Exemplo n.º 1
function sf_disable_redirect($location)
    global $wpdb;
    require_once 'metadata.class.php';
    $disable_redirect = get_query_var('name');
    $social_user = $wpdb->prefix . "optins";
    $social_clicks = $wpdb->prefix . "clicks";
    if (!empty($disable_redirect)) {
        $args = array('name' => $disable_redirect, 'post_type' => 'socialfunnel');
        $my_posts = get_posts($args);
        $my_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
        $url = site_url() . "/" . $disable_redirect;
        $user_id = "";
        $unique_id = "";
        $check_host = $wpdb->get_results(" SELECT * FROM  {$social_user} WHERE host = '{$my_ip}' AND url = '{$url}' ");
        if (empty($check_host)) {
            if (!isset($_GET['i']) and !isset($_GET['t'])) {
                $query = $wpdb->query(" INSERT INTO {$social_user} (host,url) VALUES ('{$my_ip}', '{$url}') ");
                $user_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
                $get_clicks = $wpdb->get_results(" SELECT clicks FROM {$social_clicks} WHERE slug = '{$disable_redirect}' ");
                $new_clicks = (int) $get_clicks[0]->clicks + 1;
                $wpdb->update($social_clicks, array('clicks' => $new_clicks), array('slug' => $disable_redirect));
            } else {
                if (isset($_GET['t'])) {
                    $tag = $_GET['t'];
                    $search_tag = $wpdb->get_results(" SELECT id FROM {$social_user} WHERE optin_unique = '{$tag}' ");
                    $ref_id = $search_tag[0]->id;
                    $query = $wpdb->query(" INSERT INTO {$social_user} (host,url,reference) VALUES ('{$my_ip}', '{$url}','{$ref_id}') ");
                    $user_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
                    $get_clicks = $wpdb->get_results(" SELECT socail_clicks FROM {$social_clicks} WHERE slug = '{$disable_redirect}' ");
                    $new_clicks = (int) $get_clicks[0]->socail_clicks + 1;
                    $wpdb->update($social_clicks, array('socail_clicks' => $new_clicks), array('slug' => $disable_redirect));
        } else {
            $unique_id = $check_host[0]->unique_id;
        if (isset($_GET['i'])) {
            require 'frontend-content.php';
        function get_title($url)
            $url = stripcslashes($url);
            $str = file_get_contents($url);
            if (strlen($str) > 0) {
                $str = trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $str));
                // supports line breaks inside <title>
                preg_match("/\\<title\\>(.*)\\<\\/title\\>/i", $str, $title);
                // ignore case
                return $title[1];
        if ($my_posts) {
            header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
            $social = $wpdb->get_row("select * from `" . $wpdb->prefix . "campaigns` where `campaign_slug` = '" . $disable_redirect . "'");
            //echo "<pre>"; print_r($social); die;
            $popup_details = json_decode($social->popup_details);
            $active_ar = $social->autoresponder;
            if ($active_ar == "betaGetresponse") {
                $form_code = $social->autoresponder_code;
                $form_code = esc_attr($form_code);
                $grregex = "~webforms_id=(\\d+)~";
                $uregex = "~u=([a-zA-Z\\d]+)~";
                $matches = array();
                preg_match($grregex, $form_code, $matches);
                $grcode = $matches[1];
                $matches_u = array();
                preg_match($uregex, $form_code, $matches_u);
                $akash = $matches_u[1];
            } else {
                if ($active_ar == "getresponse") {
                    $form_code = $social->autoresponder_code;
                    $form_code = esc_attr($form_code);
                    $grregex = "~wid=(\\d+)~";
                    $uregex = "~u=([a-zA-Z\\d]+)~";
                    $matches = array();
                    preg_match($grregex, $form_code, $matches);
                    $grcode = $matches[1];
                    $matches_u = array();
                    preg_match($uregex, $form_code, $matches_u);
                    $akash = $matches_u[1];
                } else {
                    if ($active_ar == "aweber") {
                        $aweber_list = stripcslashes($social->autoresponder_code);
                    } else {
                        if ($active_ar == "mailchimp") {
                            $mc_list = stripcslashes($social->autoresponder_code);
                            $mc_list = html_entity_decode($mc_list);
                        } else {
                            if ($active_ar == "other") {
                                $other_list = stripcslashes($social->autoresponder_code);
                                $other_list = str_replace("<script", "<!-- ", str_replace("</script>", "</script -->", html_entity_decode($other_list)));
            $http = "http://";
            $sourceUrl = $social->source_url;
            if (strpos($sourceUrl, "http") > -1) {
            } else {
                $sourceUrl = $http . $sourceUrl;
            $metaData = MetaData::fetch($sourceUrl);
            $title = get_title($sourceUrl);
            $content = '
            <!doctype html>
            <title>' . $title . '</title>
            <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
                <link href="' . SF_URL . '/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
                <link href="' . SF_URL . '/assets/css/sf_frontend_custom.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
                <link href="' . SF_URL . '/assets/css/sf_frontend_responsive.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
                <link href="' . SF_URL . '/assets/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>';
            if ($metaData) {
                $tags = $metaData->tags();
                foreach ($tags as $key => $val) {
                    if (strpos($key, "og") > -1 or strpos($key, "twitter") > -1) {
                        $content .= '<meta property="' . $key . '" content="' . $val . '" />';
                    } else {
                        $content .= '<meta name="' . $key . '" content="' . $val . '" />';
                    $content .= "\n";
            $content .= '<meta property="og:image:width" content="1200" />
                            <meta property="og:image:height" content="630" />';
            $content .= stripcslashes($social->fb_retarget_pixel) . '</head>
            <body style="overflow:hidden;">
                <iframe src="' . stripcslashes($sourceUrl) . '" width="100%" allowfullscreen name="disable-x-frame-options" frameBorder="0" style="min-height:700px;"></iframe> ';
            $content .= '<input type="hidden" id="aweber_type" value="' . $active_ar . '">
                         <input type="hidden" id="target_url" value="' . $url . '">
                         <input type="hidden" id="show_name" value="' . $social->include_field . '">';
            if ($social->popup_style == 1) {
                $content .= '<div class="modal fade" id="popup_style1" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
                    <div class="modal-dialog">
                        <div class="modal-content" style="box-shadow:none; background:none; border:none;">
                            <div class="modal-body popup_wrapper_1 card" style="width:600px; height:auto;">
                                <a href="#" class="close_btn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"></a> 
                                <!-- step 1 start -->
                                <div class="front" style="background:#d8e6f0; border:7px solid #fff; padding:15px; height:auto;">
                                    <div class="row">
                                        <div class="popup_style_1_step1_wrap">
                                            <div class="col-md-5 col-sm-5">
                                                <div class="popup_st1_img"><img class="img-responsive" src="' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p1s1image) . '"/></div>
                                            <div class="col-md-7 col-sm-7">
                                                <h2>' . stripcslashes($popup_details->s1headline1) . '</h2>
                if ($popup_details->p1s1bullet1 != "") {
                    $content .= '<li>' . stripcslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($popup_details->p1s1bullet1)) . '</li>';
                if ($popup_details->p1s1bullet2 != "") {
                    $content .= '<li>' . stripcslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($popup_details->p1s1bullet2)) . '</li>';
                if ($popup_details->p1s1bullet3 != "") {
                    $content .= '<li>' . stripcslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($popup_details->p1s1bullet3)) . '</li>';
                $content .= '</ul>
                                                <button class="btn popup_yello_btn" id="flip-btn">' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p1s1buttontext) . '</button>';
                $content .= $popup_details->p1s1sign == 1 ? '<p><i>(it’s free!)</i></p>' : '';
                $content .= '</div>
                                <!-- step 1 end -->
                                <!-- step 2 start -->
                                <div class="back" style="background:#d8e6f0; padding:15px; border:7px solid #fff">
                                    <div class="row">
                                        <div class="popup_style_1_step2_wrap">
                                            <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 text-center">
                                                <h2>' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p1s2headline) . '</h2>
                                                <p>' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p1s2subheadline) . '</p>';
                if ($active_ar == "betaGetresponse") {
                    $content .= '<iframe name="grcode" id="grcode" style="display:none"></iframe>
                                                                <form id="subscriptionForm" target="grcode" method="post" action="https://app.getresponse.com/add_contact_webform_v2.html?u=' . $akash . '&webforms_id="' . $grcode . '">
                                                                     <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="http://developerup.com/123" />';
                } else {
                    if ($active_ar == "getresponse") {
                        $content .= '<iframe name="grcode" id="grcode" style="display:none"></iframe>
                                                                <form id="subscriptionForm" target="grcode" method="post" action="https://app.getresponse.com/add_contact_webform.html?u=' . $akash . '">
                                                                     <input type="hidden" name="webform_id" value="' . $grcode . '" />
                                                                     <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="http://developerup.com/123" />';
                    } elseif ($active_ar == 'aweber') {
                        $content .= '<form method="post" id="subscriptionForm" target="_top" action="http://www.aweber.com/scripts/addlead.pl" onsubmit="PreventExitSplash = true;">
                                                            <input type="hidden" name="meta_web_form_id" value="" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" name="meta_split_id" value="" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" name="listname" value="' . $aweber_list . '" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" id="weber_id" name="redirect" value="" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" id="weber_metaid" name="meta_redirect_onlist" value="" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" name="meta_message" value="1" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" name="meta_required" value="email" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" name="meta_tooltip" value="" />';
                    } elseif ($active_ar == 'mailchimp') {
                        $content .= '<div style="display:none" id="form_holder">
                                                                <iframe name="grcode" id="mccode" style="display:none"></iframe>';
                        $content .= $mc_list;
                        $content .= '</div>
                                                    <form id="subscriptionForm" action="#">';
                    } elseif ($active_ar == 'other') {
                        $content .= '<div style="display:none" id="form_holder">
                                                                <iframe name="otcode" id="mccode" style="display:none"></iframe>';
                        $content .= $other_list;
                        $content .= '</div>
                                                        <form id="subscriptionForm" action="#">';
                if ($social->include_field != 0) {
                    $content .= '<div class="form-group">
                                                    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter your name here" name="name" id="sub-form-name"/>
                if ($active_ar == 'betaGetresponse') {
                    $content .= '<div class="form-group">
                                                        <input type="email" name="webform[email]" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter your email here" id="sub-form-email"/>
                                                    <input type="hidden" value="' . $social->unique_id . '" id="unique_id" />
                                                    <button class="btn popup_yello_btn" type="submit" name="save" id="savebtn">' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p1s1buttontext) . '</button>
                } else {
                    $content .= '<div class="form-group">
                                                        <input type="email" name="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter your email here" id="sub-form-email" />
                                                    <input type="hidden" value="' . $social->unique_id . '" id="unique_id" />
                                                    <button class="btn popup_yello_btn" type="submit" name="save" id="savebtn">' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p1s1buttontext) . '</button>
                $content .= $popup_details->p1s1sign == 1 ? '<p><i>(it’s free!)</i></p>' : '';
                $content .= '</div>
                                <!-- step 2 end -->
            if ($social->popup_style == 2) {
                $content .= '<div class="modal fade" id="popup_style2" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
                    <div class="modal-dialog">
                        <div class="modal-content" style="box-shadow:none; background:none; border:none;">
                            <div class="modal-body popup_wrapper_2 card" style="width:600px; height:auto;">
                                <a href="#" class="close_btn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"></a> 
                                <!-- step 1 start -->
                                <div class="front">
                                    <div class="row" style="border:7px solid #fff; background-color:#f1f1f1">
                                        <div class="popup_st2_border1"></div>
                                        <div class="popup_style_2_step1_wrap">
                                            <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12" style="padding:20px;">
                                                <h4>' . stripcslashes($popup_details->s1headline2) . '</h4>
                                                <h2>' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p2s1subheadline) . '</h2>
                                                <button class="btn popup_yello_btn2" id="flip-btn">' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p2s1buttontext) . '</button>';
                $content .= $popup_details->p2s1sign == 1 ? '<p class="its_free_text"><i>(it’s free!)</i></p>' : '';
                $content .= '
                                            <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                            <div class="popup_st2_border1"></div>

                                <!-- step 1 end -->

                                <!-- step 2 start -->

                                <div class="back">
                                    <div class="row" style="border:7px solid #fff; background-color:#f1f1f1">
                                        <div class="popup_st2_border1"></div>
                                        <div class="popup_style_2_step1_wrap">
                                            <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12" style="padding:20px;">
                                                <h3>' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p2s2headline) . '</h3>
                                                <p class="text-center">' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p2s2subheadline) . '</p>';
                if ($active_ar == "getresponse") {
                    $content .= '<iframe name="grcode" id="grcode" style="display:none"></iframe><form id="subscriptionForm" target="grcode" method="post" action="https://app.getresponse.com/add_contact_webform.html?u=' . $akash . '">
                                                                     <input type="hidden" name="webform_id" value="' . $grcode . '" />
                                                                     <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="http://developerup.com/123" />';
                } else {
                    if ($active_ar == "betaGetresponse") {
                        $content .= '<iframe name="grcode" id="grcode" style="display:none"></iframe><form id="subscriptionForm" target="grcode" method="post" action="https://app.getresponse.com/add_contact_webform_v2.html?u=' . $akash . '&webforms_id=' . $grcode . '">
                                                                     <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="http://developerup.com/123" />';
                    } elseif ($active_ar == 'aweber') {
                        $content .= '<form method="post" id="subscriptionForm" target="_top" action="http://www.aweber.com/scripts/addlead.pl" onsubmit="PreventExitSplash = true;">
                                                            <input type="hidden" name="meta_web_form_id" value="" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" name="meta_split_id" value="" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" name="listname" value="' . $aweber_list . '" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" id="weber_id" name="redirect" value="" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" id="weber_metaid" name="meta_redirect_onlist" value="" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" name="meta_message" value="1" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" name="meta_required" value="email" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" name="meta_tooltip" value="" />';
                    } elseif ($active_ar == 'mailchimp') {
                        $content .= '<div style="display:none" id="form_holder">
                                                                <iframe name="grcode" id="mccode" style="display:none"></iframe>';
                        $content .= $mc_list;
                        $content .= '</div>
                                                    <form id="subscriptionForm" action="#">';
                    } elseif ($active_ar == 'other') {
                        $content .= '<div style="display:none" id="form_holder">
                                                                <iframe name="otcode" id="mccode" style="display:none"></iframe>';
                        $content .= $other_list;
                        $content .= '</div>
                                                        <form id="subscriptionForm" action="#">';
                if ($social->include_field != 0) {
                    $content .= '<div class="form-group">
                                                    <input type="text" class="form-control" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name here" id="sub-form-name" />
                if ($active_ar == "betaGetresponse") {
                    $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="webform_id" value="' . $grcode . '" />';
                    $content .= '<div class="form-group">
                                                    <input type="email" class="form-control" name="webform[email]" placeholder="Enter your email here" id="sub-form-email">
                                                    <button class="btn popup_yello_btn" type="submit" name="save" id="savebtn">' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p2s2buttontext) . '</button>
                } else {
                    $content .= '<div class="form-group">
                                                    <input type="email" class="form-control" name="email" placeholder="Enter your email here" id="sub-form-email">
                                                    <button class="btn popup_yello_btn" type="submit" name="save" id="savebtn">' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p2s2buttontext) . '</button>
                $content .= $popup_details->p2s1sign == 1 ? '<p class="its_free_text"><i>(it’s free!)</i></p>' : '';
                $content .= '</div>
                                            <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                            <div class="popup_st2_border1"></div>
                                <!-- step 2 end -->
            if ($social->popup_style == 3) {
                $content .= '<div class="modal fade" id="popup_style3" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
                    <div class="modal-dialog">
                        <div class="modal-content">
                            <div class="modal-body popup_wrapper_3 card" style="width:600px; height:auto; padding:15px;">
                                <a href="#" class="close_btn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"></a> 
                                <!-- step 1 start -->
                                <div class="front popup_in_cont_wrap" style="background:white;">
                                    <div class="row">
                                        <div class="popup_style_3_step1_wrap">
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                                                <h2>' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p3s1subheadline) . '</h2>
                                                <div class="form-inline">

                                                    <div class="form-group">

                                                        <button class="btn popup_green_btn" id="flip-btn">' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p3s1yesbutton) . '</button>';
                $content .= $popup_details->p3s1sign == 1 ? '<p class="its_free_text"><i>(it’s free!)</i></p>' : '';
                $content .= '
                                                        <div class="form-group pull-right">
                                                            <button class="btn popup_gray_btn">' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p3s1nobutton) . '</button>
                                            <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                <!-- step 1 end -->
                                <!-- step 2 start -->
                                <div class="back popup_in_cont_wrap" style="background:white;">
                                    <div class="row">
                                        <div class="popup_style_3_step2_wrap">
                                            <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12">
                                                <h3>' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p3s2headline) . '</h3>
                                                <p class="text-center">' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p3s2subheadline) . '</p>';
                if ($active_ar == "getresponse") {
                    $content .= '<iframe name="grcode" id="grcode" style="display:none"></iframe><form id="subscriptionForm" target="grcode" method="post" action="https://app.getresponse.com/add_contact_webform.html?u=' . $akash . '">
                                                                     <input type="hidden" name="webform_id" value="' . $grcode . '" />
                                                                     <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="http://developerup.com/123" />';
                } else {
                    if ($active_ar == "betaGetresponse") {
                        $content .= '<iframe name="grcode" id="grcode" style="display:none"></iframe><form id="subscriptionForm" target="grcode" method="post" action="https://app.getresponse.com/add_contact_webform_v2.html?u=' . $akash . '&webforms_id=' . $grcode . '">
                                                                     <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="http://developerup.com/123" />';
                    } elseif ($active_ar == 'aweber') {
                        $content .= '<form method="post" id="subscriptionForm" target="_top" action="http://www.aweber.com/scripts/addlead.pl" onsubmit="PreventExitSplash = true;">
                                                            <input type="hidden" name="meta_web_form_id" value="" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" name="meta_split_id" value="" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" name="listname" value="' . $aweber_list . '" />
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                                                            <input type="hidden" id="weber_metaid" name="meta_redirect_onlist" value="" />
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                                                            <input type="hidden" name="meta_required" value="email" />
                                                            <input type="hidden" name="meta_tooltip" value="" />';
                    } elseif ($active_ar == 'mailchimp') {
                        $content .= '<div style="display:none" id="form_holder">
                                                                <iframe name="grcode" id="mccode" style="display:none"></iframe>';
                        $content .= $mc_list;
                        $content .= '</div>
                                                    <form id="subscriptionForm" action="#">';
                    } elseif ($active_ar == 'other') {
                        $content .= '<div style="display:none" id="form_holder">
                                                                <iframe name="otcode" id="mccode" style="display:none"></iframe>';
                        $content .= $other_list;
                        $content .= '</div>
                                                        <form id="subscriptionForm" action="#">';
                if ($social->include_field != 0) {
                    $content .= '<div class="form-group">
                                                        <input type="text" class="form-control" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name here" id="sub-form-name"/>
                if ($active_ar == "betaGetresponse") {
                    $content .= '<div class="form-group">
                                                    <input type="email" class="form-control" name="webform[email]" placeholder="Enter your email here"  id="sub-form-email">
                                                 <center><button class="btn popup_yello_btn" type="submit" name="save" id="savebtn">' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p3s2buttontext) . '</button></center>
                } else {
                    $content .= '<div class="form-group">
                                                    <input type="email" class="form-control" name="email" placeholder="Enter your email here"  id="sub-form-email">
                                                 <center><button class="btn popup_yello_btn" type="submit" name="save" id="savebtn">' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p3s2buttontext) . '</button></center>
                $content .= $popup_details->p3s1sign == 1 ? '<p class="its_free_text"><i>(it’s free!)</i></p>' : '';
                $content .= '</div>
                                            <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                <!-- step 2 end -->
            if ($social->popup_style == 4) {
                $content .= '<div class="modal fade" id="popup_style4" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
                      <div class="modal-dialog">
                        <div class="modal-content" style="background:none;">
                          <div class="modal-body popup_wrapper_4 card" style="height:auto; width:600px;">
                                <!-- step 1 start -->

                                <div class="front" style="background:#e05b49;">
                                    <div class="modal-header">
                                        <a href="#" class="close_btn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"></a> 
                                        <h4 class="modal-title">' . stripcslashes($popup_details->s1headline4) . '</h4>
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                                        <p>' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p4s1subheadline) . '</p>
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                $content .= $popup_details->p4s1sign == 1 ? '<p class="its_free_text"><i>(it’s free!)</i></p>' : '';
                $content .= '</footer>
                                <!-- step 1 end -->
                                <!-- step 2 start -->
                                <div class="back" style="background:#e05b49;">
                                    <div class="modal-header">
                                        <a href="#" class="close_btn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"></a> 
                                        <h4 class="modal-title">' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p4s2headline) . '</h4>
                                    <div class="modal-body">
                                        <p>' . stripcslashes($popup_details->p4s2subheadline) . '</p>
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