Exemplo n.º 1
  * Change field eav attribute config before saving the value
  * @return TM_FireCheckout_Adminhtml_Model_System_Config_Backend_Address_Form_Status
 protected function _beforeSave()
     $value = $this->getValue();
     $field = $this->getField();
     // if option was not changed - don't need to update the attribute
     if ($value == Mage::getStoreConfig('firecheckout/address_form_status/' . $field)) {
         return $this;
     if ('street1' === $field) {
         $field = 'street';
     } elseif ('region' === $field) {
         $field = 'region_id';
         /* fix for the previous firecheckout bug. Region should not be required */
         /* @var $collection Mage_Customer_Model_Resource_Address_Attribute_Collection */
         $collection = Mage::getResourceModel('customer/address_attribute_collection')->setCodeFilter('region');
         $attribute = $collection->getFirstItem();
         if ($attribute) {
         /* end of fix */
     /* @var $collection Mage_Customer_Model_Resource_Address_Attribute_Collection */
     $collection = Mage::getResourceModel('customer/address_attribute_collection')->setCodeFilter($field);
     $attribute = $collection->getFirstItem();
     if (!$attribute) {
         return $this;
     // $entities = Mage::getResourceModel('customer/setup');
     $attributes = array();
     $filename = Mage::getBaseDir('app') . "/code/core/Mage/Customer/Model/Resource/Setup.php";
     if (is_readable($filename)) {
         $setup = new Mage_Customer_Model_Resource_Setup('customer_setup');
         $entities = $setup->getDefaultEntities();
         $attributes = $entities['customer_address']['attributes'];
     } else {
         $attributes = 'a:2:{s:15:"max_text_length";i:255;s:15:"min_text_length";i:1;}';
     switch ($value) {
         case 'required':
             $rules = null;
             if (is_string($attributes)) {
                 $rules = $attributes;
             } elseif (!empty($attributes[$field]['validate_rules'])) {
                 $rules = $attributes[$field]['validate_rules'];
             if ('region_id' === $field || 'postcode' === $field) {
                 // Magento options should be used
         case 'optional':
         case 'hidden':
     return $this;
 * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
 * to license@magentocommerce.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
 * @category	Adyen
 * @package	Adyen_Payment
 * @copyright	Copyright (c) 2011 Adyen (http://www.adyen.com)
 * @license	http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
 * @category   Payment Gateway
 * @package    Adyen_Payment
 * @author     Adyen
 * @property   Adyen B.V
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2014 Adyen BV (http://www.adyen.com)
$installer = new Mage_Customer_Model_Resource_Setup('core_setup');
/** @var Magento_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql $connection */
$connection = $installer->getConnection();
$entityTypeId = $installer->getEntityTypeId('customer');
$attributeCode = 'adyen_customer_ref';
$attributeSetId = $installer->getDefaultAttributeSetId($entityTypeId);
$attributeGroupId = $installer->getDefaultAttributeGroupId($entityTypeId, $attributeSetId);
$installer->addAttribute('customer', $attributeCode, array('input' => 'text', 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Adyen Customer Reference', 'note' => 'Optional customer reference ID, only fill when customer reference is not the customer ID (when importing data from older systems for example).', 'visible' => 1, 'required' => 0, 'user_defined' => 0));
$attributeSortOrder = 120;
$installer->addAttributeToGroup($entityTypeId, $attributeSetId, $attributeGroupId, $attributeCode, $attributeSortOrder);
$oAttribute = Mage::getSingleton('eav/config')->getAttribute('customer', $attributeCode);
$oAttribute->setData('used_in_forms', array('adminhtml_customer'));
$oAttribute->setData('sort_order', $attributeSortOrder);
$connection->addColumn($this->getTable('sales/billing_agreement'), 'agreement_data', array('type' => Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_TEXT, 'nullable' => true, 'comment' => 'Agreement Data'));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function getDefaultEntities()
     return $this->getAdditionalAttributes(parent::getDefaultEntities());