ExpressionEngine - by EllisLab ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2004 - 2013 EllisLab, Inc. ===================================================== THIS IS COPYRIGHTED SOFTWARE PLEASE READ THE LICENSE AGREEMENT ===================================================== File: pi.magpie.php ----------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Magpie RSS plugin ===================================================== */ $plugin_info = array('pi_name' => 'Magpie RSS Parser', 'pi_version' => '1.3.5', 'pi_author' => 'Paul Burdick', 'pi_author_url' => '', 'pi_description' => 'Retrieves and Parses RSS/Atom Feeds', 'pi_usage' => Magpie::usage()); class Magpie { var $cache_name = 'magpie_cache'; // Name of cache directory var $cache_refresh = 360; // Period between cache refreshes (in minutes) var $cache_data = ''; // Data from cache file var $cache_path = ''; // Path to cache file. var $cache_tpath = ''; // Path to cache file's time file. var $page_url = ''; // URL being requested var $items = array();
ExpressionEngine - by EllisLab ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2004 - 2010 EllisLab, Inc. ===================================================== THIS IS COPYRIGHTED SOFTWARE PLEASE READ THE LICENSE AGREEMENT ===================================================== File: pi.magpie.php ----------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Magpie RSS plugin ===================================================== */ $plugin_info = array('pi_name' => 'Magpie RSS Parser', 'pi_version' => '1.4', 'pi_author' => 'ExpressionEngine Dev Team', 'pi_author_url' => '', 'pi_description' => 'Retrieves and Parses RSS/Atom Feeds', 'pi_usage' => Magpie::usage()); class Magpie { var $cache_name = 'magpie_cache'; // Name of cache directory var $cache_refresh = 360; // Period between cache refreshes (in minutes) var $cache_data = ''; // Data from cache file var $cache_path = ''; // Path to cache file. var $cache_tpath = ''; // Path to cache file's time file. var $page_url = ''; // URL being requested var $items = array(); ===================================================== File: pi.magpie.php ----------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Magpie RSS plugin ===================================================== */ $plugin_info = array( 'pi_name' => 'Magpie RSS Parser', 'pi_version' => '1.3.5', 'pi_author' => 'Paul Burdick', 'pi_author_url' => '', 'pi_description' => 'Retrieves and Parses RSS/Atom Feeds', 'pi_usage' => Magpie::usage() ); Class Magpie { var $cache_name = 'magpie_cache'; // Name of cache directory var $cache_refresh = 360; // Period between cache refreshes (in minutes) var $cache_data = ''; // Data from cache file var $cache_path = ''; // Path to cache file. var $cache_tpath = ''; // Path to cache file's time file. var $page_url = ''; // URL being requested var $items = array(); // Information about items returned var $dates = array('lastupdate','linkcreated'); // Date elements