Exemplo n.º 1
 function backupMysql()
     $createBackup = "mysqldump -u " . DB_USER . " --password="******" " . BACKUP_DBS . " > " . CURRENT_MYSQL_BACKUP_PATH . CURRENT_MYSQL_BACKUP_NAME;
     $createZip = "tar cvzf " . EXTENDED_MYSQL_BACKUP_NAME . ' ' . CURRENT_MYSQL_BACKUP_NAME;
     $headers = array('From' => EMAIL_FROM . '<' . EMAIL_SEND . '>', 'Subject' => EMAIL_SUBJECT);
     $htmlMessage = "This is a nightly backup run.";
     $mime = new Mail_Mime("\n");
     $mime->addAttachment(EXTENDED_MYSQL_BACKUP_NAME, 'text/plain');
     $body = $mime->get();
     $hdrs = $mime->headers($headers);
     $mail =& Mail::factory('mail');
     $mail->send(EMAIL_REC, $hdrs, $body);
Exemplo n.º 2
     if ($_POST["bcc"]) {
         $headers["Bcc"] = $CC;
     } else {
         $headers["Cc"] = $CC;
 $BodyText = preg_replace("/(content-type:|bcc:|cc:|to:|from:)/im", "", $_POST["BodyText"]);
 $anz = $_FILES["Datei"]["name"][0] != "" ? count($_FILES["Datei"]["name"]) : 0;
 $anh = false;
 if ($anz > 0) {
     for ($o = 0; $o < $anz; $o++) {
         if ($_FILES["Datei"]["name"][$o] != "") {
             copy($_FILES["Datei"]["tmp_name"][$o], 'tmp/' . $_FILES["Datei"]["name"][$o]);
             $mime->addAttachment('tmp/' . $_FILES["Datei"]["name"][$o], $_FILES["Datei"]["type"][$o], $_FILES["Datei"]["name"][$o]);
             unlink('tmp/' . $_FILES["Datei"]["name"][$o]);
             $anh = true;
 } else {
     $headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain; charset=" . $_SESSION["charset"];
 $body = $mime->get(array("text_encoding" => "quoted-printable", "text_charset" => $_SESSION["charset"]));
 $hdr = $mime->headers($headers);
 $mail->_params = "-f " . $user["email"];
 $rc = $mail->send($to, $hdr, $body);
 if ($_SESSION['logmail']) {
     $f = fopen('log/maillog.txt', 'a');
     if ($rc) {
         fputs($f, date("Y-m-d H:i") . ';ok;' . $TO . ';' . $CC . ';' . $user["name"] . ' <' . $user["email"] . '>;' . $Subject . ";\n");
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Send the email out. 
  * @return err 0 if no error; otherwise a PEAR_Error object with the error.
 function send()
     // sanity check required pieces
     if (empty($this->to_email)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('to email cannot be empty.');
     if (empty($this->from_email)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('from email cannot be empty.');
     // set up all headers
     $headers = array();
     $recipients = $this->getRecipients();
     $headers["To"] = join(", ", $recipients['To']);
     if (count($recipients['Cc'])) {
         $headers["Cc"] = join(", ", $recipients['Cc']);
     if (count($recipients['Bcc'])) {
         $headers["Bcc"] = join(", ", $recipients['Bcc']);
     // FROM
     if ($this->from_name != '') {
         $headers["From"] = "\"{$this->from_name}\" <{$this->from_email}>";
     } else {
         $headers["From"] = "{$this->from_email}";
     // REPLY-TO
     if ($this->reply_to_email != '') {
         $headers["Reply-To"] = "{$this->reply_to_email}";
     // PRIORITY
     $headers["X-Priority"] = "{$this->priority}";
     // SUBJECT
     $headers["Subject"] = $this->subject;
     // ENVELOPE ADDRESS - make things bounce to the right place
     $headers["Return-Path"] = $headers["Errors-To"] = "{$this->from_email}";
     $headers["Errors-To"] = "{$this->from_email}";
     // Add an x-mailer; reduces chance of being flagged as SPAM
     $headers["X-Mailer"] = "PHOCOA Web Framework Mailer";
     // Right before we pull the body text/html, HTMLify the message if it
     // meets the criteria for HTMLification. This function does nothing
     // if htmlify_plain_text_only_messages is turned off.
     // use PEAR::Mail_Mime to format message
     $mm = new Mail_Mime();
     if ($this->raw_message_html) {
     // add attachments
     foreach ($this->attachments as $attachment_info) {
         $err = @$mm->addAttachment($attachment_info['file'], $attachment_info['type'], $attachment_info['name'], $attachment_info['isfile']);
         if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
             return $err;
     $mm_body = @$mm->get();
     $mm_headers = @$mm->headers($headers);
     if (is_null($this->pear_mailer_config)) {
         $mailer =& Mail::factory($this->pear_mailer_driver);
     } else {
         $mailer =& Mail::factory($this->pear_mailer_driver, $this->pear_mailer_config);
     if (PEAR::isError($mailer)) {
         return $mailer;
     $err = @$mailer->send(array_keys($recipients['All']), $mm_headers, $mm_body);
     if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
         return $err;
     return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
 $pdf = new PDF();
 $data = $pdf->LoadData($dir . $filecsv);
 $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10);
 $pdf->SetTitle('Packliste ab ' . $datum);
 $pdf->Titel('Packliste ab ' . $datum);
 $pdf->SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255);
 $pdf->Output($dir . $filepdf, "F");
 if (file_exists($dir . $filepdf)) {
     if ($_POST['weg'] == 2) {
         $headers = array("From" => $_SESSION['email'], "X-Mailer" => "PHP/" . phpversion(), "Subject" => 'Packliste ab ' . $datum);
         $mime = new Mail_Mime(array('eol' => "\n"));
         $csv = $mime->addAttachment($dir . $filecsv, mime_content_type($dir . $filecsv), $filecsv);
         $pdf = $mime->addAttachment($dir . $filepdf, mime_content_type($dir . $filepdf), $filepdf);
         $hdrs = $mime->headers($headers);
         $body = $mime->get();
         $mail = Mail::factory("mail");
         $mail->_params = "-f " . $_SESSION['email'];
         $rc = $mail->send($_SESSION['email'], $hdrs, $body);
         $output = 'E-Mail verschickt';
     } else {
         header('Content-type: application/pdf');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="packliste.pdf"');
         readfile($dir . $filepdf);
Exemplo n.º 5
} else {
    if ($_POST["icalart"] == "mail") {
        $user = getUserStamm($_SESSION["loginCRM"]);
        $abs = sprintf("%s <%s>", $user["name"], $user["email"]);
        $Subject = "LxO-Kalender";
        $v->setConfig('directory', "/tmp/");
        // identify directory
        // save calendar to file
        include_once "Mail.php";
        include_once "Mail/mime.php";
        $headers = array("Return-Path" => $abs, "Reply-To" => $abs, "From" => $abs, "X-Mailer" => "PHP/" . phpversion(), "Subject" => $Subject);
        $mime = new Mail_Mime("\n");
        echo "!" . $v->getConfig('directory') . "/" . $v->getConfig('filename') . "!" . $v->getConfig('filename') . "!";
        $mime->addAttachment($v->getConfig('directory') . "/" . $v->getConfig('filename'), "text/plain", $v->getConfig('filename'));
        $body = $mime->get(array("text_encoding" => "quoted-printable", "text_charset" => $_SESSION["charset"]));
        $hdr = $mime->headers($headers);
        $mail =& Mail::factory("mail");
        $mail->_params = "-f " . $user["email"];
        $rc = $mail->send($_POST["icaldest"], $hdr, $body);
    } else {
        if (strtoupper($_POST["icaldest"]) == "HOME") {
            $_POST["icaldest"] = "dokumente/" . $_SESSION["dbname"] . "/" . $_SESSION["login"] . "/";
        $v->setConfig('directory', $_POST["icaldest"]);
        // identify directory
        // save calendar to file
Exemplo n.º 6
$user = getUserStamm($_SESSION["loginCRM"]);
$mail->_params = "-f " . $user["email"];
$subject = $headers["Subject"];
$betreff = $_SESSION["Subject"];
$bodytxt = $_SESSION["bodytxt"];
$limit = $_SESSION["limit"];
$abs = $headers["Return-Path"];
if ($_SESSION['logmail']) {
    $f = fopen("log/maillog.txt", "a");
$dateiname = $_SESSION["dateiname"];
if ($dateiname) {
    $ftmp = fopen("./dokumente/" . $_SESSION["dbname"] . "/" . $_SESSION["login"] . "/SerMail/" . $dateiname, "rb");
    $filedata = fread($ftmp, filesize("./dokumente/" . $_SESSION["dbname"] . "/" . $_SESSION["login"] . "/SerMail/" . $dateiname));
    $mime->addAttachment($filedata, $_SESSION["type"], $_SESSION["dateiname"], false);
$sql = "select * from tempcsvdata where uid = '" . $_SESSION["loginCRM"] . "' and id < 1";
$data = $_SESSION['db']->getAll($sql);
$felder = explode(":", $data[0]["csvdaten"]);
$pemail = array_search("EMAIL", $felder);
$cid = array_search("ID", $felder);
$pkont = array_search("KONTAKT", $felder);
$sql = "select * from tempcsvdata where uid = '" . $_SESSION["loginCRM"] . "' order by id offset " . $offset . " limit " . $limit;
$data = $_SESSION['db']->getAll($sql);
if ($data) {
    $bodytxt = strip_tags($bodytxt);
    foreach ($data as $row) {
        $to = "";
        $tmp = explode(":", $row["csvdaten"]);
        $text = $bodytxt;