Exemplo n.º 1
 public function send(MailMessage $m)
     if (mail($m->getTo(), $m->getSubjectLine(), $m->getContent(), $m->getHeader())) {
         return true;
     } else {
         throw new Exception('Mail could not be sent.');
  * @param MailMessage $mimePart
 function SearchMimeParts(&$mimePart)
     if ($mimePart->GetSubParts() == null) {
     } else {
         for ($i = 0, $c = $mimePart->_subParts->List->Count(); $i < $c; $i++) {
             $subPart =& $mimePart->_subParts->List->Get($i);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function sendMessage(MailMessage $message)
     @(require_once 'Mail.php');
     $headers = array('From' => config::get('lepton.net.mail.from'), 'To' => join(',', $message->getRecipients()), 'Subject' => $message->getSubject());
     $params = array('host' => config::get('lepton.net.mail.smtpserver', 'localhost'), 'port' => config::get('lepton.net.mail.smtpport', 25), 'localhost' => config::get('lepton.net.mail.localhost', 'localhost'));
     try {
         $omail =& Mail::factory('smtp', $params);
         $omail->send($message->getRecipients(), $headers, $message->getMessage());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new MailException("Sending of mail failed");
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Get Html Mail with a view.
  * @param type $mailView
  * @param type $params
  * @param type $to
  * @param type $from
  * @param type $subject
  * @return \flowcode\pachamama\domain\Mail
  * @throws MailViewException
 public static function getHtmlMail($mailView, $params, $to, $from, $subject)
     if (file_exists($mailView)) {
         require_once $mailView;
         $body = ob_get_contents();
     } else {
         throw new MailViewException($mailView);
     $mail = new MailMessage($to, $from, $body, $subject);
     $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n" . "From: =?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode($params["from_name"]) . "?= <" . $from . ">\r\n" . "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion();
     return $mail;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * @covers flowcode\pachamama\domain\MailMessage::getPlainMail
 public function testgetPlainMail_simpleText_testOk()
     $to = "";
     $from = "";
     $subject = "";
     $body = "hello";
     $mail = MailMessage::getPlainMail($to, $from, $body, $subject);
     $this->assertEquals($from, $mail->getFrom());
     $this->assertEquals("hello", $mail->getBody());
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static function retrieve($id)
     $box = self::getInstance();
     $id = intval($id);
     if (!isset($box->indexes[$id])) {
         return null;
     fseek($box->storage, $box->indexes[$id]['offset']);
     if (($mail = @fread($box->storage, $box->indexes[$id]['length'])) === false) {
         return false;
     return MailMessage::parse($mail);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * @param MailMessage $paren
  * @return MailMessage
 function &CreateNewMixedMail($paren = null)
     $newMail =& new MailMessage();
     if ($paren) {
         $newMail->Headers =& $paren->Headers;
     $newMail->_subParts = new MimePartCollection($newMail);
     $newMail->_sourceCharset = $GLOBALS[MailOutputCharset];
     $newBoundary = '--=_NextPart_' . md5(rand(100000, 999999));
     $newMail->Headers->SetHeaderByName(MIMEConst_ContentType, MIMETypeConst_MultipartMixed . ';' . CRLF . "\t" . MIMEConst_BoundaryLower . '="' . $newBoundary . '"');
     if ($paren->IsAlternative) {
         $alter =& $this->CreateNewAlternativeMail();
     } else {
         if ($this->HasPlainText() || $this->HasHtmlText()) {
     if ($paren->HasAttachments()) {
         $attachs =& $this->Attachments;
         foreach ($attachs->Instance() as $att) {
     return $newMail;
Exemplo n.º 8
function create_message(&$headers, &$message, &$attachments, $for_draft = false, $via_smtp = false)
    $to = str_replace(";", ",", $_POST["to"]);
    $cc = str_replace(";", ",", $_POST["cc"]);
    $bcc = str_replace(";", ",", $_POST["bcc"]);
    $subject = $_POST["subject"];
    $message = $_POST["message"];
    $mailcwp_session = mailcwp_get_session();
    if (!isset($mailcwp_session) || empty($mailcwp_session)) {
    $account = $mailcwp_session["account"];
    $from = "{$account['name']} <{$account['email']}>";
    $mbox_name = "{$account['host']}:{$account['port']}";
    $use_ssl = $account["use_ssl"];
    $validate_cert = $account["validate_cert"];
    $username = $account["username"];
    $password = $account["password"];
    $use_tls = $account["use_tls"];
    $folder = $mailcwp_session["folder"];
    $unique_id = $_POST["unique_id"];
    $original = isset($_POST["original"]) ? $_POST["original"] : -1;
    $use_ssl_flag = $use_ssl === "true" ? "/ssl" : "";
    $validate_cert_flag = $validate_cert === "true" ? "" : "/novalidate-cert";
    $use_tls_flag = $use_tls === "true" ? "/tls" : "";
    if ($original > 0) {
        $mbox = mailcwp_imap_connect($account, 0, $folder);
        $mail_message = new MailMessage($mbox, $original);
        $forward_attachments = $mail_message->getAttachments();
    } else {
        $forward_attachments = array();
    $timezone = null;
    if (array_key_exists("timezone", $account)) {
        $tz_name = $account["timezone"];
        if (!empty($tz_name)) {
            $timezone = new DateTimeZone($tz_name);
    $now = new DateTime();
    if (isset($timezone)) {
    $headers = "From: {$from}\r\n" . "Date: " . $now->format("D, d-M-Y H:i:s O") . "\r\n" . "Reply-To: {$from}\r\n" . "X-Mailer: MailCWP " . MAILCWP_VERSION . "\r\n";
    if ($for_draft) {
        $headers .= "To: {$to}\r\n" . "Subject: {$subject}\r\n";
    if (!empty($cc)) {
        $headers .= "Cc: {$cc}\r\n";
    if (!empty($bcc)) {
        $headers .= "Bcc: {$bcc}\r\n";
    //This test for the composer is a workaround
    //This logic must be refactored to correctly handle plain text/html
    //composing and sending
    $plugin_base_path = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . "../";
    $composer_installed = file_exists($plugin_base_path . "mailcwp-composer");
    if ($composer_installed) {
        if (strpos($message, "<p>") === FALSE) {
            $message = nl2br($message);
            //, htmlspecialchars($message, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8", false));
    $plain_text_message = preg_replace("/<br[^>]*[\\/]{0,1}>/i", "\n", $message);
    $plain_text_message = preg_replace("/<\\/li>/i", "\n", $plain_text_message);
    $plain_text_message = preg_replace("/<p[^>]*[\\/]{0,1}>/i", "\n\n", $plain_text_message);
    $plain_text_message = preg_replace("/<\\/[ou]l>/i", "\n", $plain_text_message);
    $plain_text_message = html_entity_decode($plain_text_message);
    $plain_text_message = strip_tags($plain_text_message);
    $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
    $mailcwp_upload_dir = "{$upload_dir['basedir']}/mailcwp/uploads";
    $uploaded_files = glob("{$mailcwp_upload_dir}/{$unique_id}-*");
    if ($via_smtp) {
        $attachments = array();
        if (is_array($uploaded_files)) {
            foreach ($uploaded_files as $uploaded_file) {
                $attachments[] = $uploaded_file;
    } else {
        if (is_array($uploaded_files) && count($uploaded_files) > 0 || !empty($forward_attachments)) {
            $part2["type"] = TYPETEXT;
            $part2["subtype"] = "html";
            $part2["contents.data"] = $message;
            $boundary = "------=" . md5(uniqid(rand()));
            $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"{$boundary}\"\r\n";
            $message = "\r\n\r\n--{$boundary}\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit \r\n\r\n\r\n" . stripslashes($message);
            //process attachments
            //find files
            //if files found, read each one and generate attachment string
            if (is_array($uploaded_files)) {
                foreach ($uploaded_files as $uploaded_file) {
                    $basename = substr(basename($uploaded_file), strlen($unique_id) + 1);
                    $message .= "\r\n\r\n";
                    $message .= "--{$boundary}\r\n";
                    $message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n";
                    $message .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$basename}\"\r\n";
                    $message .= "\r\n" . chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($uploaded_file))) . "\r\n";
            if (!empty($forward_attachments)) {
                foreach ($forward_attachments as $forward_filename => $forward_data) {
                    $message .= "\r\n\r\n";
                    $message .= "--{$boundary}\r\n";
                    $message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n";
                    $message .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$forward_filename}\"\r\n";
                    $message .= "\r\n" . chunk_split(base64_encode($forward_data)) . "\r\n";
            $message .= "\r\n\r\n\r\n--{$boundary}--\r\n\r\n";
        } else {
            $boundary = "------=" . md5(uniqid(rand()));
            $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"{$boundary}\"\r\n";
            $message = "\r\n\r\n--{$boundary}\r\nContent-Type: text/plain;\r\n\tcharset=\"ISO-8859-1\"\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit \r\n\r\n\r\n" . stripslashes($plain_text_message) . "\r\n\r\n--{$boundary}\r\nContent-Type: text/html;\r\n\tcharset=\"ISO-8859-1\"\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit \r\n\r\n\r\n" . stripslashes($message);
            $message .= "\r\n\r\n\r\n--{$boundary}--\r\n\r\n";
    return true;
  * @param bool $isClear optional
  * @return string
 function GetReplyToAsString($isClear = false)
     $value = MailMessage::GetReplyToAsString();
     if ($isClear) {
         $value = WebMailMessage::ClearForSend($value);
     return $value;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * 初期データを読み込む
  * @param string $dbDataPattern 初期データのパターン	
  * @param string $currentTheme テーマ名
  * @return bool
 protected function _load_default_data_pattern($dbDataPattern, $currentTheme = '')
     list($theme, $pattern) = explode('.', $dbDataPattern);
     if (!$this->BcManager->checkDefaultDataPattern($pattern, $theme)) {
         $this->setMessage('初期データのバージョンが違うか、初期データの構造が壊れています。', true);
         return false;
     $excludes = array('plugins', 'dblogs', 'users');
     $User = ClassRegistry::init('User');
     /* データを削除する */
     $this->BcManager->resetAllTables(null, $excludes);
     $result = true;
     /* コアデータ */
     if (!$this->BcManager->loadDefaultDataPattern('default', null, $pattern, $theme, 'core', $excludes)) {
         $result = false;
         $this->log($dbDataPattern . " の初期データのロードに失敗しました。");
     /* プラグインデータ */
     $corePlugins = Configure::read('BcApp.corePlugins');
     $plugins = array_merge($corePlugins, BcUtil::getCurrentThemesPlugins());
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
         $this->BcManager->loadDefaultDataPattern('default', null, $pattern, $theme, $plugin, $excludes);
     if (!$result) {
         /* 指定したデータセットでの読み込みに失敗した場合、コアのデータ読み込みを試みる */
         if (!$this->BcManager->loadDefaultDataPattern('default', null, 'default', 'core', 'core', $excludes)) {
             $result = false;
         foreach ($corePlugins as $corePlugin) {
             if (!$this->BcManager->loadDefaultDataPattern('default', null, 'default', 'core', $corePlugin, $excludes)) {
                 $result = false;
         if ($result) {
             $this->setMessage('初期データの読み込みに失敗しましたので baserCMSコアの初期データを読み込みました。', true);
         } else {
             $this->setMessage('初期データの読み込みに失敗しました。データが不完全な状態です。正常に動作しない可能性があります。', true);
     // メール受信テーブルの作成
     App::uses('MailMessage', 'Mail.Model');
     $MailMessage = new MailMessage();
     if (!$MailMessage->reconstructionAll()) {
         $result = false;
     if ($currentTheme) {
         $siteConfigs = array('SiteConfig' => array('theme' => $currentTheme));
     if (!$this->Page->createAllPageTemplate()) {
         $result = false;
         $this->log('初期データの読み込み中にページテンプレートの生成に失敗しました。' . '「Pages」フォルダに書き込み権限が付与されていない可能性があります。' . '権限設定後、テーマの適用をやり直すか、表示できないページについて固定ページ管理より更新処理を行ってください。');
     // システムデータの初期化
     // TODO $this->BcManager->initSystemData() は、$this->Page->createAllPageTemplate() の
     // 後に呼出さないと $this->Page の実体が何故か AppModel にすりかわってしまい、
     // createAllPageTemplate メソッドが呼び出せないので注意
     if (!$this->BcManager->initSystemData(null, array('excludeUsers' => true))) {
         $result = false;
     // ユーザーデータの初期化
     $UserGroup = ClassRegistry::init('UserGroup');
     $adminGroupId = $UserGroup->field('id', array('UserGroup.name' => 'admins'));
     $users = $User->find('all', array('recursive' => -1));
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $user['User']['user_group_id'] = $adminGroupId;
         if (!$User->save($user)) {
             $result = false;
         if (!$User->applyDefaultFavorites($user['User']['id'], $user['User']['user_group_id'])) {
             $result = false;
     $Db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default');
     if ($Db->config['datasource'] == 'Database/BcPostgres') {
     // システム基本設定の更新
     $siteConfigs = array('SiteConfig' => array('email' => $this->siteConfigs['email'], 'google_analytics_id' => $this->siteConfigs['google_analytics_id'], 'first_access' => null, 'version' => $this->siteConfigs['version']));
     return $result;
  * sendAdminNotification 
  * @param mixed $msgText Text message to send.
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function sendAdminNotification($msgText)
     $message = new MailMessage();
     $message->setSubject('Native5 Server : P1 Issue');
     $mReceipents = array();
     $mReceipents[] = '*****@*****.**';
     $this->sendNotification(array(Notifier::TYPE_EMAIL), $message);
Exemplo n.º 12
$username = $download_data[3];
$password = $download_data[4];
$use_tls = $download_data[5];
$folder = $download_data[6];
$msg_number = (int) $download_data[7];
$attachment_name = $download_data[8];
imap_timeout(15, IMAP_OPENTIMEOUT);
imap_timeout(15, IMAP_READTIMEOUT);
imap_timeout(15, IMAP_WRITETIMEOUT);
imap_timeout(15, IMAP_CLOSETIMEOUT);
$use_ssl_flag = $use_ssl == "true" ? "/ssl" : "";
$validate_cert_flag = $validate_cert == "true" ? "" : "/novalidate-cert";
$use_tls_flag = $use_tls == "true" ? "/tls" : "";
$mbox = imap_open("{" . $mbox_name . $use_ssl_flag . $validate_cert_flag . $use_tls_flag . "}{$folder}", $username, $password);
$message = new MailMessage($mbox, $msg_number);
$attachments = $message->getAttachments();
$download_data = null;
if ($attachment_name == '*') {
    if (class_exists("ZipArchive")) {
        $attachment_name = "{$download_dir}/attachments-{$msg_number}.zip";
        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        $zip->open($attachment_name, ZipArchive::CREATE);
        foreach ($attachments as $filename => $data) {
            $zip->addFromString($filename, $data);
        $download_data = file_get_contents($attachment_name);
Exemplo n.º 13
 /** Replace placeholders in a string or in an array
  * @param string|string[] $data
 protected function _replace_placeholders($data)
     return MailMessage::replacePlaceholders($this->message->placeholders, $data);
Exemplo n.º 14
 * @copyright		Copyright (c) baserCMS Users Community
 * @link			http://basercms.net baserCMS Project
 * @package			Mail.Config
 * @since			baserCMS v 0.1.0
 * @license			http://basercms.net/license/index.html
 * データベース初期化
 * メッセージテーブル構築
App::uses('MailMessage', 'Mail.Model');
$MailMessage = new MailMessage();
 * 必要フォルダ初期化
$filesPath = WWW_ROOT . 'files';
$savePath = $filesPath . DS . 'mail';
$limitedPath = $savePath . DS . 'limited';
if (is_writable($filesPath) && !is_dir($savePath)) {
if (!is_writable($savePath)) {
    chmod($savePath, 0777);
if (is_writable($savePath) && !is_dir($limitedPath)) {
Exemplo n.º 15
  * parse header of current mail message
  * @since 0.1
  * @access protected
  * @return void
  * @param MailMessage $mail
 protected function _parseHeader(MailMessage $mail)
     $data = imap_header($this->handle, $this->current);
     $from = $this->_transformAdress($data->from[0]);
     $seen = $data->Recent == 'N' || $data->Unseen == 'U' ? false : true;
     $mail->setFrom($from[0], $from[1]);
     $mail->setRecent($data->Recent == '' ? false : true);
     if (isset($data->to)) {
         foreach ($data->to as $adress) {
             $adress = $this->_transformAdress($adress);
             $mail->addTo($adress[0], $adress[1]);
     if (isset($data->cc)) {
         foreach ($data->cc as $adress) {
             $adress = $this->_transformAdress($adress);
             $mail->addCc($adress[0], $adress[1]);
     if (isset($data->bcc)) {
         foreach ($data->bcc as $adress) {
             $adress = $this->_transformAdress($adress);
             $mail->addBcc($adress[0], $adress[1]);
     if (isset($data->return_path)) {
         foreach ($data->return_path as $adress) {
             $adress = $this->_transformAdress($adress);
             $mail->addReplyTo($adress[0], $adress[1]);
Exemplo n.º 16
 private function addAttachments(MailMessage $message, $message_number)
     $structure = imap_fetchstructure($this->box, $message_number);