Exemplo n.º 1

        navigation(array(array("title" => "Back", "page" => "dbinit")));
        print <<<EndHTML
<A HREF="#" ONCLICK="javascript: document.myform.page.value='languages'; submitOptionsValue(); document.myform.submit();" CLASS="submit">Next</A>
    case 'languages':
        require_once 'classes/LocaleList.php';
        #check for current language code in config.php
        $CURRENT_LOCALE = $configArray['DEFAULT_LANG'];
        #pull a list of all available languages (codes and real friendly names)
        $AVAIL_LOCALE_ARRAY = LocaleList::getAvailableLanguageArray();
        print "<h1>Languages Configuration</h1>";
        print <<<EndHTML

      <p>Please select the Authentication Servers default language and locale</p>

       <div class="language">
               <div>Default Server Locale:
    <select name="default_locale" onchange="newConfig('DEFAULT_LANG=' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">
        #for each language in the array get the language code and the friendly name
        foreach ($AVAIL_LOCALE_ARRAY as $_langIds => $_langNames) {
            #if the current local in config.php is the same as the current member of the array, select it as default
            if ($CURRENT_LOCALE == $_langIds) {
                $_selected = ' selected="selected"';
            } else {
Exemplo n.º 2
 /** Initialise the system locale (gettext, setlocale, etc.)
  * @return boolean true on success, false on failure.
 public static function setCurrentLocale($locale)
     $session = Session::getObject();
     $AVAIL_LOCALE_ARRAY = LocaleList::getAvailableLanguageArray();
     $retval = false;
     // Get new locale ID, assume default if null
     if ($locale != null) {
         $locale_id = $locale->getId();
         $retval = true;
         $q = "parameter";
     } else {
         $locale_id = DEFAULT_LANG;
         $retval = false;
         $q = "default";
     //echo sprintf("Debug in /classes/Locale.php setCurentLocale(): locale_id=%s", $locale_id)."<br/>";
         $lang_only_locale_id = substr($locale_id, 0, 2);
         if (!isset($AVAIL_LOCALE_ARRAY[$locale_id]) && !isset($AVAIL_LOCALE_ARRAY[$lang_only_locale_id])) {
             echo sprintf("Warning in /classes/Locale.php setCurrentLocale: Neither %s or %s are available in AVAIL_LOCALE_ARRAY", $locale_id, $lang_only_locale_id) . "<br/>";
         // Try to set locale
         $candidate_locale_array[] = str_ireplace('.UTF8', '', $locale_id) . '.UTF-8';
         $candidate_locale_array[] = str_ireplace('.UTF8', '', $locale_id);
         $candidate_locale_array[] = $lang_only_locale_id . '.UTF-8';
         $candidate_locale_array[] = $lang_only_locale_id;
         $current_locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, $candidate_locale_array);
         //echo sprintf("Warning in /classes/Locale.php setCurentLocale: Unable to setlocale() to %s: %s.  I tried %s, %s, %s, %s, and got return value: %s, current locale is: %s",$q, $locale_id, $candidate_locale_array[0], $candidate_locale_array[1], $candidate_locale_array[2], $candidate_locale_array[3], $current_locale, setlocale(LC_ALL, 0))."<br/>";
         // Test it against current PHP locale
         if (substr($current_locale, 0, 2) != $lang_only_locale_id) {
             echo sprintf("Warning in /classes/Locale.php setCurrentLocale: Unable to setlocale() to %s: %s.  I tried %s, %s, %s, %s, and got return value: %s, current locale is: %s", $q, $locale_id, $candidate_locale_array[0], $candidate_locale_array[1], $candidate_locale_array[2], $candidate_locale_array[3], $current_locale, setlocale(LC_ALL, 0)) . "<br/>";
             $retval = false;
         } else {
             bindtextdomain('messages', WIFIDOG_ABS_FILE_PATH . 'locale');
             bind_textdomain_codeset('messages', 'UTF-8');
             putenv("LC_ALL=" . $current_locale);
             putenv("LANGUAGE=" . $current_locale);
             $retval = true;
     return $retval;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Get the content to be displayed in the tool pane
  * @return string HTML markup
  * @access private
 private function getToolContent()
     $session = Session::getObject();
     $AVAIL_LOCALE_ARRAY = LocaleList::getAvailableLanguageArray();
     // Init values
     $html = "";
     $_gwId = null;
     $_gwAddress = null;
     $_gwPort = null;
     $_mac = null;
     $_selected = "";
     $_languageChooser = array();
     // Init ALL smarty SWITCH values
     $this->smarty->assign('sectionSTART', false);
     $this->smarty->assign('sectionLOGIN', false);
     // Set section of Smarty template
     $this->smarty->assign('sectionSTART', true);
     // Get information about user
     $_currentUser = User::getCurrentUser();
     $_currentUser ? $this->smarty->assign('userListUI', $_currentUser->getListUI()) : $this->smarty->assign('userListUI', "");
     $this->smarty->assign('logoutParameters', "");
     $this->smarty->assign('loginParameters', "");
     $this->smarty->assign('formAction', "");
     $this->smarty->assign('toolContent', "");
     $this->smarty->assign('accountInformation', "");
     $this->smarty->assign('techSupportInformation', "");
     $this->smarty->assign('shrinkLeftArea', $this->_shrinkLeftArea);
      * Provide Smarty information about the user's login/logout status
     if ($_currentUser != null) {
         // User is logged in
         // Detect gateway information
         $_gwId = $session->get(SESS_GW_ID_VAR);
         $_gwAddress = $session->get(SESS_GW_ADDRESS_VAR);
         $_gwPort = $session->get(SESS_GW_PORT_VAR);
         $_mac = $session->get(SESS_USER_MAC_VAR);
         // If gateway information could be detected tell them to Smarty
         if ($_gwId && $_gwAddress && $_gwPort) {
             $this->smarty->assign('logoutParameters', "&amp;gw_id=" . $_gwId . "&amp;gw_address=" . $_gwAddress . "&amp;gw_port=" . $_gwPort . ($_mac ? "&amp;mac=" . $_mac : ""));
     } else {
      * Provide Smarty information for the language chooser
     // Assign the action URL for the form
     $this->smarty->assign('formAction', htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
     foreach ($AVAIL_LOCALE_ARRAY as $_langIds => $_langNames) {
         if (Locale::getCurrentLocale()->getId() == $_langIds) {
             $_selected = ' selected="selected"';
         } else {
             $_selected = "";
         $langName = "{$_langNames[0]}";
         $_languageChooser[] = '<option value="' . $_langIds . '"' . $_selected . '>' . $langName . '</option>';
     // Provide Smarty all available languages
     $this->smarty->assign('languageChooser', $_languageChooser);
     // Compile HTML code
     $html = $this->smarty->fetch("templates/classes/MainUI_ToolContent.tpl");
     return $html;