($json->encodeUnsafe($widgetParams)) : null;
         $cacheKey = md5($cacheName . $this->_template . $cacheParams . base64_encode($json->encodeUnsafe($globalConfig)));
         $cacheTimeout = $this->_cacheTimeout ? $this->_cacheTimeout : 3600;
          * Create html file cache
         if ($checkCache = Gio_Core_Cache::isCached($cacheType, $cacheKey, $cacheTimeout)) {
             $html = $this->view->render(Gio_Core_Cache::_generateFileName($cacheType, $cacheKey));
             return $html;
      * Localization config 
     $aboutFile = ROOT_DIR . DS . 'modules' . DS . $this->_module . DS . 'widgets' . DS . $this->_widget . DS . 'about.xml';
     if (file_exists($aboutFile)) {
         $info = @simplexml_load_file($aboutFile);
         $localization = $info->localization['enable'];
         if ($localization != null && 'true' == (string) $localization) {
             $idClass = (string) $info->localization->identifier['class'];
             $idParam = (string) $info->localization->identifier['param'];
             $this->_params[$idParam] = isset($this->_params[$idParam]) ? $this->_params[$idParam] : null;
             $conn = Gio_Db_Connection::getConnection();
             $items = $this->_translationDao->getItems($this->_params[$idParam], $idClass, $request->getParam('lang'));
             if ($items != null && 1 == count($items)) {
                 $this->_params[$idParam] = $items[0]['item_id'];
     $ucfModule = ucfirst($this->_module);
     $ucfWidget = ucfirst($this->_widget);
     $widgetClassName = array('Modules', $ucfModule, 'Widgets', $ucfWidget, 'Widget');
     $widgetClassName = implode('_', $widgetClassName);
     $widgetClass = new $widgetClassName();
     if (!method_exists($widgetClass, $this->_action . 'Action')) {
     call_user_func(array($widgetClass, $this->_action . 'Action'));
     $widgetDefaultViewFile = MOD_DIR . DS . $this->_module . DS . 'widgets' . DS . $this->_widget . DS . $this->_action . '.phtml';
     $widgetViewFile = TEMPLATE_DIR . DS . $this->_template . DS . 'modules' . DS . $this->_module . DS . 'widgets' . DS . $this->_widget . DS . $this->_action . '.phtml';
     $widgetViewFile = file_exists($widgetViewFile) ? $widgetViewFile : $widgetDefaultViewFile;
     $widgetClass->view->cacheEnable = $this->_cacheEnable;
     $widgetClass->view->cacheTimeout = $this->_cacheTimeout;
     $return = $widgetClass->view->render($widgetViewFile);
     if (!isset($this->_params['load']) || $this->_params['load'] != 'ajax') {
         $jsCss = array('cssFiles' => array(), 'jsFiles' => array());
         $search = array('{APP_WEB_URL}', '{APP_STATIC_SERVER}', '{WIDGET_URL}');
         $replace = array($this->view->APP_WEB_URL, $this->view->APP_STATIC_SERVER, $this->view->APP_STATIC_SERVER . DS . 'modules' . DS . strtolower($this->_module) . DS . 'widgets' . DS . strtolower($this->_widget));
         $configFile = ROOT_DIR . DS . 'modules' . DS . strtolower($this->_module) . DS . 'widgets' . DS . strtolower($this->_widget) . DS . 'about.xml';
         if (file_exists($configFile)) {
             $widgetConfig = @simplexml_load_file($configFile);
             if ($resources = $widgetConfig->resources) {
                 if ($resources = $resources->resource) {
                     foreach ($resources as $resource) {
                         $attr = $resource->attributes();
                         switch ((string) $attr['type']) {
                             case 'css':
                                 $jsCss['cssFiles'][] = str_replace($search, $replace, (string) $attr['src']);
                             case 'javascript':
                                 $jsCss['jsFiles'][] = str_replace($search, $replace, (string) $attr['src']);
         if ($jsCss['cssFiles']) {
             foreach ($jsCss['cssFiles'] as $index => $file) {
         if ($jsCss['jsFiles']) {
             foreach ($jsCss['jsFiles'] as $index => $file) {
     if (!$checkCache && $configs->enable == 'true' && $this->_cacheEnable == true) {
         $cacheCompress = isset($configs->compress) && $configs->compress == 'true' ? true : false;
         $cacheContent = Gio_Core_View::getInstance()->generateScripts() . Gio_Core_View::getInstance()->generateStyles() . $return;
          * HTML Compress
         if (isset($configs->compress) && $configs->compress == 'true') {
             $cacheContent = Gio_Core_HtmlCompress::compress($cacheContent);
         Gio_Core_Cache::cache($cacheType, $cacheKey, $cacheContent, $cacheCompress);
     return $return;