public static function canEval($sExtension) { if (M::PRODUCTION()) { return in_array($sExtension, self::$_aEvaledExtensionsProd); } return in_array($sExtension, self::$_aEvaledExtensionsDev); }
public function __construct($p1) { $this->prop = $p1; echo "Inside instance " . __METHOD__ . "\n"; parent::__construct(); M::__construct(); // allowed N::__construct(); // allowed $clName = "M"; $clName::__construct(); // allowed // "M"::__construct(); // not allowed // can call instance and static methods using both -> and :: $this->gi(); // $this explicitly used (and passed) P::gi(); // $this implicitly used (and passed) self::gi(); // $this implicitly used (and passed) $this->gs(); // call to static method, so no $this passed P::gs(); // call to static method, so no $this passed self::gs(); // call to static method, so no $this passed }
public function doExecApplier() { $form = new MyQuickForm('applyform', 'POST', M_Office::URL()); $opts = M::tablesWithPlugin('tag'); $opts = array_combine($opts, $opts); $form->addElement('select', 'table', 'Table', $opts); $form->addElement('textarea', 'clause', 'clause', 'rows="4" cols="60"'); $form->addElement('text', 'tagname', 'tagname'); $form->addElement('text', 'tagdel', 'tagdel'); $form->addElement('checkbox', 'distinct', 'distinct'); $form->addElement('submit', '__submit__', 'Apply'); $form->addFormRule(array($this, 'checkApplier')); if ($form->validate()) { @set_time_limit(0); ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M'); $values = $form->exportValues(); $t = DB_DataObject::factory($values['table']); $query = 'SELECT ' . ($values['distinct'] ? 'DISTINCT ' : ' ') . $values['table'] . '.* FROM ' . $values['table'] . ' ' . $values['clause']; $t->query($query); while ($t->fetch()) { if ($values['tagname']) { $t->addTag($values['tagname']); } if ($values['tagdel']) { $t->removeTag($values['tagdel']); } $applied++; } $this->assign('success', 1); $this->assign('applied', $applied); } $this->assign('form', $form); }
static function getInstance() { if (self::$con instanceof self) { return self::$con; } else { self::$con = new self(); return self::$con; } }
public function run() { $params = M::getRoot(); //组装参数 $params["scope"] = "sliderbar"; //指定定查询范围 //获取菜单数组 $navarr = FrontMenu::getChildMenu($params); $this->render('navbar', array('nav' => $navarr)); }
/** * 连接数据库 */ private function conn() { require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php'; $db_name = $dbname; $db_encode = 'utf8'; $this->prefix = 'weixin_'; $this->link = mysql_connect("{$host}:{$port}", $user, $pwd) or die('数据库服务器连接错误:' . mysql_error()); M::$wlink = $this->link; mysql_select_db($db_name) or die('数据库连接错误:' . mysql_error()); mysql_query("set names '{$db_encode}'"); }
/** * Returns available diskspace information * * @return array */ public function getQuotaInfo() { $stats = M::stats(); return array(10000000000.0 - $stats['totalSize'], 10000000000.0); /* return array( disk_total_space($this->path)-disk_free_space($this->path), disk_free_space($this->path) ); */ }
public function setup() { M_Office_Util::$mainOptions = PEAR::getStaticProperty('m_office', 'options'); M::addPaths('module', array(APP_ROOT . 'app/_shared/modules/', APP_ROOT . 'app/' . APP_NAME . '/modules/', 'M/Office/modules/')); M::addPaths('template', array(OFFICE_TEMPLATES_FOLDER, APP_ROOT . 'app/_shared/templates/', APP_ROOT . 'app/' . APP_NAME . '/templates/')); if (Config::getPref('theme')) { M::addPaths('template', array(APP_ROOT . 'public/themes/' . Config::getPref('theme') . '/templates/')); } $tpl = new Mtpl(M::getPaths('template')); $tpl->assign('jsdir', SITE_URL . 'js/'); Mreg::set('tpl', $tpl); }
public function run() { //获取 $params = M::getRoot(); //组装参数 $params["scope"] = "sliderbar"; //指定定查询范围 //获取菜单数组 $navarr = FrontMenu::getChildMenu($params); $service_arr = array('orders' => '订单管理', 'quos' => '查看报价单', 'returns' => '退货管理'); $dealer_arr = array('orders' => '订单管理', 'quos' => '管理报价单', 'returns' => '退货管理'); foreach ($navarr as $key => $val) { if (Yii::app()->user->isServicer()) { if ($val['name'] != '采购管理') { unset($navarr[$key]); continue; } foreach ($navarr[$key]['children'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['name'] == $service_arr['orders']) { $data['order'] = $v['name']; } else { if ($v['name'] == $service_arr['quos']) { $data['quo'] = $v['name']; } else { if ($v['name'] == $service_arr['returns']) { $data['return'] = $v['name']; } } } } } if (Yii::app()->user->isDealer()) { if ($val['name'] != '销售管理') { unset($navarr[$key]); continue; } foreach ($navarr[$key]['children'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['name'] == $dealer_arr['orders']) { $data['order'] = $v['name']; } else { if ($v['name'] == $dealer_arr['quos']) { $data['quo'] = $v['name']; } else { if ($v['name'] == $dealer_arr['returns']) { $data['return'] = $v['name']; } } } } } } $this->render('topnews', array('mesmenu' => $data)); }
function writeinto($info) { $infoarr = json_decode($info, true); $flag = new M('flag'); $count = $flag->find("openid='" . $infoarr['openid'] . "'", '*', 'count'); $sqlarr = array("nickname" => bin2hex($infoarr['nickname']), "avatar" => $infoarr['headimgurl'], "fakeid" => randStr(), "sex" => $infoarr['sex'], "fromtype" => 'weixin', "datetime" => time(), "flag" => "2"); if (isset($infoarr['shadyphone'])) { $shady = new M('cj_shady'); $shadyarr = $shady->find("phone=" . $infoarr['shadyphone']); if (empty($shadyarr)) { $addarr = array('phone' => $infoarr['shadyphone'], 'shady' => $shadyarr['grade']); $sqlarr = array_merge($sqlarr, $addarr); } } if ($count) { $savve = $flag->update("openid='" . $infoarr['openid'] . "'", $sqlarr); } if ($savve) { echo "ok"; } }
static function getData($id) { PDOSql::$pdobj = pdoConnect(); $d = PDOSql::select("SELECT name, bg_image, subtitle FROM users WHERE id = ?", array($id)); if (count($d) > 0) { $data['name'] = $d[0]['name']; $data['bg_image'] = $d[0]['bg_image']; $data['subtitle'] = $d[0]['subtitle']; return M::cr(true, $data); } else { return M::cr(false, array('user' => array()), 'No se encontraron datos del usuario'); } }
public function testItWorks() { $mock = M::mock('mindofmicah\\GoodReads\\Curl'); $mock->shouldReceive('fetchInfo')->once()->andReturn(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/stubs/shelves/list.txt')); $response = Request::shelves('list', array('id' => 21308373), $mock); $this->assertInstanceOf('mindofmicah\\GoodReads\\Response', $response); $this->assertInstanceOf('mindofmicah\\GoodReads\\ResponseObj', $response->get('shelves')); $this->assertEquals('shelf_list', $response->headers('method')); $first_shelf = $response->get('shelves'); $this->assertInstanceOf('mindofmicah\\GoodReads\\ResponseObj', $first_shelf); $first_child = current($first_shelf->child()); // print_r($first_child); $this->assertEquals('user_shelf', $first_child[0]->getType()); $this->assertEquals(1, count($response->get('shelves'))); }
function send_msgc($msg, $isNotify = true) { global $db; if (!is_array($msg)) { return; } $uid = $sql = $mc_sql = array(); $userService = L::loadClass('UserService', 'user'); /* @var $userService PW_UserService */ foreach ($msg as $k => $v) { $username = $userService->getUserNameByUserId($v[0]); if (!$username) { continue; } M::sendNotice(array($username), array('title' => $v[6], 'content' => $v[7])); } }
public function execute($params) { $db = MDB2::factory(M::getDatabaseDSN()); $h = $db->dsn['hostspec']; $u = $db->dsn['username']; $p = $db->dsn['password']; $dbn = $db->database_name; $mysqlbin = '/usr/bin/env mysql'; $catbin = '/usr/bin/env cat'; $file = $this->baseFolder . 'src/tag.sql'; $sys = "{$catbin} {$file} | {$mysqlbin} --host={$h} --user={$u} --password={$p} {$dbn}"; system($sys, $return); $this->line('Creating tables :'); $this->line('* tag'); $this->line('* tag_record'); $this->line('* tag_history'); }
/** * 以某个用户的身份给另一个用户发送短消息 * @param int $userId 发送者uid * @param string $receiver 接受者用户名 * @param string $subject 标题 * @param string $content 内容 * return bool */ function sendMessage($userId, $receiver, $subject, $content) { global $winddb, $winduid, $windid, $groupid, $_G, $SYSTEM; $userService = $this->_getUserService(); $winddb = $userService->get($userId, true, true); $winduid = $winddb['uid']; $groupid = $winddb['groupid']; $windid = $winddb['username']; $groupid == '-1' && ($groupid = $winddb['memberid']); if (file_exists(D_P . "data/groupdb/group_{$groupid}.php")) { extract(pwCache::getData(S::escapePath(D_P . "data/groupdb/group_{$groupid}.php", false))); } else { extract(pwCache::getData(D_P . 'data/groupdb/group_1.php', false)); } M::sendMessage($userId, array($receiver), array('create_uid' => $winduid, 'create_username' => $windid, 'title' => S::escapeChar(stripslashes($subject)), 'content' => S::escapeChar(stripslashes($content)))); return new ApiResponse(true); }
public function run() { //获取是经销商还是服务店菜单 $params = M::getRoot(); //组装参数 $params["scope"] = "sliderbar"; //指定定查询范围 //获取菜单数组 $navarr = FrontMenu::getChildMenu($params); foreach ($navarr as $key => $val) { if ($val['name'] != '信息管理') { unset($navarr[$key]); continue; } } $this->render('topNav', array('permenu' => $navarr)); }
public static function __callStatic($sTemplate, $aArgs) { if ($aDirs = M::TEMPLATE_PHP()) { foreach ($aDirs as $sDir) { $sPath = M::PROJECT_ROOT() . '/' . $sDir . '/tpl.' . $sTemplate . '.php'; if (file_exists($sPath)) { self::_findJsFile($sTemplate); self::_findCssFile($sTemplate); if (isset($aArgs[0])) { print Processor::evalString(file_get_contents($sPath), $aArgs[0]); } return; } } } throw new Exception("Template \"{$sTemplate}\" is not found"); }
public static function connect($sDb = null, $sHost = null, $sUser = null, $sPass = null) { self::disconnect(); $sHost = $sHost ? $sHost : M::DB_HOST(); $sUser = $sUser ? $sUser : M::DB_USER(); $sPass = $sPass ? $sPass : M::DB_PASSWORD(); $sDb = $sDb ? $sDb : M::DB_NAME(); self::$_oDb = new mysqli($sHost, $sUser, $sPass, $sDb); self::$_oDb->set_charset('utf8'); if (self::$_oDb->connect_errno) { switch (self::$_oDb->connect_errno) { case 2002: throw new Exception('Mysql error: MYSQL SERVER IS DOWN'); default: throw new Exception('Mysql error: (' . self::$_oDb->connect_errno . ') ' . self::$_oDb->connect_error); } } }
public static function up2Web($img) { $msg = array(); $fname = self::name(DATAROOT, 'up_', pathinfo($img['name'])); $valid = self::validate($img, $fname); if (!$valid->success) { return M::cr(false, array(), $valid->msg); } // final move if (!move_uploaded_file($img['tmp_name'], DATAROOT . $fname)) { $msg[] = 'Failed to move uploaded file ' . $img['tmp_name'] . ' to ' . $fname; } // Check if $uploadOk is set to 0 by an error if (count($msg) > 0) { return M::cr(false, array(), implode(',', $msg)); } else { return M::cr(true, array($fname)); } }
public function execute($params) { if (count($params) > 0) { $tables = $params; } else { $tables = M::tablesWithPlugin('tag'); } foreach ($tables as $table) { $records = DB_DataObject::factory($table); $records->find(); $records->unloadPlugins(); $this->line(''); $this->line("clearing cache on {$table}"); foreach ($records as $record) { $record->getPlugin('tag')->clearTagCache($record); echo '.'; } } }
public function run() { //大类子类数据源 $main = DefaultService::getMainCategorys(0); $main = DefaultService::findChild($main, 0); $maincate = DefaultService::findsub($main); //获取是经销商还是服务店菜单 $params = M::getRoot(); //组装参数 $params["scope"] = "sliderbar"; //指定定查询范围 //获取菜单数组 $navarr = FrontMenu::getChildMenu($params); foreach ($navarr as $key => $val) { if ($val['name'] != '信息管理') { unset($navarr[$key]); continue; } } $this->render('topNav', array('MainCategory' => $maincate, 'permenu' => $navarr)); }
/** * Absolutize to current url – use in templates */ public static function absolutize($sUrl, $sPort = null) { /* return if already absolute URL */ if (parse_url($sUrl, PHP_URL_SCHEME) != '') { return $sUrl; } /* queries and anchors */ if (!$sUrl || $sUrl[0] == '#' || $sUrl[0] == '?') { return M::SITE_ROOT() . $sUrl; } /* parse base URL and convert to local variables: $scheme, $host, $path */ extract(parse_url(M::SITE_ROOT())); /* remove non-directory element from path */ // $path = preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#', '', $path); if (!isset($scheme)) { $scheme = ''; } else { $scheme = $scheme . ':'; } if (!isset($host)) { $host = ''; } if (!isset($path)) { $path = ''; } if ($sPort) { $host = $host . ':' . $sPort; } /* destroy path if relative url points to root */ //if ($sUrl[0] == '/') { $path = ''; } /* dirty absolute URL */ $sAbs = "{$host}{$path}/{$sUrl}"; /* replace '//' or '/./' or '/foo/../' with '/' */ $aRegex = array('#(/\\.?/)#', '#/(?!\\.\\.)[^/]+/\\.\\./#'); for ($n = 1; $n > 0; $sAbs = preg_replace($aRegex, '/', $sAbs, -1, $n)) { } /* absolute URL is ready! */ return $scheme . '//' . $sAbs; }
$errorname = $sendtoname; Showmsg('user_not_exists'); } $uids[] = $userId; } if (is_array($touid)) { foreach ($touid as $key => $value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { $uids[] = $value; } } } !$uids && Showmsg('msg_empty'); $toUsers = $userService->getUserNamesByUserIds($uids); $inColonyUsers = array(); $query = $db->query("SELECT username FROM pw_cmembers WHERE uid IN(" . S::sqlImplode($uids) . ") AND colonyid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid)); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $inColonyUsers[] = $rt['username']; } $toUsers = array_diff($toUsers, $inColonyUsers); M::sendRequest($winduid, $toUsers, array('create_uid' => $winduid, 'create_username' => $windid, 'title' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'email_' . $type . '_invite_subject'), 'content' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'email_' . $type . '_invite_content'), 'extra' => serialize(array('cyid' => $id))), 'request_group', 'request_group'); if ($inColonyUsers) { $inColonyUsers = implode(',', $inColonyUsers); Showmsg('colony_invite_message'); } else { Showmsg('operate_success'); } } } else { Showmsg('undefined_action'); }
<?php M::addPath('module', dirname(__FILE__) . '/modules/'); M::addPath('template', dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/');
<?php !function_exists('readover') && exit('Forbidden'); $g = $db->get_one("SELECT p.gid,p.rvalue AS allowbuy,u.grouptitle FROM pw_permission p LEFT JOIN pw_usergroups u ON p.gid=u.gid WHERE p.uid='0' AND p.fid='0' AND p.gid=" . S::sqlEscape($rt['paycredit']) . " AND p.rkey='allowbuy' AND u.gptype='special'"); if ($g && $g['allowbuy']) { $userService = L::loadClass('UserService', 'user'); /* @var $userService PW_UserService */ if ($rt['extra_1'] == 1) { if ($rt['groupid'] == '-1') { $userService->update($rt['uid'], array('groupid' => $g['gid'])); } else { $groups = $rt['groups'] ? $rt['groups'] . $rt['groupid'] . ',' : ",{$rt['groupid']},"; $userService->update($rt['uid'], array('groupid' => $g['gid'], 'groups' => $groups)); } } else { $groups = $rt['groups'] ? $rt['groups'] . $g['gid'] . ',' : ",{$g['gid']},"; $userService->update($rt['uid'], array('groups' => $groups)); } $db->pw_update("SELECT uid FROM pw_extragroups WHERE uid=" . S::sqlEscape($rt['uid']) . " AND gid=" . S::sqlEscape($g['gid']), "UPDATE pw_extragroups SET " . S::sqlSingle(array('togid' => $rt['groupid'], 'startdate' => $timestamp, 'days' => $rt['number'])) . " WHERE uid=" . S::sqlEscape($rt['uid']) . " AND gid=" . S::sqlEscape($g['gid']), "INSERT INTO pw_extragroups SET " . S::sqlSingle(array('uid' => $rt['uid'], 'togid' => $rt['groupid'], 'gid' => $g['gid'], 'startdate' => $timestamp, 'days' => $rt['number']))); M::sendNotice(array($rt['username']), array('title' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'groupbuy_title'), 'content' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'groupbuy_content', array('fee' => $fee, 'gname' => $g['grouptitle'], 'number' => $rt['number'])))); $ret_url = 'profile.php?action=buy'; }
function updateUserInfo($type, $add, $content = '') { global $db_creditset, $credit, $db_upgrade, $timestamp, $db_tcheck; if ($this->groupid != 'guest') { require_once R_P . 'require/credit.php'; $this->user['todaypost']++; $this->user['monthpost']++; $this->user['postnum']++; $this->user['lastpost'] = $timestamp; $credit->addLog('topic_' . $type, $add, array('uid' => $this->uid, 'username' => $this->username, 'ip' => $GLOBALS['onlineip'], 'fname' => $this->forum->name)); $credit->sets($this->uid, $add, false); $this->user['rvrc'] += $add['rvrc']; $this->user['money'] += $add['money']; $this->user['credit'] += $add['credit']; $this->user['currency'] += $add['currency']; $usercredit = array('postnum' => $this->user['postnum'], 'digests' => $this->user['digests'], 'rvrc' => $this->user['rvrc'], 'money' => $this->user['money'], 'credit' => $this->user['credit'], 'currency' => $this->user['currency'], 'onlinetime' => $this->user['onlinetime']); $upgradeset = unserialize($db_upgrade); foreach ($upgradeset as $key => $val) { if (is_numeric($key) && $val) { foreach ($credit->get($this->user['uid'], 'CUSTOM') as $key => $value) { $usercredit[$key] = $value; } break; } } require_once R_P . 'require/functions.php'; $memberid = getmemberid(CalculateCredit($usercredit, $upgradeset)); $userService = L::loadClass('UserService', 'user'); /* @var $userService PW_UserService */ if ($this->user['memberid'] != $memberid) { $userService->update($this->user['uid'], array('memberid' => $memberid)); $membername = getMembername($memberid); $upmemberid = getNextMemberid($memberid); $upmembername = getMembername($upmemberid); $upneedcredit = getmemberNeed($upmemberid); $userneed = $upneedcredit - CalculateCredit($usercredit, $upgradeset); M::sendNotice(array($this->user['username']), array('title' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'user_update_title', array('username' => $windid)), 'content' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'user_update_content', array('membername' => $membername, 'upmembername' => $upmembername, 'username' => $this->user['username'], 'userneed' => $userneed)))); //$data=array('uid'=>$this->user['uid'],'behavior'=>5,'lastday'=>$GLOBALS['tdtime'],'num'=>$memberid); //$data=array('uid'=>1,'behavior'=>5,'lastday'=>123,'num'=>1); $this->elementUpdate($this->user['uid']); /*升级记录排行*/ } $pwSQL = array('postnum' => $this->user['postnum'], 'todaypost' => $this->user['todaypost'], 'monthpost' => $this->user['monthpost'], 'lastpost' => $this->user['lastpost'], 'uploadtime' => $this->user['uploadtime'], 'uploadnum' => $this->user['uploadnum']); if ($db_tcheck) { $postcheck = unserialize($this->user['postcheck']); $this->fromGroup ? $postcheck['group'] = PwPost::tcheck($content) : ($postcheck['post'] = PwPost::tcheck($content)); $pwSQL['postcheck'] = serialize($postcheck); } $userService->update($this->uid, array(), $pwSQL); $credit->runsql(); /** if (!array_sum($add)) { $_cache = getDatastore(); $_cache->delete('UID_'.$this->uid); } **/ } else { Cookie('userlastptime', $timestamp); } }
S::gp(array('password')); S::gp(array('newmanager'), 'GP', 2); if (!threadSetCheckOwnerPassword($winduid, $password)) { Showmsg('您输入的密码不正确!'); } $userdb = $db->get_one("SELECT m.username,m.groupid,m.memberid FROM pw_cmembers c LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON c.uid=m.uid WHERE c.ifadmin='1' AND c.colonyid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid) . ' AND c.uid=' . S::sqlEscape($newmanager)); if (empty($userdb)) { Showmsg('请选择要转让的用户!'); } $userdb['groupid'] == '-1' && ($userdb['groupid'] = $userdb['memberid']); if ($o_groups && strpos($o_groups, ',' . $userdb['groupid'] . ',') === false) { Showmsg('您选择的用户没有接受的权限!'); } //* $db->update("UPDATE pw_colonys SET admin=" . S::sqlEscape($userdb['username']) . ' WHERE id=' . S::sqlEscape($cyid)); pwQuery::update('pw_colonys', 'id=:id', array($cyid), array('admin' => $userdb['username'])); M::sendNotice(array($userdb['username']), array('title' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'group_attorn_title'), 'content' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'group_attorn_content', array('username' => $windid, 'cyid' => $cyid, 'cname' => $colony['cname'], 'descrip' => $colony['descrip'])))); refreshto("thread.php?cyid={$cyid}", '转让群组成功!'); } } elseif ($t == 'disband') { if (!($windid == $colony['admin'] && $groupRight['allowdisband'] || $groupid == '3')) { Showmsg('colony_out_right'); } if (empty($_POST['step'])) { require_once PrintEot('thread_set'); footer(); } else { S::gp(array('password')); if (!threadSetCheckOwnerPassword($winduid, $password)) { Showmsg('您输入的密码不正确!'); } if ($db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) as sum FROM pw_cnalbum WHERE atype=1 AND ownerid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid)) > 0) {
function sendMawholeMessages($msgdb) { foreach ($msgdb as $key => $val) { M::sendNotice(array($val['toUser']), array('title' => $val['title'], 'content' => $val['content'])); } }
if ($hash == appkey($o_u, $app) && $winduid && $o_u !== $winduid) { $userService = L::loadClass('UserService', 'user'); /* @var $userService PW_UserService */ $ckuser = $userService->get($o_u); $iffriend = $friendServer->getFriendByUidAndFriendid($winduid, $o_u); if ($ckuser && empty($iffriend)) { $friendcheck = getstatus($ckuser['userstatus'], PW_USERSTATUS_CFGFRIEND, 3); if (!$friendcheck) { $db->query("DELETE FROM pw_attention WHERE uid=" . S::sqlEscape($winduid) . " AND friendid=" . S::sqlEscape($o_u)); addSingleFriend(true, $winduid, $o_u, $timestamp, 0); addSingleFriend(true, $o_u, $winduid, $timestamp, 0); M::sendNotice(array($ckuser['username']), array('title' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'friend_add_title_1', array('username' => $windid)), 'content' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'friend_add_content_1', array('uid' => $winduid, 'username' => $windid)))); } elseif ($friendcheck == 1) { $db->query("DELETE FROM pw_attention WHERE uid=" . S::sqlEscape($winduid) . " AND friendid=" . S::sqlEscape($touid)); addSingleFriend(false, $winduid, $o_u, $timestamp, 1); M::sendRequest($winduid, array($ckuser['username']), array('create_uid' => $winduid, 'create_username' => $windid, 'title' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'friend_add_title_2', array('username' => $windid)), 'content' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'friend_add_content_2', array('uid' => $winduid, 'username' => $windid, 'msg' => stripslashes($checkmsg)))), 'request_friend', 'request_friend'); } Cookie('o_invite', ''); } } function addSingleFriend($updatemem, $winduid, $frienduid, $timestamp, $status, $friendtype = 0, $checkmsg = '') { global $db; $pwSQL = S::sqlSingle(array('uid' => $winduid, 'friendid' => $frienduid, 'joindate' => $timestamp, 'status' => $status, 'descrip' => $checkmsg, 'ftid' => $friendtype)); $attentionService = L::loadClass('Attention', 'friend'); /* @var $attentionService PW_Attention */ if ($isAttention = $attentionService->isFollow($winduid, $frienduid)) { $db->update("UPDATE pw_friends SET status = 0 WHERE uid=" . S::sqlEscape($winduid) . " AND friendid=" . S::sqlEscape($frienduid)); } else { if ($winduid != $frienduid) { $db->update("INSERT INTO pw_friends SET {$pwSQL}");
adminmsg('operate_success'); } } elseif ($_POST['pass']) { S::gp(array('deiaid'), 'P'); if (!$deiaid) { adminmsg('operate_error'); } foreach ($deiaid as $sid) { $db->update("UPDATE pw_sharelinks SET ifcheck=1 WHERE sid=" . S::sqlEscape($sid)); } $temp = array(); $rs = $db->query("SELECT username FROM pw_sharelinks WHERE sid IN(" . S::sqlImplode($deiaid) . ")"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($rs)) { $temp[] = $rt['username']; } M::sendNotice($temp, array('title' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'sharelink_pass_title'), 'content' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'sharelink_pass_content'))); updatecache_i(); adminmsg('operate_success'); } elseif ($_POST['unpass']) { S::gp(array('deiaid'), 'P'); if (!$deiaid) { adminmsg('operate_error'); } foreach ($deiaid as $sid) { $db->update("UPDATE pw_sharelinks SET ifcheck=0 WHERE sid=" . S::sqlEscape($sid)); } updatecache_i(); adminmsg('operate_success'); } elseif ($_POST['delete']) { S::gp(array('deiaid'), 'P'); if (!$deiaid) {