Exemplo n.º 1
  * @depends testAssignProduct
 public function testRemoveProduct()
     $this->assertTrue($this->_model->removeProduct(6, 1));
 public function associateProductToCategory($productDetail, $catId)
     $cat_api = new Mage_Catalog_Model_Category_Api();
     $newProduct = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->loadByAttribute('sku', (string) $productDetail->id);
     if ($newProduct) {
         $category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->setStoreId($this->_store_id)->load($catId);
         $positions = $category->getProductsPosition();
         if ((string) $productDetail->isActive == 'Y') {
             // assignproduct is default function of magento, to assign product in a category
             $cat_api->assignProduct($catId, $newProduct->getId(), (double) $productDetail->position);
         } else {
             if (isset($positions[$newProduct->getId()])) {
                 // removeProduct is default function of magento, to remove product from a category
                 $cat_api->removeProduct($catId, $newProduct->getId());
     } else {
         $this->customHelper->reportError($this->customHelper->__('Product does not exists %s', $productDetail->id));
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Save product (import)
  * @param  array $importData
  * @throws Mage_Core_Exception
  * @return bool
 public function saveRow(array $importData)
     $cronName = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('cronname');
     $use_file = false;
     $new_arrival_contentfeed = false;
     $filepath = Mage::getBaseDir('var') . '/content_feed_errorlog.csv';
     if (!isset($cronName)) {
         $server = $_SERVER['argv'][1];
         $server = explode("=", $server);
         if (isset($server[1])) {
             $cronName = $server[1];
     Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name' => 'adminhtml'));
     //verify if the user is logged in to the backend
     if (Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isLoggedIn()) {
         //check whether it is an inventory run
         if (!isset($cronName)) {
             $use_file = true;
             $new_arrival_contentfeed = true;
     if ($use_file) {
         $handle = fopen($filepath, "a");
     $importData = array_map('trim', $importData);
     $product = $this->getProductModel()->reset();
     if (empty($importData['store'])) {
         if (!is_null($this->getBatchParams('store'))) {
             $store = $this->getStoreById($this->getBatchParams('store'));
         } else {
             $message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skipping import row, required field "%s" is not defined.', 'store');
     } else {
         $store = $this->getStoreByCode($importData['store']);
     if ($store === false) {
         $message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skipping import row, store "%s" field does not exist.', $importData['store']);
     $_skuforuse = '';
     if (empty($importData['sku'])) {
         $message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skipping import row, required field "%s" is not defined.', 'sku');
         if ($use_file) {
             fputcsv($handle, array('', '', '', '', 'SKU not defined'));
     } else {
         $_skuforuse = $importData['sku'];
     $productId = $product->getIdBySku($importData['sku']);
     if ($productId) {
     } else {
         $productTypes = $this->getProductTypes();
         $productAttributeSets = $this->getProductAttributeSets();
          * Check product define type
         if (empty($importData['type']) || !isset($productTypes[strtolower($importData['type'])])) {
             $value = isset($importData['type']) ? $importData['type'] : '';
             $message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skipping import row, following SKU: "%s" is not present in Magento.', $_skuforuse);
             if ($use_file) {
                 fputcsv($handle, array($_skuforuse, '', '', '', $message));
          * Check product define attribute set
         if (empty($importData['attribute_set']) || !isset($productAttributeSets[$importData['attribute_set']])) {
             $value = isset($importData['attribute_set']) ? $importData['attribute_set'] : '';
             $message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skip import row, the value "%s" is invalid for field "%s"', $value, 'attribute_set');
         foreach ($this->_requiredFields as $field) {
             $attribute = $this->getAttribute($field);
             if (!isset($importData[$field]) && $attribute && $attribute->getIsRequired()) {
                 $message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skipping import row, required field "%s" for new products is not defined.', $field);
             if (isset($importData[$field]) && $attribute && $attribute->getIsRequired() && trim($importData[$field]) == '') {
                 $message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skipping import row, value for required field "%s" for new products is not available.', $field);
     if (!isset($cronName)) {
         $_feilds_left_blank = '';
         $_Images_not_exist = '';
         $_productType = $product->getTypeId();
         foreach ($this->_contentRequiredFields as $field) {
             if ($field == 'color_swatch_image') {
                 if ($_productType == 'simple') {
                     if (isset($importData[$field])) {
                         if (@trim($importData[$field]) == "") {
                             $_feilds_left_blank .= $field . ',';
             } elseif ($field == 'gallery') {
                 if (isset($importData[$field])) {
                     if (@trim($importData[$field]) == "") {
                         $_feilds_left_blank .= $field . ',';
                     } else {
                         $galleryDataCheck = explode('|', $importData["gallery"]);
                         foreach ($galleryDataCheck as $gallery_img) {
                             if (!file_exists(Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import' . $gallery_img)) {
                                 $_Images_not_exist .= $gallery_img . ',';
             } else {
                 if (isset($importData[$field])) {
                     if (@trim($importData[$field]) == "") {
                         $_feilds_left_blank .= $field . ',';
         if ($_feilds_left_blank != '') {
             $_feilds_left_blank = substr($_feilds_left_blank, 0, strlen($_feilds_left_blank) - 1);
             if ($_Images_not_exist != '') {
                 $_Images_not_exist = substr($_Images_not_exist, 0, strlen($_Images_not_exist) - 1);
                 $message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skipping import row, required field "%s" are not defined , Following images are not found on server "%s" for following SKU "%s".', $_feilds_left_blank, $_Images_not_exist, $_skuforuse);
             } else {
                 $message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skipping import row, required field "%s" are not defined for following SKU "%s".', $_feilds_left_blank, $_skuforuse);
             $_stockckeck = $product->getStockItem()->getIsInStock();
             $_productType = $product->getTypeId();
             if ($_productType == 'simple') {
                 $parent_ids = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_type_configurable')->getParentIdsByChild($product->getId());
                 $parent_collection = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection')->addFieldToFilter('entity_id', array('in' => $parent_ids))->addAttributeToSelect('sku');
                 $parentSkus = '';
                 $parent_skus = $parent_collection->getColumnValues('sku');
                 if (is_array($parent_skus) && !empty($parent_skus)) {
                     foreach ($parent_skus as $skus) {
                         $parentSkus .= $skus . ',';
                 if ($parentSkus != '') {
                     $parentSkus = substr($parentSkus, 0, strlen($parentSkus) - 1);
                 if ($_stockckeck == 1) {
                     if ($use_file) {
                         fputcsv($handle, array($_skuforuse, $_productType, $parentSkus, 'In Stock', $message));
                 } else {
                     if ($use_file) {
                         fputcsv($handle, array($_skuforuse, $_productType, $parentSkus, 'Out Of Stock', $message));
             } else {
                 if ($_stockckeck == 1) {
                     if ($use_file) {
                         fputcsv($handle, array($_skuforuse, $_productType, $_skuforuse, 'In Stock', $message));
                 } else {
                     if ($use_file) {
                         fputcsv($handle, array($_skuforuse, $_productType, $_skuforuse, 'Out Of Stock', $message));
             if ($use_file) {
         } else {
             if ($_Images_not_exist != '') {
                 $_Images_not_exist = substr($_Images_not_exist, 0, strlen($_Images_not_exist) - 1);
                 $message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Following images are not found on server "%s" for following SKU "%s".', $_Images_not_exist, $_skuforuse);
                 $_stockckeck = $product->getStockItem()->getIsInStock();
                 $_productType = $product->getTypeId();
                 if ($_productType == 'simple') {
                     $parent_ids = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_type_configurable')->getParentIdsByChild($product->getId());
                     $parent_collection = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection')->addFieldToFilter('entity_id', array('in' => $parent_ids))->addAttributeToSelect('sku');
                     $parentSkus = '';
                     $parent_skus = $parent_collection->getColumnValues('sku');
                     if (is_array($parent_skus) && !empty($parent_skus)) {
                         foreach ($parent_skus as $skus) {
                             $parentSkus .= $skus . ',';
                     if ($parentSkus != '') {
                         $parentSkus = substr($parentSkus, 0, strlen($parentSkus) - 1);
                     if ($_stockckeck == 1) {
                         if ($use_file) {
                             fputcsv($handle, array($_skuforuse, $_productType, $parentSkus, 'In Stock', $message));
                     } else {
                         if ($use_file) {
                             fputcsv($handle, array($_skuforuse, $_productType, $parentSkus, 'Out Of Stock', $message));
                 } else {
                     if ($_stockckeck == 1) {
                         if ($use_file) {
                             fputcsv($handle, array($_skuforuse, $_productType, $_skuforuse, 'In Stock', $message));
                     } else {
                         if ($use_file) {
                             fputcsv($handle, array($_skuforuse, $_productType, $_skuforuse, 'Out Of Stock', $message));
                 if ($use_file) {
     } elseif ($cronName == 'product_inventory') {
         foreach ($this->_inventoryRequiredFields as $field) {
             if (!isset($importData[$field])) {
                 $message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skipping import row, required field "%s" is not defined.', $field);
             if (@trim($importData[$field]) == "") {
                 $message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skipping import row, value for required field "%s" is not available.', $field);
     } elseif ($cronName == 'price_update') {
         foreach ($this->_priceRequiredFields as $field) {
             if (!isset($importData[$field])) {
                 $message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skipping import row, required field "%s" is not defined.', $field);
             if (@trim($importData[$field]) == "") {
                 $message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skipping import row, value for required field "%s" is not available.', $field);
      * New arrival CR Start
     if ($cronName == 'product_inventory') {
         $qtyStock = Mage::getModel('cataloginventory/stock_item')->loadByProduct($product)->getQty();
         if ($importData['qty'] > $qtyStock) {
             //$config_days = Mage::getStoreConfig('inventory/date_setting/old_after'); //value
             //$news_from_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
             //$news_to_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime('23', '59', '59', date('m'), date('d') + $config_days, date('Y')));
             $objConfigurableProduct = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_type_configurable');
             $arrConfigurableProductIds = $objConfigurableProduct->getParentIdsByChild($product->getId());
             foreach ($arrConfigurableProductIds as $configurableProductId) {
                 $config_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($configurableProductId);
                 if ($config_product) {
                     $categoryIds = $config_product->getCategoryIds();
                     foreach ($categoryIds as $categoryId) {
                         $category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore()->getId())->load($categoryId);
                         if ($category->getLevel() == '2') {
                             $collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCollection()->addAttributeToFilter('parent_id', $categoryId)->addAttributeToFilter('url_key', 'new-arrivals')->load();
                             $nacat_arr = $collection->getData();
                             $categoryIds[] = $nacat_arr['0']['entity_id'];
                     $category_ids = implode(',', $categoryIds);
      * New arrival CR End
     if (isset($importData['category_ids'])) {
     foreach ($this->_ignoreFields as $field) {
         if (isset($importData[$field])) {
     if ($store->getId() != 0) {
         $websiteIds = $product->getWebsiteIds();
         if (!is_array($websiteIds)) {
             $websiteIds = array();
         if (!in_array($store->getWebsiteId(), $websiteIds)) {
             $websiteIds[] = $store->getWebsiteId();
     if (isset($importData['websites'])) {
         $websiteIds = $product->getWebsiteIds();
         if (!is_array($websiteIds) || !$store->getId()) {
             $websiteIds = array();
         $websiteCodes = explode(',', $importData['websites']);
         foreach ($websiteCodes as $websiteCode) {
             try {
                 $website = Mage::app()->getWebsite(trim($websiteCode));
                 if (!in_array($website->getId(), $websiteIds)) {
                     $websiteIds[] = $website->getId();
             } catch (Exception $e) {
     foreach ($importData as $field => $value) {
         if (in_array($field, $this->_inventoryFields)) {
         if (in_array($field, $this->_imageFields)) {
         if (is_null($value)) {
         $attribute = $this->getAttribute($field);
         if (!$attribute) {
         $isArray = false;
         $setValue = $value;
         if ($attribute->getFrontendInput() == 'multiselect') {
             $value = explode(self::MULTI_DELIMITER, $value);
             $isArray = true;
             $setValue = array();
         if ($value && $attribute->getBackendType() == 'decimal') {
             $setValue = $this->getNumber($value);
         if ($attribute->usesSource()) {
             $options = $attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions(false);
             if ($isArray) {
                 foreach ($options as $item) {
                     if (in_array(strtolower($item['label']), array_map('strtolower', $value))) {
                         $setValue[] = $item['value'];
             } else {
                 $setValue = false;
                 foreach ($options as $item) {
                     if (strtolower($item['label']) == strtolower($value)) {
                         $setValue = $item['value'];
         $product->setData($field, $setValue);
     if (!$product->getVisibility()) {
     $stockData = array();
     $inventoryFields = isset($this->_inventoryFieldsProductTypes[$product->getTypeId()]) ? $this->_inventoryFieldsProductTypes[$product->getTypeId()] : array();
     foreach ($inventoryFields as $field) {
         if (isset($importData[$field])) {
             if (in_array($field, $this->_toNumber)) {
                 $stockData[$field] = $this->getNumber($importData[$field]);
             } else {
                 $stockData[$field] = $importData[$field];
     $imageData = array();
     foreach ($this->_imageFields as $field) {
         if (!empty($importData[$field]) && $importData[$field] != 'no_selection') {
             if (!isset($imageData[$importData[$field]])) {
                 $imageData[$importData[$field]] = array();
             $imageData[$importData[$field]][] = $field;
     foreach ($imageData as $file => $fields) {
         try {
             $product->addImageToMediaGallery(Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import/' . $file, $fields, false);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     if (!empty($importData['gallery'])) {
         $galleryData = explode('|', $importData["gallery"]);
         $attributes = $product->getTypeInstance()->getSetAttributes();
         $gallery = $attributes['media_gallery'];
         $galleryRemoveData = $product->getMediaGallery();
         foreach ($galleryRemoveData['images'] as $image) {
             $gallery->getBackend()->removeImage($product, $image['file']);
         foreach ($galleryData as $gallery_img) {
             try {
                 $media_flag = 0;
                 if ($gallery_img == $importData["image"]) {
                     $media_flag = 1;
                 if ($media_flag) {
                     $product->addImageToMediaGallery(Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import' . $gallery_img, array('image', 'small_image', 'thumbnail'), false, false);
                 } else {
                     $product->addImageToMediaGallery(Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import' . $gallery_img, null, false, false);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
     // check for attribute set any other than Default
     $productId = $product->getIdBySku($importData['sku']);
     $new = true;
     // fix for duplicating attributes error
     if ($productId) {
         $new = false;
         // fix for duplicating attributes error
     if (trim($importData[' product_type_id']) == 'configurable') {
         $configAttributeCodes = $this->userCSVDataAsArray($importData['config_attributes']);
         $usingAttributeIds = array();
         foreach ($configAttributeCodes as $attributeCode) {
             $attribute = $product->getResource()->getAttribute($attributeCode);
             if ($attribute) {
                 if ($product->getTypeInstance()->canUseAttribute($attribute)) {
                     if ($new) {
                         // fix for duplicating attributes error
                         $usingAttributeIds[] = $attribute->getAttributeId();
         if (!empty($usingAttributeIds)) {
         if (isset($importData['associated'])) {
             $product->setConfigurableProductsData($this->skusToIds($importData['associated'], $product));
     // color swatch images
     if (!empty($importData['color_swatch_image']) && file_exists(Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import' . $importData['color_swatch_image'])) {
         $product->addImageToMediaGallery(Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import' . $importData['color_swatch_image'], array('color_swatch_image'), false, true);
     // hover images
     if (!empty($importData['hover_image']) && file_exists(Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import' . $importData['hover_image'])) {
         $product->addImageToMediaGallery(Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import' . $importData['hover_image'], array('hover_image'), false, true);
     /* Content feed now being used to run-add products in new arrival */
     // first check is made to check if status feild is coming in import data to see its a content feed or not.
     if (isset($importData['status'])) {
         //second check is that to see if it is run by admin
         if ($new_arrival_contentfeed) {
             if ($product && $product->getTypeId() == "configurable") {
                 $categoryIds = $product->getCategoryIds();
                 $news_from_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
                 foreach ($categoryIds as $categoryId) {
                     $category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore()->getId())->load($categoryId);
                     if ($category->getLevel() == '2') {
                         $collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCollection()->addAttributeToFilter('parent_id', $categoryId)->addAttributeToFilter('url_key', 'new-arrivals')->load();
                         $nacat_arr = $collection->getData();
                         $categoryIds[] = $nacat_arr['0']['entity_id'];
                 if (isset($importData['category_ids'])) {
                     $category_ids_sheet = explode(",", $importData['category_ids']);
                     $merged_arrays = array_unique(array_merge($category_ids_sheet, $categoryIds));
                     $category_ids = implode(',', $merged_arrays);
                 } else {
                     $category_ids = implode(',', $categoryIds);
     /* Content feed now being used to run-add products in new arrival */
     if ($use_file) {
         try {
             $_stockckeck = Mage::getModel('cataloginventory/stock_item')->loadByProduct($product)->getIsInStock();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $_stockckeck = 0;
         $_productType = $product->getTypeId();
         if ($_productType == 'simple') {
             $parent_ids = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_type_configurable')->getParentIdsByChild($product->getId());
             $parent_collection = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection')->addFieldToFilter('entity_id', array('in' => $parent_ids))->addAttributeToSelect('sku');
             $parentSkus = '';
             $parent_skus = $parent_collection->getColumnValues('sku');
             if (is_array($parent_skus) && !empty($parent_skus)) {
                 foreach ($parent_skus as $skus) {
                     $parentSkus .= $skus . ',';
             if ($parentSkus != '') {
                 $parentSkus = substr($parentSkus, 0, strlen($parentSkus) - 1);
             if ($_stockckeck == 1) {
                 fputcsv($handle, array($_skuforuse, $_productType, $parentSkus, 'In Stock', 'No Error Occured'));
             } else {
                 fputcsv($handle, array($_skuforuse, $_productType, $parentSkus, 'Out Of Stock', 'No Error Occured'));
         } else {
             if ($_stockckeck == 1) {
                 fputcsv($handle, array($_skuforuse, $_productType, $_skuforuse, 'In Stock', 'No Error Occured'));
             } else {
                 fputcsv($handle, array($_skuforuse, $_productType, $_skuforuse, 'Out Of Stock', 'No Error Occured'));
     // Store affected products ids
     /* Section added to position products in various categories programatically */
     //First check added to whether the product is configurable or not
     $_type = $product->getTypeId();
     if ($_type == "configurable") {
         // Second check is made to see whether position has been specified in sheet for change or not
         if (isset($importData['position']) && $importData['position'] == "Yes") {
             // Now we find the categories that product he is assigned to
             $categoryIds = $product->getCategoryIds();
             $cat_api = new Mage_Catalog_Model_Category_Api();
             $_write_connection = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_write');
             $_read_connection = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_read');
             foreach ($categoryIds as $categoryId) {
                 $_query_read = 'SELECT MAX(`position`) AS position FROM `catalog_category_product` WHERE `category_id=`' . $categoryId;
                 //$category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($categoryId);
                 $_get_values_in_DB = $_read_connection->fetchAll($_query_read);
                 if (count($_get_values_in_DB) > 0) {
                     $position = $_get_values_in_DB['position'];
                     $cat_api->assignProduct($categoryId, $product->getId(), $position + 1);
     /* Section added to position products in various categories programatically */
     // Save custom options prices for configurable product
     if ($_type == "configurable") {
         $attribute_price_rows = array();
         if (isset($importData['config_attribute_values']) && trim($importData['config_attribute_values']) != '') {
             $attribute_price_rows = array();
             $main_attributes_sets = explode('|', $importData['config_attribute_values']);
             $output1 = print_r($main_attributes_sets, true);
             file_put_contents('/tmp/output.txt', 'Output1' . $output1, FILE_APPEND);
             if (!empty($main_attributes_sets)) {
                 foreach ($main_attributes_sets as $main_attributes_set) {
                     $sub_attributes_sets = explode(':', $main_attributes_set);
                     if (!empty($sub_attributes_sets) && count($sub_attributes_sets) == 4) {
                         if ($attribute_id = $this->getProductAttributeId(strtolower(trim($sub_attributes_sets[0])))) {
                             if ($attribute_option_id = $this->getProductOptionIdFromAttributeId($attribute_id, trim($sub_attributes_sets[1]))) {
                                 $is_percent = strtolower(trim($sub_attributes_sets[3])) == 'fixed' ? 0 : strtolower(trim($sub_attributes_sets[3])) == 'percentage' ? 1 : 0;
                                 $attribute_price_rows[$attribute_id][] = array('attribute_id' => $attribute_id, 'value_index' => $attribute_option_id, 'pricing_value' => trim($sub_attributes_sets[2]), 'is_percent' => $is_percent);
                             // END if($attribute_option_id = $this->getProductOptionIdFromAttributeId($attribute_id, trim($sub_attributes_sets[1])))
                         // END if($attribute_id = $this->getProductAttributeId(strtolower(trim($sub_attributes_sets[0]))))
                     // END if(!empty($sub_attributes_sets))
                 // END foreach ($main_attributes_sets as $main_attributes_set)
             // END if(!empty($main_attributes_sets))
         // END if(isset($importData['config_attribute_values']) && trim($importData['config_attribute_values']) != '')
         if (!empty($attribute_price_rows)) {
             foreach ($attribute_price_rows as $attribute_id => $attribute_price_row) {
                 $read = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_read');
                 $product_super_attribute_id = $read->fetchOne("SELECT `product_super_attribute_id` FROM catalog_product_super_attribute WHERE product_id = " . $product->getEntityId() . " AND attribute_id = " . $attribute_id);
                 $insert = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_write');
                 if ($product_super_attribute_id) {
                     $insert->query("DELETE FROM catalog_product_super_attribute_pricing WHERE `product_super_attribute_id` = {$product_super_attribute_id}");
                     if (!empty($attribute_price_row) && count($attribute_price_row) > 0) {
                         foreach ($attribute_price_row as $row) {
                             $insert->query("INSERT INTO `catalog_product_super_attribute_pricing` (`value_id` ,`product_super_attribute_id` ,`value_index` ,`is_percent` ,`pricing_value` ,`website_id`) VALUES ( NULL , '{$product_super_attribute_id}', '" . $row['value_index'] . "', '" . $row['is_percent'] . "', '" . $row['pricing_value'] . "', '0')");
                 // END if($product_super_attribute_id)
             // END foreach ($attribute_price_rows as $attribute_id=>$attribute_price_row)
         // END if(!empty($attribute_price_rows))
     return true;