public function execute() { if (!$this->safeToRun('fortune1000')) { $this->printDebug('script already running'); die; } $this->setList(); switch ($this->year) { case 2008: $this->getCompanyList2008(); echo "list imported\n"; } while ($company = current($this->companies)) { try { $this->db->beginTransaction(); $company['name'] = OrgTable::stripNamePunctuation($company['name']); $rank = $company['rank']; $existing = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('Entity e')->where('name = ?', $company['name']); if ($existing->count() == 0) { switch ($this->year) { case 2008: $corp = $this->getCompany2008($fortune_id = $company['fortune_id'], $name = $company['name'], $revenue = $company['revenue']); } } else { //echo "corp already exists\n"; $corp = $existing->fetchOne(); } if ($corp) { //two corps can have the same rank, so searches for duplicate entity_id and rank $rank_existing = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('LsListEntity L')->where('list_id = ? and rank = ? and entity_id = ?', array($this->list->id, $rank, $corp->id))->count(); if ($rank_existing == 0) { $listentity = new LsListEntity(); $listentity->entity_id = $corp->id; $listentity->list_id = $this->list->id; $listentity->rank = $rank; $listentity->save(); echo "{$rank} {$corp->name} (saved)\n"; } else { echo "{$rank} {$corp->name} (already saved)\n"; } } unset($corp); if (!$this->testMode) { $this->db->commit(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->db->rollback(); throw $e; } next($this->companies); } }
static function addByListIdAndEntityId($listId, $entityId) { $le = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('LsListEntity le')->where('le.list_id = ?', $listId)->andWhere('le.entity_id = ?', $entityId)->fetchOne(); if ($le) { if ($le['is_deleted']) { $le->is_deleted = 0; $le->save(); } } else { $le = new LsListEntity(); $le->list_id = $listId; $le->entity_id = $entityId; $le->save(); } return $le; }
protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array()) { $configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration($arguments['application'], $options['env'], true); $databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager($configuration); $databaseManager->initialize($configuration); $db = Doctrine_Manager::connection(); $list_id = $options['list_id']; if ($options['direct_entity_ids']) { $entity_ids_for_list = explode(",", $options['direct_entity_ids']); } else { $entity_ids = "(" . $options['related_entity_ids'] . ")"; $category_ids = "(" . $options['category_ids'] . ")"; $sql = 'SELECT l.entity2_id FROM link l LEFT JOIN relationship r ON = l.relationship_id WHERE l.entity1_id in ' . $entity_ids . ' and l.category_id in ' . $category_ids; if ($options['description']) { $sql .= " and (r.description1 like '" . $options['description'] . "' or r.description2 like '" . $options['description'] . "')"; } if ($options['is_current']) { $sql .= " and r.is_current = " . $options['is_current']; } $stmt = $db->execute($sql); $entity_ids_for_list = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); } try { $db->beginTransaction(); foreach ($entity_ids_for_list as $entity_id) { $sql = 'SELECT count(entity_id) FROM ls_list_entity WHERE entity_id = ? and list_id = ?'; $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($entity_id, $list_id)); $ct = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); if (!$ct) { $list_entity = new LsListEntity(); $list_entity->entity_id = $entity_id; $list_entity->list_id = $list_id; $list_entity->save(); } } $db->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $db->rollback(); } }
public function saveEntityList($con = null) { if (!$this->isValid()) { throw $this->getErrorSchema(); } if (!isset($this->widgetSchema['entity_list'])) { // somebody has unset this widget return; } if (is_null($con)) { $con = $this->getConnection(); } $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->delete()->from('LsListEntity r')->where('r.list_id = ?', current($this->object->identifier()))->execute(); $values = $this->getValue('entity_list'); if (is_array($values)) { foreach ($values as $value) { $obj = new LsListEntity(); $obj->list_id = current($this->object->identifier()); $obj->entity_id = $value; $obj->save(); } } }
public function addListMember($member) { $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('LsListEntity le')->where('le.list_id = ? AND le.entity_id = ?', array($this->_sessionListId, $member->id)); if (!$q->count()) { $le = new LsListEntity(); $le->entity_id = $member->id; $le->list_id = $this->_sessionListId; $le->save(); } }
/** * Saves Entity and (by default) adds/removes/updates extensions * * @param Doctrine_Connection $conn Optional connection instance * @param boolean $saveExtensions Whether to save extensions & their data; true by default * @return Entity The saved Entity * * @see Doctrine_record */ public function save(Doctrine_Connection $conn = null, $saveExtensions = true, array $networkIds = null) { if (!$this->exists()) { $this->_isFirstSave = true; } if ($conn === null) { $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection(); } //make sure extensions are loaded $this->_loadExtensions(); try { $conn->beginTransaction(); if ($saveExtensions) { //run extensions' onEntitySave methods foreach ($this->_extensionObjects as $name => $object) { if (method_exists($object, 'onEntitySave')) { $object->onEntitySave($this); } } } //set primary extension if (!$this->primary_ext) { $this->primary_ext = $this->getPrimaryExtension(); } if ($this->primary_ext == 'Person') { $this->name = PersonTable::nameizePersonName($this->name); } //set delta field for sphinx indexing (in rails) $this->delta = true; //save entity $ret = parent::save($conn); //add primary alias if needed if (!LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Alias a')->where('a.entity_id = ?', $this->id)->count()) { $a = new Alias(); $a->entity_id = $this->id; $a->name = $this->rawGet('name'); $a->is_primary = true; $a->save(null, false); } if ($saveExtensions) { //save extensions foreach ($this->_extensionObjects as $name => $object) { //set entity_id in case it isn't set $object->entity_id = $this->id; $object->save($conn); } //save new extensions foreach (array_keys($this->_extensionsAdded) as $name) { $def = $this->_extensionDefinitions[$name]; //record shouldn't already exist if ($this->getExtensionRecordForDefinition($def)) { throw new Exception("Can't add record for extension " . $name . "; alrady exists"); } //create record $record = new ExtensionRecord(); $record->Entity = $this; $record->Definition = $def; $record->save($conn); } $this->_extensionsAdded = array(); //remove extensions foreach ($this->_extensionsRemoved as $name => $extAry) { $def = $extAry['definition']; if ($def->has_fields) { $object = $extAry['object']; $object->delete($conn); } if (!($record = $this->getExtensionRecordForDefinition($def))) { throw new Exception("Can't remove record for extension " . $name . "; doesn't exist"); } $record->delete($conn); } } //if creating, add entity to specified networks, otherwise, default network if ($this->_isFirstSave) { if ($networkIds) { foreach ($networkIds as $networkId) { $le = new LsListEntity(); $le->list_id = $networkId; $le->entity_id = $this->id; $le->save(null, true, false); //prevents it from trying to update the entity updated_at and last_user_id fields } } else { if (sfContext::hasInstance() && ($user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getGuardUser())) { $networkId = $user->Profile->home_network_id; } else { $networkId = LsListTable::US_NETWORK_ID; } $le = new LsListEntity(); $le->list_id = $networkId; $le->entity_id = $this->id; $le->save(null, true, false); //prevents it from trying to update the entity updated_at and last_user_id fields } } $conn->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $conn->rollback(); throw $e; } $this->_isFirstSave = false; return $ret; }
protected function addToList($list) { try { $this->db->beginTransaction(); foreach ($this->edits as &$edit) { $entity_id = $edit['New Person'] ? $edit['New Person'] : $edit['Existing Person']; $entity = Doctrine::getTable('Entity')->find($entity_id); $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('LsListEntity l')->where('l.entity_id = ? and l.list_id = ?', array($entity->id, $list->id))->fetchOne(); if ($q) { $this->printDebug('List Entity already saved'); } else { $le = new LsListEntity(); $le->LsList = $list; $le->Entity = $entity; if (isset($edit['rank'])) { $le->rank = $edit['rank']; unset($edit['rank']); } $le->save(); //$edit['lists'] = $le; } } $this->db->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->db->rollback(); throw $e; } }
public function executeAddBulk($request) { $this->checkList($request, false, false); $this->reference_form = new ReferenceForm(); $this->reference_form->setSelectObject($this->list); $this->csv_form = new CsvUploadForm(); if ($request->isMethod('post')) { $commit = $request->getParameter('commit'); if ($commit == 'Cancel') { $this->redirect(LsListTable::getInternalUrl($this->list)); } // IF REFERENCE INFO AND FILE HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED, LOAD DATA IN if ($request->hasParameter('reference') && $request->hasParameter('csv')) { $csvParams = $request->getParameter('csv'); $filePath = $request->getFilePath('csv[file]'); $this->csv_form->bind($csvParams, $request->getFiles('csv')); $refParams = $request->getParameter('reference'); $this->reference_form->bind($refParams); if ($this->reference_form->isValid()) { if ($spreadsheetArr = LsSpreadsheet::parse($filePath)) { $names = $spreadsheetArr['rows']; if (!in_array('name', $spreadsheetArr['headers'])) { $request->setError('csv', 'The file you uploaded could not be parsed properly because there is no "name" column.'); return; } } else { $request->setError('csv', 'The file you uploaded could not be parsed properly.'); return; } if ($this->ref_id = $refParams['existing_source']) { $ref = Doctrine::getTable('Reference')->find($this->ref_id); $url = $ref->source; } else { $ref = new Reference(); $ref->object_model = 'LsList'; $ref->object_id = $this->list->id; $ref->source = $refParams['source']; $ref->name = $refParams['name']; $ref->source_detail = $refParams['source_detail']; $ref->publication_date = $refParams['publication_date']; $ref->save(); $this->ref_id = $ref->id; } $this->default_type = $request->getParameter('default_type'); if (!$this->default_type) { $request->setError('csv', 'You need to choose a default type.'); return; } $this->extensions = ExtensionDefinitionTable::getByTier(2, $this->default_type); $extensions_arr = array(); foreach ($this->extensions as $ext) { $extensions_arr[] = $ext->name; } $this->matches = array(); if (isset($names) && count($names) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($names); $i++) { if (isset($names[$i]['name']) && trim($names[$i]['name']) != '') { $name = $names[$i]['name']; $name_terms = $name; if ($this->default_type == 'Person') { $name_parts = preg_split('/\\s+/', $name); if (count($name_parts) > 1) { $name_terms = PersonTable::nameSearch($name, true); } $terms = $name_terms; $primary_ext = "Person"; } else { if ($this->default_type == 'Org') { $name_terms = OrgTable::nameSearch($name); $terms = $name_terms; $primary_ext = "Org"; } else { $terms = $name_terms; $primary_ext = null; } } $pager = EntityTable::getSphinxPager($terms, $page = 1, $num = 20, $listIds = null, $aliases = true, $primary_ext); $match = array('name' => $name); $match['search_results'] = $pager->execute(); $match['blurb'] = isset($names[$i]['blurb']) ? $names[$i]['blurb'] : null; $match['rank'] = isset($names[$i]['rank']) ? $names[$i]['rank'] : null; $match['types'] = array(); if (isset($names[$i]['types'])) { $types = explode(',', $names[$i]['types']); $types = array_map('trim', $types); foreach ($types as $type) { if (in_array($type, $extensions_arr)) { $match['types'][] = $type; } } } $this->matches[] = $match; } } } } } else { if ($request->hasParameter('ref_id')) { $this->ref_id = $this->getRequestParameter('ref_id'); $entity_ids = array(); $default_type = $this->getRequestParameter('default_type'); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->getRequestParameter('count'); $i++) { if ($entity_id = $request->getParameter('entity_' . $i)) { $selected_entity_id = null; if ($entity_id == 'new') { $name = $request->getParameter('new_name_' . $i); if ($default_type == 'Person') { $new_entity = PersonTable::parseFlatName($name); } else { $new_entity = new Entity(); $new_entity->addExtension('Org'); $new_entity->name = trim($name); } if ($types = $request->getParameter('new_extensions_' . $i)) { foreach ($types as $type) { $new_entity->addExtension($type); } } $new_entity->save(); $new_entity->blurb = $request->getParameter('new_blurb_' . $i); $ref = Doctrine::getTable('Reference')->find($request->getParameter('ref_id')); $new_entity->addReference($ref->source, null, null, $ref->name); $new_entity->save(); $selected_entity_id = $new_entity->id; } else { if ($entity_id > 0) { $selected_entity_id = $entity_id; } } if ($selected_entity_id) { $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('LsListEntity le')->where('le.list_id = ? AND le.entity_id = ?', array($this->list['id'], $selected_entity_id)); if (!$q->count()) { $ls_list_entity = new LsListEntity(); $ls_list_entity->list_id = $this->list->id; $ls_list_entity->entity_id = $selected_entity_id; $ls_list_entity->rank = $request->getParameter('entity_' . $i . '_rank'); $ls_list_entity->save(); LsCache::clearEntityCacheById($selected_entity_id); } } } } $this->clearCache($this->list); $this->clearRailsCache($this->list->id); $this->redirect($this->list->getInternalUrl()); } else { $request->setError('name', 'The name you entered is invalid'); } } } }
public function parseResults($match) { if (isset($match['bio'])) { $bio_dirty = LsHtml::replaceEntities(LsString::spacesToSpace(LsHtml::stripTags($match['bio'], "; "))); $bio_dirty = preg_replace('/(\\;\\s)+/is', '; ', $bio_dirty); } foreach ($match as $k => &$m) { $m = LsHtml::replaceEntities(LsString::spacesToSpace(LsHtml::stripTags($m, " "))); } if (isset($match['name'])) { $name = $match['name']; $bio = ''; if (isset($match['bio'])) { $bio = $match['bio']; } } else { return; } $this->printDebug("_________________________\n\nname: " . $name . "\n"); $this->printDebug("bio: " . $bio . "\n"); $accept = strtolower($this->readline('Process this entity? (n to skip) ')); if ($accept == 'n' || $accept == 'no') { return false; } if (!$this->org_org) { if ($this->last_first) { $entity = PersonTable::parseCommaName($name); } else { $entity = PersonTable::parseFlatName($name); } $similar_entities = PersonTable::getSimilarQuery2($entity)->execute(); } else { $entity = new Entity(); $entity->addExtension('Org'); foreach ($this->org_extensions as $ext) { $entity->addExtension($ext); } $entity->setEntityField('name', $name); $name = trim($name); $name = str_replace('.', '', $name); $similar_entities = OrgTable::getSimilarQuery($entity)->execute(); } $matched = false; foreach ($similar_entities as $similar_entity) { if ($similar_entity['primary_ext'] == 'Person') { $this->printDebug(' POSSIBLE MATCH: ' . $similar_entity->name . ' (Orgs :: ' . $similar_entity->getRelatedOrgsSummary() . " Bio :: {$similar_entity->summary})"); } else { $this->printDebug(' POSSIBLE MATCH: ' . $similar_entity->name . ' (Summary :: ' . $similar_entity->summary . ')'); } $accept = $this->readline(' Is this the same entity? (y or n)'); $attempts = 1; while ($accept != 'y' && $accept != 'n' && $attempts < 5) { $accept = $this->readline(' Is this the same entity? (y or n) '); $attempts++; } if ($accept == 'y') { $entity = $similar_entity; $matched = true; $this->printDebug(' [accepted]'); //sleep(1); break; } else { if ($accept == 'break') { break; } } } $created = false; if (!$matched) { if ($entity->getPrimaryExtension() == 'Person') { $this->printDebug(' New person: ' . $entity->name_first . ' ' . $entity->name_last); } else { $this->printDebug(' New org: ' . $entity->name); } $accept = $this->readline(' create this new entity? (y or n) '); $attempts = 1; while ($accept != 'y' && $accept != 'n' && $attempts < 5) { $accept = $this->readline(' create this new entity? (y or n) '); $attempts++; } if ($accept == 'y') { if ($entity->getPrimaryExtension() == 'Person') { $this->printDebug("\n Bio: {$bio} \n"); $accept = $this->readline(' Add this bio? (y or n) '); $attempts = 1; while ($accept != 'y' && $accept != 'n' && $attempts < 5) { $accept = $this->readline(' add this bio? (y or n) '); $attempts++; } if ($accept == 'y') { $entity->summary = $bio; } } $entity->save(); $entity->addReference($this->url, null, null, $this->url_name); $created = true; $this->printDebug(' ' . $entity->name . ' saved'); //sleep(1); } } if (($matched || $created) && $entity->getPrimaryExtension() == 'Person') { $accept = $this->readline("Parse above bio for possible relationships? (y or n) "); $attempts = 1; while ($accept != 'y' && $accept != 'n' && $attempts < 5) { $accept = $this->readline("Parse above bio for possible relationships? (y or n) "); $attempts++; } if ($accept == 'y') { $names = $entity->parseBio($bio_dirty); $this->printDebug(" Orgs that {$entity} has a position at?"); foreach ($names as $name) { $exists = false; $name = trim($name); $accept = $this->readline(" > {$name} :: an org? (y or n or b to break) "); $attempts = 1; $accept = strtolower($accept); while ($accept != 'y' && $accept != 'n' && $accept != 'b' && $attempts < 5) { $accept = $this->readline(" {$name} :: an org? (y or n or b to break) "); $accept = strtolower($accept); $attempts++; } if ($accept == 'b') { break; } else { if ($accept == 'y') { $this->printDebug(' .....looking for names.....'); $orgs = EntityTable::getByExtensionAndNameQuery('Org', $name)->limit(10)->execute(); $related_org = null; foreach ($orgs as $org) { $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Relationship r')->where('entity1_id = ? and entity2_id = ?', array($entity->id, $org->id))->fetchOne(); if ($q) { $this->printDebug(' Position already exists, skipping...'); $exists = true; break; } $accept = $this->readline(" Create a position relationship between {$entity->name} and {$org->name}? (y or n) "); $attempts = 1; while ($accept != 'y' && $accept != 'n' && $attempts < 5) { $accept = $this->readline(" Create a position relationship between {$entity->name} and {$org->name}? (y or n) "); $attempts++; } if ($accept == 'y') { $related_org = $org; break; } } if (!$related_org && !$exists) { $accept = $this->readline(" couldn't find org, should this one be created: {$name} (y or n) "); while ($accept != 'y' && $accept != 'n' && $attempts < 5) { $accept = $this->readline(" couldn't find org, should this one be created: {$name} (y or n) "); $attempts++; } if ($accept == 'y') { $related_org = new Entity(); $related_org->addExtension('Org'); $related_org->name = preg_replace('/\\.(?!com)/i', '', $name); $extensions = $this->readline(" what extensions should this org get? (eg 'Business, LobbyingFirm, LawFirm') "); $extensions = preg_split('/\\,\\s*/isu', $extensions, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); try { foreach ($extensions as $extension) { $related_org->addExtension($extension); } $related_org->save(); $related_org->addReference($this->url, null, null, $this->url_name); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->printDebug(' !!! problems with org creation, skipping'); $related_org = null; } } } if ($related_org) { $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Relationship r')->where('r.entity1_id = ? and r.entity2_id = ? and r.category_id = ?', array($entity->id, $related_org->id, 1))->fetchOne(); if ($q) { $this->printDebug(' (relationship already found, skipping...)'); continue; } $relationship = new Relationship(); $relationship->Entity1 = $entity; $relationship->Entity2 = $related_org; $relationship->setCategory('Position'); $title = $this->readline(" Title for this position relationship? (<enter> to skip) "); if (strlen($title) > 2) { $relationship->description1 = $title; } $current = strtolower($this->readline(" Is the relationship current? (y or n or <enter> to skip) ")); if (in_array($current, array('y', 'yes'))) { $relationship->is_current = 1; } else { if (in_array($current, array('n', 'no'))) { $relationship->is_current = 0; } } $board = strtolower($this->readline(" Is the relationship a board position? (y or n or <enter> to skip) ")); if (in_array($board, array('y', 'yes'))) { $relationship->is_board = 1; } else { if (in_array($board, array('n', 'no'))) { $relationship->is_board = 0; } } $relationship->save(); $relationship->addReference($this->url, null, null, $this->url_name); $this->printDebug(" Relationship saved: {$relationship}"); } } } } } } if ($matched || $created) { if ($this->list) { $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('LsListEntity l')->where('l.entity_id = ? and l.list_id = ?', array($entity->id, $this->list->id))->fetchOne(); if (!$q) { $le = new LsListEntity(); $le->Entity = $entity; $le->LsList = $this->list; if (isset($match['rank'])) { if (preg_match('/(\\d+)/isu', $match['rank'], $m)) { $le->rank = $m[1]; } } $le->save(); $this->printDebug('List membership saved'); } } if ($this->org) { $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Relationship r')->where('r.entity1_id = ? and r.entity2_id = ? and r.category_id = ?', array($entity->id, $this->org->id, 1))->fetchOne(); if ($q) { $this->printDebug(' (relationship already found, skipping...)'); return; } $relationship = new Relationship(); $relationship->Entity1 = $entity; $relationship->Entity2 = $this->org; $relationship->setCategory($this->relationship_category); if ($this->description1) { $relationship->description1 = $this->description1; } else { $description = $this->readline(" what description to give this relationship ({$relationship}) ? (less than 3 chars will skip)"); if (strlen($description) > 2) { $relationship->description1 = $description; } } if ($this->relationship_category == 'Position') { $relationship->is_board = $this->is_board; } else { if ($this->relationship_category == 'Donation') { if ($this->amount) { $relationship->amount = $this->amount; } else { $amount = $this->readline(" what amount ({$relationship}) ? (less than 3 chars will skip)"); if (strlen($amount) > 1) { $relationship->amount = $amount; } } } } $relationship->save(); $relationship->addReference($this->url, null, null, $this->url_name); $this->printDebug(" Relationship saved: {$relationship}"); } } //dump history if (isset($match['affiliation1'])) { $affiliation = $match['affiliation']; //$this->printDebug($affiliation); } }
public function processRow($row) { if (isset($row['url']) && $row['url'] != '' && isset($row['url_name']) && $row['url_name'] != '') { $url = $row['url']; $url_name = $row['url_name']; } else { $url = $this->url; $url_name = $this->url_name; } foreach ($row as &$r) { trim($r); } unset($r); if ($this->entity) { $required = array('entity_name', 'primary_type', 'relationship_category'); } else { $required = array('entity_name', 'primary_type'); } foreach ($required as $req) { if (!isset($row[$req]) || $row[$req] == '') { $this->printDebug('!!! > skipping row, ' . $req . ' not set'); return; } } if ($row['primary_type'] != 'Person' && $row['primary_type'] != 'Org') { $this->printDebug('!!! > primary type not properly set, skipping row...'); return; } if ($this->entity) { $relationship_category = trim($row['relationship_category']); $relationship_category_id = array_search($relationship_category, RelationshipCategoryTable::$categoryNames); if (!$relationship_category_id) { $this->printDebug('!!! > relationship type not properly set, skipping row...'); return; } } $this->printDebug("processing: " . $row['entity_name'] . '......'); if ($row['primary_type'] == 'Person') { $entity2 = PersonTable::parseFlatName($row['entity_name']); $similar_entities = PersonTable::getSimilarQuery2($entity2)->execute(); } else { $entity2 = new Entity(); $entity2->addExtension('Org'); $entity2->setEntityField('name', $row['entity_name']); $similar_entities = OrgTable::getOrgsWithSimilarNames($entity2->name); } $matched = false; foreach ($similar_entities as $similar_entity) { if ($similar_entity['primary_ext'] == 'Person') { $this->printDebug(' POSSIBLE MATCH: ' . $similar_entity->name . ' (Orgs :: ' . $similar_entity->getRelatedOrgsSummary() . " Bio :: {$similar_entity->summary})"); } else { $this->printDebug(' POSSIBLE MATCH: ' . $similar_entity->name . ' (Summary :: ' . $similar_entity->summary . ')'); } $accept = $this->readline(' Is this the same entity? (y or n or b to break)'); if ($accept == 'y') { $entity2 = $similar_entity; $matched = true; $this->printDebug(' [accepted]'); break; } else { if ($accept == 'b') { break; } } } $created = false; if (!$matched) { if ($entity2->getPrimaryExtension() == 'Person') { $this->printDebug(' New person: ' . $entity2->name_first . ' ' . $entity2->name_last); } else { $this->printDebug(' New org: ' . $entity2->name); } $accept = $this->readline(' create this new entity? (y or n) '); if ($accept == 'y') { try { $extensions = LsString::split($row['entity_extensions'], '\\s*\\,\\s*'); foreach ($extensions as $extension) { $entity2->addExtension($extension); } $entity2->save(); $entity2->addReference($url, null, null, $url_name); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->printDebug(' !!! problems with extensions for this row'); } $fields = array('summary', 'blurb', 'website'); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($row[$field])) { $entity2[$field] = $row[$field]; } } $entity2->save(); $entity2->addReference($url, null, null, $url_name); $created = true; $this->printDebug(' ' . $entity2->name . ' saved'); //sleep(1); } else { $entity2 = null; } } // create relationship if ($entity2) { if ($this->entity) { $relationship = new Relationship(); if (isset($row['relationship_order']) && $row['relationship_order'] != '') { if ($row['relationship_order'] == '1') { $relationship->Entity1 = $this->entity; $relationship->Entity2 = $entity2; } else { $relationship->Entity2 = $this->entity; $relationship->Entity1 = $entity2; } } else { if ($relationship_category == 'Position' || $relationship_category == 'Education') { if ($row['primary_type'] == 'Org') { $relationship->Entity1 = $this->entity; $relationship->Entity2 = $entity2; } else { $relationship->Entity1 = $entity2; $relationship->Entity2 = $this->entity; } } else { $relationship->Entity1 = $this->entity; $relationship->Entity2 = $entity2; } } $relationship->setCategory($relationship_category); $cols = array('description1', 'description2', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'goods', 'amount', 'is_board', 'is_executive', 'is_employee'); foreach ($cols as $col) { if (isset($row[$col]) && $row[$col] != '') { try { $relationship[$col] = $row[$col]; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->printDebug(" could not set {$col} for relationship, skipping"); } } } $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Relationship r')->where('r.entity1_id = ? and r.entity2_id = ? and r.category_id = ? and <> ?', array($relationship->entity1_id, $relationship->entity2_id, $relationship->category_id, $relationship->id))->fetchOne(); if ($q) { $this->printDebug(' (relationship already found, skipping...)'); return; } $relationship->save(); $relationship->addReference($url, null, null, $url_name); $this->printDebug(" Relationship saved: {$relationship}\n"); } else { if ($this->list) { $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('LsListEntity le')->where('le.entity_id = ? and le.list_id = ?', array($entity2->id, $this->list->id))->fetchOne(); if ($q) { $this->printDebug(' (already on list, skipping...)'); return; } $le = new LsListEntity(); $le->LsList = $this->list; $le->Entity = $entity2; var_dump($row); if (isset($row['rank'])) { echo $row['rank']; $le->rank = $row['rank']; } $le->save(); } } } }
protected function saveToList($company, $rank) { $list = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('LsListEntity L')->where('L.list_id = ? AND L.entity_id = ?', array($this->list->id, $company->id))->fetchOne(); if ($list) { $this->printDebug($this->list->name . " (already saved)"); } else { if ($company->id && $this->list->id) { $listentity = new LsListEntity(); $listentity->entity_id = $company->id; $listentity->list_id = $this->list->id; $listentity->rank = $rank; $listentity->save(); $this->printDebug($this->list->name . " (saved)"); } else { if ($this->list->id) { $this->printDebug("List ID not set"); } else { $this->printDebug("Company ID not set"); } } } }
public function executeToolbarCreate($request) { $this->checkToolbarCredentials(); if (!$request->isMethod('post')) { $this->forward404(); } $name = $request->getParameter('name'); $ext = $request->getParameter('ext'); $blurb = $request->getParameter('blurb'); $position = $request->getParameter('position'); $listId = $request->getParameter("list_id"); //save list_id to session for further use //$this->getUser()->setAttribute('list' . $position . '_id', $listId); if (!$name || !$ext) { $this->forward404(); } if ($ext == 'Person') { $entity = PersonTable::parseFlatName($name); $entity->name = $name; if (!$entity->name_last) { $this->forward404(); } } else { $entity = new Entity(); $entity->addExtension('Org'); $entity->name = $name; } $entity->blurb = $blurb; $entity->save(); if ($listId) { $db = Doctrine_Manager::connection(); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ls_list WHERE id = ? AND is_network = 0 AND is_deleted = 0"; if (!$this->getUser()->hasCredential('admin')) { $sql .= " AND is_admin = 0"; } $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($listId)); $count = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); if ($count == "1") { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ls_list_entity WHERE list_id = ? AND entity_id = ? AND is_deleted = 0"; $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($listId, $entity->id)); $count = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); if ($count == "0") { $le = new LsListEntity(); $le->list_id = $listId; $le->entity_id = $entity->id; $le->save(); } } else { //save list_id to session for further use //$this->getUser()->setAttribute('list' . $position . '_id', null); } } $this->entity = $entity; $this->getResponse()->setHttpHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); }
public function executeAddList($request) { $this->checkEntity($request, false, false); if ($request->hasParameter('add_list_terms')) { $terms = explode(' ', $request->getParameter('add_list_terms')); $page = $request->getParameter('page', 1); $num = $request->getParameter('num', 10); $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('LsList l')->where('l.is_network = 0 AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT FROM ls_list_entity le WHERE le.list_id = AND le.entity_id = ? AND le.is_deleted = 0)', $this->entity->id); foreach ($terms as $term) { $q->addWhere(' LIKE \'%' . $term . '%\' OR l.description LIKE \'%' . $term . '%\''); } if (!$this->getUser()->hasCredential('admin')) { $q->addWhere('l.is_admin = ?', 0); } $this->results_pager = new Doctrine_Pager($q, $page, $num); } if ($request->isMethod('post')) { $list = Doctrine::getTable('LsList')->find($request->getParameter('list_id')); $this->forward404Unless($list); //check that entity isn't already on this list $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('LsListEntity le')->where('le.list_id = ? AND le.entity_id = ? AND le.is_deleted IS NOT NULL', array($list->id, $this->entity->id)); if ($listEntity = $q->fetchOne()) { if ($listEntity->is_deleted) { $listEntity->is_deleted = 0; $listEntity->save(); } } else { $listEntity = new LsListEntity(); $listEntity->list_id = $list->id; $listEntity->entity_id = $this->entity->id; $listEntity->save(); } $this->clearCache($this->entity); LsCache::clearListCacheById($list->id); $this->redirect($this->entity->getInternalUrl()); } //also show popular lists $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->select('l.*, COUNT( num')->from('LsList l')->where('l.is_network = 0')->leftJoin('l.LsListEntity le')->groupBy('')->orderBy('num DESC')->limit(10); if (!$this->getUser()->hasCredential('admin')) { $q->addWhere('l.is_admin = ?', 0); } $this->popular_lists = $q->execute(); }