function get_stream_cmml( $inline = false, $force_track = null ) {
		$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
		// set cmml name space if inline:
		$ns = ( $inline ) ? 'cmml:':'';
		$ns = '';
		$encap = false;// if we should have a parent cmml tag
		if ( !$force_track ) {
			// check the request to get trac set:
			$mvcp = new MV_Component();
			$tracks = $mvcp->mvd_tracks;
			if ( count( $mvcp->mvd_tracks ) > 1 )$encap = true;
		} else {
			$tracks = $force_track;
			$encap = false;

		// get the stream title
		$streamTitle = new MV_Title( $this->stream_name . '/' . $this->req_time );
		$wgTitle = Title::newFromText( $this->stream_name . '/' . $this->req_time, MV_NS_STREAM );
		// do mvd_index query:
		$mvd_rows = MV_Index::getMVDInRange( $streamTitle->getStreamId(),
			$streamTitle->getEndTimeSeconds(), $tracks, $getText = false, 'Speech_by,Bill,category' );
		// get the stream stream req
		if ( $this->output_xml_header )
			header( 'Content-Type: text/xml' );
		// print the header:
		if ( !$inline )print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>' . "\n";
		// if(!$inline)print '<!DOCTYPE cmml SYSTEM "">'."\n";
		$tracks = array();
		if ( count( $mvd_rows ) != 0 ) {
			global $wgOut;
			$MV_Overlay = new MV_Overlay();
			foreach ( $mvd_rows as $mvd ) {
				if ( !isset( $tracks[$mvd->mvd_type] ) )$tracks[$mvd->mvd_type] = '';
				$tracks[$mvd->mvd_type] .= '
						<' . $ns . 'clip id="mvd_' . htmlentities( $mvd->id ) . '" start="npt:' . htmlentities( seconds2npt( $mvd->start_time ) ) . '" end="npt:' . htmlentities( seconds2npt( $mvd->end_time ) ) . '">
							<' . $ns . 'img src="' . htmlentities( $streamTitle->getFullStreamImageURL( null, seconds2npt( $mvd->start_time ) ) ) . '"/>';
				// output all metadata @@todo we should generalize the semantic properties.
				$tracks[$mvd->mvd_type] .= ( isset( $mvd->Speech_by ) && trim( $mvd->Speech_by ) != '' ) ? '<meta name="Speech_by" content="' . htmlentities (  $mvd->Speech_by  ) . '"/>':'';
				$tracks[$mvd->mvd_type] .= ( isset( $mvd->Bill ) && trim( $mvd->Bill ) != '' ) ? '<meta name="Bill" content="' . htmlentities( $mvd->Bill ) . '"/>':'';

				// add in categories as "keywords"
				if ( count( $mvd->category ) != 0 ) {
					$tracks[$mvd->mvd_type] .= '<meta name="keywords" content="';
					$coma = '';
					foreach ( $mvd->category as $cat ) {
						$tracks[$mvd->mvd_type] .= $coma . htmlentities( $cat );
						$coma = ',';
					$tracks[$mvd->mvd_type] .= '"/>';
				$tracks[$mvd->mvd_type] .= '<' . $ns . 'body><![CDATA[
									' .	 $MV_Overlay->getMVDhtml( $mvd, $absolute_links = true ). '
								]]></' . $ns . 'body>
						</' . $ns . 'clip>';
				// clear wgOutput
		if ( $encap )print '<cmml_set>';
		// based on:
		foreach ( $tracks as $role => $body_string ) {
			$ns = htmlentities( $ns );
	lang="en" id="<?php 
        echo htmlentities($role);
        echo wfMsg($role);
        echo $ns;
head> <<?php 
        echo $ns;
        echo wfMsg($role);
        echo $ns;
title> <<?php 
        echo $ns;
meta name="description" content="<?php 
        echo htmlentities(wfMsg($role . '_desc'));
        echo $ns;
meta> </<?php 
        echo $ns;
        echo $body_string;
		if ( $encap )print '</cmml_set>';
	function get_stream_cmml($inline=false, $force_track=null){		
		$dbr =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);		
		//set cmml name space if inline: 
		$ns = ($inline)?'cmml:':'';
		$encap=false;//if we should have a parent cmml tag
			//check the request to get trac set:
			$mvcp = new MV_Component();
			$tracks = $mvcp->mvd_tracks;
			$tracks = $force_track;
		//get the stream title	
		$streamTitle = new MV_Title($this->stream_name.'/'.$this->req_time);		
		$wgTitle = Title::newFromText($this->stream_name.'/'.$this->req_time, MV_NS_STREAM);
		//do mvd_index query:
		$mvd_res = MV_Index::getMVDInRange($streamTitle->getStreamId(),
				$streamTitle->getEndTimeSeconds(), $tracks);
		//get the stream stream req 
		if(!$inline)header('Content-Type: text/xml');
		//print the header:
		if(!$inline)print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>'."\n";		
		//if(!$inline)print '<!DOCTYPE cmml SYSTEM "">'."\n";		
			global $wgOut;
			$MV_Overlay = new MV_Overlay();				
			while($mvd = $dbr->fetchObject($mvd_res)){	
						<'.$ns.'clip id="mvd_'.$mvd->id.'" start="ntp:'.seconds2ntp($mvd->start_time).'" end="ntp:'.seconds2ntp($mvd->end_time).'">
							<'.$ns.'img src="'.htmlentities($streamTitle->getFullStreamImageURL(null, seconds2ntp($mvd->start_time))).'"/>
									'.	$MV_Overlay->getMVDhtml($mvd, $absolute_links=true).'
				//clear wgOutput				
		if($encap)print '<cmml_set>';
 	    //based on:
		foreach($tracks as $role=>$body_string){ ?>
					<cmml lang="en" id="<?=$role?>" role="<?=wfMsg($role)?>" xmlns="">		
		if($encap)print '</cmml_set>';
Exemplo n.º 3
 function update_index_page(&$article, &$text)
     global $mvgIP, $mvIndexTableName;
     //check static or $this usage context
     //use mv title to split up the values:
     $mvTitle = new MV_Title($article->mTitle->getDBkey());
     //print "Wiki title: " . $mvTitle->getWikiTitle();
     //fist check if an mvd entry for this stream already exists:
     $mvd_row = MV_Index::getMVDbyTitle($mvTitle->getWikiTitle());
     //set up the insert values:
     $insAry = array('mv_page_id' => $article->mTitle->getArticleID(), 'wiki_title' => $mvTitle->getWikiTitle(), 'mvd_type' => $mvTitle->getTypeMarker(), 'stream_id' => $mvTitle->getStreamId(), 'start_time' => $mvTitle->getStartTimeSeconds(), 'end_time' => $mvTitle->getEndTimeSeconds());
     $dbw =& wfGetDB(DB_WRITE);
     if (count($mvd_row) == 0) {
         return $dbw->insert($mvIndexTableName, $insAry);
     } else {
         $dbw->update($mvIndexTableName, $insAry, array('mv_page_id' => $mvd_row->mv_page_id));
 function parsePlaylist()
     global $wgParser, $wgOut;
     //valid playlist in-line-attributes:
     $mvInlineAttr = array('wClip', 'mvClip', 'title', 'linkback', 'desc', 'desc', 'image');
     //build a associative array of "clips"
     $seq_text = $this->getSequenceText();
     $seq_lines = explode("\n", $seq_text);
     $parseBucket = $cur_attr = '';
     $clip_inx = -1;
     foreach ($seq_lines as $line) {
         //actions start with |
         $e = strpos($line, '=');
         if ($e !== false) {
             $cur_attr = substr($line, 1, $e - 1);
         if (in_array($cur_attr, $mvInlineAttr)) {
             if ($cur_attr == 'mvClip') {
             //close the parse bucket (found a valid inline attr)
             if ($parseBucket != '' && $cur_attr != 'desc') {
                 $output = $wgParser->parse($parseBucket, $parser->mTitle, $parser->mOptions, true, false);
                 $parseBucket = '';
         $start_pos = $e !== false ? $e + 1 : 0;
         if ($clip_inx != -1) {
             if (!isset($this->clips[$clip_inx])) {
                 $this->clips[$clip_inx] = array();
             if (!isset($this->clips[$clip_inx][$cur_attr])) {
                 $this->clips[$clip_inx][$cur_attr] = '';
             $this->clips[$clip_inx][$cur_attr] .= substr($line, $start_pos);
     //poluate data (this could go here or somewhere else)
     foreach ($this->clips as $inx => &$clip) {
         if (trim($clip['mvClip']) == '') {
         if ($clip['mvClip']) {
             $sn = str_replace('?t=', '/', $clip['mvClip']);
             $streamTitle = new MV_Title($sn);
             $wgStreamTitle = Title::newFromText($sn, MV_NS_STREAM);
             if ($streamTitle->doesStreamExist()) {
                 //mvClip is a substitue for src so assume its there:
                 $clip['src'] = $streamTitle->getWebStreamURL();
                 if (!isset($clip['title'])) {
                     $clip['title'] = '';
                 if ($clip['title'] == '') {
                     $clip['title'] = $streamTitle->getTitleDesc();
                 if (!isset($clip['info'])) {
                     $clip['info'] = '';
                 if ($clip['info'] == '') {
                     $clip['info'] = $wgStreamTitle->getFullURL();
             //check if we should look up the image:
             if (!isset($clip['image'])) {
                 $clip['image'] == '';
             if ($clip['image'] == '') {
                 $clip['image'] = $streamTitle->getFullStreamImageURL();
             //check if desc was present:
             if (!isset($clip['desc'])) {
                 $clip['desc'] = '';
             //for now just lookup all ... @@todo future expose diffrent language tracks
             if ($clip['desc'] == '') {
                 $dbr =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
                 $mvd_res = MV_Index::getMVDInRange($streamTitle->getStreamId(), $streamTitle->getStartTimeSeconds(), $streamTitle->getEndTimeSeconds());
                 if (count($dbr->numRows($mvd_res)) != 0) {
                     $MV_Overlay = new MV_Overlay();
                     while ($mvd = $dbr->fetchObject($mvd_res)) {
                         //output a link /line break
                     $clip['desc'] = $wgOut->getHTML();
function mvDoMetavidStreamPage(&$title, &$article)
    $mvTitle = new MV_Title($title->mDbkeyform);
    if ($mvTitle->doesStreamExist()) {
        // @@TODO check if we have /name corresponding to a view or
        // /ss:ss:ss or /ss:ss:ss/ee:ee:ee corresponding to a time request
        // force metavid to be special
        // (@@todo clean up skin.php to enable better tab controls)
        // $title->mNamespace= NS_SPECIAL;
        // add a hit to the digest if enabled:
        // @@todo (maybe in the future use javascript to confirm they acutally "watched" the clip)
        global $mvEnableClipViewDigest, $wgRequest;
        // don't log views without end times (default stream view)
        if ($mvEnableClipViewDigest && $mvTitle->end_time != null && $wgRequest->getVal('tl') != '1') {
            $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_WRITE);
            $dbw->insert('mv_clipview_digest', array('stream_id' => $mvTitle->getStreamId(), 'start_time' => $mvTitle->getStartTimeSeconds(), 'end_time' => $mvTitle->getEndTimeSeconds(), 'query_key' => $mvTitle->getStreamId() . $mvTitle->getStartTimeSeconds() . $mvTitle->getEndTimeSeconds(), 'view_date' => time()));
            // compensate for $mvDefaultClipRange around clips
            global $mvDefaultClipRange;
            $start_time = $mvTitle->getStartTimeSeconds() + $mvDefaultClipRange < 0 ? 0 : $mvTitle->getStartTimeSeconds() + $mvDefaultClipRange;
            $end_time = $mvTitle->getEndTimeSeconds() - $mvDefaultClipRange > $mvTitle->getDuration() ? 0 : $mvTitle->getEndTimeSeconds() - $mvDefaultClipRange;
            // also increment the mvd_page if we find a match:
            $dbw->update('mv_mvd_index', array('`view_count`=`view_count`+1'), array('stream_id' => $mvTitle->getStreamId(), 'start_time' => $start_time, 'end_time' => $end_time));
            // print $dbw->lastQuery();
            // also update the mvd_page if directly requested:
            $dbw->update('mv_mvd_index', array('`view_count`=`view_count`+1'), array('stream_id' => $mvTitle->getStreamId(), 'start_time' => $mvTitle->getStartTimeSeconds(), 'end_time' => $mvTitle->getEndTimeSeconds()));
            // print $dbw->lastQuery();
        // @@todo check if the requested title is already just the stream name:
        $streamTitle = Title::newFromText($mvTitle->getStreamName(), MV_NS_STREAM);
        // print " new title: " . $streamTitle . "\n";
        $article = new MV_StreamPage($streamTitle, $mvTitle);
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 6
 function do_edit_submit($titleKey, $mvd_id, $returnEncapsulated = false)
     global $wgOut, $wgScriptPath, $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgRequest;
     if ($mvd_id == 'new') {
         $titleKey = substr($_REQUEST['title'], 0, strpos($_REQUEST['title'], '/')) . '/' . $_REQUEST['mv_start_hr_new'] . '/' . $_REQUEST['mv_end_hr_new'];
         $pos2 = strpos($_REQUEST['title'], '/');
         $pos1 = strpos($_REQUEST['title'], ':');
         //$nameKey ='mp_names'.substr($_REQUEST['title'],$pos1,$pos2).$_REQUEST['mv_start_hr_new'].'/'.$_REQUEST['mv_end_hr_new'];
         $nameKey = 'mp_names:' . $_REQUEST['wgTitle'] . '/' . $_REQUEST['mv_start_hr_new'] . '/' . $_REQUEST['mv_end_hr_new'];
     } else {
         $nameKey = 'mp_names:' . $_REQUEST['wgTitle'] . '/' . $_REQUEST['mv_start_hr_' . $mvd_id] . '/' . $_REQUEST['mv_end_hr_' . $mvd_id];
     $type = substr($_REQUEST['title'], 0, strpos($_REQUEST['title'], ':'));
     //set up the title /article
     $wgTitle = Title::newFromText($titleKey, MV_NS_MVD);
     $Article = new Article($wgTitle);
     if ($type != 'Anno_en') {
         $tit = Title::newFromText($nameKey, MV_NS_MVD);
         $art = new Article($tit);
         if (!$art->exists()) {
             $art->doEdit($_REQUEST['smw_Spoken_By'], 'MP names DO NOT EDIT', EDIT_NEW);
         } else {
             $art->doEdit($_REQUEST['smw_Spoken_By'], 'MP names DO NOT EDIT', EDIT_UPDATE);
     //add all semantic form based attributes/relations to the posted body text
     foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
         $do_swm_include = true;
         if (substr($key, 0, 4) == 'smw_') {
             //try attribute
             $swmTitle = Title::newFromText(substr($key, 4), SMW_NS_PROPERTY);
             if ($swmTitle->exists()) {
                 //make sure the person is not empty:
                 if (trim($val) != '') {
                     //@@todo update for other smw types:
                     //$wgRequest->data['wpTextbox1'] = trim($_REQUEST['wpTextbox1']);
                     if ($key == 'smw_Spoken_By') {
                         //update the request wpTextBox:
                         $wgRequest->data['wpTextbox1'] .= "[[" . $swmTitle->getText() . ':=' . $val . ']]';
                     } else {
                         if ($key == 'smw_Edited_By') {
                             $user = User::newFromId($val);
                             $wgRequest->data['wpTextbox1'] .= " [[" . $swmTitle->getText() . ':=' . $user->getRealName() . ']] ';
                         } else {
                             if ($key == 'smw_Read_By') {
                                 $user = User::newFromId($val);
                                 $wgRequest->data['wpTextbox1'] .= " [[" . $swmTitle->getText() . ':=' . $user->getRealName() . ']] ';
                             } else {
                                 if ($key == 'smw_Reported_By') {
                                     $user = User::newFromId($val);
                                     $wgRequest->data['wpTextbox1'] .= " [[" . $swmTitle->getText() . ':=' . $user->getRealName() . ']] ';
                                 } else {
                                     if ($key == 'smw_Status') {
                                         $wgRequest->data['wpTextbox1'] .= " [[" . $swmTitle->getText() . ':=' . $val . ']] ';
     global $reportersTable;
     if (isset($wgRequest->data['smw_Reported_By']))
     	$name = $wgRequest->data['smw_Reported_By'];
     	$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$reportersTable.' WHERE name="'.$name.'"';
     	$dbr =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
     	$result = $dbr->query($sql);
     	$row = $dbr->fetchObject($result);
     	$number = $row->order_number;
     	if ($row->next == 'next')
     			$dbw =& wfGetDB(DB_WRITE);
     			$sql = 'UPDATE '.$reportersTable.' SET next="" WHERE name="'.$name.'"';
     			$result = $dbw->query($sql);
     			$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$reportersTable.' WHERE order_number='."$number+1";
     			$result = $dbr->query($sql);
     			$row = $dbr->numRows($result);
     			if ($row > 0)
     				$sql = 'UPDATE '.$reportersTable.' SET next="next" WHERE order_number='."$number+1";
     					$sql = 'UPDATE '.$reportersTable.' SET next="next" WHERE order_number=1';
     			$result = $dbw->query($sql);
     $editPageAjax = new MV_EditPageAjax($Article);
     $editPageAjax->mvd_id = $mvd_id;
     global $mvgIP;
     $pages_start = array();
     $pages_end = array();
     $overlap = false;
     $start_hour = substr($_REQUEST['mv_start_hr_new'], 0, 1);
     $start_min = substr($_REQUEST['mv_start_hr_new'], 2, 2);
     $start_sec = substr($_REQUEST['mv_start_hr_new'], 5, 2);
     $start_time_in_sec = $start_hour * 3600 + $start_min * 60 + $start_sec;
     $end_hour = substr($_REQUEST['mv_end_hr_new'], 0, 1);
     $end_min = substr($_REQUEST['mv_end_hr_new'], 2, 2);
     $end_sec = substr($_REQUEST['mv_end_hr_new'], 5, 2);
     $end_time_in_sec = $end_hour * 3600 + $end_min * 60 + $end_sec;
     $streamTitle = new MV_Title($_REQUEST['title']);
     //$transcript_title = new MV_Title($titleKey);
     //$start = $transcript_title->getStartTimeSeconds();
     //$end = $transcript_title->getEndTimeSeconds();
     require_once $mvgIP . '/includes/MV_Index.php';
     $dbr =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
     $result =& MV_Index::getMVDInRange($streamTitle->getStreamId(), $streamTitle->getStartTimeSeconds(), $streamTitle->getEndTimeSeconds(), 'Ht_en');
     if ($dbr->numRows($result) == 0) {
         $pages_start = array();
         $pages_end = array();
     } else {
         while (($row = $dbr->fetchObject($result)) && $overlap == false) {
             $pages_start[$row->id] = $row->start_time;
             $pages_end[$row->id] = $row->end_time;
             if ($row->start_time <= $start_time_in_sec && $start_time_in_sec <= $row->end_time || $row->start_time <= $end_time_in_sec && $end_time_in_sec <= $row->end_time) {
                 $overlap = true;
     $val = $wgRequest->getVal('overlap');
     if ($overlap == true && !isset($_POST['wpPreview']) && $val == 'no') {
         return "alert(\"The transcript you are trying to save" . $val . " overlaps with another\");" . $wgOut->getHTML();
     //if preview just return the parsed preview
     //@@todo refactor to use as much EditPage code as possible
     // use the "livePreview" functionality of Edit page.
     if (isset($_POST['wpPreview'])) {
         //$out = $editPageAjax->getPreviewText();
         $mvTitle = new MV_Title($_REQUEST['title']);
         $parserOutput = $this->parse_format_text($wgRequest->data['wpTextbox1'], $mvTitle);
         return $wgOut->getHTML() . '<div style="clear:both;"><hr></div>';
     if ($editPageAjax->edit($wgRequest->data['wpTextbox1']) == false) {
         if ($mvd_id == 'new') {
             //get context info to position timeline element:
             $rt = isset($_REQUEST['wgTitle']) ? $_REQUEST['wgTitle'] : null;
             //get updated mvd_id:
             $dbr =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
             $result =& MV_Index::getMVDbyTitle($titleKey, 'mv_page_id');
             $mvd_id = $result->id;
             $result2 =& MV_Index::getMVDbyTitle($nameKey, 'mv_page_id');
             //purge cache for parent stream
             MV_MVD::onEdit($this->mvd_pages, $mvd_id);
             //MV_MVD::onEdit($this->mvd_pages, $result2->id);
             //return Encapsulated (since its a new mvd)
             $returnEncapsulated = true;
         } else {
             //purge cache for parent stream
             MV_MVD::onEdit($this->mvd_pages, $mvd_id);
         if ($returnEncapsulated) {
             if ($_REQUEST['saveandcreate'] == 'true') {
                 $time_range = seconds2ntp($end_time_in_sec + 1) . '/' . seconds2ntp($end_time_in_sec + 600);
                 $time_str = 'mv_disp_add_mvd("ht_en","' . $time_range . '")';
                 return php2jsObj(array('status' => 'ok', 'mvd_id' => $mvd_id, 'titleKey' => $titleKey, 'fd_mvd' => $this->get_fd_mvd_request($titleKey, $mvd_id, 'enclosed'), 'tl_mvd' => $this->get_tl_mvd_request($titleKey, $mvd_id), 'saveandcreate' => $time_str));
             } else {
                 return php2jsObj(array('status' => 'ok', 'mvd_id' => $mvd_id, 'titleKey' => $titleKey, 'fd_mvd' => $this->get_fd_mvd_request($titleKey, $mvd_id, 'enclosed'), 'tl_mvd' => $this->get_tl_mvd_request($titleKey, $mvd_id)));
         } else {
             return $this->get_fd_mvd_request($titleKey, $mvd_id);
         //return "page saved successfully?";
     } else {
         //return "edit failed/ or preview? ";
         //$wgOut should have edit form with reported conflict, error or whatever
         return $wgOut->getHTML();