Exemplo n.º 1
  * beforeValidate is called before a model is validated, you can use this callback to
  * add behavior validation rules into a models validate array. Returning false
  * will allow you to make the validation fail.
  * @param Model $model Model using this behavior
  * @param array $options Options passed from Model::save().
  * @return mixed False or null will abort the operation. Any other result will continue.
  * @see Model::save()
 public function beforeValidate(Model $model, $options = array())
     $referencePageId = $model->getReferencePageId($model->data);
     $fields = array('room_id', 'permalink');
     $targetPage = $model->findById($referencePageId, $fields);
     if (empty($targetPage)) {
         return false;
     $model->data['Page']['room_id'] = Current::read('Room.id');
     $slug = $model->data['Page']['slug'];
     if (!isset($slug)) {
         $slug = '';
     $model->data['Page']['slug'] = $slug;
     $permalink = '';
     if (strlen($targetPage['Page']['permalink']) !== 0) {
         $permalink = $targetPage['Page']['permalink'] . '/';
     $permalink .= $slug;
     $model->data['Page']['permalink'] = $permalink;
     $model->data['Page']['is_published'] = true;
     $model->data['Page']['is_container_fluid'] = false;
     return parent::beforeValidate($model, $options);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * 根据id 查找数据,默认查找缓存
  * @param int $id
  * @param boolean $isCache
  * @return array
 public function findById($id, $isCache = true)
     if ($isCache == true) {
         $dataList = $this->_getGlobalData($this->_tableName);
         return $dataList[$id];
     } else {
         return parent::findById($id);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * 根据id查找指定的id
  * @param int $id
  * @param boolean $isCache
  * @return array
 public function findById($id, $isCache = true)
     if ($isCache == true) {
         $serverList = $this->_getGlobalData('operator_list');
         return $serverList[$id];
     } else {
         return parent::findById($id);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static function getUser($id = null)
     $db = new Model();
     if ($id == null) {
         $id = $_SESSION['uid'];
     $user = $db->findById($id, 'users');
     return self::instantiate($user);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * IDで検索(blog_pluginsのattribute属性付き
 public function findById($id, $options = array())
     $plugin = parent::findById($id, $options);
     if (!empty($plugin)) {
         $plugin['title_align'] = $plugin['contents_align'] = 'left';
         $plugin['title_color'] = $plugin['contents_color'] = '';
     return $plugin;
  * hasDiffAddress
  * @param Model $model
  * @return boolean
 protected function hasDiffAddress(Model $model)
     $this->_instance = $model->findById($model->id);
     if ($this->_instance !== null && isset($model->data['User']['live_country'])) {
         $prevAddress = array('live_country' => $this->_instance['User']['live_country'], 'live_place' => $this->_instance['User']['live_place'], 'live_address' => $this->_instance['User']['live_address']);
         $currentAddress = array('live_country' => $model->data['User']['live_country'], 'live_place' => $model->data['User']['live_place'], 'live_address' => $model->data['User']['live_address']);
         $result = Hash::diff($prevAddress, $currentAddress);
         return !empty($result) ? true : false;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function beforeSave(Model $model, $options = array())
     if (isset($this->options[$model->alias]['actions']['edit'])) {
         $fields = array();
         foreach ($this->options[$model->alias]['actions']['edit']['fields'] as $field => $options) {
             $fields[] = $field;
         $this->oldData = $model->findById($model->id, $fields);
     return true;
  * Creates Old object and List of changed fields
  * @param Model $Model
  * @param array $options
  * @return bool
 public function beforeSave($Model, $options)
     $Model->recursive = -1;
     $Model->old = $Model->findById($Model->id);
     if ($Model->old) {
         foreach ($Model->data[$Model->alias] as $key => $value) {
             if ($Model->old[$Model->alias][$key] != $value) {
                 $Model->changed_fields[] = $key;
     return true;
 public function download(Model $model, $id)
     $model->recursive = -1;
     $data = $model->findById($id);
     $fields = $this->settings[$model->alias];
     $fileName = $data[$model->alias][$fields['name']];
     $fileInfo = explode('.', $fileName);
     $fileType = $fileInfo[count($fileInfo) - 1];
     header('Content-type: ' . $fileType);
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $fileName . '"');
     echo $data[$model->alias][$fields['content']];
Exemplo n.º 10
  * beforeSave function.
  * @access public
  * @param array $options (default: array())
  * @return void
 public function beforeSave(Model $Model)
     // Lock out those who arnt allowed to write
     if (!$Model->Project->hasWrite($Model->_auth_user_id)) {
         throw new ForbiddenException(__('You do not have permissions to write to this project'));
     $before = $Model->findById($Model->id);
     foreach ($Model->data[$Model->name] as $field => $value) {
         if ($field != 'modified' && $before[$Model->name][$field] != $value) {
             $this->_cache[$field] = $before[$Model->name][$field];
     return true;
  * onLogin
  * @param Model $model
  * @return array $data
 protected function onLogin(Model $model)
     $result = false;
     $this->_instance = $model->findById($model->id);
     if ($this->_instance !== null && (empty($this->_instance['User']['lat']) || empty($this->_instance['User']['lng']))) {
         if (isset($model->data['User']['lat']) && !empty($model->data['User']['lat']) && isset($model->data['User']['lng']) && !empty($model->data['User']['lng'])) {
             $result = $this->onExistLatLng($model->data['User']['lat'], $model->data['User']['lng']);
         } else {
             $result = $this->onIpProcess();
     } else {
         return array('lat' => $this->_instance['User']['lat'], 'lng' => $this->_instance['User']['lng']);
     return $this->onProcessAddressResult($result);
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Obtiene los grupos hijos del grupo al que el usuario loggeado pertenece, para obtener los prefijos a los que este usuario tiene permiso de edición.
  * @return Array
  * @TODO hacer que obtenga los hijos de la tabla de grupo como arbol
 function __getGroupPrefix()
     $parent = array(Configure::read("loggedUser.User.group_id"));
     $group = $this->Group->findById(Configure::read("loggedUser.User.group_id"), array('name'));
     $groups = Set::extract("/Group/name", $group);
     while (!empty($parent)) {
         $recordset = $this->Group->find("all", array('conditions' => array('Group.parent_id' => $parent), 'fields' => array('Group.id', "Group.name")));
         $childrenName = Set::extract("/Group/name", $recordset);
         if (!empty($childrenName)) {
             $groups = am($groups, $childrenName);
         $parent = Set::extract("/Group/id", $recordset);
     return $groups;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function beforeValidate(Model $model, $options = array())
     if (!array_key_exists('id', $model->data[$model->alias]) || !$model->data[$model->alias]['id']) {
         if (!isset($model->id) || !$model->id) {
             return true;
         $model->data[$model->alias]['id'] = $model->id;
     if (!array_key_exists('opt_' . $this->config['field'], $model->data[$model->alias]) || !$model->data[$model->alias]['opt_' . $this->config['field']]) {
         throw new RuntimeException(__d('optimistic_lock', 'Field %s doesn\'t appear in the post request.', $this->config['field']));
     if ($currentRecord = $model->findById($model->data[$model->alias]['id'])) {
         if ($model->data[$model->alias]['opt_' . $this->config['field']] != $currentRecord[$model->alias][$this->config['field']]) {
             $model->validationErrors[$this->config['field']] = $this->config['message'];
             return false;
     unset($model->data[$model->alias]['opt_' . $this->config['field']]);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function beforeSave(Model $model, $options = array())
     if (isset($model->data[$model->name][$this->settings[$model->name]['label']])) {
         $attachment = $model->data[$model->name][$label];
         if (!empty($attachment['name'])) {
             //====defining names for our database columns and also giving unique name for each attachment====//
             $model->data[$model->name][$fields['filename']] = $this->_fileExists($this->_attachmentRoot . $attachment['name']) ? time() . '_' . $attachment['name'] : $attachment['name'];
             //====checking all the conditions before uploading and saving====//
             if (!$this->_isUploaded($attachment) || !$this->_isValidSize($attachment['size']) || !$this->_isValidType($attachment) || !$this->_dirExists($this->_attachmentRoot) || !$this->_moveUploaded($attachment['tmp_name'], $model->data[$model->name][$fields['filename']])) {
                 $model->validationErrors[$label] = $this->_errorMsg;
                 return false;
             //====if the file type is image/jpeg====//
             if (in_array($attachment['type'], $this->_validThumbTypes)) {
                 list($width, $height) = getimagesize($this->_attachmentRoot . $model->data[$model->name][$fields['filename']]);
                 if (isset($this->settings[$model->name]['thumbnails'])) {
                     //====resizing the images and saving them to different location====//
                     foreach ($this->settings[$model->name]['thumbnails'] as $dir => $size) {
                         list($width, $height) = explode('x', strtolower($size));
                         if ($this->_dirExists($this->_attachmentRoot . $dir)) {
                             $this->_resizeToThumb($model->data[$model->name][$fields['filename']], $dir, $width, $height);
         } else {
             if ($model->id > 0) {
                 $record = $model->findById($model->id);
                 if (!empty($record[$model->name][$fields['filename']])) {
                     $model->data[$model->name][$fields['filename']] = $record[$model->name][$fields['filename']];
                 } else {
                     $model->data[$model->name][$fields['filename']] = '';
             } else {
                 $model->data[$model->name][$fields['filename']] = '';
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 15
  * 根据ID查找记录
  * @param int $id
 public function findById($id, $isCache = TRUE)
     if ($isCache) {
         $serverList = $this->_getGlobalData('gameser_list');
         return $serverList[$id];
     } else {
         return parent::findById($id);
Exemplo n.º 16
  * After delete
  * 画像ファイルの削除を行う
  * 削除に失敗してもデータの削除は行う
  * @param Model $model
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function beforeDelete(&$model)
     $model->data = $model->findById($model->id);
Exemplo n.º 17
  * After delete
  * 画像ファイルの削除を行う
  * 削除に失敗してもデータの削除は行う
  * @param Model $Model
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function beforeDelete(Model $Model, $cascade = true)
     $Model->data = $Model->findById($Model->id);
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Validation file when is required.
  * @param Model $model Reference to model
  * @param array $valudateValue Array of settings validation
  * @return boolean Success of validation
 public function fileRequired(Model $model, $validateValue)
     $validateKeys = array_keys($validateValue);
     $validateVariable = array_shift($validateValue);
     if ($model->id) {
         $file = $model->findById($model->id);
         if (!empty($file[$model->alias][$validateKeys[0]]) && file_exists($this->settings[$model->alias][$validateKeys[0]]['path'] . DS . $file[$model->alias][$validateKeys[0]])) {
             return true;
     if (!empty($validateVariable['tmp_name'])) {
         return true;
     return false;
 public function edit(Model $model, $id = 0)
     $model->render = 'auto';
     if ($model->exists($id)) {
         $this->recursive = 0;
         $data = $model->findById($id);
         if ($model->request->is(array('post', 'put'))) {
             if ($model->save($model->request->data)) {
                 return $model->redirect(array('action' => get_class($model), 'view', $id));
             } else {
         } else {
             $model->request->data = $data;
     } else {
         return $model->redirect(array('action' => get_class($model)));
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Save each file to folder and update db
  * @param Model $Model
  * @param boolean $created
 public function afterSave(Model $Model, $created)
     if ($this->_saving) {
         return true;
     $this->_saving = true;
     if (!empty($this->_uploadLater)) {
         foreach ($this->_uploadLater as $key => $fields) {
             foreach ($fields as $name => $file) {
                 if (!is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) {
                 $ext = strtolower(strrchr($file['name'], '.'));
                 $filename = md5($file['name'] . $file['size']) . $ext;
                 $dest = $this->settings['uploadLocation'] . Inflector::tableize($Model->alias) . DS;
                 if (!file_exists($dest)) {
                     new Folder($dest, true);
                 move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $dest . $filename);
                 $Model->saveField($name, $filename);
         $this->_uploadLater = array();
     $this->_saving = false;
     $Model->data = $Model->findById($Model->id);
     return true;
  * afterDeleteで使いたいので削除前に削除対象のデータを保持しておく
  * @param Model $Model 認証キーを使ってるモデル
  * @param bool $cascade cascade
  * @return bool
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.BooleanArgumentFlag)
 public function beforeDelete(Model $Model, $cascade = true)
     if ($cascade) {
         $this->_deleteTargetData = $Model->findById($Model->id);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Inserts an item on a certain position
  * @param Model $model
  * @param $position
  * @return boolean
 private function __insertAtPosition(Model $model, $position)
     $data = $model->data;
     $model->data[$model->alias][$positionColumn] = 0;
     $model->save(null, array('validate' => $validate, 'callbacks' => $callbacks));
     $model->recursive = 0;
     $result = $this->__incrementPositionsOnLowerItems($model, $position);
     if ($position <= $this->__bottomPositionInList($model) + 1) {
         $model->data[$model->alias][$positionColumn] = $position;
         $result = $model->save(null, array('validate' => $validate, 'callbacks' => $callbacks));
     return $result;
 public function beforeDelete(Model $Model, $cascade = true)
     $upload = $Model->findById($Model->id);
     $upload = $upload[$Model->alias];
     $uploadType = $Model->alias == 'BrwImage' ? 'images' : 'files';
     $relModel = ClassRegistry::init($upload['model']);
     $uploadsPath = $relModel->brwConfig[$uploadType][$upload['category_code']]['path'];
     $this->_deleteFiles($uploadsPath, $upload['model'], $upload['record_id'], $upload['name']);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 24
 public static function getPic($id)
     $db = new Model();
     $pic = $db->findById($id, 'pics');
     return $pic;
Exemplo n.º 25
 public function Gettest($id)
     $model = new Model();
     $item = $model->findById($id);
     return $item;