Exemplo n.º 1
	 * Constructor
	 * @param Controller $controller The parent controller, necessary to
	 *                               create the appropriate form action tag.
	 * @param string $name The method on the controller that will return this
	 *                     form object.
	 * @param FieldSet|FormField $fields All of the fields in the form - a
	 *                                   {@link FieldSet} of {@link FormField}
	 *                                   objects.
	 * @param FieldSet|FormAction $actions All of the action buttons in the
	 *                                     form - a {@link FieldSet} of
	 *                                     {@link FormAction} objects
	 * @param bool $checkCurrentUser If set to TRUE, it will be checked if a
	 *                               the user is currently logged in, and if
	 *                               so, only a logout button will be rendered
	 * @param string $authenticatorClassName Name of the authenticator class that this form uses.
	function __construct($controller, $name, $fields = null, $actions = null,
											 $checkCurrentUser = true) {

		// This is now set on the class directly to make it easier to create subclasses
		// $this->authenticator_class = $authenticatorClassName;

		$customCSS = project() . '/css/member_login.css';
		if(Director::fileExists($customCSS)) {
		// Focus on the email input when the page is loaded
				$(document).ready(function() {
					$('#Email input').focus();

		if(isset($_REQUEST['BackURL'])) {
			$backURL = $_REQUEST['BackURL'];
		} else {
			$backURL = Session::get('BackURL');

		if($checkCurrentUser && Member::currentUserID()) {
			$fields = new FieldSet();
			$actions = new FieldSet(new FormAction("logout", _t('Member.BUTTONLOGINOTHER', "Log in as someone else")));
		} else {
			if(!$fields) {
				$fields = new FieldSet(
					new HiddenField("AuthenticationMethod", null, $this->authenticator_class, $this),
					new TextField("Email", _t('Member.EMAIL', 'Email'), Session::get('SessionForms.MemberLoginForm.Email'), null, $this),
					new PasswordField("Password", _t('Member.PASSWORD', 'Password'))
				if(Security::$autologin_enabled) {
					$fields->push(new CheckboxField(
						_t('Member.REMEMBERME', "Remember me next time?")
			if(!$actions) {
				$actions = new FieldSet(
					new FormAction('dologin', _t('Member.BUTTONLOGIN', "Log in")),
					new LiteralField(
						'<p id="ForgotPassword"><a href="Security/lostpassword">' . _t('Member.BUTTONLOSTPASSWORD', "I've lost my password") . '</a></p>'

		if(isset($backURL)) {
			$fields->push(new HiddenField('BackURL', 'BackURL', $backURL));

		parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions);
  * If profile editing is disabled, but the current user can add members,
  * just link directly to the add action.
  * @param string $action
 public function Link($action = null)
     if (!$action && Member::currentUserID() && !$this->AllowProfileEditing && $this->CanAddMembers()) {
         $action = 'add';
     return parent::Link($action);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Set the owner automatically if needed
 protected function onBeforeWrite()
     if (!$this->OwnerID) {
         $this->OwnerID = Member::currentUserID();
  * This does not actually perform any validation, but just creates the
  * initial registration object.
 public function validateStep($data, $form)
     $form = $this->getForm();
     $datetime = $form->getController()->getDateTime();
     $confirmation = $datetime->Event()->RegEmailConfirm;
     $registration = $this->getForm()->getSession()->getRegistration();
     // If we require email validation for free registrations, then send
     // out the email and mark the registration. Otherwise immediately
     // mark it as valid.
     if ($confirmation) {
         $email = new Email();
         $config = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
         $registration->TimeID = $datetime->ID;
         $registration->Status = 'Unconfirmed';
         if (Member::currentUserID()) {
             $details = array('Name' => Member::currentUser()->getName(), 'Email' => Member::currentUser()->Email);
         } else {
             $details = $form->getSavedStepByClass('EventRegisterTicketsStep');
             $details = $details->loadData();
         $link = Controller::join_links($this->getForm()->getController()->Link(), 'confirm', $registration->ID, '?token=' . $registration->Token);
         $regLink = Controller::join_links($datetime->Event()->Link(), 'registration', $registration->ID, '?token=' . $registration->Token);
         $email->setSubject(sprintf('Confirm Registration For %s (%s)', $datetime->getTitle(), $config->Title));
         $email->populateTemplate(array('Name' => $details['Name'], 'Registration' => $registration, 'RegLink' => $regLink, 'Title' => $datetime->getTitle(), 'SiteConfig' => $config, 'ConfirmLink' => Director::absoluteURL($link)));
         Session::set("EventRegistration.{$registration->ID}.message", $datetime->Event()->EmailConfirmMessage);
     } else {
         $registration->Status = 'Valid';
     return true;
 public function load($request)
     $response = new SS_HTTPResponse();
     $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     $response->setBody(Convert::array2json(array("_memberID" => Member::currentUserID())));
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function getCMSFields()
     $fields = new FieldList();
     $_REQUEST['entity_survey'] = 1;
     $fields->add(new TextField('EntityName', 'Entity Name (Without Spaces)'));
     $fields->add(new CheckboxField('Enabled', 'Is Enabled?'));
     $fields->add(new CheckboxField('UseTeamEdition', 'Allow Team Edition?'));
     $fields->add(new HiddenField('CreatedByID', 'CreatedByID', Member::currentUserID()));
     $fields->add(new HiddenField('ParentID', 'ParentID'));
     if ($this->ID > 0) {
         $_REQUEST['survey_template_id'] = $this->ID;
         // steps
         $config = GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create();
         $multi_class_selector = new GridFieldAddNewMultiClass();
         $multi_class_selector->setClasses(array('SurveyRegularStepTemplate' => 'Regular Step'));
         $config->addComponent(new GridFieldSortableRows('Order'));
         $gridField = new GridField('Steps', 'Steps', $this->Steps(), $config);
         $config = GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create();
         $multi_class_selector = new GridFieldAddNewMultiClass();
         $migration_mapping_types = array('OldDataModelSurveyMigrationMapping' => 'Old Survey Data Mapping');
         $gridField = new GridField('MigrationMappings', 'Migration Mappings', $this->MigrationMappings(), $config);
     return $fields;
  * If profile editing is disabled, but the current user can add members,
  * just link directly to the add action.
  * @param string $action
 public function Link($action = null)
     if (!$action && Member::currentUserID() && !$this->AllowProfileEditing && $this->AllowAdding && singleton('Member')->canCreate()) {
         $action = 'add';
     return parent::Link($action);
 public function init()
     if (!Member::currentUserID() || !Permission::check($this->config()->access_permission)) {
         return Security::permissionFailure($this);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function init()
     if (!Member::currentUserID()) {
         $this->redirect('Security/login?BackURL=' . $this->getRequest()->getVar('url'));
 public function validateStep($data, $form)
     Session::set("FormInfo.{$form->FormName()}.data", $form->getData());
     $payment = $data['PaymentMethod'];
     $tickets = $this->getForm()->getSavedStepByClass('EventRegisterTicketsStep');
     $total = $tickets->getTotal();
     $registration = $this->form->getSession()->getRegistration();
     if (!is_subclass_of($payment, 'Payment')) {
         return false;
     $payment = new $payment();
     $payment->Amount = $total;
     $payment->PaidForClass = 'EventRegistration';
     $payment->PaidForID = $registration->ID;
     $payment->PaidBy = Member::currentUserID();
     $registration->PaymentID = $payment->ID;
     $result = $payment->processPayment($data, $form);
     if ($result->isProcessing()) {
         throw new SS_HTTPResponse_Exception($result->getValue());
     if (!$result->isSuccess()) {
         $form->sessionMessage($result->getValue(), 'required');
         return false;
     // Write an empty registration object so we have an ID to reference the
     // payment against. This will be populated in the form's finish() method.
     $registration->Status = 'Valid';
     Session::set("EventRegistration.{$registration->ID}.message", strip_tags($payment->Message));
     return true;
  * Controller inititalisation
  * Check if user is logged in, if not redirect to login form
 public function init()
     if (!Member::currentUserID()) {
 public function onBeforeSave()
     if (!$this->ID) {
         $this->AuthorID = Member::currentUserID();
  *	Display the current security token (allowing regeneration for an administrator).
 public function updateEditForm(&$form)
     // Determine whether the security section is being used.
     if ($this->owner instanceof SecurityAdmin) {
         $gridfield = null;
         foreach ($form->fields->items[0]->Tabs()->first()->Fields() as $field) {
             if ($field instanceof GridField) {
                 $gridfield = $field;
     } else {
         $gridfield = $form->fields->items[0];
     if (isset($gridfield) && $gridfield instanceof GridField) {
         // Restrict the security token to administrators.
         $user = Member::currentUserID();
         if (Permission::checkMember($user, 'ADMIN')) {
             Requirements::css(APIWESOME_PATH . '/css/apiwesome.css');
             // Display a confirmation message when regenerating the security token.
             Requirements::javascript(APIWESOME_PATH . '/javascript/apiwesome.js');
             $configuration = $gridfield->config;
             $configuration->addComponent(new APIwesomeTokenView());
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Constructor
  * @param Controller $controller The parent controller, necessary to
  *                               create the appropriate form action tag.
  * @param string $name The method on the controller that will return this
  *                     form object.
  * @param FieldSet|FormField $fields All of the fields in the form - a
  *                                   {@link FieldSet} of {@link FormField}
  *                                   objects.
  * @param FieldSet|FormAction $actions All of the action buttons in the
  *                                     form - a {@link FieldSet} of
  *                                     {@link FormAction} objects
  * @param bool $checkCurrentUser If set to TRUE, it will be checked if a
  *                               the user is currently logged in, and if
  *                               so, only a logout button will be rendered
 function __construct($controller, $name, $fields = null, $actions = null, $checkCurrentUser = true)
     $this->authenticator_class = 'MemberAuthenticator';
     $customCSS = project() . '/css/member_login.css';
     if (Director::fileExists($customCSS)) {
     if (isset($_REQUEST['BackURL'])) {
         $backURL = $_REQUEST['BackURL'];
     } else {
         $backURL = Session::get('BackURL');
     if ($checkCurrentUser && Member::currentUserID()) {
         $fields = new FieldSet();
         $actions = new FieldSet(new FormAction("logout", _t('Member.BUTTONLOGINOTHER', "Log in as someone else")));
     } else {
         if (!$fields) {
             $fields = new FieldSet(new HiddenField("AuthenticationMethod", null, $this->authenticator_class, $this), new TextField("Email", _t('Member.EMAIL'), Session::get('SessionForms.MemberLoginForm.Email'), null, $this), new EncryptField("Password", _t('Member.PASSWORD'), null, $this), new CheckboxField("Remember", _t('Member.REMEMBERME', "Remember me next time?"), Session::get('SessionForms.MemberLoginForm.Remember'), $this));
         if (!$actions) {
             $actions = new FieldSet(new FormAction("dologin", _t('Member.BUTTONLOGIN', "Log in")), new FormAction("forgotPassword", _t('Member.BUTTONLOSTPASSWORD', "I've lost my password")));
     if (isset($backURL)) {
         $fields->push(new HiddenField('BackURL', 'BackURL', $backURL));
     parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions);
  * Attempt to login
  * @param {stdClass} $data Data passed from ActionScript
  * @return {array} Returns a standard response array
 public function login($data)
     $response = CodeBank_ClientAPI::responseBase();
     $response['login'] = true;
     //Try to login
     $member = MemberAuthenticator::authenticate(array('Email' => $data->user, 'Password' => $data->pass));
     if ($member instanceof Member && $member->ID != 0 && Permission::check('CODE_BANK_ACCESS', 'any', $member)) {
         try {
             $ipAgrement = CodeBankConfig::CurrentConfig()->IPAgreement;
             //Get preferences
             $prefs = new stdClass();
             $prefs->heartbeat = $member->UseHeartbeat;
             //Set the response to HELO
             $response['status'] = 'HELO';
             $response['message'] = _t('CodeBankAPI.WELCOME_USER', '_Welcome {user}', array('user' => htmlentities($member->Name)));
             //Set the message to "Welcome ...."
             $response['data'] = array('id' => Member::currentUserID(), 'hasIPAgreement' => !empty($ipAgrement), 'preferences' => $prefs, 'isAdmin' => Permission::check('ADMIN') !== false, 'displayName' => trim($member->Name) == '' ? $member->Email : trim($member->Name));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             //Something happend on the server
             $response['status'] = 'EROR';
             $response['message'] = _t('CodeBankAPI.SERVER_ERROR', '_Server error has occured, please try again later');
     } else {
         //Bad username/pass combo
         $response['status'] = 'EROR';
         $response['message'] = _t('CodeBankAPI.INVALID_LOGIN', '_Invalid Login');
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 16
     * Constructor
     * @param Controller $controller The parent controller, necessary to
     *                               create the appropriate form action tag.
     * @param string $name The method on the controller that will return this
     *                     form object.
     * @param FieldSet|FormField $fields All of the fields in the form - a
     *                                   {@link FieldSet} of {@link FormField}
     *                                   objects.
     * @param FieldSet|FormAction $actions All of the action buttons in the
     *                                     form - a {@link FieldSet} of
     *                                     {@link FormAction} objects
     * @param bool $checkCurrentUser If set to TRUE, it will be checked if a
     *                               the user is currently logged in, and if
     *                               so, only a logout button will be rendered
    function __construct($controller, $name, $fields = null, $actions = null, $checkCurrentUser = true)
        $this->authenticator_class = 'OpenIDAuthenticator';
        if (isset($_REQUEST['BackURL'])) {
            $backURL = $_REQUEST['BackURL'];
        } else {
            $backURL = Session::get('BackURL');
        if ($checkCurrentUser && Member::currentUserID()) {
            $fields = new FieldSet();
            $actions = new FieldSet(new FormAction("logout", _t('Member.BUTTONLOGINOTHER')));
        } else {
            if (!$fields) {
                $fields = new FieldSet(new LiteralField("OpenIDDescription", _t('OpenIDLoginForm.DESC', '<div id="OpenIDDescription"><p>OpenID is an Internet-wide identity system
		  					that allows you to sign in to many websites with a single account.
							For more information visit <a href="http://openid.net">openid.net</a>.</p></div>
						')), new HiddenField("AuthenticationMethod", null, $this->authenticator_class, $this), new TextField("OpenIDURL", _t('OpenIDLoginForm.URL', "OpenID URL"), Session::get('SessionForms.OpenIDLoginForm.OpenIDURL'), null, $this), new CheckboxField("Remember", _t('Member.REMEMBERME'), Session::get('SessionForms.OpenIDLoginForm.Remember'), $this));
            if (!$actions) {
                $actions = new FieldSet(new FormAction("dologin", _t('Member.BUTTONLOGIN')));
        if (isset($backURL)) {
            $fields->push(new HiddenField('BackURL', 'BackURL', $backURL));
        parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions);
 protected function onBeforeWrite()
     if ($this->getIdentifier() === 0) {
         $this->OwnerID = Member::currentUserID();
 function doSave($data, $form)
     if (isset($data['Password']) && is_array($data['Password'])) {
         $data['Password'] = $data['Password']['_Password'];
     // We need to ensure that the unique field is never overwritten
     $uniqueField = Member::get_unique_identifier_field();
     if (isset($data[$uniqueField])) {
         $SQL_unique = Convert::raw2sql($data[$uniqueField]);
         $existingUniqueMember = Member::get()->filter(array($uniqueField => $SQL_unique))->first();
         if ($existingUniqueMember && $existingUniqueMember->exists()) {
             if (Member::currentUserID() != $existingUniqueMember->ID) {
                 die("current member does not match enrolled member.");
                 return false;
     $member = Member::currentUser();
     if (!$member) {
         $member = new Member();
     $arrayExtraFields = array();
     if (isset($data["SelectedOption"])) {
         $arrayExtraFields["SelectedOption"] = $data["SelectedOption"];
     if (isset($data["BookingCode"])) {
         $arrayExtraFields["BookingCode"] = $data["BookingCode"];
     $this->controller->addAttendee($member, $arrayExtraFields);
  * @param Order $order
  * @param array $data
  * @throws ValidationException
 public function validateData(Order $order, array $data)
     $result = ValidationResult::create();
     $existingID = !empty($data[$this->addresstype . "AddressID"]) ? (int) $data[$this->addresstype . "AddressID"] : 0;
     if ($existingID) {
         // If existing address selected, check that it exists in $member->AddressBook
         if (!Member::currentUserID() || !Member::currentUser()->AddressBook()->byID($existingID)) {
             $result->error("Invalid address supplied", $this->addresstype . "AddressID");
             throw new ValidationException($result);
     } else {
         // Otherwise, require the normal address fields
         $required = parent::getRequiredFields($order);
         $addressLabels = singleton('Address')->fieldLabels(false);
         foreach ($required as $fieldName) {
             if (empty($data[$fieldName])) {
                 // attempt to get the translated field name
                 $fieldLabel = isset($addressLabels[$fieldName]) ? $addressLabels[$fieldName] : $fieldName;
                 $errorMessage = _t('Form.FIELDISREQUIRED', '{name} is required', array('name' => $fieldLabel));
                 $result->error($errorMessage, $fieldName);
                 throw new ValidationException($result);
 public function onBeforeWrite()
     if ($this->owner->CreatorID == 0) {
         $this->owner->CreatorID = Member::currentUserID();
     $this->owner->LastEditorID = Member::currentUserID();
Exemplo n.º 21
 public function handleGetAllPresentations(SS_HTTPRequest $r)
     $limit = $r->getVar('limit') ?: 50;
     if ($limit > 50) {
         $limit = 50;
     $start = $r->getVar('page') ?: 0;
     $presentations = Member::currentUser() ? Member::currentUser()->getRandomisedPresentations() : Presentation::get()->filter(array('SummitEvent.SummitID' => Summit::get_active()->ID));
     if ($r->getVar('category')) {
         $presentations = $presentations->filter('CategoryID', (int) $r->getVar('category'));
     if ($r->getVar('keyword')) {
         $k = $r->getVar('keyword');
         $presentations = $presentations->filterAny(array('Title:PartialMatch' => $k, 'Description:PartialMatch' => $k, 'Speakers.FirstName:PartialMatch' => $k, 'Speakers.LastName:PartialMatch' => $k));
     if ($r->getVar('voted') == "true") {
         $presentations = $presentations->leftJoin("PresentationVote", "PresentationVote.PresentationID = Presentation.ID")->where("IFNULL(PresentationVote.MemberID,0) = " . Member::currentUserID());
     if ($r->getVar('voted') == "false") {
         $presentations = $presentations->leftJoin("PresentationVote", "PresentationVote.PresentationID = Presentation.ID")->where("IFNULL(PresentationVote.MemberID,0) != " . Member::currentUserID());
     $count = $presentations->count();
     $presentations = $presentations->limit($limit, $start * $limit);
     $data = array('results' => array(), 'has_more' => $count > $limit * ($start + 1), 'total' => $count, 'remaining' => $count - $limit * ($start + 1));
     foreach ($presentations as $p) {
         $data['results'][] = array('id' => $p->ID, 'title' => $p->Title, 'user_vote' => $p->getUserVote() ? $p->getUserVote()->Vote : null);
     return (new SS_HTTPResponse(Convert::array2json($data), 200))->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
  * constructor
  * @param Controller $controller  the controller object
  * @param array      $params      additional parameters
  * @param array      $preferences array with preferences
  * @param bool       $barebone    is the form initialized completely?
  * @return void
  * @author Sebastian Diel <*****@*****.**>,
  *         Sascha Koehler <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 15.11.2014
 public function __construct($controller, $params = null, $preferences = null, $barebone = false)
     parent::__construct($controller, $params, $preferences, $barebone);
     if (!$barebone) {
          * redirect a user if his cart is empty and no order exists
         $checkoutData = $this->controller->getCombinedStepData();
         if (!SilvercartCustomer::currentUser() || !SilvercartCustomer::currentUser()->getCart()->isFilled() && !array_key_exists('orderId', $checkoutData)) {
             $frontPage = SilvercartPage_Controller::PageByIdentifierCode();
         if (Member::currentUserID() > 0) {
             foreach ($this->getAllowedPaymentMethods() as $paymentMethod) {
                 if ($paymentMethod->getNestedFormName()) {
                     $formName = $paymentMethod->getNestedFormName();
                 } else {
                     $formName = "SilvercartCheckoutFormStep4DefaultPayment";
                 $params = array('PaymentMethod' => $paymentMethod->ID);
                 $preferences = array('submitButtonTitle' => sprintf(_t('SilvercartCheckoutFormStep4.CHOOSE_PAYMENT_METHOD', 'I want to pay with %s'), $paymentMethod->Name));
                 $registeredNestedForm = new $formName($this->controller, $params, $preferences, $barebone);
                 $this->registerCustomHtmlForm($formName . $paymentMethod->ID, $registeredNestedForm);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function BillingHistory()
     $billingHistory = new ArrayList();
     $orders = Order::get()->filter(array('MemberID' => Member::currentUserID(), 'OrderStatus' => 'c'))->sort('Created');
     foreach ($orders as $order) {
         $productId = $order->ProductID;
         if (($productId == 1 || $productId == 2 || $productId == 3) && $order->IsTrial == 1) {
             $productDesc = 'First Month Trial';
         } else {
             $product = Product::get()->byID($productId);
             $productDesc = $product->Name;
         $creditCard = $order->CreditCard();
         $ccNumber = 'XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-' . substr($creditCard->CreditCardNumber, -4);
         $orderDetails = array('Date' => $order->Created, 'Description' => $productDesc, 'CCType' => strtoupper($creditCard->CreditCardType), 'CCNumber' => $ccNumber, 'Amount' => $order->Amount);
         $billingHistory->push(new ArrayData($orderDetails));
     $memBillHistory = MemberBillingHistory::get()->filter('MemberID', Member::currentUserID())->sort('Created');
     foreach ($memBillHistory as $history) {
         $creditCard = $history->CreditCard();
         $ccNumber = 'XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-' . substr($creditCard->CreditCardNumber, -4);
         $details = array('Date' => $history->Created, 'Description' => $history->Product()->Name, 'CCType' => strtoupper($creditCard->CreditCardType), 'CCNumber' => $ccNumber, 'Amount' => $history->Product()->RecurringPrice);
         $billingHistory->push(new ArrayData($details));
     $sortedBillingHistory = $billingHistory->sort('Date');
     return $sortedBillingHistory;
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function onBeforeWrite()
     if (!$this->AuthorID) {
         $this->AuthorID = Member::currentUserID();
  *	Attempt to regenerate the current security token.
 public function regenerateToken()
     // Restrict this functionality to administrators.
     $user = Member::currentUserID();
     if (Permission::checkMember($user, 'ADMIN')) {
         // Attempt to create a random hash.
         $regeneration = $this->service->generateHash();
         if ($regeneration) {
             // Instantiate the new security token.
             $token = APIwesomeToken::create();
             $token->Hash = $regeneration['hash'];
             $token->AdministratorID = $user;
             // Temporarily use the session to display the new security token key.
             Session::set('APIwesomeToken', "{$regeneration['key']}:{$regeneration['salt']}");
         } else {
             // Log the failed security token regeneration.
             SS_Log::log('APIwesome security token regeneration failed.', SS_Log::ERR);
             Session::set('APIwesomeToken', -1);
         // Determine where the request came from.
         $from = $this->getRequest()->getVar('from');
         $redirect = $from ? $from : 'admin/json-xml/';
         return $this->redirect($redirect);
     } else {
         return $this->httpError(404);
 public function transition($request)
     if (!Member::currentUserID()) {
         return Security::permissionFailure($this, _t('AdvancedWorkflowActionController.ACTION_ERROR', "You must be logged in"));
     $id = $this->request->requestVar('id');
     $transition = $this->request->requestVar('transition');
     $instance = DataObject::get_by_id('WorkflowInstance', (int) $id);
     if ($instance && $instance->canEdit()) {
         $transition = DataObject::get_by_id('WorkflowTransition', (int) $transition);
         if ($transition) {
             if ($this->request->requestVar('comments')) {
                 $action = $instance->CurrentAction();
                 $action->Comment = $this->request->requestVar('comments');
             singleton('WorkflowService')->executeTransition($instance->getTarget(), $transition->ID);
             $result = array('success' => true, 'link' => $instance->getTarget()->AbsoluteLink());
             if (Director::is_ajax()) {
                 return Convert::raw2json($result);
             } else {
                 return $this->redirect($instance->getTarget()->Link());
     if (Director::is_ajax()) {
         $result = array('success' => false);
         return Convert::raw2json($result);
     } else {
  * Send email to subscribers, notifying them the thread has been created or post added.
 public function notifySubscribers()
     // all members id except current user
     $member_id = Member::currentUserID();
     $list = DataObject::get("Forum_Subscribers", "\"ForumID\" = '" . $this->owner->ForumID . "' AND \"MemberID\" != '{$member_id}'");
     if ($list) {
         foreach ($list as $obj) {
             $SQL_id = Convert::raw2sql((int) $obj->MemberID);
             // Get the members details
             $member = DataObject::get_one("Member", "\"Member\".\"ID\" = '{$SQL_id}'");
             if ($member) {
                 //error_log("email sent ".$member->Email);
                 $type = $obj->Type;
                 switch ($type) {
                     // send all email notification
                     case 'all':
                         // send new thread only email notification
                     // send new thread only email notification
                     case 'thread':
  * Save json content in database
  * @return boolean
 public function saveJson()
     $ExtensionData = new ExtensionData();
     $ExtensionData->SubmittedByID = Member::currentUserID();
     $result = $this->dataFields($ExtensionData);
     return $result;
 public function init()
     if (!$this->currentDashboard) {
         if (Member::currentUserID()) {
             $this->currentDashboard = $this->getDashboard();
     if ($this->currentDashboard && !$this->currentDashboard->checkPerm('View')) {
         if (!Member::currentUserID() && !$this->redirectedTo()) {
             Security::permissionFailure($this, "You must be logged in");
     Requirements::block(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery/jquery.js');
     Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js');
     Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-form/jquery.form.js');
     Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-entwine/dist/jquery.entwine-dist.js');
     Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/jquery-ondemand/jquery.ondemand.js');
     //		Requirements::javascript('frontend-dashboards/javascript/jquery.gridly.js');
     //		Requirements::css('frontend-dashboards/css/jquery.gridly.css');
 public function authenticate(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     $token = $this->getToken($request);
     $user = null;
     if (!Member::currentUserID() && !$this->allowPublicAccess || $token) {
         if (!$token) {
             throw new WebServiceException(403, "Missing token parameter");
         $user = $this->tokenAuthenticator->authenticate($token);
         if (!$user) {
             throw new WebServiceException(403, "Invalid user token");
     } else {
         if ($this->allowSecurityId && Member::currentUserID()) {
             // we check the SecurityID parameter for the current user
             $secParam = SecurityToken::inst()->getName();
             $securityID = $request->requestVar($secParam);
             if ($securityID && $securityID != SecurityToken::inst()->getValue()) {
                 throw new WebServiceException(403, "Invalid security ID");
             $user = Member::currentUser();
     if (!$user && !$this->allowPublicAccess) {
         throw new WebServiceException(403, "Invalid request");
     // now, if we have an hmacValidator in place, use it
     if ($this->hmacValidator && $user) {
         if (!$this->hmacValidator->validateHmac($user, $request)) {
             throw new WebServiceException(403, "Invalid message");
     return true;