public function run()
     $faker = Faker::create();
     foreach (range(1, 20) as $index) {
         CalendarEvent::create(['event_name' => $faker->bs, 'creator_id' => User::all()->random()->id, 'location_id' => Location::all()->random()->id, 'start_time' => $faker->time, 'end_time' => $faker->time, 'cost' => $faker->numberBetween($min = 25, $max = 500), 'description' => $faker->text($maxNbChars = 200), 'event_image' => $faker->image]);
Exemplo n.º 2
 private function getMasterDatas()
     $data['categories'] = Category::orderBy('title')->get();
     View::share('categories', $data['categories']);
     $data['locations'] = Location::all();
     View::share('locations', $data['locations']);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Show the form for creating a new order
  * @return Response
 public function create()
     $items = Item::all();
     $customers = Client::all();
     $locations = Location::all();
     return View::make('orders.create', compact('items', 'locations', 'customers'));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function action_edit($id)
     if (Auth::check() && Session::has('id')) {
         $account = Account::find(Session::get('id'));
         $location = Location::find($id);
         if (Input::has('address') && Input::has('city') && Input::has('postal_code')) {
             if ($account->id == $location->account_id) {
                 Input::has('address') ? $location->address = strip_tags(Input::get('address')) : ($location->address = '');
                 Input::has('city') ? $location->city = strip_tags(Input::get('city')) : ($location->city = '');
                 Input::has('postal_code') ? $location->postal_code = strip_tags(Input::get('postal_code')) : ($location->postal_code = '');
                 return Redirect::to("/account/myLocations");
             } else {
                 return Redirect::to("/account/myLocations");
         } else {
             if ($location->account_id == $account->id) {
                 $locations = Location::all();
                 $view = View::make('location.edit.index')->with('title', 'Edit Location')->with('location', $location)->with('locations', $locations);
                 return $view;
             } else {
                 return Response::error('403');
     } else {
         return Redirect::to('/');
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function locations()
     $locations = Location::all();
     $organization = Organization::find(1);
     $pdf = PDF::loadView('erpreports.locationsReport', compact('locations', 'organization'))->setPaper('a4')->setOrientation('potrait');
     return $pdf->stream('Stores List.pdf');
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function index()
     $rooms = Room::all();
     $locations = Location::all();
     $menu = 'data';
     return View::make('rooms.index', compact('rooms', 'locations', 'menu'));
  * Revert the changes to the database.
  * @return void
 public function down()
     $locations = Location::all();
     foreach ($locations as $location) {
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function create()
     $locations = Location::all();
     $courses = Course::where('location_id', '=', Auth::user()->location_id)->get();
     $employees = Employee::all();
     $menu = 'student';
     return View::make('movements.create', compact('locations', 'courses', 'employees', 'menu'));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function index()
     $users = User::all();
     $employees = Employee::all();
     $locations = Location::all();
     $menu = 'data';
     return View::make('users.index', compact('users', 'employees', 'locations', 'menu'));
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function edit($id)
     $activity = Activity::find($id);
     $generations = Generation::all();
     $locations = Location::all();
     $menu = 'project';
     return View::make('activities.edit', compact('activity', 'generations', 'locations', 'menu'));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static function familyLoc($family)
     $flocations = [];
     foreach ($family as $f) {
         $l = \Location::all(["user_id = ?" => $f->user_id], ["*"], "created", "desc");
         $flocations = array_merge($flocations, $l);
     return $flocations;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function index()
     $currProject = Auth::user()->curr_project_id;
     $currLocation = Auth::user()->location_id;
     $projects = Project::all();
     $locations = Location::all();
     $menu = 'setup';
     return View::make('setups/index', compact('projects', 'locations', 'currProject', 'currLocation', 'menu'));
  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * GET /calendarevents/create
  * @return Response
 public function create()
     $locations = Location::all();
     $dropdown = [];
     $dropdown['-1'] = 'Add New Address';
     foreach ($locations as $location) {
         $dropdown[$location->id] = $location->title;
     return View::make('events.create')->with('dropdown', $dropdown);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * @return Response
 public function create()
     $donors = [''] + Donor::all()->lists('name_with_blood_group', 'id');
     $products = [''];
     foreach (Category::all() as $cat) {
         $cat_products = $cat->products->lists('name', 'id');
         $products[$cat->name] = $cat_products;
     $locations = [''] + Location::all()->lists('name_with_parent', 'id');
     return View::make('donations.create', ['donors' => $donors, 'products' => $products, 'locations' => $locations, 'today' => Carbon\Carbon::now()]);
 public function allLocations()
     $new = array();
     $locations = Location::all();
     foreach ($locations as $location) {
         $ven = Vendor::find($location->vendor_id);
         $location['logo_path'] = $ven->logo_path;
         array_push($new, $location);
     $data = array('status' => 'ok', 'locations' => $new);
     return $data;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * @return Response
 public function create()
     $types = ['', 'Positive', 'Negative'];
     $products = [''];
     foreach (Category::all() as $cat) {
         $cat_products = $cat->products->lists('name', 'id');
         $products[$cat->name] = $cat_products;
     $locations = [''] + Location::all()->lists('name_with_parent', 'id');
     //$products = array('') + Product::all()->lists('name', 'category_id');
     return View::make('adjustments.create', ['products' => $products, 'locations' => $locations, 'type' => $types, 'quantity' => '', 'today' => Carbon\Carbon::now(), 'description' => '']);
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker::create();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i += 1) {
         $event = new CalendarEvent();
         $event->start_time = '2015-09-01 12:00:00';
         $event->end_time = '2015-09-02 12:00:00';
         $event->title = $faker->catchPhrase;
         $event->description = $faker->text(100);
         $event->price = '0';
         $event->user_id = User::all()->random()->id;
         $event->location_id = Location::all()->random()->id;
         $event->game_id = Game::all()->random()->id;
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker::create();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++) {
         $calendarEvent = new CalendarEvent();
         $calendarEvent->start = "2012-12-02 13:00";
         $calendarEvent->end = "2012-12-02 19:00";
         $calendarEvent->title = $faker->catchPhrase . " " . $faker->catchPhrase;
         $calendarEvent->description = $faker->realText(200, 2);
         $calendarEvent->price = rand(0, 10);
         $calendarEvent->user_id = User::all()->random(1)->id;
         $calendarEvent->location_id = Location::all()->random(1)->id;
         $calendarEvent->img = $faker->imageUrl($width = 640, $height = 480);
Exemplo n.º 19
 public function showWelcome()
     $sports = Sport::all();
     $cities = Location::all();
     /* pull list of cities for events from events table city column */
     $sportDropdown = [];
     $sportDropdown[-1] = 'Select a Sport';
     $cityDropdown = [];
     $cityDropdown[-1] = 'Select a City';
     foreach ($sports as $sport) {
         $sportDropdown[$sport->id] = $sport->sport;
     foreach ($cities as $city) {
         $cityDropdown[$city->id] = $city->city;
     return View::make('home')->with('sportDropdown', $sportDropdown)->with('cityDropdown', $cityDropdown);
  * Make changes to the database.
  * @return void
 public function up()
     $locations = Location::all();
     foreach ($locations as $loc) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
             $l = new Listing();
             $l->title = $i;
             $l->description = "THSI IFS AWIFAWOEIJFAWIEJFWEIFJ";
             $l->category_id = "1";
             $l->price = 123.12;
             $l->date_available = "2013-07-27 00:00:00";
             $l->date_unavailable = "2013-08-05 00:00:00";
             $l->location_id = $loc->id;
  * Make changes to the database.
  * @return void
 public function up()
     $locations = Location::all();
     foreach ($locations as $location) {
         for ($i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++) {
             $listing = new Listing();
             $listing->title = "{$i}";
             $listing->description = "description {$i}";
             $listing->category = "wood";
             $listing->quantity = "{$i}";
             $listing->price = "\$" . $i;
             $listing->date_expiry = "2013-03-19 11:33:22";
             $listing->date_available = "2013-03-19 11:33:22";
             $listing->date_unavailable = "2013-03-19 11:33:22";
             $listing->location_id = $location->id;
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker::create();
     /*foreach(range(1, 10) as $index)*/
     for ($i = 0; $i < 50; $i++) {
         $calendar_event = new CalendarEvent();
         // $calendar_event->user_id = 1;
         // $calendar_event->location_id = 1;
         $calendar_event->user_id = User::all()->random()->id;
         $calendar_event->location_id = Location::all()->random()->id;
         // $calendar_event->start_date_time = '2015-09-12';
         // $calendar_event->end_date_time = '2015-09-13';
         $startDate = Carbon::createFromTimeStamp($faker->dateTimeBetween('-30 days', '+30 days')->getTimestamp());
         $calendar_event->start_date_time = $startDate;
         $calendar_event->end_date_time = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $startDate)->addHour();
         $calendar_event->title = $faker->title;
         $calendar_event->description = $faker->catchPhrase;
         $calendar_event->price = $faker->randomNumber(2);
         $calendar_event->url = $faker->imageUrl(640, 480, 'city');
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function showWelcome()
     if (Sentry::check()) {
         $user = Sentry::getUser();
         $group = User::find($user->id);
         $skills = Skill::all();
         $assigned = $group->skills->lists('id');
         $user_object = User::find($user->id);
         $locations = Location::all();
         $location_assigned = $group->locations->lists('id');
         //for an oppurtunity if and skills match then check against location
         $skillmatches = Skill::with('opportunities')->with('users')->has('opportunities')->has('users')->get();
         //if the oppurtunity and location match send email and display in Matches on feed
         $events = Community_event::all();
         //array to store docs without tags
         $usermatches = User::with('locations')->has('locations')->get();
         $opportunitymatches = Opportunity::with('location')->with('skills')->get();
         return View::make('hello', compact('skillmatches', 'opportunitymatches', 'skills', 'assigned', 'locations', 'location_assigned', 'events'));
     } else {
         return View::make('hello');
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function locationable()
     $locs = [];
     // spotables move them to locations
     Itinerary::withTrashed()->get()->each(function ($item) use(&$locs) {
         foreach ($item->spots as $spot) {
             if ($spot->location) {
                 $vals = ['location_id' => $spot->location->id, 'locationable_id' => $item->id, 'locationable_type' => get_class($item), 'created_at' => $item->created_at, 'updated_at' => $item->created_at];
                 $exist = DB::table('locationables')->where($vals)->first();
                 if ($exist == NULL) {
                     array_push($locs, $spot->location->id);
     $locations = Location::all()->each(function ($item) use(&$locs) {
         $vals = ['location_id' => $item->id, 'locationable_id' => $item->locationable_id, 'locationable_type' => $item->locationable_type, 'created_at' => $item->created_at, 'updated_at' => $item->created_at];
         $exist = DB::table('locationables')->where($vals)->first();
         if ($exist == NULL) {
             if ($item->locationable_type == 'Spot') {
                 $spot = Spot::withTrashed()->whereId($item->locationable_id)->first();
                 if ($spot) {
                     $item->timestamps = false;
                     $item->spot_id = $spot->id;
                     $spot->timestamps = false;
                     $spot->location_id = $item->id;
             array_push($locs, $item->id);
     return $locs;
  * Show the form for editing the specified calendarevent.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function edit($id)
     $event = Calendarevent::find($id);
     if (!$event) {
     if (!Auth::check()) {
         return Redirect::action('UsersController@doLogin');
     } elseif (Auth::id() == $event->creator_id || Auth::user()->role == 'admin') {
         $locations = Location::all();
         $dropdown = [];
         $dropdown[-1] = 'Add new address';
         foreach ($locations as $location) {
             $dropdown[$location->id] = $location->location_name . " - " . $location->location_city . ', ' . $location->location_state;
         return View::make('calendarevents.edit', compact('event', 'dropdown'));
     } else {
         Session::flash('errorMessage', 'Access not authorized');
         return Redirect::action('CalendarEventsController@index');
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $locations = $this->location->all();
     return View::make('admin.locations.index', compact('locations'));
Exemplo n.º 27
 public function purchases()
     $purchases = DB::table('erporders')->join('erporderitems', '', '=', 'erporderitems.erporder_id')->join('items', 'erporderitems.item_id', '=', '')->join('clients', 'erporders.client_id', '=', '')->where('erporders.type', '=', 'purchases')->select(' as client', ' as item', 'quantity', 'clients.address as address', ' as phone', ' as email', 'date', ' as id', 'erporders.status', 'discount_amount', 'erporders.order_number as order_number', 'price', 'description', 'erporders.type')->get();
     $items = Item::all();
     $locations = Location::all();
     $organization = Organization::find(1);
     $pdf = PDF::loadView('erpreports.purchasesReport', compact('purchases', 'organization'))->setPaper('a4')->setOrientation('potrait');
     return $pdf->stream('Purchases List.pdf');
Exemplo n.º 28
 public function edit($id)
     $registration = Registration::find($id);
     $locations = Location::all();
     $employees = Employee::where('location_id', '=', 18)->get();
     $classifications = Classification::where('category', '=', 'Registration')->get();
     $menu = 'registration';
     return View::make('registrations.edit', compact('registration', 'menu', 'locations', 'employees', 'classifications'));
  * Show list of employee locations
  * @return mixed
 public function manageLocations()
     $locs = Location::all();
     return View::make('admin.locations', compact('locs'));
Exemplo n.º 30
  * @before _secure
 public function profile()
     $this->seo(array("title" => "Profile", "view" => $this->getLayoutView()));
     $view = $this->getActionView();
     $user = $this->user;
     $view->set("errors", array());
     if (RequestMethods::post("action") == "saveUser") {
         $user->name = RequestMethods::post("name");
         $user->phone = RequestMethods::post("phone");
         $password = RequestMethods::post("password");
         if (!empty($password)) {
             $user->password = sha1($password);
         $view->set("success", "Info updated!!");
     $locations = Location::all(array("user_id = ?" => $this->user->id), array("*"), "created", "desc");
     $family = Shared\Services\Patient::findFamily($this->user);
     $flocations = Shared\Services\Patient::familyLoc($family);
     if (RequestMethods::post("action") == "saveLocation") {
         $location_id = RequestMethods::post("location_id");
         $location = $locations[$location_id];
         $l = \Location::saveRecord(null, $location, array("validate" => true));
         if (is_array($l)) {
             $view->set("success", "Fix the following errors")->set("errors", $l);
         } else {
             $locations[$location_id] = $l;
             $view->set("success", "Updated Location");
     if (RequestMethods::post("addLocation")) {
         $user_id = (int) RequestMethods::post("user_id", $this->user->id);
         if ((int) $this->user->id == $user_id) {
             $u = $this->user;
         } else {
             $u = ArrayMethods::toObject(['id' => $family[$user_id]->user_id]);
         $location = \Location::saveRecord($u, null, array("validate" => true));
         if (is_array($location)) {
             $view->set("success", "Fix the following errors")->set("errors", $location);
         } else {
             $view->set("success", "Added New Location");
             $arr = array($location->id => $location);
             $locations = array_merge($locations, $arr);
     $view->set("locations", $locations)->set("family", $family)->set("flocations", $flocations);