Exemplo n.º 1
 function GetPath()
     $themesModule = Module::GetNewModule('themes', $this->item['theme']);
     if ($path = $themesModule->item['path'] . '/' . String::PrepareForURL($this->item['titre'])) {
         return $path;
     } else {
         trigger_error("Couldn't get path for item", E_USER_ERROR);
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function ItemViewController()
     // Include all item data as template variables
     // Load text blocks related to this module
     $blocs = Module::GetNewModule('blocs');
     $queryParams = array('where' => 'page = ' . $this->itemID);
     if ($blocs->items) {
         foreach ($blocs->items as $item) {
             $this->view[String::PrepareForURL($item['titre'])] = $item['texte'];
     // Use specified path as a way to load views
     $path = $this->item['pagePath'];
Exemplo n.º 3
 function PagesViewController()
     if ($_GET['m'] == 'updated') {
         return false;
     $this->view['form'] = $this->GetForm();
     $themes = Module::GetNewModule('themes');
     $queryParams = array('fields' => 'titreCourt', 'orderby' => 'sortIndex');
     $this->view['themes'] = $themes->items;
Exemplo n.º 4
 function AdminExportViewController()
     global $_JAM;
     $_JAM->title = $this->nestedModule->strings['adminTitle'];
     // Check whether we should display anything at all
     if ($exportFields = $this->nestedModule->config['adminExportFields']) {
         // Fetch data according to export fields
         $queryParams = array('fields' => $exportFields);
         // Always fetch primary key field
         if ($this->nestedModule->config['keepVersions']) {
             $primaryKeyField = 'master';
         } else {
             $primaryKeyField = 'id';
         $queryParams['fields'][] = $primaryKeyField;
         // Use first field as sort field
         $sortField = current($exportFields);
         $queryParams['orderby'] = $sortField . ' ASC';
         // Fetch data
         foreach ($exportFields as $field) {
             // Get related arrays
             if ($relatedArray = $this->nestedModule->GetRelatedArray($field)) {
                 $relatedArrays[$field] = $relatedArray;
             // Determiner headers
             $this->nestedModule->view['headers'][] = $this->nestedModule->strings['fields'][$field];
         // Assemble into final array
         foreach ($this->nestedModule->items as $id => $item) {
             foreach ($exportFields as $field) {
                 if ($relatedArrays[$field]) {
                     // Field has related array
                     $value = $relatedArrays[$field][$item[$field]];
                 } else {
                     // Check whether field type is boolean
                     if ($this->nestedModule->schema[$field]['type'] == 'bool') {
                         // Replace boolean value with human-readable string
                         $value = $item[$field] ? $_JAM->strings['words']['affirmative'] : $_JAM->strings['words']['negative'];
                     } else {
                         // Use straight value
                         $value = $item[$field];
                 // Fix weird bug with non-breaking spaces
                 $value = str_replace(' ', ' ', $value);
                 $data[$item[$primaryKeyField]][] = $value;
         // Add related module data if applicable
         if ($relatedModules = $this->nestedModule->config['adminExportRelatedModules']) {
             foreach ($relatedModules as $relatedModuleName) {
                 // Create new module object
                 $relatedModule = Module::GetNewModule($relatedModuleName);
                 // Find field that relates to this module
                 foreach ($relatedModule->schema as $field => $info) {
                     if ($info['relatedModule'] == $this->nestedModule->name) {
                         $relatedModuleField = $field;
                 // We absolutely need a field to continue
                 if (!$relatedModuleField) {
                 // Add relevant header
                 $this->nestedModule->view['headers'][] = $relatedModule->strings['adminTitle'];
                 // Fetch data
                 $keyQueryParams = Module::ParseConfigFile($relatedModuleName, 'config/keyQuery.ini', true);
                 $params = $keyQueryParams;
                 $params['fields'][] = $relatedModuleField;
                 $relatedModuleData = $relatedModule->FetchItems($params);
                 // Obtain name of key field in related module (sneaky)
                 $keyFields = $keyQueryParams['fields'];
                 $relatedKeyField = key($keyFields);
                 // Populate data array with data from related module
                 foreach ($relatedModuleData as $relatedItem) {
                     $relatedID = $relatedItem[$relatedModuleField];
                     if ($data[$relatedID]) {
                         $data[$relatedID][$relatedModule->name][] = $relatedItem[$relatedKeyField];
                 // Convert arrays to HTML lists
                 foreach ($data as $id => $item) {
                     if ($array = $item[$relatedModule->name]) {
                         $listString = '';
                         foreach ($array as $listItem) {
                             $listString .= e('li', $listItem);
                         $list = e('ul', $listString);
                         $data[$id][$relatedModule->name] = $list;
         // Store in template
         $this->nestedModule->view['data'] = $data;
Exemplo n.º 5
    $themes = Module::GetNewModule('themes');

if ($afficherEtape) {
    $etapes = Module::GetNewModule('fleche', $etape);
		<div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>

if ($titreCorps) {
<div id="titre">
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: Jam.php Projeto: etienne/jam
 function FirstRun()
     // Load table structure for required tables
     $tables = IniFile::Parse('engine/database/tables.ini', true);
     // Create tables
     foreach ($tables as $name => $schema) {
         if (!Database::CreateTable($name, $schema)) {
             trigger_error("Couldn't create table " . $name, E_USER_ERROR);
     // Manually add admin module to _modules table
     if (Query::TableIsEmpty('_modules')) {
         $adminModule = array('name' => 'admin');
         if (!Database::Insert('_modules', $adminModule)) {
             trigger_error("Couldn't install core modules", E_USER_ERROR);
     // Install required modules
     $requiredModules = array('users', 'files');
     foreach ($requiredModules as $moduleName) {
         $module = Module::GetNewModule($moduleName);
     // Add default admin user
     if (Query::TableIsEmpty('users')) {
         $adminUserParams = array('created' => $this->databaseTime, 'login' => 'admin', 'name' => 'Admin', 'password' => 'admin', 'status' => 3);
         if (!Database::Insert('users', $adminUserParams)) {
             trigger_error("Couldn't create admin user", E_USER_ERROR);
     // Add admin path
     $adminModuleId = Query::SingleValue('_modules', 'id', "name = 'admin'");
     if (!Path::Insert('admin', $adminModuleId, false)) {
         trigger_error("Couldn't add admin path", E_USER_ERROR);
     // Redirect to admin interface
Exemplo n.º 7
 function Initialize()
     // Set PHP configuration options
     $options = array('mbstring.language' => 'Neutral', 'mbstring.internal_encoding' => 'UTF-8', 'mbstring.encoding_translation' => 'On', 'mbstring.http_input' => 'auto', 'mbstring.detect_order' => 'ASCII,UTF-8,JIS,SJIS,EUC-JP', 'upload_max_filesize' => '21M', 'post_max_size' => '24M', 'display_errors' => true);
     foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
         ini_set($key, $value);
     // Required for UTF-8 support
     // Error display
     // Add app/ and engine/ to include path
     set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . './app' . PATH_SEPARATOR . './engine');
     // Load classes
     $classesDir = 'engine/classes';
     $dirHandle = opendir($classesDir);
     while ($filename = readdir($dirHandle)) {
         // Make sure files end in .php
         if ($filename != basename($filename, '.php')) {
             $classPath = $classesDir . '/' . $filename;
             if (!is_dir($classPath)) {
                 require_once $classPath;
     // Start caching engine; this also initializes output buffering
     $this->cache = new Cache();
     // Start output buffering
     // Define files directory
     $this->filesDirectory = 'files/';
     // Load configuration files
     $this->projectConfig = IniFile::Parse('app/config/project.ini', true);
     $this->serverConfig = IniFile::Parse('app/config/server.ini', true);
     // Define constants
     define('ROOT', $this->serverConfig['root']);
     // Used in engine/classes/Module.php
     // Load database field types
     $this->fieldTypes = IniFile::Parse('engine/database/types.ini');
     // Load module fields
     $this->moduleFields = IniFile::Parse('engine/database/moduleFields.ini', true);
     $this->versionsSupportFields = IniFile::Parse('engine/database/versionsSupportFields.ini', true);
     // Load GetID3
     require_once 'engine/libraries/getid3/getid3.php';
     // Determine default language
     $this->defaultLanguage = $this->projectConfig['languages'][0];
     // Determine requested language
     $requestedLanguage = $_GET['language'];
     if ($requestedLanguage && in_array($requestedLanguage, $this->projectConfig['languages'])) {
         // User has manually switched language
         Cookie::Create('language', $requestedLanguage);
         $this->language = $requestedLanguage;
     } elseif ($_COOKIE['language']) {
         // User has previously selected a language
         $this->language = $_COOKIE['language'];
     } else {
         // User has never selected a language; use default
         $this->language = $this->defaultLanguage;
     // Load strings in the requested language
     $this->strings = IniFile::Parse('engine/strings/' . $this->language . '.ini', true);
     // Load shorthands (useful function aliases; must load after strings)
     require 'engine/helpers/shorthands.php';
     // Connect to database
     $db = $this->serverConfig['database'];
     if (!($this->databaseLink = Database::Connect($db['server'], $db['username'], $db['password'], $db['database']))) {
         trigger_error("Couldn't connect to database " . $db['database'], E_USER_ERROR);
     // Get available modules list
     $engineModules = Filesystem::GetDirNames('engine/modules');
     $this->appModules = Filesystem::GetDirNames('app/modules');
     $this->availableModules = $engineModules + $this->appModules;
     // Strip root directory and trailing slashes from full path request
     $pathString = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $barePath = substr($pathString, 0, strrpos($pathString, '?'));
     $pathString = $barePath ? $barePath : $pathString;
     $fullRequest = rtrim($pathString, '/');
     preg_match('|^' . ROOT . '(.*)$|', $fullRequest, $requestArray);
     // Use requested URL, or use root path if none was requested
     $this->request = $requestArray[1] ? $requestArray[1] : $this->projectConfig['rootPath'];
     // We sync using database time (might differ from PHP time)
     $databaseTimeQuery = new Query(array('fields' => 'NOW()'));
     $databaseTime = $databaseTimeQuery->GetSingleValue();
     $this->databaseTime = $databaseTime;
     // Make sure everything is properly initialized
     $tables = Database::GetTables();
     if (!$tables['users'] || !$tables['_paths']) {
         require 'engine/helpers/firstrun.php';
     // Get installed modules list
     $this->installedModules = Query::SimpleResults('_modules');
     // Create User object
     $this->user = new User();
     // Create layout object
     $this->template = new Template();
     // Determine mode
     $requestedMode = $_GET['mode'];
     $availableModes = IniFile::Parse('engine/config/modes.ini');
     if ($availableModes[$requestedMode]) {
         // If requested mode exists, use it
         $this->mode = $requestedMode;
     } else {
         // HTML is the default mode
         $this->mode = 'html';
     // Load paths
     $paths = Query::FullResults('_paths');
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         // Use path as key in $_JAM->paths array
         $this->paths[$path['path']] = $path;
     // Look for request in paths
     if ($path = $this->paths[$this->request]) {
         // Path does exist
         if ($path['current']) {
             // This is a valid path; proceed to module
             if ($this->rootModule = Module::GetNewModule($this->installedModules[$path['module']], $path['item'])) {
                 // Check whether we have sufficient privileges to display the module
                 if ($this->rootModule->CanView()) {
                     // Display module
                     // Determine path to admin pane for this item
                     $adminPath = 'admin/' . $moduleName;
                     if ($this->paths[$adminPath]) {
                         if ($path['item']) {
                             $adminPath .= '?a=edit&id=' . $path['item'];
                         $this->adminPath = ROOT . $adminPath;
                     } else {
                         $this->adminPath = ROOT . 'admin';
                 } else {
                     // Display login if we can't display
             } else {
                 trigger_error("Couldn't load root module", E_USER_ERROR);
         } else {
             // This is an obsolete URL; find its current (up to date) equivalent
             $whereArray = array('module = ' . $path['module'], 'item = ' . $path['item'], "language = '" . $path['language'] . "'", 'current = TRUE');
             $currentPath = Query::SingleValue('_paths', 'path', $whereArray);
     } else {
         // Path does not exist; throw 404
         header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
         $this->rootModule = Module::GetNewModule('errors');
     // Store and flush the contents of the output buffer
     $buffer = ob_get_clean();
     // Load and display template
     if ($this->mode == 'html' && $this->rootModuleName == 'admin') {
         // Special case for admin pages requested in HTML
         $templateName = 'html_admin';
     } else {
         $templateName = $this->mode;
     // Set MIME type
     $contentType = $this->contentType ? $this->contentType : $availableModes[$this->mode];
     if ($contentType) {
         header('Content-Type: ' . $contentType);
     // Write to cache; this also cleans output buffering
Exemplo n.º 8
 function AutoForm($fieldsArray = false, $hiddenFields = false)
     global $_JAM;
     // Create Form object
     if (!($form = $this->GetForm())) {
         return false;
     // Include language selection menu if applicable
     if (!$this->config['languageAgnostic'] && count($_JAM->projectConfig['languages']) > 1 && !($fieldsArray && !@in_array('language', $fieldsArray))) {
         if ($this->item) {
             print $form->Hidden('language');
         } else {
             foreach ($_JAM->projectConfig['languages'] as $language) {
                 $languagesArray[$language] = $_JAM->strings['languages'][$language];
             print $form->Popup('language', $languagesArray, $_JAM->strings['fields']['language']);
     // Include sortIndex field if applicable
     if ($this->config['allowSort']) {
         print $form->Field('sortIndex', '3', $_JAM->strings['fields']['sortIndex']);
     foreach ($this->schema as $name => $info) {
         // Don't include basic module fields
         if (!$this->config['useCustomTable'] && $_JAM->moduleFields[$name]) {
         // Don't include versions support fields
         if ($this->config['keepVersions'] && $_JAM->versionsSupportFields[$name]) {
         // Skip this item if $fieldsArray is present and it doesn't contain this item
         if ($fieldsArray && !in_array($name, $fieldsArray)) {
         // Get proper title from string
         if (!($title = $this->strings['fields'][$name])) {
             // Use field name if no localized string is found
             $title = $name;
         print $form->AutoItem($name, $title);
     // Display related modules if we have item data
     if ($this->itemID) {
         foreach ($_JAM->installedModules as $module) {
             // First check whether we have a view configured for related module display
             if (($relatedModuleSchema = Module::ParseConfigFile($module, 'config/schema.ini', true)) && ($relatedModuleKeyQuery = Module::ParseConfigFile($module, 'config/keyQuery.ini', true))) {
                 foreach ($relatedModuleSchema as $field => $info) {
                     if ($info['relatedModule'] == $this->name) {
                         $relatedModule = Module::GetNewModule($module);
                         // Load all fields
                         $queryParams = array('fields' => $relatedModuleKeyQuery['fields'], 'where' => $module . '.' . $field . ' = ' . $this->itemID);
     if ($hiddenFields) {
         foreach ($hiddenFields as $field => $value) {
             print $form->Hidden($field, $value);
     print $form->Submit();
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
foreach ($tables as $name => $schema) {
    if (!Database::CreateTable($name, $schema)) {
        trigger_error("Couldn't create table " . $name, E_USER_ERROR);
// Manually add admin module to _modules table
if (Query::TableIsEmpty('_modules')) {
    $adminModule = array('name' => 'admin');
    if (!Database::Insert('_modules', $adminModule)) {
        trigger_error("Couldn't install core modules", E_USER_ERROR);
// Install required modules
$requiredModules = array('users', 'files');
foreach ($requiredModules as $moduleName) {
    $module = Module::GetNewModule($moduleName);
// Add default admin user
if (Query::TableIsEmpty('users')) {
    $adminUserParams = array('created' => $_JAM->databaseTime, 'login' => 'admin', 'name' => 'Admin', 'password' => 'admin', 'status' => 3);
    if (!Database::Insert('users', $adminUserParams)) {
        trigger_error("Couldn't create admin user", E_USER_ERROR);
// Add admin path
$adminModuleId = Query::SingleValue('_modules', 'id', "name = 'admin'");
if (!Path::Insert('admin', $adminModuleId, false)) {
    trigger_error("Couldn't add admin path", E_USER_ERROR);
// Redirect to admin interface
Exemplo n.º 10
 function PagesViewController()
     if ($_GET['m'] == 'updated') {
         return false;
     $this->view['form'] = $this->GetForm();
     // Add perspective specified as GET variable to form values
     $this->view['form']->LoadValue('perspective', $_GET['perspective']);
     $perspectives = Module::GetNewModule('perspectives');
     $queryParams = array('fields' => 'numero');
     $this->view['perspectives'] = $perspectives->items;
     $themes = Module::GetNewModule('themes');
     $queryParams = array('orderby' => 'sortIndex');
     $this->view['themes'] = $themes->items;