Exemplo n.º 1
function convert_base($code, $oldbase, $newbase)
    // take old base an input
    $base = new Math_Basex($oldbase);
    //convert code to base10 decimal number
    $number = $base->toDecimal($code);
    //change to the new base
    //encode the decimal number and return the result to the function
    return $base->toBase($number);

include_once "Math/Basex.php";
// PHASE 1: Simple toBase and toDecimal calls
$base = new Math_Basex("ABCDEF");
echo "Using character set: 'ABCDEF'\n";
echo validateResult("toBase(123456)", $base->toBase(123456), "CDFBDCA");
echo validateResult("toDecimal(\"BADA\")", $base->toDecimal("BADA"), "234");
echo "\n\n";
//PHASE 2: Testing int2
echo "Changing to character base 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'\n";
echo validateResult("int2 (Max 65536) toBase(65432)", $base->toBase(65432), "DSUQ");
echo validateResult("int2 (Max 65536) tobase(67000)  OVERFLOW!", $base->toBase(67000), "DVCY");
//PHASE 3: Testing int4
echo validateResult("int4 (Max 42944967297) toBase(64872767)", $base->toBase(64872767), "FLYZQL");
echo validateResult("int4 (Max 42944967297) tobase(43987654321) OVERFLOW!", $base->toBase(43987654309.0), "FMKGDIOB");
//PHASE $: Testing int8
echo validateResult("int8 (Max 18446744073709551616)" . " toBase(18446744073709551610)", $base->toBase(1844674409510065.0), "NBTNBSZVFVD");
echo validateResult("int8 (Max 18446744073709551616)" . " tobase(18446744073709551618) OVERFLOW!", $base->toBase("18446744098897893117"), "HLHXCZQBGYKMWB");
function validateResult($description, $result, $compareString)
    if ((string) $result == (string) $compareString) {
        $ret = "{$description}\n - PASSED\n";
    } else {
        $ret = "{$description}\n - FAILED - result was {$result}, " . "expecting {$compareString}\n";
    return $ret;