Exemplo n.º 1
    function populateFromDomNode($rootNode)
        $children = new xArray($rootNode->get_elements_by_tagname('*'));
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bversion\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->version = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bsummary\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->summary = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\btype\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->type = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\breviewer\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->reviewer = new hCard($res);
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bdtreviewed\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->dateReviewed = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\brating\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->rating = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bdescription\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->description = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\btags\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->tags = new xArray($this->tags);
            $m = new MicroFormatParser();
            foreach ($res->child_nodes() as $rcn) {
                $e = $m->parseRel($rcn);
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bpermalink\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->permalink = new relElement($res);
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\blicense\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->license = new relElement($res);
Exemplo n.º 2

require 'MicroFormatParser.php';
$url = !empty($_REQUEST['url']) ? $_REQUEST['url'] : 'testpage.html';
$html = file_get_contents($url);
// Instantiate the parser.
$mfParser = new MicroFormatParser();
// Set parser options.
$mfParser->parserSetup(array('hcard' => true, 'hreview' => true, 'hcalendar' => true, 'reltag' => true));
// Parse
$mf = $mfParser->parseSource($html);
// Output the resulting xArray
echo '<pre>';
	echo "<h1>".get_class($value)."</h1>";
	echo "<hr />";
### See documentation for xArray on more ways to manipulate the data ###