if (empty($clientId) || empty($privateKey)) { $error = 'Please enter all required parameters'; F3::set('error', $error); } else { //Get base path $basePath = F3::get('POST["basePath"]'); F3::set('userId', $clientId); F3::set('privateKey', $privateKey); //###Create Signer, ApiClient and Management Api objects //Create signer object $signer = new GroupDocsRequestSigner($privateKey); //Create apiClient object $apiClient = new APIClient($signer); // PHP SDK Version > 1.0 //Create Management Api object $mgmtApi = new MgmtApi($apiClient); //Check if user entered base path if ($basePath == "") { //If base base is empty seting base path to prod server $basePath = 'https://api.groupdocs.com/v2.0'; } //Set base path $mgmtApi->setBasePath($basePath); try { //###Make a request to Management API using clientId $userAccountInfo = $mgmtApi->GetUserProfile($clientId); //Check the result of the request if ($userAccountInfo->status == "Ok") { //If request was successfull - set userInfo variable for template F3::set('userInfo', $userAccountInfo->result->user); } else {
$targetFileId = ""; $firstFileId = F3::get('POST["sourceFileId"]'); $secondFileId = F3::get('POST["targetFileId"]'); $url = F3::get('POST["url"]'); $targetUrl = F3::get('POST["targetUrl"]'); $iframe = ""; //###Create Signer, ApiClient and Storage Api objects //Create signer object $signer = new GroupDocsRequestSigner($privateKey); //Create apiClient object $apiClient = new APIClient($signer); //Create ComparisonApi object $CompareApi = new ComparisonApi($apiClient); //Create Storage Api object $storageApi = new StorageApi($apiClient); $mgmtApi = new MgmtApi($apiClient); if ($basePath == "") { //If base base is empty seting base path to prod server $basePath = 'https://api.groupdocs.com/v2.0'; } //Set base path $CompareApi->setBasePath($basePath); $storageApi->setBasePath($basePath); $mgmtApi->setBasePath($basePath); //Check entered source file GUID and target file GUID if ($firstFileId != "" || $secondFileId != "") { if ($firstFileId != "") { $sourceFileId = $firstFileId; } if ($secondFileId != "") { $targetFileId = $secondFileId;
$file = $_FILES['file']; F3::set('userId', $clientId); F3::set('privateKey', $privateKey); F3::set('email', $email); F3::set('firstName', $firstName); F3::set('lastName', $lastName); // Create signer object $signer = new GroupDocsRequestSigner($privateKey); // Create apiClient object $apiClient = new ApiClient($signer); // Create Annotation object $antApi = new AntApi($apiClient); //Create Storage Api object $storageApi = new StorageApi($apiClient); //Create MgmtApi object (this class allow manipulations with User account) $mgmtApi = new MgmtApi($apiClient); if ($basePath == "") { //If base base is empty seting base path to prod server $basePath = 'https://api.groupdocs.com/v2.0'; } //Build propper basePath if (substr($basePath, -3) != "2.0") { if (substr($basePath, -1) != "/") { $basePath = $basePath . "/v2.0"; } else { $basePath = $basePath . "v2.0"; } } //Set base path $antApi->setBasePath($basePath); $storageApi->setBasePath($basePath);