Exemplo n.º 1
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see DetailsPageAbstract::saveItem()
 public function saveItem($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         $product = !isset($param->CallbackParameter->id) ? new Product() : Product::get(trim($param->CallbackParameter->id));
         if (!$product instanceof Product) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid Product passed in!');
         if (!($manufacturer = Manufacturer::get(trim($param->CallbackParameter->manufacturerId))) instanceof Manufacturer) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid Manufacturer/Brand!');
         if (!($status = ProductStatus::get(trim($param->CallbackParameter->statusId))) instanceof ProductStatus) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid Status!');
         $sku = trim($param->CallbackParameter->sku);
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->id) && ($sku === '' || Product::getBySku($sku) instanceof Product)) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid SKU (' . $sku . ') passed in OR already exist.');
         $name = trim($param->CallbackParameter->name);
         $shortDescription = trim($param->CallbackParameter->shortDescription);
         $sellOnWeb = trim($param->CallbackParameter->sellOnWeb) === '1';
         $weight = doubleval(trim($param->CallbackParameter->weight));
         if (trim($product->getId()) === '') {
         $this->_updateFullDescription($product, $param)->_updateCategories($product, $param)->_uploadImages($product, $param)->_setSupplierCodes($product, $param)->_setBarcodes($product, $param)->_setPrices($product, $param)->_setLocation($product, $param);
         $results['url'] = '/product/' . $product->getId() . '.html';
         $results['item'] = $product->getJson();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * create/update product via datafeed.
  * @param array $params
  * @return array
 private function _dataFeedImport($params)
     try {
         $this->_runner->log('dataFeedImport: ', __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__);
         $sku = $this->_getPram($params, 'sku', null, true);
         $name = $this->_getPram($params, 'name', null, true);
         $shortDesc = $this->_getPram($params, 'short_description', $name);
         $fullDesc = $this->_getPram($params, 'description', '');
         $price = StringUtilsAbstract::getValueFromCurrency($this->_getPram($params, 'price', null, true));
         $supplierName = $this->_getPram($params, 'supplier', null, true);
         $supplierCode = $this->_getPram($params, 'supplier_code', null, true);
         $supplier = $this->_getEntityByName($supplierName, 'Supplier');
         if (!$supplier instanceof Supplier) {
             throw new Exception("invalid supplier:" . $supplierName);
         $manufacturerId = $this->_getPram($params, 'manufacturer_id', null, true);
         $manufacturer = Manufacturer::get($manufacturerId);
         if (!$manufacturer instanceof Manufacturer) {
             throw new Exception("invalid Manufacturer:" . $manufacturerId);
         $statusName = $this->_getPram($params, 'availability', null, true);
         $status = $this->_getEntityByName($statusName, 'ProductStatus');
         if (!$status instanceof ProductStatus) {
             throw new Exception("invalid ProductStatus:" . $statusName);
         $assetAccNo = $this->_getPram($params, 'assetAccNo', null);
         $revenueAccNo = $this->_getPram($params, 'revenueAccNo', null);
         $costAccNo = $this->_getPram($params, 'costAccNo', null);
         $categoryIds = $this->_getPram($params, 'category_ids', array());
         $canSupplyQty = $this->_getPram($params, 'qty', 0);
         $weight = $this->_getPram($params, 'weight', 0);
         $images = $this->_getPram($params, 'images', array());
         $showOnWeb = $this->_getPram($params, 'showonweb', true);
         $attributesetId = $this->_getPram($params, 'attributesetId', null);
         $canUpdate = false;
         //if we have this product already, then skip
         if (!($product = Product::getBySku($sku)) instanceof Product) {
             $this->_runner->log('new SKU(' . $sku . ') for import, creating ...', '', APIService::TAB);
             $product = Product::create($sku, $name, '', null, null, false, $shortDesc, $fullDesc, $manufacturer, $assetAccNo, $revenueAccNo, $costAccNo, null, null, true, $weight, $attributesetId);
             $this->log_product("NEW", "=== new === sku={$sku}, name={$name}, shortDesc={$shortDesc}, fullDesc={$fullDesc}, category=" . implode(', ', $categoryIds), '', APIService::TAB);
             $canUpdate = true;
         } else {
             //$this->log_product("UPDATE", "=== update === sku=$sku, name=$name, shortDesc=$shortDesc, fullDesc=$fullDesc, category=" . implode(', ', $categoryIds),  '', APIService::TAB);
             //if there is no price matching rule for this product
             if (($rulesCount = intval(ProductPriceMatchRule::countByCriteria('active = 1 and productId = ?', array($product->getId())))) === 0) {
                 $this->_runner->log('Found SKU(' . $sku . '): ', '', APIService::TAB);
                 $fullAsset = Asset::getAsset($product->getFullDescAssetId());
                 $this->_runner->log('Finding asset for full description, assetId:' . ($fullAsset instanceof Asset ? $fullAsset->getAssetId() : ''), '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
                 $fullAssetContent = '';
                 if ($fullAsset instanceof Asset) {
                     $fullAssetContent = file_get_contents($fullAsset->getPath());
                     $this->_runner->log('Got full asset content before html_decode: <' . $fullAssetContent . '>', '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
                     $fullAssetContent = trim(str_replace('&nbsp;', '', $fullAssetContent));
                     $this->_runner->log('Got full asset content after html_code: <' . $fullAssetContent . '>', '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
                 if ($fullAssetContent === '') {
                     $this->_runner->log('GOT BLANK FULL DESD. Updating full description.', '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
                     if ($fullAsset instanceof Asset) {
                         $this->_runner->log('REMOVED old empty asset for full description', '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
                     $fullAsset = Asset::registerAsset('full_description_for_product.txt', $fullDesc, Asset::TYPE_PRODUCT_DEC);
                     $this->_runner->log('Added a new full description with assetId: ' . $fullAsset->getAssetId(), '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
                     $canUpdate = true;
                     $this->log_product("UPDATE", "=== updating === sku={$sku} Found ", '', APIService::TAB);
                 } else {
                     $this->log_product("SKIP", "=== SKIP updating === sku={$sku} for full description not null", '', APIService::TAB);
             } else {
                 $this->_runner->log('SKIP updating. Found ProductPriceMatchRule count:' . $rulesCount, '', APIService::TAB);
                 $this->log_product("SKIP", "=== SKIP updating === sku={$sku} Found ProductPriceMatchRule count:{$rulesCount}", '', APIService::TAB);
         $json = $product->getJson();
         //only update categories and status when there is no pricematching rule or created new
         if ($canUpdate === true) {
             //short description, name, manufacturer
             $this->_runner->log('Updating the price to: ' . StringUtilsAbstract::getCurrency($price), '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
             $product->setShortDescription($shortDesc)->setName($name)->setManufacturer($manufacturer)->setWeight($weight)->setSellOnWeb($showOnWeb)->clearAllPrice()->addPrice(ProductPriceType::get(ProductPriceType::ID_RRP), $price);
             //show on web
             if (is_array($categoryIds) && count($categoryIds) > 0) {
                 $this->_runner->log('Updating the categories: ' . implode(', ', $categoryIds), '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
                 foreach ($categoryIds as $categoryId) {
                     if (!($category = ProductCategory::get($categoryId)) instanceof ProductCategory) {
                     if (count($ids = explode(ProductCategory::POSITION_SEPARATOR, trim($category->getPosition()))) > 0) {
                         foreach (ProductCategory::getAllByCriteria('id in (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')') as $cate) {
                             $this->_runner->log('Updated Category ID: ' . $cate->getId(), '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
             //updating the images
             if (is_array($images) && count($images) > 0) {
                 $this->_runner->log('Processing ' . count($images) . ' image(s) ...', '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
                 $exisitingImgsKeys = array();
                 $this->_runner->log('Checking exsiting images...', '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
                 $exisitingImgs = $product->getImages();
                 $this->_runner->log('Got ' . count($exisitingImgs) . ' exisiting image(s), keys: ', '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
                 foreach ($exisitingImgs as $image) {
                     if (($asset = Asset::getAsset($image->getImageAssetId())) instanceof Asset) {
                         $imgKey = md5($asset->read());
                         $exisitingImgsKeys[] = $imgKey;
                         $this->_runner->log($imgKey, '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
                 $this->_runner->log('Checking ' . count($images) . ' new image(s) ...', '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
                 foreach ($images as $image) {
                     //if haven't got any content at all
                     if (!isset($image['content'])) {
                         $this->_runner->log('No Content, SKIP!', '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
                     $newImageContent = base64_decode($image['content']);
                     $newImgKey = md5($newImageContent);
                     //if we've got the image already
                     if (in_array($newImgKey, $exisitingImgsKeys)) {
                         $this->_runner->log('Same Image Exists[' . $newImgKey . '], SKIP!', '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
                     $asset = Asset::registerAsset($image['name'], $newImageContent, Asset::TYPE_PRODUCT_IMG);
                     $this->_runner->log('Registered a new Asset [AssetID=' . $asset->getAssetId() . '].', '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
                     $this->_runner->log('Added to product(SKU=' . $product->getSku() . ')', '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
             $this->_runner->log('Updated Status to: ' . $status->getName(), '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
             $product->addSupplier($supplier, $supplierCode, $canSupplyQty);
             $this->_runner->log('Updated Supplier(ID' . $supplier->getId() . ', name=' . $supplier->getName() . ') with code: ' . $supplierCode . 'canSupplyQty=' . $canSupplyQty, '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
             $json = $product->save()->getJson();
             $this->_runner->log('Saved Product ID: ' . $product->getId(), '', APIService::TAB . APIService::TAB);
         return $json;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;

ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M');
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../main/bootstrap.php';
echo "Begin disableProducts from magento MELB TIME: " . UDate::now(UDate::TIME_ZONE_MELB) . "\n";
// config
$manufacturerIds = [23, 75, 97];
$categoryIds = [166];
// validation
$manufacturers = array();
foreach ($manufacturerIds as $id) {
    if (($i = Manufacturer::get($id)) instanceof Manufacturer) {
        $manufacturers[] = $i;
        echo 'try to disable all product with manufactuer "' . $i->getName() . '"(' . $i->getId() . ')' . "\n";
    } else {
        throw new Exception('Invalid manufactuer id "' . $id . '" passed in');
$manufacturerIds = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getId();'), $manufacturers);
foreach ($categoryIds as $id) {
    if (($i = ProductCategory::get($id)) instanceof ProductCategory) {
        $categories[] = $i;
        echo 'try to disable all product with category "' . $i->getName() . '"(' . $i->getId() . ')' . "\n";
    } else {
        throw new Exception('Invalid category id "' . $id . '" passed in');
$categoryIds = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getId();'), $categories);
// run
$products = Product::getProducts('', '', array(), $manufacturerIds, $categoryIds);