Exemplo n.º 1
     } else {
         // an error occured
         echo "Error sharing content:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
 case 'updateNetwork':
      * Handle network updates.
     // check the session
     if (!oauth_session_exists()) {
         throw new LinkedInException('This script requires session support, which doesn\'t appear to be working correctly.');
     $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
     $response = $OBJ_linkedin->updateNetwork($_POST['updateNetwork']);
     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
         // status has been updated
         header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
     } else {
         // an error occured
         echo "Error posting network update:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
     // nothing being passed back, display demo page
     // check PHP version
     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '<')) {
         throw new LinkedInException('You must be running version 5.x or greater of PHP to use this library.');
     // check for cURL
Exemplo n.º 2
 function postFeeds()
     $model = $this->getModel('postfeeds');
     $post = JRequest::get('post');
     $option = JRequest::getVar('option');
     $fb_array = array();
     $tw_array = array();
     $ln_array = array();
     $allfeeds = $post['all'];
     $fbfeeds = $post['facebook'];
     $twitterfeeds = $post['twitter'];
     $linkedinfeeds = $post['linkedin'];
     if (count($allfeeds) > 0) {
         $fb_array = $allfeeds;
         $tw_array = $allfeeds;
         $ln_array = $allfeeds;
     if (count($fbfeeds) > 0) {
         $fb_union_array = array_merge($fb_array, $fbfeeds);
         $fb_array = array_unique($fb_union_array);
     if (count($twitterfeeds) > 0) {
         $tw_union_array = array_merge($tw_array, $twitterfeeds);
         $tw_array = array_unique($tw_union_array);
     if (count($linkedinfeeds) > 0) {
         $ln_union_array = array_merge($ln_array, $linkedinfeeds);
         $ln_array = array_unique($ln_union_array);
     // For Repost
     $repostfeeds = $post['repost'];
     for ($r = 0; $r < count($repostfeeds); $r++) {
         $article_id = $repostfeeds[$r];
         $rePostData = $model->getPostedFeedData($article_id);
         if ($rePostData[0]->facebook) {
             $fb_repost_arr[] = $rePostData[0]->article_id;
         if ($rePostData[0]->twitter) {
             $tw_repost_arr[] = $rePostData[0]->article_id;
         if ($rePostData[0]->linkedin) {
             $ln_repost_arr[] = $rePostData[0]->article_id;
     if (count($fb_repost_arr) > 0) {
         $fb_repost_union_array = array_merge($fb_array, $fb_repost_arr);
         $fb_array = array_unique($fb_repost_union_array);
     if (count($tw_repost_arr) > 0) {
         $tw_repost_union_array = array_merge($tw_array, $tw_repost_arr);
         $tw_array = array_unique($tw_repost_union_array);
     if (count($ln_repost_arr) > 0) {
         $ln_repost_union_array = array_merge($ln_array, $ln_repost_arr);
         $ln_array = array_unique($ln_repost_union_array);
     // End for Repost
     $redsocialhelper = new redsocialhelper();
     $login = $redsocialhelper->getsettings();
     // For Facebook Post
     for ($f = 0; $f < count($fb_array); $f++) {
         //Get Article Data
         $article = $model->getArticleData($fb_array[$f]);
         // For Facebook
         $app_id = $login['app_id'];
         $app_secret = $login['app_secret'];
         $facebook = new Facebook(array('appId' => $app_id, 'secret' => $app_secret, 'cookie' => true));
         $result_fb_token = $redsocialhelper->getFbAccessToken();
         $fb_token = $result_fb_token[0]->fb_token;
         $profile_id = $result_fb_token[0]->profile_id;
         $profile_name = $redsocialhelper->getProfilename($profile_id);
         $attachment = array('message' => strip_tags($article[0]->introtext), 'access_token' => $fb_token);
         $userWall = $facebook->api('/' . $profile_name . '/feed', 'post', $attachment);
         $postedData = $model->savePostedFeedData($fb_array[$f], "facebook");
         // End for Facebook
     // End
     // For Twitter Post
     for ($t = 0; $t < count($tw_array); $t++) {
         //Get Article Data
         $article = $model->getArticleData($tw_array[$t]);
         //your app's consumer key
         $consumer_key = $login['twitter_consumer_key'];
         //your app's secret key
         $consumer_secret = $login['twitter_consumer_sec'];
         $twitter_token_result = $redsocialhelper->getTwitterAccessToken();
         $twitter_token = $twitter_token_result[0]->twitter_token;
         $twitter_secret = $twitter_token_result[0]->twitter_secret;
         $post_feed = strip_tags(substr($article[0]->introtext, 0, 140));
         $twitteroauth = new TwitterOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $twitter_token, $twitter_secret);
         $twitterpost = $twitteroauth->post('statuses/update', array('status' => $post_feed));
         $postedData = $model->savePostedFeedData($tw_array[$t], "twitter");
     // End
     // For LinkedIN
     for ($l = 0; $l < count($ln_array); $l++) {
         //Get Article Data
         $article = $model->getArticleData($ln_array[$l]);
         // LinkedinApi key
         $api_key = $login['linked_api_key'];
         //LinkedinSecret key
         $secret_key = $login['linked_secret_key'];
         $access_tokens = $redsocialhelper->getLinkedinAccessToken();
         $API_CONFIG = array('appKey' => $api_key, 'appSecret' => $secret_key, 'callbackUrl' => "");
         $linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
         $access_token = $access_tokens[0]->linkedin_token;
         $access_secret = $access_tokens[0]->linkedin_secret;
         $token = array("oauth_token" => $access_token, "oauth_token_secret" => $access_secret);
         $response = $linkedin->updateNetwork(strip_tags(substr($article[0]->introtext, 0, 999)));
         $postedData = $model->savePostedFeedData($ln_array[$l], "linkedin");
     // End for LinkedIN
     $link = 'index.php?option=' . $option . '&view=postfeeds';
     $this->setRedirect($link, $msg);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * this function will used to send string post
  * @param string $appKey
  * @param string $appSecret
  * @param string $user_oauth_token
  * @param string $user_oauth_token_secret
  * @param string $post
  * @return response done on success or faild on faild
 static function linkedInPostUpdate($appKey, $appSecret, $user_oauth_token, $user_oauth_token_secret, $post)
     //linkedIn config parameters
     $config = array('appKey' => $appKey, 'appSecret' => $appSecret, 'callbackUrl' => '');
     //create new linkedIn oauth object
     $oauth = new \LinkedIn($config);
     $linkedIn_oauth = array('oauth_token' => $user_oauth_token, 'oauth_token_secret' => $user_oauth_token_secret);
     //set user token
     $response = $oauth->updateNetwork($post);
     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
         // status has been updated
         return new Response('done');
     } else {
         // an error occured
         //            echo "Error posting network update:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
         return new Response('faild');