Exemplo n.º 1
 public function testCamelizeLower()
     // most common scenarios (underscore => camelize)
     $this->assertEquals('derek', Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize('derek', 'lower'));
     $this->assertEquals('dereksTest', Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize('dereks_test', 'lower'));
     $this->assertEquals('dereks/test', Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize('dereks/test', 'lower'));
     $this->assertEquals('dereksName/test', Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize('dereks_name/test', 'lower'));
     // not as common (already camelized)
     $this->assertEquals('derek', Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize('Derek', 'lower'));
     $this->assertEquals('dereksTest', Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize('dereksTest', 'lower'));
     $this->assertEquals('dereksTest', Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize('DereksTest', 'lower'));
     $this->assertEquals('dereks/test', Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize('Dereks_Test', 'lower'));
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Construct association object
  * @param   string  $assocName
  * @param   array   $options
  * @param   object  $model
 public function __construct($assocName, $options, Mad_Model_Base $model)
     $valid = array('className', 'foreignKey', 'primaryKey', 'include', 'order', 'dependent' => 'nullify');
     $this->_options = Mad_Support_Base::assertValidKeys($options, $valid);
     $this->_assocName = $assocName;
     $this->_model = $model;
     $this->_conn = $model->connection();
     // get inflections
     $toMethod = Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize($this->_assocName, 'lower');
     $toMethod = str_replace('/', '_', $toMethod);
     $toClass = ucfirst($toMethod);
     $this->_methods = array($toMethod => 'getObject', $toMethod . '=' => 'setObject', 'build' . $toClass => 'buildObject', 'create' . $toClass => 'createObject');
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Construct association object
  * @param   string  $assocName
  * @param   array   $options
  * @param   object  $model
 public function __construct($assocName, $options, Mad_Model_Base $model)
     $valid = array('className', 'conditions', 'order', 'foreignKey', 'primaryKey', 'associationForeignKey', 'associationPrimaryKey', 'joinTable', 'uniq', 'include', 'finderSql', 'deleteSql', 'insertSql');
     $this->_options = Mad_Support_Base::assertValidKeys($options, $valid);
     $this->_assocName = $assocName;
     $this->_model = $model;
     $this->_conn = $model->connection();
     // get inflections
     $toMethod = Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize($this->_assocName, 'lower');
     $toMethod = str_replace('/', '_', $toMethod);
     $singular = Mad_Support_Inflector::singularize($toMethod);
     $toClass = ucfirst($singular);
     $this->_methods = array($toMethod => 'getObjects', $toMethod . '=' => 'setObjects', $singular . 'Ids' => 'getObjectIds', $singular . 'Ids=' => 'setObjectIds', $singular . 'Count' => 'getObjectCount', 'add' . $toClass => 'addObject', Mad_Support_Inflector::pluralize('replace' . $toClass) => 'replaceObjects', Mad_Support_Inflector::pluralize('delete' . $toClass) => 'deleteObjects', Mad_Support_Inflector::pluralize('clear' . $toClass) => 'clearObjects', Mad_Support_Inflector::pluralize('find' . $toClass) => 'findObjects');
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Construct association object
  * @param   string  $assocName
  * @param   array   $options
 public function __construct($assocName, $options, Mad_Model_Base $model)
     $valid = array('className', 'foreignKey', 'associationForeignKey', 'primaryKey', 'associationPrimaryKey', 'include', 'select', 'conditions', 'order', 'finderSql', 'through', 'dependent' => 'nullify');
     $this->_options = Mad_Support_Base::assertValidKeys($options, $valid);
     $this->_assocName = $assocName;
     $this->_model = $model;
     $this->_conn = $model->connection();
     // throw fatal error if through option is invalid
     $this->_throughClass = Mad_Support_Inflector::classify($this->_options['through']);
     // get inflections
     $toMethod = Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize($this->_assocName, 'lower');
     $toMethod = str_replace('/', '_', $toMethod);
     $singular = Mad_Support_Inflector::singularize($toMethod);
     $toClass = ucfirst($singular);
     $this->_methods = array($toMethod => 'getObjects', $singular . 'Ids' => 'getObjectIds', $singular . 'Count' => 'getObjectCount', 'add' . $toClass => 'addObject', Mad_Support_Inflector::pluralize('delete' . $toClass) => 'deleteObjects', Mad_Support_Inflector::pluralize('clear' . $toClass) => 'clearObjects', Mad_Support_Inflector::pluralize('find' . $toClass) => 'findObjects');
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Given a status parameter, determine whether it needs to be converted
  * to a string. If it is an integer, use the $statusCodes hash to lookup
  * the default message. If it is a string, build $symbolToStatusCode
  * and convert it.  
  *   interpret(404)         => "404 Not Found"
  *   interpret("notFound")  => "404 Not Found"
  * Differences from Rails:
  *   - $status is camelized, not underscored.
  *   - an unknown status raises an exception
  * @param  string|integer  Status code or "symbol"
  * @return string          Header
 public static function interpret($status)
     // Status from integer or numeric string
     if (is_numeric($status)) {
         if (isset(self::$statusCodes[$status])) {
             return "{$status} " . self::$statusCodes[$status];
         } else {
             $msg = "Unknown status code: {$status}";
             throw new InvalidArgumentException($msg);
         // Status from string
     } else {
         if (is_string($status)) {
             // Build a string-to-integer lookup for converting a symbol (like
             // 'created' or 'notImplemented') into its corresponding HTTP status
             // code (like 200 or 501).
             static $symbolToStatusCode = array();
             if (empty($symbolToStatusCode)) {
                 foreach (self::$statusCodes as $code => $message) {
                     $symbol = Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize($message, $first = 'lower');
                     $symbolToStatusCode[$symbol] = $code;
             // Convert status symbol to integer code, return header
             if (isset($symbolToStatusCode[$status])) {
                 return self::interpret($symbolToStatusCode[$status]);
             // Error: Status symbol could not be converted to an integer code
             // Try to help if the developer mixed up underscore/camel
             $msg = "Unknown status: '{$status}'";
             if (strpos($status, '_')) {
                 $status = Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize($status, $first = 'lower');
                 if (isset($symbolToStatusCode[$status])) {
                     $msg .= " (underscore), did you mean '{$status}' (camel)?";
             throw new InvalidArgumentException($msg);
             // Status is an unknown type
         } else {
             $msg = '$status must be numeric or string, got ' . gettype($status);
             throw new InvalidArgumentException($msg);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Construct association object - simple factory
  * @param   string  $macro (format|length|numericality|presence|uniqueness)
  * @param   string  $attributes
  * @param   array   $options
 public static function factory($macro, $attribute, $options)
     $className = "Mad_Model_Validation_" . Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize($macro);
     return new $className($attribute, $options);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Take the $matchdata returned by a Horde_Routes_Mapper match and add
  * in :controller and :action that are used by the rest of the framework.
  * Format controller names: my_stuff => MyStuffController
  * Format action names:     action_name => actionName
  * @param   array   $matchdata
  * @return  mixed   false | array
 public function formatMatchdata($matchdata)
     $ret = array();
     foreach ($matchdata as $key => $val) {
         if ($key == 'controller') {
             $ret['controller'] = $val;
             $ret[':controller'] = Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize($val) . 'Controller';
         } elseif ($key == 'action') {
             // Horde_Routes_Mapper->resource() and Python Routes are inconsistent
             // with Rails by using "delete" instead of "destroy".
             if ($val == 'delete') {
                 $val = 'destroy';
             $ret['action'] = $val;
             $ret[':action'] = Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize($val, 'lower');
         } else {
             $ret[$key] = $val;
     return !empty($ret) && isset($ret['controller']) ? $ret : false;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Generate mailer class stubs
 private function _generateMailerStubs()
     $name = !empty($this->_args) ? array_shift($this->_args) : null;
     if (!$name) {
         $this->_exit("You did not specify the name of the Mailer to generate");
     $name = str_replace('Mailer', '', $name);
     $mailerName = Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize($name) . 'Mailer';
     $this->_tpl->mailerName = $mailerName;
     $content = $this->_tpl->render('mailer.php');
     $this->_createFile(MAD_ROOT . "/app/models/{$mailerName}.php", $content);
     $this->_createDir(MAD_ROOT . '/app/views/' . $mailerName);
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Get the method used to declare the of this association
  * Example:
  * <code>
  *  $this->hasMany('Documents');
  *  // returns 'hasMany'
  * </code>
  * @return  string
 public function getMacro()
     if (!isset($this->_macro)) {
         $this->_macro = Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize(str_replace('Mad_Model_Association_', '', get_class($this)), 'lower');
     return $this->_macro;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Add associations specified via the <tt>:includes</tt> option.
  * Expects a block that takes as arguments:
  *   +association+ - name of the association
  *   +records+     - the association record(s) to be serialized
  *   +opts+        - options for the association records
 public function addIncludes()
     if (isset($this->_options['include'])) {
         $includeAssociations = (array) $this->_options['include'];
     if (empty($includeAssociations)) {
     $baseOnlyOrExcept = array('except' => $this->_options['except'], 'only' => $this->_options['only']);
     // associative array includes have additional options
     $includeHasOptions = !is_int(key($includeAssociations));
     $associations = $includeHasOptions ? array_keys($includeAssociations) : $includeAssociations;
     // find records for each association
     foreach ($associations as $association) {
         $assoc = $this->_record->reflectOnAssociation($association);
         $type = $assoc->getMacro();
         $method = Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize($association, 'lower');
         if ($type == 'hasMany' || $type == 'hasAndBelongsToMany') {
             $records = $this->_record->{$method}()->getCollection();
         } elseif ($type == 'hasOne' || $type == 'belongsTo') {
             $records = $this->_record->{$method}();
         if ($records === null) {
         // options
         if ($includeHasOptions) {
             $associationOptions = $includeAssociations[$association];
         } else {
             $associationOptions = $baseOnlyOrExcept;
         // sub-records
         $opts = array_merge($this->_options, $associationOptions);
         $this->yieldRecords($association, $records, $opts);
     $this->_options['include'] = $includeAssociations;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Construct associations for model from record/row
  * @param   object  $record
  * @param   object  $join
  * @param   array   $row
 protected function _constructAssociation(Mad_Model_Base $record, Mad_Model_Join_Base $join, $row)
     // set that we've loaded this association
     if ($record->id != $join->parent()->recordId($row) || empty($row[$join->aliasedPrimaryKey()])) {
     $association = $join->instantiate($row);
     $macro = $join->reflection()->getMacro();
     $singular = Mad_Support_Inflector::singularize($join->reflection()->getAssocName());
     if ($macro == 'hasAndBelongsToMany' || $macro == 'hasMany' || $macro == 'hasManyThrough') {
         $addMethod = Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize('add' . ucfirst($singular), 'lower');
         $addMethod = str_replace('/', '_', $addMethod);
         // make sure object isn't already included
         $getter = Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize($join->reflection()->getAssocName(), 'lower');
         $getter = str_replace('/', '_', $getter);
         $exists = array();
         foreach ($record->{$getter} as $val) {
             $exists[] = $val->id;
         if (!in_array($association->id, $exists)) {
     } elseif ($macro == 'belongsTo' || $macro == 'hasOne') {
         $assignMethod = Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize($singular, 'lower');
         $record->{$assignMethod} = $association;
     return $association;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Set the value for an attribute in this object.
  * @param   string  $name
  * @param   mixed   $value
 protected function _setAttribute($name, $value)
     // check for writer proxy method
     $underscore = Mad_Support_Inflector::underscore("set_{$name}");
     $methodName = Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize($underscore, 'lower');
     if (method_exists($this, $methodName)) {
     } else {
         $property = "_{$name}";
         if (property_exists($this, $property)) {
             $this->{$property} = $value;
         } else {
             $this->_attrValues[$name] = $value;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Actually return object, and not class
  * @param   string  $migrationName
  * @param   int     $version
  * @return  Mad_Model_Migration_Base
 protected function _getMigrationClass($migrationName, $version)
     $className = Mad_Support_Inflector::camelize($migrationName);
     $migration = new $className();
     $migration->version = $version;
     return $migration;