/** * standardowa metoda init jest nadpisywana tylko w Base. * Do użytku na konkretnych kontrolerach należy wykożystywać metodę base_init */ public function init() { $this->view->headTitle($this->headTitle); $this->_helper->redirector->setExit(false); // context switching $cs = $this->_helper->contextSwitch(); $cs->initContext(); // redirect to default action when try to use json context as html $action = $this->_request->getActionName(); $controller = $this->_request->getControllerName(); if (in_array('json', $cs->getActionContexts($action)) && !$this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest() && count($cs->getActionContexts($action)) == 1) { $logic = new Logic_User(); $landing = $logic->getDefaultAction(); $this->_helper->redirector->setGotoUrl($landing); } // konfiguracja kontekstu dla Base.Ajax $cs->setCallback('json', 'post', array($this, '_postAjaxContext')); // jesli jest zapytanie ajaxowe to przelaczamy sie na jsona if ($this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) { $cs->initContext('json'); } // if ($this->navResource) { // $navigation = Zend_Registry::get(Zend_Application_Resource_Navigation::DEFAULT_REGISTRY_KEY); // $page = $navigation->findOneBy('resource', $this->navResource); // $page->setActive(true); // } if ($order = $this->getRequest()->getParam('order')) { $this->view->order = $order; } if ($sort = $this->getRequest()->getParam('sort')) { $this->view->sort = $sort; } $this->base_init(); }
protected function resetpassdfaction() { $sql = "SELECT id_user from profile where id in (SELECT id_profile from profile_role where id_role in (39,42,41,44,48,38)) group by id_user"; $model = new User(); $u = $model->getAdapter()->query($sql); $users = $u->fetchAll(); $logic = new Logic_User(); foreach ($users as $user) { $logic->resetPassword($user['id_user']); } }
public function dispatchLoopStartup(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) { if ($identity = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()) { $id = $identity->id; $u = new Logic_User(); if ($u->isLocked($id)) { $redirector = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector'); $redirector->setGotoSimple('logout', 'auth', null, array('id' => $id)); } Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance()->getView()->login = $identity->login; } }
protected function _process() { try { $logic = new Logic_User(); $ex = $logic->deleter(); foreach ($ex as $e) { $this->logger->warn($this->_printEx($e)); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logger->crit($this->_printEx($e)); exit(1); } }
public function createUser($data) { $tetaModel = new TetaEmployeer(); $userModel = new Logic_User(); $boAdapter = Zend_Registry::get('bo'); $boUser = $boAdapter->select()->from('users')->where('elogin like ?', $data['login_bo'])->where('employee_name ilike ?', mb_convert_encoding($data['name'], "LATIN2", "UTF-8"))->where('employee_surname ilike ?', mb_convert_encoding($data['surname'], "LATIN2", "UTF-8"))->query()->fetchAll(); $boUser = array_shift($boUser); $tetaRow = $tetaModel->fetchRow($tetaModel->select()->where('NR_PESEL = ?', $data['pesel'])->where('IMIE like upper(?)', $data['name'])->where('NAZWISKO like upper(?)', $data['surname'])); if (!$tetaRow) { throw new Exception('Brak podanego użytkownika w bazie TETA!'); } if (empty($boUser)) { throw new Exception('Brak podanego użytkownika w bazie Back Office!'); } $user = $userModel->_createUserFromBo($tetaRow, $boUser); }
public function add($value, array &$invalid) { $form = new Logic_User_Form_Import(); $logic = new Logic_User(); if ($value['login'] == null) { $login = explode("@", $value['email']); $value['login'] = $login[0]; } $form->setDefaults($value); if ($form->isValid($value)) { $logic->createUserImport($form, $sendEmail = false); } else { echo "Error in: " . $form->getElement('surname')->getValue(); $invalid[] = $value; } }
public function dispatchLoopStartup(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) { if ($identity = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()) { $id = $identity->id; $u = new Logic_User(); if ($u->ifPasswordExpire($id) && ($request->getControllerName() != 'user' || $request->getActionName() != 'changepassword')) { if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) { $request->setControllerName('user'); $request->setActionName('changepassword'); $view = Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance()->getView(); $view->redirect = '/user/changepassword'; } else { $redirector = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector'); $redirector->gotoSimpleAndExit('changepassword', 'user', null, array()); } } } }
public function baseInit() { $branch = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->id_branch; $db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter(); $userEvent = new Logic_UserEvent(); $assignedUsers = $userEvent->showUsers($this->getAttrib('id_next_event')); $assignedUsers = $assignedUsers->toArray(); $alreadyAssignedUsers = array(); if (isset($assignedUsers)) { foreach ($assignedUsers as $assignedUser) { $alreadyAssignedUsers[] = $assignedUser['id_euser']; } } $users = new Logic_User(); $select = $users->getUsersInBranch($branch); $doradcyList = array(); $doradcy = $db->fetchAll($select); unset($select); $profileRole = new ProfileRole(); $config = Zend_Registry::get('config'); foreach ($doradcy as $key => $value) { $ru = $profileRole->fetchAll("id_profile = " . $value['profile_id'])->toArray(); if ($value['role_count'] == 1 && $ru[0]['id_role'] == $config['role']['assistant']) { unset($doradcy[$key]); } } foreach ($doradcy as $key) { if (!in_array($key['id'], $alreadyAssignedUsers)) { $doradcyList[$key['id']] = $key['first_name'] . " " . $key['surname']; } } // $doradcy = $users->query($doradcy); $this->addElement('select', 'user', array('label' => 'Wybierz doradcę:', 'required' => true, 'MultiOptions' => $this->addClearStart($doradcyList))); $this->submit(); $this->cancel(); }
public function showAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $id = $request->getParam('id'); $id = $this->_helper->IdConvert->hexToStr($id); $logic = new Logic_Branch(); $logicUser = new Logic_User(); $userModel = new User(); $profileRole = new ProfileRole(); $select = $logicUser->getUsersInBranch($id); $user_data = $userModel->fetchAll($select)->toArray(); $config = Zend_Registry::get('config'); foreach ($user_data as $key => $value) { $ru = $profileRole->fetchAll("id_profile = " . $value['profile_id'])->toArray(); if ($value['role_count'] == 1 && $ru[0]['id_role'] == $config['role']['assistant']) { unset($user_data[$key]); } } $data = array(); try { $data = $logic->showBranch($id); $headers = $data->getHeaderMappings(); $this->view->advisers = count($user_data); $headers['advisers'] = array('title' => 'Ilość doradców', 'sort' => false); } catch (Logic_Branch_Exception $e) { $this->_helper->messenger->error(); $this->_helper->redirector('index'); return; } if ($data['map_image'] != "") { $data['map_image'] = '<img src="/static/img/' . $data['map_image'] . '" />'; } $this->view->data = $data; $this->view->data_headers = $headers; }
public function deleteAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $id = $this->_helper->IdConvert->hexToStr($request->getParam('id')); /*$userModel = new User(); $user = $userModel->findOne($id);*/ /*if ($user->timelock_start) { $blockadeDate = new Zend_Date($user->timelock_start); $this->_helper->messenger->error('Konto użytkownika jest w trakcie usuwania. Planowana data usunięcia konta: ' . $blockadeDate->toString('YYYY-MM-dd') . '.'); $this->_helper->redirector('index'); return; }*/ $form = new Logic_User_Form_Delete(); if ($request->isPost()) { if ($form->isCancelled($this->getRequest()->getPost())) { $this->_helper->redirector('index', null, null); return; } if ($form->isValid($request->getPost())) { try { $logic = new Logic_User(); $logic->delete($id, $form); if ($form->getValue('blockade_start') <= date('c')) { $this->_helper->messenger->success('Usunięto konto użytkownika'); } else { $this->_helper->messenger->success('Konto użytkownika zostanie usunięte w dniu ' . $form->getValue('blockade_start') . '.'); } $this->_helper->redirector('index'); return; } catch (Logic_User_Exception $e) { $this->_helper->messenger->error($e->getMessage()); } } } $this->view->form = $form; }
public function logoutAction() { $uzytkownik = new Logic_User(); $instance = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); $login = $instance->getIdentity()->login; $uzytkownik->logout($login); $instance->clearIdentity(); //wyczysicic wyszystkie przetrzenie namespaceow $namespaces_to_invalidate = array(SESSION_NAMESPACE_DORADCA_SEARCH, SESSION_NAMESPACE_KLIENT_SEARCH, SESSION_NAMESPACE_FILTERS); foreach ($namespaces_to_invalidate as $ns_name) { $ns = new Zend_Session_Namespace($ns_name); $ns->unsetAll(); } Zend_Session::destroy(); $this->_helper->redirector('login', 'auth', null, array('msg' => $this->getRequest()->getParam('msg', false))); }
public function undeleteAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $id = $request->getParam('id'); $logic = new Logic_User(); $logic->find($id); $login = $logic->getFullLogin(); try { $logic->undelete(); $cache = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getParam('bootstrap')->getResource('cachemanager')->getCache('rolecache'); $cache->clean(Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_ALL); $this->_helper->success(); $this->_helper->AdminActionLog->undelete('uzytkownik', 'przywrócenie ' . $logic->getFullName() . ' (login: '******')', 'error', $logic); $this->_helper->redirector('index'); return; } catch (Logic_Uzytkownik_Exception $e) { $this->_helper->AdminActionLog->undelete('uzytkownik', 'przywrócenie ' . $logic->getFullName() . ' (login: '******')', 'error', $logic); $this->_helper->error(MSG_ERROR, $e); } }
public static function getAdminPanelLogModel() { if (self::$_adminLog === null) { self::$_adminLog = new AdminPanel(); } return self::$_adminLog; }
/** * Pobranie instacji Klienta na podstawie id użytkownika (potrzebne dla wywołań via CLI) * @param integer $idUser * @return Logic_Client * @throws Logic_Exception */ public static function getInstanceByClient($clientId) { $user = new Logic_User(); $clientId = $user->getAssignetWsClientId($idUser); if (null === $clientId) { throw new Logic_Exception("User with ID={$idUser} does not have any Client assigned!"); } $client = new Wsclient(); $clientRow = $client->getClient($clientId); if (null === $clientRow) { throw new Logic_Exception("Client with ID={$clientId} is not present or it has been ghosted!"); } return self::getInstance(null, $clientRow->id); }