Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: tree.php Projeto: trk/ionize
  * Serves the tree browser
 public function browser()
     // Menus : All menus
     $menus = $this->menu_model->get_list(array('order_by' => 'ordering ASC'));
     $this->template['menus'] = $menus;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: page.php Projeto: trk/ionize
  * When called, reloads the Page Edition panel
  * @param   int    $id_page
 protected function _reload_panel($id_page)
     $page = $this->page_model->get_by_id($id_page, Settings::get_lang('default'));
     $page['menu'] = $this->menu_model->get($page['id_menu']);
     $title = empty($page['title']) ? $page['name'] : $page['title'];
     $this->callback[] = array('fn' => 'ION.splitPanel', 'args' => array('urlMain' => admin_url(TRUE) . 'page/edit/' . $id_page, 'urlOptions' => admin_url(TRUE) . 'page/get_options/' . $id_page, 'title' => lang('ionize_title_edit_page') . ' : ' . $title));
     $this->callback[] = array('fn' => $page['menu']['name'] . 'Tree.updateElement', 'args' => array($page, 'page'));
Exemplo n.º 3
function get_menu($filter)
    $permisos = new Permiso_model();
    $menu = $permisos->listar($filter);
    $filamenu = "";
    if (count($menu) > 0) {
        foreach ($menu as $indice => $value) {
            if ($value->MENU_Codigo_Padre == 1) {
                $filamenu .= "<li>";
                $filamenu .= "<a href='#'>" . $value->MENU_Descripcion . "</a>";
                $filamenu .= "<ul>";
                foreach ($menu as $indice2 => $value2) {
                    if ($value2->MENU_Codigo_Padre == $value->MENU_Codigo) {
                        $filamenu .= "<li>";
                        $filamenu .= "<a href='" . ($value2->MENU_Url != "#" ? base_url() . $value2->MENU_Url : "#") . "'>" . $value2->MENU_Descripcion . "</a>";
                        $submenu = "";
                        foreach ($menu as $item3 => $value3) {
                            if ($value3->MENU_Codigo_Padre == $value2->MENU_Codigo) {
                                $submenu .= "<li><a href='" . ($value3->MENU_Url != "#" ? base_url() . $value3->MENU_Url : "#") . "'>" . $value3->MENU_Descripcion . "</a></li>";
                        if ($submenu != "") {
                            $filamenu .= "<ul>" . $submenu . "</ul>";
                        $filamenu .= "</li>";
                $filamenu .= "</ul>";
                $filamenu .= "</li>";
    } else {
        $permisos = new Menu_model();
        $filter = new stdClass();
        $filter->codigo = 1;
        $menu = $permisos->listar($filter);
        foreach ($menu as $indice => $value) {
            $filamenu .= "<li>";
            $filamenu .= "<a href='#'>" . $value->MENU_Descripcion . "</a>";
            $filamenu .= "</li>";
    return $filamenu;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: menu.php Projeto: trk/ionize
  * Delete a menu
  * @param	string		menu ID
 public function delete($id)
     $affected_rows = $this->menu_model->delete($id);
     if ($affected_rows > 0) {
         // Answer send
     } else {
         // Answer send
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Show pages
  * As default display public area pages
  * Display all child pages of a given page
  * If the page is the home of the area, then you also view the home
  * @param   integer $id_area Area ID
  * @param   string  $lang language code
  * @param   string  $xfrom page URL of origin
  * @return  void
 public function index($id_area, $lang = '', $xfrom = 'home')
     $area = new Area_model();
     list($id_area, $areas) = $area->get_my_areas($id_area);
     // initialize parameters
     $lang = empty($lang) ? X4Route_core::$lang : $lang;
     $xfrom = str_replace('§', '/', urldecode($xfrom));
     // load dictionary
     $view = new X4View_core('container');
     // content
     $view->content = new X4View_core('pages/pages');
     //$view->page = $this->get_page('pages');
     // content
     $mod = new Page_model($id_area, $lang);
     $view->content->id_area = $id_area;
     $view->content->lang = $lang;
     $view->content->xfrom = $xfrom;
     $view->content->area = $mod->get_var($id_area, 'areas', 'name');
     $obj = $mod->get_page($xfrom);
     $view->content->page = $obj ? $obj : new Page_obj($id_area, $lang);
     $page = $this->get_page('pages');
     $navbar = array($this->site->get_bredcrumb($page), array('areas' => 'index'));
     $view->content->navbar = $navbar;
     // referer
     $view->content->referer = urlencode('pages/index/' . $id_area . '/' . $lang . '/' . $xfrom);
     // pages to show
     $view->content->pages = $mod->get_pages($xfrom, $view->content->page->deep);
     // available menus
     $mod = new Menu_model();
     $view->content->menus = $mod->get_menus($id_area, '', 'id');
     // language switcher
     $lang = new Language_model();
     $view->content->langs = $lang->get_languages();
     // area switcher
     $view->content->areas = $areas;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Reloads the Edition panel
  * @param	int		$id_page
  * @param	int		$id_article
 protected function _reload_panel($id_page, $id_article)
     $page = $this->page_model->get_by_id($id_page);
     $id_menu = array_key_exists('id_menu', $page) ? (int) $page['id_menu'] : 0;
     $page['menu'] = $this->menu_model->get($id_menu);
     // Main data
     $article = $this->article_model->get_by_id($id_article);
     $article_lang = $this->article_model->get_by_id($id_article, Settings::get_lang('default'));
     $title = empty($article_lang['title']) ? $article_lang['name'] : $article_lang['title'];
     // Correcting some lang data
     $article_lang['online'] = $article['online'];
     $this->callback[] = array('fn' => 'ION.splitPanel', 'args' => array('urlMain' => admin_url(TRUE) . 'article/edit/' . $id_page . '.' . $id_article, 'urlOptions' => admin_url(TRUE) . 'article/get_options/' . $id_page . '.' . $id_article, 'title' => lang('ionize_title_edit_article') . ' : ' . $title));
     $this->callback[] = array('fn' => array_key_exists('name', $page['menu']) ? $page['menu']['name'] . 'Tree.updateElement' : '', 'args' => array($article_lang, 'article'));
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function salvar_ordem()
     $iditem = $this->input->post('iditem');
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($iditem as $id) {
         $menu_model = new Menu_model();
         $menu_model->ordem = $i++;
         if (!$menu_model->salvar(FALSE)) {
             $this->session->set_flashdata('alerta', 'error_save');
             redirect($this->control_url . '/busca');
     $this->session->set_flashdata('alerta', 'success_save');
     redirect($this->control_url . '/busca');
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Install a plugin
  * @param integer	$id_area Area ID
  * @param string	$plugin_name Plugin name
  * @return  void
 public function install($id_area, $plugin_name)
     $msg = null;
     // check permission
     $msg = AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], '_module_install', 0, 4);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         $qs = X4Route_core::get_query_string();
         // load global dictionary
         // install the plugin
         $mod = new X4Plugin_model();
         $result = $mod->install($id_area, $plugin_name);
         // the result is an array only if an error occurred
         if (is_array($result) && !empty($result)) {
             // build msg
             $str = array();
             foreach ($result as $i) {
                 $str[] = $i['label'] . _TRAIT_ . $this->dict->get_word(strtoupper($i['error'][0]), 'msg');
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg(false, '', implode('<br />', $str));
         } else {
             // set message
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg(true);
             // installed
             if ($result) {
                 $area = $mod->get_by_id($id_area, 'areas', 'name');
                 // add permission
                 $mod = new Permission_model();
                 $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result, 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                 $result = $mod->pexec('modules', $array, $id_area);
                 // refresh deep, xpos and ordinal
                 $mod = new Menu_model();
                 $mod->ordinal(1, X4Route_core::$lang, 'modules', 'A0021005');
                 $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'topic', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'modules/index/' . $id_area . '/' . $area->name, 'title' => null);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function drpdwn_menu($object, $selected_id = 0, $drpdwn_name, $are_disabled = '')
     $drpdwn = "<select  class='input_pr'  name='{$drpdwn_name}' id='{$drpdwn_name}' {$are_disabled}>";
     $drpdwn = $drpdwn . "<option value='0'></option>";
     $menu_model = new Menu_model();
     $arr = $menu_model->get_all($object->table, $selected_id);
     foreach ($arr as $record) {
         $are_selected = "";
         if ($selected_id == $record->id) {
             $are_selected = "selected='selected'";
         if ($object->lang->lang() == 'ar') {
             $title = $record->title_ar;
         } else {
             $title = $record->title;
         $drpdwn = $drpdwn . "<option value='" . $record->id . "' {$are_selected}>{$title}</option>";
     $drpdwn = $drpdwn . "</select>";
     echo $drpdwn;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Refresh menu order
  * Called via Ajax
  * @param   integer $id Page ID
  * @param   integer	$holder Menu ID
  * @param   string 	$orders Encoded string, for each menu you have a section, each section contains the list of Page ID in menu
  * @return  void
 public function menu($id, $holder, $orders)
     $msg = null;
     if (!is_null($id) && is_numeric($id)) {
         // check permission
         $msg = AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], 'pages', $id, 3);
         if (is_null($msg)) {
             // refresh order
             $menu = new Menu_model();
             $result = $menu->menu($id, substr($holder, 1), $orders);
             // set message
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Register Edit / New Area form data
  * @access	private
  * @param   integer $id item ID (if 0 then is a new item)
  * @param   array 	$_post _POST array
  * @return  void
 private function editing($id, $_post)
     $msg = null;
     // check permissions
     $msg = $id ? AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], 'areas', $id, 2) : AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], '_area_creation', 0, 4);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         // handle _post
         $post = array('lang' => $_post['lang'], 'name' => X4Utils_helper::unspace($_post['name']), 'title' => $_post['title'], 'description' => $_post['description'], 'id_theme' => $_post['id_theme'], 'private' => intval(isset($_post['private'])) && $_post['private'], 'folder' => $_post['folder']);
         $mod = new Area_model();
         // check if area name already exists
         $check = (bool) $mod->exists($post['name'], $id);
         if ($check) {
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg(false, '', $this->dict->get_word('_AREA_ALREADY_EXISTS', 'msg'));
         } else {
             // Redirect checker
             $redirect = false;
             // enable logs
             if (LOGS && DEVEL) {
             // update or insert
             if ($id) {
                 $result = $mod->update($id, $post);
                 if ($id == 1 && X4Route_core::$lang != $post['lang']) {
                     $redirect = true;
             } else {
                 $result = $mod->insert($post);
                 // create permissions
                 if ($result[1]) {
                     $id = $result[0];
                     $perm = new Permission_model();
                     // aprivs permissions
                     $domain = X4Utils_helper::obj2array($perm->get_aprivs($_SESSION['xuid']), null, 'id_area');
                     $domain[] = $result[0];
                     $res = $perm->set_aprivs($_SESSION['xuid'], $domain);
                     // privs permissions
                     $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $id, 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                     $res = $perm->pexec('areas', $array, $id);
             if ($result[1]) {
                 // refresh languages related to area
                 $lang = new Language_model();
                 $lang->set_alang($id, $_post['languages'], $_post['lang']);
                 // update theme settings
                 if ($_post['id'] && $_post['id_theme'] != $_post['old_id_theme']) {
                     $menu = new Menu_model();
                     // reset tpl, css, id_menu, ordinal
                     $result = $menu->reset($_post['id']);
                     $langs = $lang->get_languages();
                     // restore ordinal
                     foreach ($langs as $i) {
                         $menu->ordinal($_post['id'], $i->code, 'home', 'A');
                 if (APC) {
             // set message
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
             // set what update
             if ($result[1]) {
                 if ($redirect) {
                     X4Route_core::redirect($this->site->site->domain . '/admin');
                 } else {
                     $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'topic', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'areas', 'title' => null);