Exemplo n.º 1
  * Checks if a given media already exists creating it if it doesn't
  * @param string $url The media url
  * @param Model_Droplet $droplet_id Droplet id this media belongs to
  * @param Model_Account $account_id Account id this media belongs to 
  * @return Model_Account_Droplet_Media
 public static function get_media($url, $droplet_id, $account_id)
     $orm_media = Model_Media::get_media_by_url($url, TRUE);
     $account_media = ORM::factory('account_droplet_media')->where('droplet_id', '=', $droplet_id)->where('media_id', '=', $orm_media->id)->where('account_id', '=', $account_id)->find();
     if (!$account_media->loaded()) {
         $account_media->media_id = $orm_media->id;
         $account_media->droplet_id = $droplet_id;
         $account_media->account_id = $account_id;
     return $account_media;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * 统计抓取数据
 public function statcrawlAction()
     $iLast1Day = strtotime('-1day');
     $iWeixinCreateCnt = Model_Media::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t_crawl_weixin WHERE iCreateTime>=' . $iLast1Day, 'one');
     $iWeixinUpdateCnt = Model_Media::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t_crawl_weixin WHERE iUpdateTime>=' . $iLast1Day, 'one');
     $iArticeCreateCnt = Model_Media::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t_crawl_weixin_article WHERE iCreateTime>=' . $iLast1Day, 'one');
     $iArticeUpdateCnt = Model_Media::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t_crawl_weixin_article WHERE iUpdateTime>=' . $iLast1Day, 'one');
     $sBody = "\n    今天数据抓取结果如下:<br>\n\n    微信公众号新增:{$iWeixinCreateCnt}个<br>\n\n    微信公众号更新:{$iWeixinUpdateCnt}个<br>\n\n    微信文章新增:{$iArticeCreateCnt}个<br>\n\n        ";
     echo $sBody;
     $aTo = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**');
     Util_Mail::send('*****@*****.**', '51wom数据抓取结果(' . date('Y-m-d') . ')', $sBody);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * 更新选择
  * @param unknown $iAdID            
  * @param unknown $aChoose            
 public static function updChoose($iAdID, $aChoose, $aAdPos)
     self::query('UPDATE t_ad_media SET iChoose=0 WHERE iAdID=' . $iAdID);
     // self::query('UPDATE t_ad_media SET iChoose=1 WHERE iAutoID IN(' . join(',', $aChoose) . ')');
     foreach ($aChoose as $iAutoID) {
         if (!isset($aAdPos[$iAutoID])) {
         $aAdMedia = self::getDetail($iAutoID);
         $aMedia = Model_Media::getDetail($aAdMedia['iMediaID']);
         self::updData(array('iAutoID' => $iAutoID, 'iChoose' => 1, 'iAdPos' => $aAdPos[$iAutoID], 'iMoney' => $aMedia['iPrice' . $aAdPos[$iAutoID]]));
     self::query('UPDATE t_ad SET iTotalMoney=(SELECT SUM(iMoney) FROM t_ad_media WHERE iAdID=' . $iAdID . ' AND iChoose=1 AND iStatus>0) WHERE iAdID=' . $iAdID);
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: Ad.php Projeto: pancke/yyaf
  * 更新自媒体分类
  * @param unknown $iAdID            
  * @param unknown $aNewMediaID            
 public static function updMedia($iAdID, $aNewMediaID, $iUserID)
     $aOldMediaID = Model_AdMedia::getPair(array('where' => array('iAdID' => $iAdID, 'iStatus' => 1)), 'iAutoID', 'iMediaID');
     $aNewMediaID = array_flip($aNewMediaID);
     $aOldMediaID = array_flip($aOldMediaID);
     foreach ($aOldMediaID as $iMediaID => $iAutoID) {
         if (isset($aNewMediaID[$iMediaID])) {
     foreach ($aNewMediaID as $iMediaID => $iAutoID) {
         if (isset($aOldMediaID[$iMediaID])) {
         $aMedia = Model_Media::getDetail($iMediaID);
         Model_AdMedia::addData(array('iAdID' => $iAdID, 'iMediaID' => $iMediaID, 'iAUserID' => $iUserID, 'iMUserID' => $aMedia['iUserID'], 'iPos' => 1, 'iMoney' => 0, 'iPlanTime' => 0, 'iStatus' => 1));
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: Base.php Projeto: pancke/yyaf
  * 执行Action后的操作
  * @see Yaf_Controller::actionAfter()
 public function actionAfter()
     if ($this->autoRender() == true) {
         $aDebug = Util_Common::getDebugData();
         if ($aDebug) {
             $this->assign('__showDebugInfo__', 'showDebugInfo(' . json_encode($aDebug) . ');');
         $this->assign('_iMediaTotal', Model_Media::getCnt(array('where' => array('iStatus' => 1))));
         $this->assign('_iYAdTotal', Model_Ad::getYesterdayAdCnt());
         $this->assign('_iYUserTotal', Model_Ad::getYesterdayUserCnt());
         if (empty($this->aCurrUser)) {
             $this->aCurrUser = $this->getCurrUser(Model_User::TYPE_AD, false);
             if (empty($this->aCurrUser)) {
                 $this->aCurrUser = $this->getCurrUser(Model_User::TYPE_MEDIA, false);
         $this->assign('_aCurrUser', $this->aCurrUser);
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 6
  * 推广详情
 public function adAction()
     $iAdID = (int) $this->getParam('id', 0);
     $aAd = Model_Ad::getDetail($iAdID);
     if (empty($aAd)) {
         return $this->show404();
     $aSetting = Model_Ad::getSetting($aAd);
     if (!empty($aSetting) && isset($aSetting['sForwardImg'])) {
         $aSetting['aForwardImg'] = explode(',', $aSetting['sForwardImg']);
     $aList = Model_AdMedia::getAll(array('iAdID' => $iAdID, 'iChoose' => 1, 'iStatus >' => 0));
     foreach ($aList as $k => &$aRow) {
         $aRow['aAd'] = Model_Ad::getDetail($aRow['iAdID']);
         $aRow['aMedia'] = Model_Media::getDetail($aRow['iMediaID']);
     $this->assign('aStatus', Model_AdMedia::$aStatus);
     $this->assign('aTitle', Model_Media::$aPos[$aAd['iMediaType']]);
     $this->assign('aSetting', $aSetting);
     $this->assign('aAd', $aAd);
     $this->assign('aList', $aList);
     $this->assign('iType', $this->getParam('type', 1));
     $this->setMeta('ad_add', array('sTitle' => '添加推广计划 - 支付详情'));
Exemplo n.º 7
  * 投放完成(结算)
  * @return boolean
 public function finishAction()
     $iAutoID = intval($this->getParam('id'));
     $aAdMedia = Model_AdMedia::getDetail($iAutoID);
     if (empty($aAdMedia)) {
         return $this->showMsg('数据出错了', false);
     if ($aAdMedia['iStatus'] != Model_AdMedia::STATUS_CONFIRM_EFFECT) {
         return $this->showMsg('你已经处理过了', false);
     $aAd = Model_Ad::getDetail($aAdMedia['iAdID']);
     Model_AdMedia::updStatus($iAutoID, Model_AdMedia::STATUS_FINISHED);
     Model_Finance::updMoney($aAdMedia['iMUserID'], array('iPayment' => Model_Finance::PAYMENT_IN, 'iSource' => Model_Finance::SOURCE_AD_CASH_IN, 'iPayType' => Model_Finance::TYPE_NO, 'iMoney' => $aAdMedia['iMoney']));
     // 邮件通知
     $sTitle = Model_Kv::getValue('ad_approve_preview_email_title');
     $sContent = Model_Kv::getValue('ad_approve_preview_email_content');
     // 短信通知
     $iTempID = Util_Common::getConf(6, 'aSmsTempID');
     $aUser = Model_User::getDetail($aAdMedia['iMUserID']);
     $aMedia = Model_Media::getDetail($aAdMedia['iMediaID']);
     Util_Mail::send($aUser['sEmail'], $sTitle, $sContent, array($aMedia['sEmail']));
     Util_Sms::sendTemplateSms($aUser['sMobile'], array($aMedia['sEmail']), $iTempID);
     // echo $sTitle, "\n", $sContent, "\n", $aUser['sEmail'], $aUser['sMobile'], $iTempID;
     return $this->showMsg('操作成功', true);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * 导出自媒体
 public function exportAction()
     $iType = $this->getParam('type', 1);
     $sCookieKey = 'media_choose_' . $iType;
     $aData['aChooseID'] = !empty($_COOKIE[$sCookieKey]) ? explode(',', $_COOKIE[$sCookieKey]) : array();
     $aData['aChoose'] = array();
     foreach ($aData['aChooseID'] as $k => $v) {
         $aRow = Model_Media::getDetail($v);
         $aRow['sTags'] = Model_Media::getTagNames($v['iMediaID']);
         $aRow['sCitys'] = Model_Media::getCityNames($v['iMediaID']);
         $aData['aChoose'][] = $aRow;
     $aTitle = array(Model_Media::TYPE_WEIXIN => array('sMediaName' => '帐号名称', 'sOpenName' => '公众号', 'iFollowerNum' => '粉丝量', 'iPrice1' => '单图文价格', 'iPrice2' => '第一条价格', 'iPrice3' => '第二条价格', 'iPrice4' => '其它位置价格', 'iReadNum' => '阅读数', 'sIntroduction' => '简介', 'sTags' => '标签', 'sCertifiedText' => '认证', 'sCitys' => '地区'), Model_Media::TYPE_FRIEND => array('sMediaName' => '微信号', 'iFollowerNum' => '好友数', 'iPrice1' => '直发价格', 'iPrice2' => '转发价格'), Model_Media::TYPE_WEIBO => array('sMediaName' => '微博名', 'iFollowerNum' => '好友数', 'iPrice1' => '直发价格', 'iPrice2' => '转发价格'));
     Util_File::exportCsv('自媒体表-' . date('Ymd') . '.csv', $aData['aChoose'], $aTitle[$iType]);
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 9
     * 导出资源数据
    public function explodeAction()
        $iPage = intval($this->getParam('page'));
        $aWhere = array();
        $aParam = $this->getParams();
        if (!empty($aParam['iUserID'])) {
            $aWhere['iUserID'] = $aParam['iUserID'];
        if (!empty($aParam['iMediaType'])) {
            $aWhere['iMediaType'] = $aParam['iMediaType'];
        if (!empty($aParam['sMediaName'])) {
            $aWhere['sMediaName LIKE'] = '%' . $aParam['sMediaName'] . '%';
        if (!empty($aParam['iStatus'])) {
            $aWhere['iStatus'] = $aParam['iStatus'];
        } else {
            $aWhere['iStatus IN'] = '1,2';
        $aList = Model_Media::getAll(array('where' => $aWhere));
        header("Content-Disposition:filename=资源_" . date('Y-m-d', time()) . ".xls");
        $str_explode = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'><html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' /><title>导出</title><style>td{text-align:center;font-size:12px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;border:#1C7A80 1px solid;color:#152122;width:100px;}table,tr{border-style:none;}.title{background:#7DDCF0;color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:bold;}</style></head><body>";
        $str_explode .= '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" rules="rows" border="1" id="" style="border-style:None;width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;">
								<th scope="col">归属帐号</th>
								<th scope="col">媒体类型</th>
								<th scope="col">帐号名称</th>
								<th scope="col">公众号名</th>
								<th scope="col">粉丝数量</th>
								<th scope="col">粉丝截图</th>
								<th scope="col">头像</th>
								<th scope="col">二维码</th>
								<th scope="col">报价1</th>
								<th scope="col">报价2</th>
								<th scope="col">报价3</th>
								<th scope="col">报价4</th>
								<th scope="col">阅读量</th>
								<th scope="col">评分</th>
								<th scope="col">推荐级别</th>
								<th scope="col">属性</th>
								<th scope="col">微信链接地址</th>
								<th scope="col">认证状态</th>
								<th scope="col">简介</th>
								<th scope="col">用户所属类目</th>
								<th scope="col">合作等级</th>
								<th scope="col">认证信息介绍</th>
								<th scope="col">点击量</th>
								<th scope="col">被选择执行的数量</th>
								<th scope="col">文章发布数量</th>
								<th scope="col">文章点赞平均数</th>
								<th scope="col">分类</th>
								<th scope="col">城市</th>
								<th scope="col">圈子</th>
								<th scope="col">标签</th>
        foreach ($aList as $key => $val) {
            $id = $val['iMediaID'];
            $row = Model_User::getDetail($val['iUserID']);
            $sRealName = isset($row) && $row['sRealName'] != '' ? $row['sRealName'] : '';
            $iMediaType = '';
            if ($val['iMediaType'] == '1') {
                $iMediaType = '微信';
            } elseif ($val['iMediaType'] == '2') {
                $iMediaType = '微博';
            } elseif ($val['iMediaType'] == '3') {
                $iMediaType = '朋友圈';
            } elseif ($val['iMediaType'] == '4') {
                $iMediaType = '新闻';
            $sMediaName = $val['sMediaName'];
            $sOpenName = $val['sOpenName'];
            $iFollowerNum = $val['iFollowerNum'];
            $sFollowerImg = Util_Uri::getDFSViewURL($val['sFollowerImg'], 130, 130);
            $sAvatar = Util_Uri::getDFSViewURL($val['sAvatar'], 130, 130);
            $sQRCode = Util_Uri::getDFSViewURL($val['sQRCode'], 130, 130);
            $iPrice5 = $val['iPrice5'];
            $iPrice6 = $val['iPrice6'];
            $iPrice7 = $val['iPrice7'];
            $iPrice8 = $val['iPrice8'];
            $iReadNum = $val['iReadNum'];
            $iScore = $val['iScore'];
            $iRecommendLevel = $val['iRecommendLevel'];
            $iPersonCharge = $val['iPersonCharge'];
            $iAuditperson = $val['iAuditperson'];
            $rowattr = Model_Domain::getDetail($val['iAttribute']);
            $iAttribute = isset($rowattr['sName']) ? $rowattr['sName'] : '';
            $sWxLink = $val['sWxLink'];
            $rowver = Model_Domain::getDetail($val['iVerifyState']);
            $iVerifyState = isset($rowver['sName']) ? $rowver['sName'] : '';
            $sIntroduction = $val['sIntroduction'];
            $sTypeInfo = $val['sTypeInfo'];
            $sCooperateLevelInfo = '';
            if ($val['sCooperateLevelInfo'] != '') {
                $rowlevel = Model_Domain::getAll(array('where' => array('iAutoID IN' => $val['sCooperateLevelInfo'])));
                if (isset($rowlevel) && count($rowlevel) > 0) {
                    foreach ($rowlevel as $lrow) {
                        $sCooperateLevelInfo .= ' ' . $lrow['sName'];
            $sCertifiedText = $val['sCertifiedText'];
            $iClickNumber = $val['iClickNumber'];
            $iChoiceNumber = $val['iChoiceNumber'];
            $iArticleNumber = $val['iArticleNumber'];
            $iZambiaNumber = $val['iZambiaNumber'];
            $data_cat = Model_MediaCategory::getAll(array('where' => array('iMediaID' => $val['iMediaID'], 'iStatus' => 1)));
            $aCategory = '';
            if (isset($data_cat) && count($data_cat) > 0) {
                $iAutoID = array();
                foreach ($data_cat as $val_cat) {
                    $iAutoID[] = $val_cat['iCategoryID'];
                if (count($iAutoID) > 0) {
                    $rowcat = Model_Domain::getAll(array('where' => array('iAutoID IN' => implode(',', array_unique($iAutoID)), 'iStatus' => '1')));
                    if (isset($rowcat) && count($rowcat) > 0) {
                        foreach ($rowcat as $vcat) {
                            $aCategory .= ',' . $vcat['sName'];
            $data_city = Model_MediaCity::getAll(array('where' => array('iMediaID' => $val['iMediaID'], 'iStatus' => 1)));
            $aCity = '';
            if (isset($data_city) && count($data_city) > 0) {
                $iAutoID = array();
                foreach ($data_city as $val_City) {
                    $iAutoID[] = $val_City['iCityID'];
                if (count($iAutoID) > 0) {
                    $rowCity = Model_Domain::getAll(array('where' => array('iAutoID IN' => implode(',', array_unique($iAutoID)), 'iStatus' => '1')));
                    if (isset($rowCity) && count($rowCity) > 0) {
                        foreach ($rowCity as $vCity) {
                            $aCity .= ',' . $vCity['sName'];
            $data_cricle = Model_MediaCricle::getAll(array('where' => array('iMediaID' => $val['iMediaID'], 'iStatus' => 1)));
            $aCricle = '';
            if (isset($data_cricle) && count($data_cricle) > 0) {
                $iAutoID = array();
                foreach ($data_cricle as $val_Cricle) {
                    $iAutoID[] = $val_Cricle['iCricleID'];
                if (count($iAutoID) > 0) {
                    $rowCricle = Model_Domain::getAll(array('where' => array('iAutoID IN' => implode(',', array_unique($iAutoID)), 'iStatus' => '1')));
                    if (isset($rowCricle) && count($rowCricle) > 0) {
                        foreach ($rowCricle as $vCricle) {
                            $aCricle .= ',' . $vCricle['sName'];
            $data_tag = Model_MediaTag::getAll(array('where' => array('iMediaID' => $val['iMediaID'], 'iStatus' => 1)));
            $aTag = '';
            if (isset($data_tag) && count($data_tag) > 0) {
                $iAutoID = array();
                foreach ($data_tag as $val_Tag) {
                    $iAutoID[] = $val_Tag['iTagID'];
                if (count($iAutoID) > 0) {
                    $rowTag = Model_Domain::getAll(array('where' => array('iAutoID IN' => implode(',', array_unique($iAutoID)), 'iStatus' => '1')));
                    if (isset($rowTag) && count($rowTag) > 0) {
                        foreach ($rowTag as $vTag) {
                            $aTag .= ',' . $vTag['sName'];
            $iCreateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $val['iCreateTime']);
            $str_explode .= '<tr>
								<td align="left">' . $sRealName . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iMediaType . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $sMediaName . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $sOpenName . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iFollowerNum . '</td>
								<td align="left"><img src="' . $sFollowerImg . '" /></td>
								<td align="left"><img src="' . $sAvatar . '" /></td>
								<td align="left"><img src="' . $sQRCode . '" /></td>
								<td align="left">' . $iPrice5 . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iPrice6 . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iPrice7 . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iPrice8 . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iReadNum . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iScore . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iRecommendLevel . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iAttribute . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $sWxLink . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iVerifyState . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $sIntroduction . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $sTypeInfo . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $sCooperateLevelInfo . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $sCertifiedText . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iClickNumber . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iChoiceNumber . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iArticleNumber . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iZambiaNumber . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $aCategory . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $aCity . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $aCricle . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $aTag . '</td>
        $str_explode .= '</table>';
        $str_explode .= "</body></html>";
        echo $str_explode;
Exemplo n.º 10

require_once __DIR__ . '/../src/core.php';
CronRunner::run(__FILE__, function ($logger) {
    $userCount = Model_User::getCount();
    $userCountActive = Model_User::getCountActive();
    $mediaCount = [];
    $distArr = [];
    foreach (Media::getConstList() as $media) {
        $distArr[$media] = [];
        $mediaCount[$media] = Model_Media::getCount($media);
    foreach (Media::getConstList() as $media) {
        $localDist = Model_MixedUserMedia::getRatingDistribution($media);
        foreach ($localDist->getGroupsKeys() as $key) {
            if (!isset($distArr[$media][$key])) {
                $distArr[$media][$key] = 0;
            $distArr[$media][$key] += $localDist->getGroupSize($key);
    $globalsCache = ['user-count' => $userCount, 'user-count-active' => $userCountActive, 'media-count' => $mediaCount, 'rating-dist' => $distArr];
    TextHelper::putJson(Config::$globalsCachePath, $globalsCache);
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: Adsh.php Projeto: pancke/yyaf
     * 导出
    public function adexplodeAction()
        $iAdID = intval($this->getParam('id'));
        $aAd = Model_Ad::getDetail($iAdID);
        $aCat = '';
        if ($aAd['sCatID'] != '') {
            $rowCat = Model_Domain::getAll(array('where' => array('iAutoID IN' => $aAd['sCatID'])));
            if (count($rowCat) > 0) {
                foreach ($rowCat as $val) {
                    if ($val['sName'] != '') {
                        $aCat .= ',' . $val['sName'];
        $this->assign('aCat', $aCat);
        $aCityName = '';
        if ($aAd['sCityID'] != '') {
            $rowCity = Model_City::getAll(array('where' => array('iCityID IN' => $aAd['sCityID'])));
            if (count($rowCity) > 0) {
                foreach ($rowCity as $val) {
                    if ($val['sName'] != '') {
                        $aCityName .= ',' . $val['sCityName'];
        $this->assign('aCityName', $aCityName);
        $iType = $aAd['iMediaType'];
        $iTypeName = Model_Media::$aType[$aAd['iMediaType']];
        $this->assign('iTypeName', $iTypeName);
        if ($aAd['iAdType'] == '1') {
            $this->assign('iAdType', '软广');
        } elseif ($aAd['iAdType'] == '2') {
            $this->assign('iAdType', '硬广');
        } elseif ($aAd['iAdType'] == '3') {
            $this->assign('iAdType', '全部');
        if ($aAd['iStatus'] == '1') {
            $this->assign('iStatus', '待审核');
        } elseif ($aAd['iStatus'] == '2') {
            $this->assign('iStatus', '审核通过');
        } elseif ($aAd['iStatus'] == '3') {
            $this->assign('iStatus', '审核未通过');
        } elseif ($aAd['iStatus'] == '4') {
            $this->assign('iStatus', '完成');
        } elseif ($aAd['iStatus'] == '5') {
            $this->assign('iStatus', '未填写完成');
        $aUser = Model_User::getDetail($aAd['iUserID']);
        $this->assign('aUser', $aUser);
        $this->assign('aAd', $aAd);
        if ($aAd['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_WEIXIN) {
            $rowAd = Model_AdWeixin::getDetail($aAd['iAdID']);
            $this->assign('type_weixin', Model_Media::TYPE_WEIXIN);
            $iPosID = $rowAd['iAdPos'];
        } elseif ($aAd['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_FRIEND) {
            $rowAd = Model_AdFriend::getDetail($aAd['iAdID']);
            $this->assign('type_friend', Model_Media::TYPE_FRIEND);
            $iPosID = $rowAd['iAdPos'];
        } elseif ($aAd['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_WEIBO) {
            $rowAd = Model_AdWeibo::getDetail($aAd['iAdID']);
            $this->assign('type_weibo', Model_Media::TYPE_WEIBO);
            $iPosID = $rowAd['iAdPos'];
        } elseif ($aAd['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_NEWS) {
            $rowAd = Model_AdNews::getDetail($aAd['iAdID']);
            $this->assign('type_news', Model_Media::TYPE_NEWS);
            $iPosID = $rowAd['iAdPos'];
        $aTitle = array(Model_Media::TYPE_WEIXIN => array('1' => '单图文报价', '2' => '第一条报价', '3' => '第二条报价', '4' => '其它位置价'), Model_Media::TYPE_FRIEND => array('1' => '转发报价', '2' => '直发报价'), Model_Media::TYPE_WEIBO => array('1' => '转发报价', '2' => '直发报价'));
        if ($aAd['iMediaType'] != '') {
            $iPos = $aTitle[$aAd['iMediaType']][$iPosID];
            $this->assign('aPos', $iPos);
        $this->assign('rowAd', $rowAd);
        $aAdMedia = Model_AdMedia::getAll(array('where' => array('iAdID' => $aAd['iAdID'])));
        foreach ($aAdMedia as $key => $val) {
            $aMedia = Model_Media::getDetail($val['iMediaID']);
            $aAdMedia[$key]['sMediaName'] = $aMedia['sMediaName'];
            $aUser = Model_User::getDetail($val['iUserID']);
            $aAdMedia[$key]['sEmail'] = $aUser['sEmail'];
            $aTitle = array(Model_Media::TYPE_WEIXIN => array('1' => '单图文报价', '2' => '第一条报价', '3' => '第二条报价', '4' => '其它位置价'), Model_Media::TYPE_FRIEND => array('1' => '转发报价', '2' => '直发报价'), Model_Media::TYPE_WEIBO => array('1' => '转发报价', '2' => '直发报价'));
            if ($aAd['iMediaType'] != '') {
                $iPos = $aTitle[$aAd['iMediaType']][$val['iPos']];
                $aAdMedia[$key]['iPosName'] = $iPos;
            if ($val['iPayStatus'] == '0') {
                $aAdMedia[$key]['iPayStatusName'] = '未支付';
            } elseif ($val['iPayStatus'] == '1') {
                $aAdMedia[$key]['iPayStatusName'] = '已支付';
            if ($val['iStatus'] == '1') {
                $aAdMedia[$key]['iStatusName'] = '等待接单';
            } elseif ($val['iStatus'] == '2') {
                $aAdMedia[$key]['iStatusName'] = '等待执行';
            } elseif ($val['iStatus'] == '3') {
                $aAdMedia[$key]['iStatusName'] = '执行中';
            } elseif ($val['iStatus'] == '4') {
                $aAdMedia[$key]['iStatusName'] = '已完成';
            } elseif ($val['iStatus'] == '5') {
                $aAdMedia[$key]['iStatusName'] = '拒绝接单';
        $this->assign('aAdMedia', $aAdMedia);
        header("Content-Disposition:filename=资源订单_" . date('Y-m-d', time()) . ".xls");
        $str_explode = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'><html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' /><title>导出</title><style>td{text-align:center;font-size:12px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;border:#1C7A80 1px solid;color:#152122;width:100px;}table,tr{border-style:none;}.title{background:#7DDCF0;color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:bold;}</style></head><body>";
        $str_explode .= '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" rules="rows" border="1" id="" style="border-style:None;width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;">
								<td>' . $aUser['sRealName'] . '</td>
								<td>' . (isset($aAd['sAdName']) ? $aAd['sAdName'] : '') . '</td>
								<td>' . (isset($aAd['iPlanMinMoney']) ? $aAd['iPlanMinMoney'] : '') . '</td>
								<td>' . (isset($aAd['iPlanMaxMoney']) ? $aAd['iPlanMaxMoney'] : '') . '</td>
								<td>' . (isset($aAd['iPlanTime']) ? $aAd['iPlanTime'] : '') . '</td>
								<td>' . $iTypeName . '</td>
								<td>' . $iAdType . '</td>
								<td>' . $aCat . '</td>
								<td>' . $aCityName . '</td>
								<td>' . (isset($aAd['iTotalMoney']) ? $aAd['iTotalMoney'] : '') . '</td>
								<td>' . (isset($aAd['iPayStatus']) && $aAd['iPayStatus'] == '0' ? '未付款' : '已付款') . '</td>
        if ($aAd['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_WEIXIN) {
            $str_explode .= '<tr>
								<td>' . $aPos . '</td>
								<td>' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $rowAd['iShowTime']) . '</td>
								<td>' . $rowAd['sImportUrl'] . '</td>
								<td>' . $rowAd['sWordFile'] . '</td>
								<td>' . $rowAd['sTitle'] . '</td>
								<td>' . $rowAd['sAuthor'] . '</td>
								<td>' . (isset($rowAd['sCoverImg']) ? Util_Uri::getDFSViewURL($rowAd['sCoverImg'], 130, 130) : '') . '</td>
								<td>' . $rowAd['sAbstract'] . '</td>
								<td>' . $rowAd['sContent'] . '</td>
								<td>' . $rowAd['sOriginalUrl'] . '</td>
        } elseif ($aAd['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_FRIEND) {
            $str_explode .= '<tr>
								<td>' . $aPos . '</td>
								<td>' . $rowAd['sForwardUrl'] . '</td>
								<td>' . $rowAd['sForwardText'] . '</td>
            if ($rowAd['sForwardImg'] != '') {
                $arr = explode(',', $rowAd['sForwardImg']);
                if (count($arr) > 0) {
                    foreach ($arr as $v) {
                        $str_explode .= '<img src="' . Util_Uri::getDFSViewURL($v, 130, 130) . '" width="130" />';
                } else {
                    $str_explode .= '<img src="' . Util_Uri::getDFSViewURL($rowAd['sOriginalUrl'], 130, 130) . '" width="130" />';
            $str_explode .= '</td>
        } elseif ($aAd['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_WEIBO) {
            $str_explode .= '<tr>
								<td>' . $aPos . '</td>
								<td>' . $rowAd['sForwardUrl'] . '</td>
								<td>' . $rowAd['sForwardText'] . '</td>
            if ($rowAd['sForwardImg'] != '') {
                $arr = explode(',', $rowAd['sForwardImg']);
                if (count($arr) > 0) {
                    foreach ($arr as $v) {
                        $str_explode .= '<img src="' . Util_Uri::getDFSViewURL($v, 130, 130) . '" width="130" />';
                } else {
                    $str_explode .= '<img src="' . Util_Uri::getDFSViewURL($rowAd['sForwardImg'], 130, 130) . '" width="130" />';
            $str_explode .= '</td>
        } elseif ($aAd['iMediaType'] == Model_Media::TYPE_NEWS) {
            $str_explode .= '<tr>
								<td>' . $aPos . '</td>
								<td>' . $rowAd['sTitle'] . '</td>
								<td>' . $rowAd['sContent'] . '</td>
        $str_explode .= '<tr>
								<td>' . $iStatus . '</td>
									<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" rules="rows" border="1" id="" style="border-style:None;width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;">
											<td style="border-right: 1px solid #000000;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">#</td>
											<td style="border-right: 1px solid #000000;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">用户名称</td>
											<td style="border-right: 1px solid #000000;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">媒体名称</td>
											<td style="border-right: 1px solid #000000;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">广告位</td>
											<td style="border-right: 1px solid #000000;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">价格</td>
											<td style="border-right: 1px solid #000000;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">执行时间</td>
											<td style="border-right: 1px solid #000000;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">支付状态</td>
											<td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">状态</td>
        foreach ($aAdMedia as $keyAdMedia => $valAdMedia) {
            $iAutoID = $valAdMedia['iAutoID'];
            $sEmail = $valAdMedia['sEmail'];
            $sMediaName = $valAdMedia['sMediaName'];
            $iPosName = $valAdMedia['iPosName'];
            $iMoney = $valAdMedia['iMoney'];
            $iPlanTime = '';
            if ($valAdMedia['iPlanTime'] != '' && $valAdMedia['iPlanTime'] > 0) {
                $iPlanTime = date('Y-m-d', $valAdMedia['iPlanTime']);
            $iPayStatusName = $valAdMedia['iPayStatusName'];
            $iStatusName = $valAdMedia['iStatusName'];
            $str_explode .= '<tr>
														<td style="border-right: 1px solid #000000;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">' . $iAutoID . '</td>
														<td style="border-right: 1px solid #000000;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">' . $sEmail . '</td>
														<td style="border-right: 1px solid #000000;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">' . $sMediaName . '</td>
														<td style="border-right: 1px solid #000000;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">' . $iPosName . '</td>
														<td style="border-right: 1px solid #000000;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">' . $iMoney . '</td>
														<td style="border-right: 1px solid #000000;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">' . $iPlanTime . '</td>
														<td style="border-right: 1px solid #000000;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">' . $iPayStatusName . '</td>
														<td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">' . $iStatusName . '</td>
        $str_explode .= '</table>
								<td>' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $aAd['iUpdateTime']) . '</td>
								<td>' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $aAd['iCreateTime']) . '</td>
        $str_explode .= '</table>';
        $str_explode .= "</body></html>";
        echo $str_explode;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * 用户修改
 public function editAction()
     if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
         $aUser = $this->_checkData('update');
         if (empty($aUser)) {
             return null;
         $aUser['iUserID'] = intval($this->getParam('iUserID'));
         $aOldUser = Model_User::getDetail($aUser['iUserID']);
         if (empty($aOldUser)) {
             return $this->showMsg('用户不存在!', false);
         if ($aOldUser['sEmail'] != $aUser['sEmail'] && $aOldUser['iStatus'] > 0) {
             if (Model_User::getUserByEmail($aUser['sEmail'])) {
                 return $this->showMsg('用户已经存在!', false);
         if (1 == Model_User::updData($aUser)) {
             if (intval($aOldUser['iMoney']) != intval($aUser['iMoney'])) {
                 $sTitle = Model_Kv::getValue('user_credit_email_title');
                 $sContent = Model_Kv::getValue('user_credit_email_content');
                 $sTitler = Model_Kv::getValue('user_crediter_email_title');
                 $sContentr = Model_Kv::getValue('user_crediter_email_content');
                 $email = '*****@*****.**';
                 $Money = intval($aUser['iMoney']) - intval($aOldUser['iMoney']);
                 Util_Mail::send($aUser['sEmail'], $sTitle, $sContent, array($Money));
                 Util_Mail::send($email, $sTitler, $sContentr, array($aUser['sEmail'], $Money));
             if ($aOldUser['iRate'] != $aUser['iRate']) {
                 Model_Media::query("UPDATE  t_media  SET  iRate= {$aUser['iRate']} WHERE iUserID={$aUser['iUserID']}");
             return $this->showMsg('用户信息更新成功!', true);
         } else {
             return $this->showMsg('用户信息更新失败!', false);
     } else {
         $iUserID = intval($this->getParam('id'));
         $aUser = Model_User::getDetail($iUserID);
         $this->assign('aUser', $aUser);
         $this->assign('aBusiness', Model_Domain::getPairDomain(Model_Domain::TYPE_CO_INDUSTRY));
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: Ad.php Projeto: pancke/yyaf
  * 支付款项
 public function add4Action()
     if ($this->isPost()) {
         $iAdID = $this->getParam('iAdID');
         $aChoose = $this->getParam('aChoose');
         $aAdPos = $this->getParam('aAdPos');
         $aAd = Model_Ad::getDetail($iAdID);
         if (empty($aAd) || $aAd['iUserID'] != $this->aCurrUser['iUserID']) {
             return $this->show404();
         if (empty($aChoose)) {
             return $this->showMsg('请至少选择一个自媒体', false);
         Model_AdMedia::updChoose($iAdID, $aChoose, $aAdPos);
         return $this->showMsg($iAdID, true);
     } else {
         $iAdID = intval($this->getParam('id'));
         $aAd = Model_Ad::getDetail($iAdID);
         if (empty($aAd) || $aAd['iUserID'] != $this->aCurrUser['iUserID']) {
             return $this->show404();
         $aList = Model_AdMedia::getAll(array('where' => array('iAdID' => $iAdID, 'iStatus !=' => 0)));
         $iTotalMoney = $iTotalMedia = 0;
         foreach ($aList as $k => &$v) {
             $v['aMedia'] = Model_Media::getDetail($v['iMediaID']);
             if (empty($v['aMedia'])) {
             if ($v['iChoose']) {
                 $iTotalMoney += $v['iMoney'];
                 $iTotalMedia += 1;
         $this->assign('iTotalMoney', $iTotalMoney);
         $this->assign('iTotalMedia', $iTotalMedia);
         $this->assign('aList', $aList);
         $this->assign('aAd', $aAd);
         $this->assign('aStatus', Model_AdMedia::$aStatus);
         $this->assign('aPos', Model_Media::$aPos[$aAd['iMediaType']]);
         $this->assign('aType', Model_Media::$aType);
         $this->assign('sMediaType', Model_Media::$aType[$aAd['iMediaType']]);
         $this->assign('sTopMenu', 'aadd');
         $this->setMeta('ad_add', array('sTitle' => '添加推广计划 - 支付款项'));
Exemplo n.º 14
     foreach (Media::getConstList() as $media) {
         foreach ($userContext->user->getMixedUserMedia($media) as $entry) {
             $mediaAge = time() - strtotime($entry->processed);
             if ($mediaAge > Config::$mediaQueueMinWait) {
                 $mediaIds[] = TextHelper::serializeMediaId($entry);
     $mediaQueue->enqueueMultiple(array_map(function ($mediaId) {
         return new QueueItem($mediaId);
     }, $mediaIds));
 $mediaIds = [];
 foreach (Media::getConstList() as $media) {
     $entries = Model_Media::getOldest($media, 100);
     foreach ($entries as $entry) {
         $mediaAge = time() - strtotime($entry->processed);
         if ($mediaAge > Config::$mediaQueueMinWait) {
             $mediaIds[] = TextHelper::serializeMediaId($entry);
 $mediaQueue->enqueueMultiple(array_map(function ($mediaId) {
     return new QueueItem($mediaId);
 }, $mediaIds));
 #process media
 processQueue($mediaQueue, Config::$mediaPerCronRun, Config::$mediaQueueMaxAttempts, $logger, function ($key) use($mediaProcessors, $logger) {
     list($media, $malId) = TextHelper::deserializeMediaId($key);
     $logger->log('Processing %s #%d... ', Media::toString($media), $malId);
     #process the media
Exemplo n.º 15
  * 账号中心
 public function accountAction()
     $iType = max(1, (int) $this->getParam('type'));
     $iPage = max(1, intval($this->getParam('page')));
     $aData = Model_Media::getList(array('iStatus > ' => 0, 'iUserID' => $this->aCurrUser['iUserID'], 'iMediaType' => $iType), $iPage);
     $this->assign('aData', $aData);
     $this->assign('iType', $iType);
     $this->setMeta('mcenter_page', array('sTitle' => '自媒体中心 - 财号中心'));
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Creates a droplets from the given array
  * @param array $droplet
  * @return array
 public static function create_from_array($droplets)
     if (!count($droplets)) {
     // Populate identities
     // Hash array with droplet_hash as key and index in droplets array that contain that hash
     $droplets_idx = array();
     foreach ($droplets as $key => &$droplet) {
         if (!isset($droplet['id'])) {
             $hash = md5($droplet['identity_orig_id'] . $droplet['channel'] . $droplet['droplet_orig_id']);
             $droplet['droplet_hash'] = $hash;
             if (empty($droplets_idx[$hash])) {
                 $droplets_idx[$hash] = array();
             $droplets_idx[$hash][] = $key;
     // Insert new drops
     $new_droplets = array();
     if (!empty($droplets_idx)) {
         Swiftriver_Mutex::obtain(get_class(), 3600);
         // Find the drops that already exist by their droplet_hash
         $found_query = DB::select('droplet_hash', 'id')->from('droplets')->where('droplet_hash', 'IN', array_keys($droplets_idx));
         $found = $found_query->execute()->as_array();
         // Update the ids of existing drops found in the db and
         // remove them from droplets_idx to leave new drops
         $new_droplet_count = count($droplets_idx);
         foreach ($found as $hash) {
             foreach ($droplets_idx[$hash['droplet_hash']] as $key) {
                 $droplets[$key]['id'] = $hash['id'];
         if (!empty($droplets_idx)) {
             // Get a range of IDs to be used in inserting the new drops
             $base_id = Model_Droplet::get_ids($new_droplet_count);
             // Insert into the droplets table
             $query = DB::insert('droplets', array('id', 'channel', 'droplet_hash', 'droplet_orig_id', 'droplet_type', 'droplet_title', 'droplet_content', 'droplet_date_pub', 'droplet_date_add', 'identity_id', 'processing_status'));
             foreach ($droplets_idx as $hash => $keys) {
                 foreach ($keys as $key) {
                     $droplets[$key]['id'] = $base_id;
                 // PHP has reference issues with array so
                 // we cannot copy the element we have but
                 // refeference it in place as below $droplets[$keys[0]]
                 // otherwise the element will be overwriten if we use a
                 // copy. Sigh.
                 $new_droplets[] = $droplets[$keys[0]];
                 $query->values(array('id' => $base_id++, 'channel' => $droplets[$keys[0]]['channel'], 'droplet_hash' => $droplets[$keys[0]]['droplet_hash'], 'droplet_orig_id' => $droplets[$keys[0]]['droplet_orig_id'], 'droplet_type' => $droplets[$keys[0]]['droplet_type'], 'droplet_title' => $droplets[$keys[0]]['droplet_title'], 'droplet_content' => $droplets[$keys[0]]['droplet_content'], 'droplet_date_pub' => $droplets[$keys[0]]['droplet_date_pub'], 'droplet_date_add' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()), 'identity_id' => $droplets[$keys[0]]['identity_id'], 'processing_status' => self::PROCESSING_STATUS_NEW));
     // Populate metadata IDs into the drops array
     // Populate the drop's metadata tables
     return array($droplets, $new_droplets);
Exemplo n.º 17
     * 导出
    public function explodeAction()
        $uWhere = array();
        $aParam = $this->getParams();
        $userid = '';
        if (!empty($aParam['sRealName'])) {
            $uWhere['sRealName LIKE'] = '%' . $aParam['sRealName'] . '%';
            $data_user = Model_User::getAll(array('where' => $uWhere));
            $useridArr = array();
            foreach ($data_user as $val) {
                if ($val['iUserID'] != '') {
                    $useridArr[] = $val['iUserID'];
            if (count($useridArr) > 0) {
                $userid = implode(',', array_unique($useridArr));
        $aWhere = array();
        if (!empty($aParam['iUserID'])) {
            $aWhere['iUserID'] = $aParam['iUserID'];
        if ($userid != '') {
            $aWhere['iUserID IN'] = $userid;
        if (!empty($aParam['iPayment']) && $aParam['iPayment'] != '') {
            $aWhere['iPayment'] = $aParam['iPayment'];
        if (!empty($aParam['iSource']) && $aParam['iSource'] != '') {
            $aWhere['iSource'] = $aParam['iSource'];
        if (!empty($aParam['sRealName']) && $aParam['sRealName'] != '') {
            $aWhere['sRealName LIKE'] = '%' . $aParam['sRealName'] . '%';
        if (!empty($aParam['iPayType']) && $aParam['iPayType'] != '') {
            $aWhere['iPayType'] = $aParam['iPayType'];
        if (!empty($aParam['iPayStatus']) && $aParam['iPayStatus'] != '') {
            $aWhere['iPayStatus'] = $aParam['iPayStatus'];
        $aList = Model_AdMedia::getAll(array('where', $aWhere));
        header("Content-Disposition:filename=资源订单_" . date('Y-m-d', time()) . ".xls");
        $str_explode = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'><html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' /><title>导出</title><style>td{text-align:center;font-size:12px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;border:#1C7A80 1px solid;color:#152122;width:100px;}table,tr{border-style:none;}.title{background:#7DDCF0;color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:bold;}</style></head><body>";
        $str_explode .= '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" rules="rows" border="1" id="" style="border-style:None;width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;">
								<th scope="col">用户名称/th>
								<th scope="col">广告名称</th>
								<th scope="col">资源媒体名称</th>
								<th scope="col">广告位</th>
								<th scope="col">价格</th>
								<th scope="col">执行时间</th>
								<th scope="col">支付状态</th>
								<th scope="col">状态</th>
								<th scope="col">时间</th>
        foreach ($aList as $key => $val) {
            $aAd = Model_Ad::getDetail($val['iAdID']);
            $aMedia = Model_Media::getDetail($val['iMediaID']);
            $sMediaName = $aMedia['sMediaName'];
            $aUser = Model_User::getDetail($val['iUserID']);
            $sEmail = $aUser['sEmail'];
            $aTitle = array(Model_Media::TYPE_WEIXIN => array('1' => '单图文报价', '2' => '第一条报价', '3' => '第二条报价', '4' => '其它位置价'), Model_Media::TYPE_FRIEND => array('1' => '转发报价', '2' => '直发报价'), Model_Media::TYPE_WEIBO => array('1' => '转发报价', '2' => '直发报价'));
            $iPos = '';
            if ($aAd['iMediaType'] != '') {
                $iPos = $aTitle[$aAd['iMediaType']][$val['iPos']];
            $iPayStatusName = '';
            if ($val['iPayStatus'] == '0') {
                $iPayStatusName = '未支付';
            } elseif ($val['iPayStatus'] == '1') {
                $iPayStatusName = '已支付';
            $iMoney = $val['iMoney'];
            $iPlanTime = '';
            if ($val['iPlanTime'] != '' && $val['iPlanTime'] > 0) {
                $iPlanTime = date('Y-m-d H:i', $val['iPlanTime']);
            $iStatusName = '';
            if ($val['iStatus'] == '1') {
                $iStatusName = '等待接单';
            } elseif ($val['iStatus'] == '2') {
                $iStatusName = '等待执行';
            } elseif ($val['iStatus'] == '3') {
                $iStatusName = '执行中';
            } elseif ($val['iStatus'] == '4') {
                $iStatusName = '已完成';
            } elseif ($val['iStatus'] == '5') {
                $iStatusName = '拒绝接单';
            $iCreateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $val['iCreateTime']);
            $str_explode .= '<tr>
								<td align="left">' . $sEmail . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $aAd['sAdName'] . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $sMediaName . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iPos . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iMoney . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iPlanTime . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iPayStatusName . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iStatusName . '</td>
								<td align="left">' . $iCreateTime . '</td>
        $str_explode .= '</table>';
        $str_explode .= "</body></html>";
        echo $str_explode;