public function payRedirect(Request $request, Locator $locator, Order $orderModel) { $transaction_id = $request["transaction_id"]; $transaction = $locator->getByCode($transaction_id); $orderId = $transaction->getDetails()->getReference(); $order = $orderModel->find($orderId); $order->transaction_id = $transaction_id; $order->save(); return view('store.payredirect', ['transaction_id' => $transaction_id]); }
/** * Add a member inside * a conference * * @param id: Catapult id * @param params -> List of member parameters * joinTone * leavingTone */ public function addMember($params) { $args = Ensure::Input($params); $url = URIResource::Make($this->path, array($this->id, "members")); $memberid = Locator::Find($this->client->post($url, $args->get())); return $this->member($memberid); }
public function translateTemplate($untranslated, $moduleName, $templateName, $language = null) { // $translations is expected to be an array $translations = Locator::getInstance()->getTemplateTranslation($moduleName, $templateName, $language); if (is_array($translations)) { $translations = array(); } return TextProcessor::doTextVariation($untranslated, '[[', ']]', $translations); }
/** * Send message with additional parameters * important rewrite in place of * more polymorphic style. * i.e send(from, to, message, calback) * * @param args: list of valid parameters */ public function send($args) { $data = Ensure::Input($args); $url = URIResource::Make($this->path); if ($data->has("media")) { $data->add("media", (string) new MediaURL($data->val("media", $this))); } $message_id = Locator::Find($this->client->post($url, $data->get())); $data->add("id", $message_id); return Constructor::Make($this, $data->get(), array("messageId" => "id")); }
/** * LocatorForm constructor. * @param Controller $controller * @param string $name */ public function __construct(Controller $controller, $name) { $fields = FieldList::create(TextField::create('Address')->setTitle('')->setAttribute('placeholder', 'address or zip code')); $pageCategories = Locator::locator_categories_by_locator($controller->data()->ID); if ($pageCategories && $pageCategories->count() > 0) { $categories = false; } else { $categories = Locator::get_all_categories(); } if ($categories) { $categoriesField = DropdownField::create('CategoryID')->setTitle('')->setEmptyString('All Categories')->setSource($categories->map()); $fields->push($categoriesField); } $actions = FieldList::create(FormAction::create('doFilterLocations')->setTitle('Search')); $validator = RequiredFields::create(); parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions, $validator); }
/** * allocate a new number * number must be available * or warning will be thrown * @param args * number, * application (one you want to associate this number with) * fallback a fallback option if this isnt available */ public function allocate($args) { $data = Ensure::Input($args); $url = URIResource::Make($this->path); $id = Locator::Find($this->client->post($url, $data->get())); $data->add("id", $id); return Constructor::Make($this, $data->get()); }
public function __construct($x, $y, $xOut, $yOut) { parent::__construct($x, $y, $xOut, $yOut); }
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. BookReader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with BookReader. If not, see <>. */ require_once '/petabox/'; $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $book = $_REQUEST['book']; // support multiple books within an item if ("" == $id) { echo "No identifier specified!"; die(-1); } $locator = new Locator(); $results = $locator->locateUDP($id, 1, false); $server = $results[0][0]; $serverBaseURL = BookReader::serverBaseURL($server); $url = "http://{$serverBaseURL}/BookReader/BookReaderJSIA.php?id=" . urlencode($id) . "&itemPath={$results[0][1]}&server={$server}"; if ($book) { $url .= "&subPrefix=" . urlencode($book); } if ("" != $results[0][0] && "" != $results[0][1]) { header("Location: {$url}"); }
/** * prototypal add. This needs * term to be set as a function * in its caller it will be used * to initialize the resulting * object * * Conference->addMember * should return * ConferenceMember * * @params: mix of function arguments as well as object prototypes, terms */ public static function add() { $args = func_get_args(); $that = self::get_this($args); $term = self::get_term($args); $url = URIResource::Make($that->path, array($that->id, $term)); $id = Locator::Find($that->client->post($url, $args->get())); return $this->{$term}($id); }
<?php // Installed? if (filesize('config.php') == 0) { exit; } require_once 'library/application/string_modify.php'; define('VALID_ACCESS', TRUE); define('APP', 'CATALOG'); // Config require 'config.php'; require 'common.php'; // Locator require DIR_LIBRARY . 'locator.php'; $locator = new Locator(); // Config $config =& $locator->get('config'); // Database $database =& $locator->get('database'); // Settings $sql = "SELECT * FROM setting WHERE type = 'catalog' OR type = 'global'"; $settings = $database->getRows($sql); foreach ($settings as $setting) { $config->set($setting['key'], $setting['value']); } $request =& $locator->get('request'); // Request $url =& $locator->get('url'); // URL if ($config->get('config_sitemap_status')) { $base = htmlentities(HTTP_SERVER, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
/** * LocationSearch form. * * Search form for locations, updates map and results list via AJAX * * @return Form */ public function LocationSearch() { $fields = FieldList::create($address = TextField::create('address', '')); $address->setAttribute('placeholder', 'address or zip code'); if (LocationCategory::get()->Count() > 0) { $filter = array(); $locals = Locator::getLocations($filter, $exclude = array('CategoryID' => 0)); $categories = ArrayList::create(); foreach ($locals as $local) { $categories->add($local->Category()); } if ($categories->count() > 0) { $fields->push(DropdownField::create('category', '', $categories->map('Title', 'Title'))->setEmptyString('Select Category')); } } $actions = FieldList::create(FormAction::create('', 'Search')); return Form::create($this, 'LocationSearch', $fields, $actions); }
// Installed? if (filesize('../config.php') == 0) { header('Location: ../install/index.php'); exit; } define('VALID_ACCESS', TRUE); define('APP', 'ADMIN'); // Include Config and Common require '../config.php'; require '../common.php'; // Page Time $time = time() + microtime(); // Locator require DIR_LIBRARY . 'locator.php'; $locator = new Locator(); // Config $config =& $locator->get('config'); // Database $database =& $locator->get('database'); // Settings $settings = $database->getRows("select * from (setting) where (type = 'admin' or type = 'global')"); foreach ($settings as $setting) { $config->set($setting['key'], $setting['value']); } date_default_timezone_set($config->get('config_time_zone') ? $config->get('config_time_zone') : 'UTC'); if ($config->get('error_handler_status')) { $error_handler =& $locator->get('errorhandler'); set_error_handler(array(&$error_handler, "handler")); } // Upgrade check
<?php defined('INSIDE') or exit('Direct access is not permitted'); /** * Init script for all used classes. * This version of the script is intended for online shop. * * @author efoft */ /* Locator ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ $loc = new Locator(); /* Config ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ $cfg = new Cfg(); if ($cfg->val('SECFILE')) { if (!file_exists($loc->path($cfg->val('SECFILE')))) { throw new Exception('SECFILE defined but the file not found'); } $cfg->loadSecrets($loc->path($cfg->val('SECFILE'))); } /* Logging ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ $log = new Logger($loc->path('log'), $cfg->val('DEBUG')); /* Database ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ if ($cfg->val('DBdriver')) { $dbdrv = $cfg->val('DBdriver'); switch ($dbdrv) { case 'mysql': $dbhost = $cfg->val('DBhost', true);
public function __construct(Locator $locator, Driver $driver) { $this->driver = $driver; $this->locator = $locator; parent::__construct('Item (:type) ":selector", filters :filters, found by driver ":driver"', array(':type' => $locator->type(), ':selector' => $locator->selector(), ':driver' => $driver->name, ':filters' => json_encode($locator->filters()))); }
/** * Accept an incoming * call. * * @return void */ public function accept() { $url = URIResource::Make($this->path, array($this->id)); $data = new DataPacket(array("state" => CALL_STATES::active)); $id = Locator::Find($this->client->post($url, $data->get())); $data->add("id", $id); return Constructor::Make($this, $data->get()); }
protected function _setScriptSrc($src, $className) { $basePathHelper = $this->locator->get('ViewHelperManager')->get('basepath'); return "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . $basePathHelper->__invoke($this->_publicLink . '/' . $src) . "\" id=\"script_" . $className . "\"></script>"; }
<?php // Installed? if (filesize('config.php') == 0) { exit; } require_once 'library/application/string_modify.php'; define('VALID_ACCESS', TRUE); define('APP', 'CATALOG'); // Include Config and Common require 'config.php'; require 'common.php'; // Locator require DIR_LIBRARY . 'locator.php'; $locator = new Locator(); // Config $config =& $locator->get('config'); // Database $database =& $locator->get('database'); // Settings $sql = "select * from setting where type = 'catalog' or type = 'global'"; $settings = $database->getRows($sql); foreach ($settings as $setting) { $config->set($setting['key'], $setting['value']); } date_default_timezone_set($config->get('config_time_zone') ? $config->get('config_time_zone') : 'UTC'); $image =& $locator->get('image'); // Image $request =& $locator->get('request'); // Request $url =& $locator->get('url');
/** * @return \Generated\Client\Ide\AutoCompletion */ public function getLocator() { return Locator::getInstance(); }
/** * @param SS_HTTPRequest|null $request * @return $this */ public function setLocations(SS_HTTPRequest $request = null) { if ($request === null) { $request = $this->request; } $filter = $this->config()->get('base_filter'); if ($request->getVar('CategoryID')) { $filter['CategoryID'] = $request->getVar('CategoryID'); } else { if ($this->getPageCategories()->exists()) { foreach ($this->getPageCategories() as $category) { $filter['CategoryID'][] = $category->ID; } } } $this->extend('updateLocatorFilter', $filter, $request); $filterAny = $this->config()->get('base_filter_any'); $this->extend('updateLocatorFilterAny', $filterAny, $request); $exclude = $this->config()->get('base_exclude'); $this->extend('updateLocatorExclude', $exclude, $request); $locations = Locator::get_locations($filter, $filterAny, $exclude); $locations = DataToArrayListHelper::to_array_list($locations); //allow for adjusting list post possible distance calculation $this->extend('updateLocationList', $locations); if ($locations->canSortBy('distance')) { $locations = $locations->sort('distance'); } //allow for returning list to be set as $this->extend('updateListType', $locations); $this->locations = $locations; return $this; }
/** * Returns XPath query of page element that correstonds to given locator * * @return string XPath query * @throws \OutOfRangeException If cannot find path by locator */ public function getXpath(Locator $locator) { // prepare query $query = ''; if ($locator->hasTab()) { $query .= "p:tab[@key='{$locator->getTab()}']"; } if ($locator->hasFieldset()) { $query .= "//p:fieldset[@key='{$locator->getFieldset()}']"; } if ($locator->hasKey()) { $query .= '//p:' . ($locator->getType() ?: '*') . "[@key='{$locator->getKey()}']"; } $query .= '/ancestor-or-self::*/@xpath'; // execute query $list = $this->query($query); // precess result if (!$list->length) { throw new \OutOfRangeException("Cannot find XPath by {$locator} on page '{$this->getKey()}'."); } $result = ''; foreach ($list as $item) { $result .= $item->value; } if ($locator->hasParameters()) { $patterns = array_map(function ($p) { return "%{$p}%"; }, array_keys($locator->getParameters())); $values = array_values($locator->getParameters()); $result = str_replace($patterns, $values, $result); } return $result; }
/* Error reporting ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ ini_set('error_reporting', 'true'); error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); /* class Cfg is mandatory for futher work ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ if (!class_exists('CfgData')) { die('CfgData not found. Have you done install steps?'); } /* Session ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ session_start(); /* Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ // this function below will handle all arising exception set_exception_handler(function ($exception) { // inside here we must declare vital classes separately $loc = new Locator(); $log = new Logger($loc->path('log')); $log->log($exception, LOG_ERR); // emergency mailer is defined separately $mail = MailerFactory::createMailerProvider('PHP'); // notify by email only once per exception $lockfile = $loc->path('secure') . '/lock.err_' . md5($exception); if (!file_exists($lockfile)) { touch($lockfile); $mail->sendEmail('root', gethostname(), 'Site Reporter', 'Problem occured', $exception); } include_once $loc->path('pages/error.php'); exit; });
/** * @dataProvider providerLocatorContructorsArguments */ public function testHasMethodsShouldReturnFalseForNullValuesAndTrueForNotNull($url, $key, $type, $fieldset, $tab, $parameters, $pageKey) { $locator = new Locator($url, $key, $type, $fieldset, $tab, $parameters, $pageKey); if (null === $url) { $this->assertFalse($locator->hasPageUrl()); } else { $this->assertTrue($locator->hasPageUrl()); } if (null === $key) { $this->assertFalse($locator->hasKey()); } else { $this->assertTrue($locator->hasKey()); } if (null === $type) { $this->assertFalse($locator->hasType()); } else { $this->assertTrue($locator->hasType()); } if (null === $fieldset) { $this->assertFalse($locator->hasFieldset()); } else { $this->assertTrue($locator->hasFieldset()); } if (null === $tab) { $this->assertFalse($locator->hasTab()); } else { $this->assertTrue($locator->hasTab()); } if ($parameters) { $this->assertTrue($locator->hasParameters()); } else { $this->assertFalse($locator->hasParameters()); } if (null === $pageKey) { $this->assertFalse($locator->hasPageKey()); } else { $this->assertTrue($locator->hasPageKey()); } }