function print_result() { global $response, $page_size; if ($response['ids']) { $rows = min($response['rows'], 1000); foreach ($response['ids'] as $id) { switch ($_REQUEST['w']) { case 'posts': $obj = Post::from_db($id); break; case 'comments': $obj = Comment::from_db($id); break; case 'links': default: $obj = Link::from_db($id); } if (!$obj) { continue; } $obj->basic_summary = true; switch ($_REQUEST['w']) { case 'posts': $obj->print_summary(800); break; case 'comments': if ($obj->type == 'admin' && !$current_user->admin) { continue; } // link_object $obj->print_summary(800); break; case 'links': default: $obj->print_summary(); } } } do_pages($rows, $page_size); }
} } $url_db = $url; if (!$unique) { $url_db = addcslashes($url, '%_'); $url_db = preg_replace('/\\/$/', '', $url_db); $links = $db->get_col("select SQL_NO_CACHE link_id from links where link_url like '{$url_db}%' order by link_date DESC limit 100"); } else { $url_db = preg_replace('/\\/$/', '', $url_db); $links = $db->get_col("select SQL_NO_CACHE link_id from links where link_url in ('{$url_db}', '{$url_db}/')"); } if ($links) { $dict['status'] = 'OK'; $dict['data'] = array(); foreach ($links as $link_id) { $link = Link::from_db($link_id, null, false); if ($json) { $data = array(); $data['id'] = $link_id; $data['url'] = $link->get_canonical_permalink(); $data['status'] = $link->status; $data['votes'] = intval($link->votes); $data['anonymous'] = intval($link->anonymous); $data['karma'] = intval($link->karma); array_push($dict['data'], $data); } else { $response = 'OK ' . $link->get_canonical_permalink() . " {$link->total_votes} {$link->status} {$link_id}\n"; } } } else { if ($json) {
function promote($site_id) { global $db, $globals, $output; SitesMgr::__init($site_id); $output = ''; $min_karma_coef = $globals['min_karma_coef']; $links_queue = $db->get_var("SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE count(*) from sub_statuses WHERE id = {$site_id} and date > date_sub(now(), interval 24 hour) and status in ('published', 'queued')"); $links_queue_all = $db->get_var("SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE count(*) from sub_statuses, links WHERE id = {$site_id} and date > date_sub(now(), interval 24 hour) and link_id = link and link_votes > 0"); $pub_estimation = intval(max(min($links_queue * PUB_PERC, PUB_MAX), PUB_MIN)); $interval = intval(86400 / $pub_estimation); $now = time(); echo "BEGIN\n"; $output .= "<p><b>BEGIN</b>: " . get_date_time($now) . "<br/>\n"; $hours = intval($globals['time_enabled_votes'] / 3600); $from_time = "date_sub(now(), interval {$hours} hour)"; $last_published = $db->get_var("SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(max(date)) from sub_statuses WHERE id = {$site_id} and status='published'"); if (!$last_published) { $last_published = $now - 24 * 3600 * 30; } $links_published = (int) $db->get_var("select SQL_NO_CACHE count(*) from sub_statuses where id = {$site_id} and status = 'published' and date > date_sub(now(), interval 24 hour)"); $links_published_projection = 4 * (int) $db->get_var("select SQL_NO_CACHE count(*) from sub_statuses where id = {$site_id} and status = 'published' and date > date_sub(now(), interval 6 hour)"); $diff = $now - $last_published; // If published and estimation are lower than projection then // fasten decay if ($diff < $interval && ($links_published_projection < $pub_estimation * 0.9 && $links_published < $pub_estimation * 0.9)) { $diff = max($diff * 2, $interval); } $decay = min(MAX, MAX - $diff / $interval * (MAX - MIN)); $decay = max($min_karma_coef, $decay); if ($diff > $interval * 2) { $must_publish = true; $output .= "Delayed! <br/>"; } $output .= "Last published at: " . get_date_time($last_published) . "<br/>\n"; $output .= "24hs queue: {$links_queue}/{$links_queue_all}, Published: {$links_published} -> {$links_published_projection} Published goal: {$pub_estimation}, Interval: {$interval} secs, difference: " . intval($now - $last_published) . " secs, Decay: {$decay}<br/>\n"; $continue = true; $published = 0; $past_karma_long = intval($db->get_var("SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE avg(karma) from sub_statuses WHERE id = {$site_id} and date >= date_sub(now(), interval 7 day) and status='published'")); $past_karma_short = intval($db->get_var("SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE avg(karma) from sub_statuses WHERE id = {$site_id} and date >= date_sub(now(), interval 12 hour) and status='published'")); $past_karma = 0.5 * max(40, $past_karma_long) + 0.5 * max(20, $past_karma_short); $min_past_karma = (int) ($past_karma * $min_karma_coef); $last_resort_karma = (int) $past_karma * 0.8; ////////////// $min_karma = round(max($past_karma * $decay, 20)); if ($decay >= 1) { $max_to_publish = 3; } else { $max_to_publish = 1; } $min_votes = 3; ///////////// $limit_karma = round(min($past_karma, $min_karma) * 0.4); $bonus_karma = round(min($past_karma, $min_karma) * 0.35); /// Get common votes links' averages $days = 7; // Balance metas if (empty($globals['sub_balance_metas']) || !in_array(SitesMgr::my_id(), $globals['sub_balance_metas'])) { $db_metas = array(); } else { $db_metas = $db->get_results("select category, category_name, calculated_coef from sub_categories, categories where id = {$site_id} and category_id = category and category_parent = 0 and category_id in (select category_parent from sub_categories, categories where id = {$site_id} and category_id = category and category_parent > 0)"); } $subs_coef = get_subs_coef($site_id, 2); $globals['users_karma_avg'] = (double) $db->get_var("select SQL_NO_CACHE avg(link_votes_avg) from links, sub_statuses where id = {$site_id} and status = 'published' and date > date_sub(now(), interval 72 hour) and link_id = link"); $output .= "Karma average for each link: " . $globals['users_karma_avg'] . ", Past karma. Long term: {$past_karma_long}, Short term: {$past_karma_short}, Average: <b>{$past_karma}</b><br/>\n"; $output .= "<b>Current MIN karma: {$min_karma}</b>, absolute min karma: {$min_past_karma}, analizing from {$limit_karma}<br/>\n"; $output .= "</p>\n"; $where = "id = {$site_id} AND date > {$from_time} AND status = 'queued' AND link_id = link AND link_votes>={$min_votes} AND (link_karma > {$limit_karma} or (date > date_sub(now(), interval 2 hour) and link_karma > {$bonus_karma})) and user_id = link_author "; $sort = "ORDER BY link_karma DESC, link_votes DESC"; $thumbs_queue = array(); $links = $db->get_results("SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE link_id, link_karma as karma from sub_statuses, links, users where {$where} {$sort} LIMIT 30"); $rows = $db->affected_rows; echo "SELECTED {$rows} ARTICLES\n"; if (!$rows) { $output .= "There are no articles<br/>\n"; $output .= "--------------------------<br/>\n"; echo strip_tags($output) . "\n"; if (!DEBUG) { $annotation = new Annotation("promote-{$site_id}"); $annotation->text = $output; $annotation->store(); } else { echo "OUTPUT:\n. " . strip_tags($output) . "\n"; } return; } $max_karma_found = 0; $best_link = 0; $best_karma = 0; $output .= "<table>\n"; if ($links) { $output .= "<tr class='thead'><th>votes</th><th>anon</th><th>neg.</th><th>coef</th><th>karma</th><th>sub</th><th>title</th><th>changes</th></tr>\n"; $i = 0; foreach ($links as $dblink) { $link = Link::from_db($dblink->link_id); $changes = update_link_karma($site_id, $link); if (!DEBUG && $link->thumb_status == 'unknown' && $link->karma > $limit_karma) { echo "Adding {$link->id} to thumb queue\n"; array_push($thumbs_queue, $link->id); } if (!empty($link->coef) && $link->coef > 1) { if ($decay > 1) { $karma_threshold = $past_karma; } else { $karma_threshold = $min_karma; } } else { // Otherwise use normal decayed min_karma $karma_threshold = $min_karma; } if ($link->votes >= $min_votes && $link->karma >= $karma_threshold && $published < $max_to_publish) { $published++; publish($site_id, $link); $changes = 3; // to show a "published" later } else { if (($must_publish || $link->karma > $min_past_karma) && $link->karma > $limit_karma && $link->karma > $last_resort_karma && $link->votes > $link->negatives * 20) { $last_resort_id = $link->id; $last_resort_karma = $link->karma; } } $output .= print_row($link, $changes); usleep(10000); $i++; } if (!DEBUG && $published == 0 && $links_published_projection < $pub_estimation * 0.9 && $must_publish && $last_resort_id > 0) { // Publish last resort $link = new Link(); $link->id = $last_resort_id; if ($link->read()) { $link->message = "Last resort: selected with the best karma"; $output .= print_row($link, 3); publish($site_id, $link); // Recheck for images, some sites add images after the article has been published if (!$link->has_thumb() && $link->thumb_status != 'deleted' && !in_array($link->id, $thumbs_queue)) { echo "Adding {$link->id} to thumb queue\n"; array_push($thumbs_queue, $link->id); } } } ////////// } $output .= "</table>\n"; echo strip_tags($output) . "\n"; if (!DEBUG) { $annotation = new Annotation("promote-{$site_id}"); $annotation->text = $output; $annotation->store(); } else { echo "OUTPUT:\n" . strip_tags($output) . "\n"; } // Get THUMBS foreach ($thumbs_queue as $id) { $link = Link::from_db($id, null, false); if ($link && !$link->has_thumb() && $link->thumb_status != 'deleted') { echo "GETTING THUMB {$link->id}\n"; $link->get_thumb(true); echo "DONE GETTING THUMB\n"; } } }
case 'friends': $url = get_user_uri($current_user->user_login, 'friends_new'); do_redirection($url); exit(0); case 'post': $url = $globals['scheme'] . '//' . get_server_name() . post_get_base_url($id); do_redirection($url); exit(0); case 'comment': $c = new Comment(); $c->id = $id; $url = $globals['scheme'] . '//' . get_server_name() . $c->get_relative_individual_permalink(); do_redirection($url); exit(0); default: $l = Link::from_db($id, null, false); if (!$l) { exit(0); } if (!$globals['mobile'] && !$globals['mobile_version'] && !empty($l->url) && $current_user->user_id > 0 && (empty($globals['https']) || preg_match('/^https:/', $l->url)) && User::get_pref($current_user->user_id, 'use_bar') && $db->get_var("select blog_type from blogs where blog_id = {$l->blog}") != 'noiframe') { $url = $globals['scheme'] . '//' . get_server_name() . $globals['base_url'] . 'b/' . $id; // we use always http to load no https pages do_redirection($url, 307); } else { if (empty($l->url)) { $url = $l->get_permalink(); } else { $url = $l->url; } do_redirection($url); }
function depublish($site_id) { // send back to queue links with too many negatives global $db, $globals; $days = 4; echo "STARTING depublish for {$site_id}\n"; $site_info = SitesMgr::get_info($site_id); $links = $db->get_col("select SQL_NO_CACHE link_id as id from links, sub_statuses where id = {$site_id} and status = 'published' and date > date_sub(now(), interval {$days} day) and date < date_sub(now(), interval 14 minute) and link = link_id and link_negatives > link_votes / 5"); if ($links) { $votes_clicks = $db->get_col("select SQL_NO_CACHE link_votes/counter from links, sub_statuses, link_clicks where = {$site_id} and status = 'published' and date > date_sub(now(), interval {$days} day) and link = link_id and = link"); sort($votes_clicks); foreach ($links as $link) { $l = Link::from_db($link); $vc = $l->votes / $l->clicks; $prob = cdf($votes_clicks, $vc); // Count only those votes with karma > 6 to avoid abuses with new accounts with new accounts $negatives = (int) $db->get_var("select SQL_NO_CACHE sum(user_karma) from votes, users where vote_type='links' and vote_link_id={$l->id} and vote_date > from_unixtime({$l->date}) and vote_date > date_sub(now(), interval 24 hour) and vote_value < 0 and vote_user_id > 0 and user_id = vote_user_id and user_karma > " . $globals['depublish_negative_karma']); $positives = (int) $db->get_var("select SQL_NO_CACHE sum(user_karma) from votes, users where vote_type='links' and vote_link_id={$l->id} and vote_date > from_unixtime({$l->date}) and vote_value > 0 and vote_date > date_sub(now(), interval 24 hour) and vote_user_id > 0 and user_id = vote_user_id and user_karma > " . $globals['depublish_positive_karma']); echo "Candidate {$l->uri}\n karma: {$l->sub_karma} ({$l->karma}) negative karma: {$negatives} positive karma: {$positives}\n"; // Adjust positives to the probability of votes/clicks $c = 1 + (1 - $prob) * 0.5; $positives = $positives * $c; echo " probability: {$prob} New positives: {$positives} ({$c})\n"; if ($negatives > 10 && $negatives > $c * $l->sub_karma / 6 && $l->negatives > $c * $l->votes / 6 && $l->negatives > 5 && ($negatives > $positives || $negatives > $c * $l->sub_karma / 2 && $negatives > $positives / 2)) { echo "Queued again: {$l->id} negative karma: {$negatives} positive karma: {$positives}\n"; $karma_old = $l->sub_karma; $karma_new = intval($l->sub_karma / $globals['depublish_karma_divisor']); $l->status = 'queued'; $l->sub_karma = $l->karma = $karma_new; $db->query("update links set link_status='queued', link_date = link_sent_date, link_karma={$karma_new} where link_id = {$l->id}"); SitesMgr::deploy($l); // Add an annotation to show it in the logs $l->karma_old = $karma_old; $l->karma = $karma_new; $l->annotation = _('Retirada de portada'); $l->save_annotation('link-karma'); Log::insert('link_depublished', $l->id, $l->author); if (!$site_info->sub) { // Add the discard to log/event $user = new User($l->author); if ($user->read) { echo "{$user->username}: {$user->karma}\n"; $user->add_karma(-$globals['instant_karma_per_depublished'], _('Retirada de portada')); } // Increase karma to users that voted negative $ids = $db->get_col("select vote_user_id from votes where vote_type = 'links' and vote_link_id = {$l->id} and vote_user_id > 0 and vote_value < 0"); foreach ($ids as $id) { $u = new User($id); if ($u->read) { // Avoid abuse of users voting negative just to get more karma $voted = $db->get_var("select count(*) from logs where log_type = 'user_depublished_vote' and log_user_id = {$id} and log_date > date_sub(now(), interval 48 hour)"); if ($voted < 5) { $u->add_karma(0.2, _('Negativo a retirada de portada')); Log::insert('user_depublished_vote', $l->id, $id); } } } } /*********** * TODO: call for every site (as in promote) if ($globals['twitter_token'] || $globals['jaiku_user']) { if ($globals['url_shortener']) { $short_url = $l->get_short_permalink(); } else { $short_url = fon_gs($l->get_permalink()); } $text = _('Retirada de portada') . ': ' . $l->title; if ($globals['twitter_user'] && $globals['twitter_token']) { twitter_post($text, $short_url); } if ($globals['jaiku_user'] && $globals['jaiku_key']) { jaiku_post($text, $short_url); } } *******/ } } } }
// The first element is always a "/" $comment->id = intval($url_args[0]); } else { $url_args = preg_split('/\\/+/', $_REQUEST['id']); $comment->id = intval($url_args[0]); if ($comment->id > 0 && $globals['base_comment_url']) { // Redirect to the right URL if the link has a "semantic" uri header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location: ' . $comment->get_relative_individual_permalink()); die; } } if (!$comment->read()) { do_error(_('comentario no encontrado'), 404); } $link = Link::from_db($comment->link, null, false); if ($link->is_discarded()) { $globals['ads'] = false; $globals['noindex'] = true; } $globals['link'] = $link; $globals['permalink'] = 'http://' . get_server_name() . $comment->get_relative_individual_permalink(); // Change to a min_value is times is changed for the current link_status if ($globals['time_enabled_comments_status'][$link->status]) { $globals['time_enabled_comments'] = min($globals['time_enabled_comments_status'][$link->status], $globals['time_enabled_comments']); } // Check for comment post if ($_POST['process'] == 'newcomment') { $new = new Comment(); $new_comment_error = $new->save_from_post($link); }
function print_comment_list($comments, $user) { global $globals, $current_user; $comment = new Comment(); $timestamp_read = 0; $last_link = 0; $ids = array(); foreach ($comments as $dbcomment) { $comment = Comment::from_db($dbcomment->comment_id); // Don't show admin comment if it's her own profile. if ($comment->type == 'admin' && !$current_user->admin && $user->id == $comment->author) { continue; } if ($last_link != $dbcomment->link_id) { $link = Link::from_db($dbcomment->link_id, null, false); // Read basic echo '<h4>'; echo '<a href="' . $link->get_permalink() . '">' . $link->title . '</a>'; echo ' [' . $link->comments . ']'; echo '</h4>'; $last_link = $link->id; } if ($comment->date > $timestamp_read) { $timestamp_read = $comment->date; } echo '<ol class="comments-list">'; echo '<li>'; $comment->link_object = $link; $comment->print_summary(2000, false); echo '</li>'; echo "</ol>\n"; $ids[] = $comment->id; } Haanga::Load('get_total_answers_by_ids.html', array('type' => 'comment', 'ids' => implode(',', $ids))); // Return the timestamp of the most recent comment return $timestamp_read; }
<?php // The source code packaged with this file is Free Software, Copyright (C) 2011 by // Ricardo Galli <gallir at gmail dot com>. // It's licensed under the AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE unless stated otherwise. // You can get copies of the licenses here: // // AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE is also included in the file called "COPYING". include 'config.php'; $globals['force_ssl'] = False; // We open the bar always as http to allow loading no https pages include mnminclude . 'html1.php'; $url_args = $globals['path']; $id = intval($globals['path'][1]); if (!$id > 0 || !($link = Link::from_db($id))) { do_error(_('enlace no encontrado'), 404); } // Mark as read, add click if necessary $link->add_click(); if ($globals['https'] && !preg_match('/^https:/', $link->url)) { redirect($link->url); die; } $link->title = text_to_summary($link->title, 80); // From libs/html1.php do_header() header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $globals['security_key'] = get_security_key(); setcookie('k', $globals['security_key'], 0, $globals['base_url']); // From libks/link.php print_summary() $link->is_votable(); $link->permalink = $link->get_permalink();
if ($media->create_thumbs($parts[0])) { header("HTTP/1.0 200 OK"); header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); $media->thumb->output(); $globals['access_log'] = false; die; } $errn = 404; break; case "thumb": case "thumb_2x": case "thumb_medium": // Links' thumbnails $base = $parts[0]; if (count($parts) == 2 && $parts[1] > 0) { $link = Link::from_db($parts[1]); if ($link && ($pathname = $link->try_thumb($base))) { header("HTTP/1.0 200 OK"); header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); readfile($pathname); $globals['access_log'] = false; die; } } $errn = 404; break; case "tmp_thumb": // Temporal filenames $name = preg_replace('/^tmp_thumb\\-/', '', $filename); $path = Upload::get_cache_dir() . '/tmp/'; $pathname = $path . $name;
do_best_stories(); do_best_comments(); do_vertical_tags('published'); echo '</div>' . "\n"; /*** END SIDEBAR ***/ echo '<div id="newswrap">' . "\n"; echo '<div class="topheading"><h2>' . _('comentarios más valorados 24 horas') . '</h2></div>'; $last_link = 0; $counter = 0; echo '<div class="comments">'; $min_date = date("Y-m-d H:00:00", time() - 86000); // about 24 hours $comments = $db->get_results("SELECT comment_id, link_id FROM comments, links WHERE comment_date > '{$min_date}' and link_id=comment_link_id ORDER BY comment_karma desc, link_id asc limit 25"); if ($comments) { foreach ($comments as $dbcomment) { $link = Link::from_db($dbcomment->link_id, null, false); $comment = Comment::from_db($dbcomment->comment_id); if ($last_link != $link->id) { echo '<h3>'; echo '<a href="' . $link->get_relative_permalink() . '">' . $link->title . '</a>'; echo '</h3>'; } echo '<ol class="comments-list">'; echo '<li>'; $comment->print_summary($link, 2000, false); echo '</li>'; if ($last_link != $link->id) { $last_link = $link->id; $counter++; } echo "</ol>\n";
function do_most_clicked_stories() { global $db, $globals, $dblang; if ($globals['mobile']) { return; } $key = 'most_clicked_' . $globals['site_shortname'] . $globals['v'] . '_' . $globals['meta_current']; if (memcache_mprint($key)) { return; } echo '<!-- Calculating ' . __FUNCTION__ . ' -->'; if ($globals['meta_current'] && $globals['meta_categories']) { $category_list = 'and link_category in (' . $globals['meta_categories'] . ')'; $title = sprintf(_('más visitadas «%s»'), $globals['meta_current_name']); } else { $category_list = ''; $title = _('más visitadas'); } $min_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:00", $globals['now'] - 172800); // 48 hours // The order is not exactly the votes // but a time-decreasing function applied to the number of votes $res = $db->get_results("select link_id, counter*(1-(unix_timestamp(now())-unix_timestamp(link_date))*0.5/172800) as value from links, link_clicks, sub_statuses where = " . SitesMgr::my_id() . " AND link_id = link AND status='published' {$category_list} and date > '{$min_date}' and = link order by value desc limit 5"); if ($res) { $links = array(); $url = $globals['base_url'] . 'topclicked.php'; $link = new Link(); foreach ($res as $l) { $link = Link::from_db($l->link_id); $link->url = $link->get_relative_permalink(); $link->thumb = $link->has_thumb(); $link->total_votes = $link->votes + $link->anonymous; if ($link->thumb) { $link->thumb_x = round($link->thumb_x / 2); $link->thumb_y = round($link->thumb_y / 2); } if ($link->negatives >= $link->votes / 10) { $link->warn = true; } $links[] = $link; } $vars = compact('links', 'title', 'url'); $output = Haanga::Load('most_clicked_stories.html', $vars, true); echo $output; memcache_madd($key, $output, 180); } }
if (empty($_GET['id']) || empty($_GET['fields'])) { die; } $id = intval($_GET['id']); $fields = clean_input_string($_GET['fields']); // It has to remove parenthesis if (empty($_GET['what'])) { $what = 'link'; } else { $what = $_GET['what']; } $object = false; switch ($what) { case 'link': case 'links': $object = Link::from_db($id, null, false); break; case 'comment': case 'comments': $object = Comment::from_db($id); break; case 'post': case 'posts': $object = Post::from_db($id); break; } if (!$object) { die; } $output = new stdClass(); foreach (preg_split('/,/', $fields, 10, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $f) {
function get_related($max = 10) { global $globals, $db; $related = array(); $phrases = 0; // Only work with sphinx if (!$globals['sphinx_server']) { return $related; } require mnminclude . 'search.php'; $maxid = $db->get_var("select max(link_id) from links"); if ($this->status == 'published') { $_REQUEST['s'] = '! abuse discard autodiscard'; } $words = array(); $freqs = array(); $hits = array(); $freq_min = 1; // Filter title $a = preg_split('/[\\s,\\.;:“”–\\"\'\\-\\(\\)\\[\\]«»<>\\/\\?¿¡!]+/u', preg_replace('/[\\[\\(] *\\w{1,6} *[\\)\\]] */', ' ', htmlspecialchars_decode($this->title, ENT_QUOTES)), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $i = 0; $n = count($a); foreach ($a as $w) { $w = unaccent($w); $wlower = mb_strtolower($w); $len = mb_strlen($w); if (!isset($words[$wlower]) && ($len > 3 || preg_match('/^[A-Z]{2,}$/', $w)) && !preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}\\D{0,1}$/', $w)) { $h = sphinx_doc_hits($wlower); $hits[$wlower] = $h; if ($h < 1 || $h > $maxid / 10) { continue; } // If 0 or 1 it won't help to the search, too frequents neither // Store the frequency $freq = $h / $maxid; if (!isset($freqs[$wlower]) || $freqs[$wlower] > $freq) { $freqs[$wlower] = $freq; } if ($freq < $freq_min) { $freq_min = max(0.0001, $freq); } if (preg_match('/^[A-Z]/', $w) && $len > 2) { $coef = 2 * log10($maxid / $h); } else { $coef = 2; } // Increase coefficient if a name appears also in tags // s{0,1} is a trick for plurals, until we use stemmed words if (preg_match('/(^|[ ,])' . preg_quote($w) . 's{0,1}([ ,]|$)/ui', $this->tags)) { $coef *= 2; if ($i == 0 || $i == $n - 1) { $coef *= 2; } // It's the first or last word } $words[$wlower] = intval($h / $coef); } $i++; } // Filter tags $a = preg_split('/,+/', $this->tags, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($a as $w) { $w = trim($w); $wlower = mb_strtolower(unaccent($w)); $len = mb_strlen($w); if (isset($words[$wlower])) { continue; } if (preg_match('/\\s/', $w)) { $wlower = "\"{$wlower}\""; $phrases++; } $h = sphinx_doc_hits($wlower); $hits[$wlower] = $h; if ($h < 1 || $h > $maxid / 10) { continue; } // If 0 or 1 it won't help to the search, too frequents neither // Store the frequency $freq = $h / $maxid; if (!isset($freqs[$wlower]) || $freqs[$wlower] > $freq) { $freqs[$wlower] = $freq; } if ($freq < $freq_min) { $freq_min = max(0.0001, $freq); } $words[$wlower] = intval($h / 2); } // Filter content, check length and that it's begin con capital $a = preg_split('/[\\s,\\.;:“”–\\"\'\\-\\(\\)\\[\\]«»<>\\/\\?¿¡!]+/u', preg_replace('/https{0,1}:\\/\\/\\S+|[\\[\\(] *\\w{1,6} *[\\)\\]]/i', '', $this->sanitize($this->content)), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($a as $w) { $wlower = mb_strtolower(unaccent($w)); if (!preg_match('/^[A-Z][a-zA-Z]{2,}/', $w)) { continue; } $len = mb_strlen($w); if (!isset($words[$wlower]) && ($len > 2 || preg_match('/^[A-Z]{2,}$/', $w)) && !preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}\\D{0,1}$/', $w)) { $h = sphinx_doc_hits($wlower); $hits[$wlower] = $h; if ($h < 1 || $h > $maxid / 50) { continue; } // If 0 or 1 it won't help to the search, too frequents neither if (preg_match('/^[A-Z]/', $w) && $h < $maxid / 1000) { $coef = max(log10($maxid / $h) - 1, 1); } else { $coef = 1; } $words[$wlower] = intval($h / $coef); } } // Increase "hits" proportional to word's lenght // because longer words tends to appear less foreach ($words as $w => $v) { $len = mb_strlen($w); if ($len > 6 && !preg_match('/ /', $w)) { $words[$w] = $v * $len / 6; } } asort($words); $i = 0; $text = ''; foreach ($words as $w => $v) { // Filter words if we got good candidates // echo "<!-- $w: ".$freqs[$w]." coef: ".$words[$w]."-->\n"; if ($i > 4 && $freq_min < 0.005 && strlen($w) > 3 && (empty($freqs[$w]) || $freqs[$w] > 0.01 || $freqs[$w] > $freq_min * 100)) { continue; } $i++; if ($i > 14 or $i > 8 && $v > $maxid / 2000) { break; } $text .= "{$w} "; } echo "\n<!-- Search terms: {$text} Phrases: {$phrases} -->\n"; $_REQUEST['q'] = $text; // Center the date about the the link's date $_REQUEST['root_time'] = $this->date; if ($globals['now'] - $this->date > 86400 * 5) { $this->old = true; } else { $this->old = false; } $response = do_search(false, 0, $max + 1, false); if ($response && isset($response['ids'])) { foreach ($response['ids'] as $id) { if ($id == $this->id) { continue; } $l = Link::from_db($id); if (!$l) { continue; } if (empty($l->permalink)) { $l->permalink = $l->get_permalink(); } $related[] = $l; } } return $related; }
if (!isset($_REQUEST['id']) && $globals['base_bar_url'] && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) { $url_args = preg_split('/\\/+/', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); array_shift($url_args); // The first element is always a "/" $id = intval($url_args[0]); } else { $url_args = preg_split('/\\/+/', $_REQUEST['id']); $id = intval($url_args[0]); if ($id > 0 && $globals['base_bar_url']) { // Redirect to the right URL if the link has a "semantic" uri header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location: ' . $globals['base_url'] . $globals['base_bar_url'] . $id); die; } } if (!($link = Link::from_db($id))) { do_error(_('enlace no encontrado'), 404); } // Mark as read, add click if necessary $link->add_click(); $link->title = text_to_summary($link->title, 80); // From libs/html1.php do_header() header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $globals['security_key'] = get_security_key(); setcookie('k', $globals['security_key'], 0, $globals['base_url']); // From libks/link.php print_summary() $link->is_votable(); $link->permalink = $link->get_permalink(); $link->can_vote_negative = !$link->voted && $link->votes_enabled && $link->negatives_allowed(true); $link->get_box_class(); $vars = compact('type');
$info = SitesMgr::get_info(); $properties = SitesMgr::get_extended_properties(); $a_tops = new Annotation('top-link-' . $site_name); echo 'top-link-' . $site_name . "\n"; if (!$a_tops->read()) { exit; } $tops = explode(',', $a_tops->text); $a_history = new Annotation('top-link-history-' . $site_name); if ($a_history->read()) { $history = explode(',', $a_history->text); } else { $history = array(); } if (!in_array($tops[0], $history)) { if (!($link = Link::from_db($tops[0]))) { echo "Error reading link " . $tops[0] . "\n"; exit; } $url = $link->get_permalink($info->sub); if ($globals['url_shortener']) { $short_url = $link->get_short_permalink(); } else { $short_url = $url; } $intro = '#' . _('destacada'); $text = "{$intro} {$link->title}"; // Save the history array_push($history, intval($tops[0])); while (count($history) > 10) { array_shift($history);
// Discard "story", TODO: but it should be discarded in dispatch and submnm } $argc = 0; if (!isset($_REQUEST['id']) && $url_args[0] && !ctype_digit($url_args[0])) { // Compatibility with story.php?id=x and /story/x $link = Link::from_db($url_args[0], 'uri'); if (!$link) { do_error(_('noticia no encontrada'), 404); } } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); } else { $id = intval($url_args[0]); } if ($id > 0 && ($link = Link::from_db($id))) { // Redirect to the right URL if the link has a "semantic" uri if (!empty($link->uri)) { header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location: ' . $link->get_permalink()); die; } } else { do_error(_('noticia no encontrada'), 404); } } // Check the link belong to the current site $site_id = SitesMgr::my_id(); if ($link->is_sub && $site_id != $link->sub_id && empty($link->sub_status)) { // The link does not correspond to the current site, find one header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
print_period_tabs(); /*** SIDEBAR ****/ echo '<div id="sidebar">'; do_banner_right(); do_active_stories(); do_banner_promotions(); do_last_subs('published', 5, 'link_votes'); do_best_comments(); do_vertical_tags('published'); echo '</div>' . "\n"; /*** END SIDEBAR ***/ echo '<div id="newswrap">' . "\n"; if ($links) { $counter = 0; foreach ($links as $dblink) { $link = Link::from_db($dblink->link_id); $link->show_clicks = true; $link->print_summary(); $counter++; Haanga::Safe_Load('private/ad-interlinks.html', compact('counter', 'page_size')); } } do_pages($rows, $page_size); echo '</div>' . "\n"; do_footer_menu(); do_footer(); function print_period_tabs() { global $globals, $current_user, $range_values, $range_names, $month, $year; if (!($current_range = check_integer('range')) || $current_range < 1 || $current_range >= count($range_values)) { $current_range = 0;
function print_summary($length = 0, $single_link = true, $return_string = false) { global $current_user, $globals; if (!$this->read) { return; } if ((!$this->link_object || $this->link_object->id != $this->link) && $this->link > 0) { $this->link_object = Link::from_db($this->link); } $link = $this->link_object; if ($link) { if (!empty($link->relative_permalink)) { $this->link_permalink = $link->relative_permalink; } else { $this->link_permalink = $link->get_relative_permalink(); } } elseif (!empty($globals['permalink'])) { $this->link_permalink = $globals['permalink']; } $this->single_link = $single_link; $this->check_visibility(); /* pickup the correct css for comments */ if ($this->hidden || $this->ignored) { $this->comment_meta_class = 'comment-meta hidden'; $this->comment_class = 'comment-body hidden'; } else { $this->comment_meta_class = 'comment-meta'; $this->comment_class = 'comment-body'; if ($this->type == 'admin') { $this->comment_class .= ' admin'; } else { if ($globals['comment_highlight_karma'] > 0 && $this->karma > $globals['comment_highlight_karma']) { $this->comment_class .= ' high'; } if ($link && $link->author == $this->author) { $this->comment_class .= ' author'; } } } if ($this->author == $current_user->user_id) { $this->comment_class .= ' user'; } $this->prepare_summary_text($length); $this->can_vote = $current_user->user_id > 0 && $this->author != $current_user->user_id && $this->date > $globals['now'] - $globals['time_enabled_comments'] && $this->user_level != 'disabled'; $this->user_can_vote = $current_user->user_karma > $globals['min_karma_for_comment_votes'] && !$this->voted; $this->modified_time = txt_time_diff($this->date, $this->modified); $this->has_votes_info = $this->votes > 0 && $this->date > $globals['now'] - 30 * 86400; // Show votes if newer than 30 days $this->can_reply = $current_user->user_id > 0 && $this->date > $globals['now'] - $globals['time_enabled_comments']; $vars = array('self' => $this); return Haanga::Load('comment_summary.html', $vars, $return_string); }
function do_last_subs($status = 'published', $count = 10, $order = 'date') { global $db, $globals, $dblang; if ($globals['mobile'] || $globals['submnm']) { return; } $output = ' '; $key = "last_subs_{$status}-{$count}-{$order_}" . $globals['v']; //if(memcache_mprint($key)) return; echo '<!-- Calculating ' . __FUNCTION__ . ' -->'; $ids = $db->get_col("select link from sub_statuses, subs, links where date > date_sub(now(), interval 48 hour) and status = '{$status}' and = origen and = and owner > 0 and not nsfw and link_id = link order by {$order} desc limit {$count}"); if ($ids) { $links = array(); $title = _('en subs de usuarios'); foreach ($ids as $id) { $link = Link::from_db($id); $link->print_subname = true; $link->url = $link->get_permalink(); $link->thumb = $link->has_thumb(); $link->total_votes = $link->votes + $link->anonymous; if ($link->thumb) { $link->thumb_x = round($link->thumb_x / 2); $link->thumb_y = round($link->thumb_y / 2); } $links[] = $link; } $subclass = 'brown'; $url = $globals['base_url_general'] . 'subs'; $vars = compact('links', 'title', 'subclass', 'url'); $output = Haanga::Load('best_stories.html', $vars, true); echo $output; } memcache_madd($key, $output, 300); }
<?php // The source code packaged with this file is Free Software, Copyright (C) 2005 by // Ricardo Galli <gallir at uib dot es> and // Beldar < at gmail dot com> // It's licensed under the AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE unless stated otherwise. // You can get copies of the licenses here: // // AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE is also included in the file called "COPYING". // The code below was made by Beldar <beldar at gmail dot com> if (!defined('mnmpath')) { include_once '../config.php'; header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); } include_once mnminclude . 'commentmobile.php'; if (empty($_GET['id'])) { die; } $id = intval($_GET['id']); $comment = new CommentMobile(); $comment->id = $id; $comment->read(); if (!$comment->read) { die; } $link = Link::from_db($comment->link); $comment->link_permalink = $link->get_relative_permalink(); $comment->print_text(0);
// Beldar < at gmail dot com> // It's licensed under the AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE unless stated otherwise. // You can get copies of the licenses here: // // AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE is also included in the file called "COPYING". // The code below was made by Beldar <beldar at gmail dot com> if (!defined('mnmpath')) { include_once '../config.php'; header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); header('Cache-Control: public, s-maxage=300'); } if (empty($_GET['id'])) { die; } $id = intval($_GET['id']); $link = Link::from_db($id); if (!$link) { die; } $user_login = $link->username; echo '<p>'; if ($link->avatar) { echo '<img class="avatar" src="' . get_avatar_url($link->author, $link->avatar, 40) . '" width="40" height="40" alt="avatar" style="float:left; margin: 0 5px 0 0;"/>'; } echo '<strong>' . $link->title . '</strong><br/>'; echo _('por') . ' <strong>' . $user_login . '</strong><br/>'; echo '<strong>' . $link->sub_name . ' | karma: ' . intval($link->karma) . ' | ' . _('negativos') . ': ' . $link->negatives . '</strong></p>'; echo '<p style="margin-top: 4px">'; if ($image = $link->has_thumb()) { echo "<img src='{$image}' width='{$link->thumb_x}' height='{$link->thumb_y}' alt='' class='thumbnail'/>"; }
function do_friends_shaken () { global $db, $rows, $user, $offset, $page_size, $globals; if ($globals['bot']) return; do_user_subheader(array(_('envíos propios') => get_user_uri($user->username, 'history'), _('votados') => get_user_uri($user->username, 'shaken'), _('favoritos') => get_user_uri($user->username, 'favorites'), _('votados por amigos') => get_user_uri($user->username, 'friends_shaken')), 3); $friends = $db->get_col("select friend_to from friends where friend_type = 'manual' and friend_from = $user->id and friend_value > 0"); if ($friends) { $friends_list = implode(',', $friends); $sql = "select distinct vote_link_id as link_id from votes where vote_type = 'links' and vote_user_id in ($friends_list) and vote_value > 0 order by vote_link_id desc"; $links = $db->get_results("$sql LIMIT $offset,$page_size"); } if ($links) { foreach($links as $dblink) { $link = Link::from_db($dblink->link_id); $link->do_inline_friend_votes = true; $link->print_summary(); } } }
function get_story($time, $type, $linkid, $userid) { global $db, $events, $last_timestamp, $foo_link; $link = Link::from_db($linkid, null, false); if (!$link) { return; } $json['link'] = $link->get_relative_permalink(); $json['id'] = $linkid; $json['status'] = get_status($link->status); $json['ts'] = $time; $json['type'] = $type; $json['votes'] = $link->total_votes; $json['com'] = $link->comments; $json['title'] = $link->title; $json['thumb'] = $link->has_thumb(); $json['who'] = $link->username; $json['uid'] = $userid; if ($userid > 0) { $json['icon'] = get_avatar_url($userid, -1, 20); } if ($link->author != $userid && $userid > 0) { $user = new User($userid); $user->read(); if ($user->admin) { // Edited by admin, don't show the author $json['uid'] = 0; $json['who'] = 'admin'; $json['icon'] = ''; } } $key = $time . ':' . $type . ':' . $linkid; $events[$key] = $json; if ($time > $last_timestamp) { $last_timestamp = $time; } }
$last_modified = $db->get_var("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP({$order_field}) {$from_where} {$order_by} LIMIT 1"); if ($if_modified > 0) { $from_where .= " AND {$order_field} > FROM_UNIXTIME({$if_modified})"; } $sql = "SELECT link_id {$from_where} {$order_by} LIMIT {$rows}"; } do_header($title); // Don't allow banned IPs o proxies if (!check_ban($globals['user_ip'], 'ip', true) && !check_ban_proxy()) { $links = $db->get_col($sql); } else { $links = false; } if ($links) { foreach ($links as $link_id) { $link = Link::from_db($link_id); if (!$link) { continue; } $category_name = $db->get_var("SELECT category_name FROM categories WHERE category_id = {$link->category} AND category_lang='{$dblang}'"); $content = text_to_html(htmlentities2unicodeentities($link->content)); $permalink = $link->get_short_permalink(); /* if (isset($_REQUEST['local']) || $globals['bot']) { $permalink = $link->get_permalink(); } else { $permalink = $link->get_short_permalink(); } */ echo "\t<item>\n"; // Meneame own namespace
// If the first argument are only numbers, redirect to the story with that id if (is_numeric($url_args[0]) && $url_args[0] > 0) { $link = Link::from_db(intval($url_args[0])); if ($link) { header('Location: ' . $link->get_permalink()); die; } } $link = Link::from_db($db->escape($url_args[0])); if (! $link ) { do_error(_('noticia no encontrada'), 404); } } else { $url_args = preg_split('/\/+/', $_REQUEST['id']); if(is_numeric($url_args[0]) && $url_args[0] > 0 && ($link = Link::from_db(intval($url_args[0]))) ) { // Redirect to the right URL if the link has a "semantic" uri if (!empty($link->uri) && !empty($globals['base_story_url'])) { header ('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); if (!empty($url_args[1])) $extra_url = '/' . urlencode($url_args[1]); header('Location: ' . $link->get_permalink(). $extra_url); die; } } else { do_error(_('argumentos no reconocidos'), 404); } } if ($link->is_discarded()) { // Dont allow indexing of discarded links
<?php // The source code packaged with this file is Free Software, Copyright (C) 2009 by // Ricardo Galli <gallir at uib dot es>. // It's licensed under the AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE unless stated otherwise. // You can get copies of the licenses here: // // AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE is also included in the file called "COPYING". // Don't check the user is logged $globals['no_auth'] = true; include '../config.php'; $url_args = preg_split('/\\/+/', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); // If the first argument are only numbers, redirect to the story with that id if (preg_match('/^[\\da-z]+$/', $url_args[1])) { $link = Link::from_db(intval(base_convert($url_args[1], 36, 10)), null, false); if ($link) { header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved'); header('Location: ' . $link->get_canonical_permalink()); die; } } not_found('Link not found'); die;
function get_link($link_id) { global $globals; $link = Link::from_db($link_id); if (!$link) { return false; } $obj = array(); $obj['id'] = (int) $link->id; $obj['permalink'] = $link->get_permalink(); $obj['go'] = $globals['scheme'] . '//' . get_server_name() . $globals['base_url'] . 'go?id=' . $link->id; $obj['url'] = $link->url; $obj['from'] = parse_url($link->url, PHP_URL_HOST); $obj['sub'] = $link->sub_name; $obj['status'] = $link->status; $obj['user'] = $link->username; $obj['clicks'] = (int) $link->clicks; $obj['votes'] = intval($link->votes + $link->anonymous); $obj['negatives'] = (int) $link->negatives; $obj['karma'] = intval($link->karma); $obj['comments'] = (int) $link->comments; $obj['title'] = html_entity_decode($link->title); $obj['tags'] = html_entity_decode($link->tags); $obj['sent_date'] = (int) $link->sent_date; if ($link->status == 'published') { $obj['date'] = (int) $link->date; } else { $obj['date'] = (int) $link->sent_date; } // $obj['content'] = $link->to_html($link->content); $obj['content'] = html_entity_decode($link->content); if ($link->has_thumb()) { $obj['thumb'] = $globals['scheme'] . '//' . get_server_name() . $globals['base_url'] . 'backend/media?type=link&id=' . $link->id; } return $obj; }
function get_comment($time, $type, $commentid, $userid) { global $db, $events, $last_timestamp, $max_items, $globals; $event = $db->get_row("select user_login, comment_user_id, comment_link_id, comment_type, comment_order, media.size as media_size from comments LEFT JOIN media ON (media.type='comment' and = comments.comment_id and media.version = 0), users where comment_id = {$commentid} and user_id={$userid} "); if (!$event) { return; } $link = Link::from_db($event->comment_link_id, null, false); // Read simple if (!$link) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Warn, link doesn't exist: {$type} {$commentid} {$userid} (sneaker2)"); return; } $json['link'] = $link->get_relative_permalink() . "/c0{$event->comment_order}#c-{$event->comment_order}"; $json['id'] = $commentid; $json['status'] = get_status($link->get_a_status()); $json['ts'] = $time; $json['type'] = $type; $json['votes'] = $link->total_votes; $json['com'] = $link->comments; $json['title'] = $link->title; $json['sub_name'] = $link->sub_name; if ($event->comment_type == 'admin') { $json['who'] = get_server_name(); $userid = 0; } else { $json['who'] = $event->user_login; } $json['uid'] = $userid; if ($userid > 0) { $json['icon'] = get_avatar_url($userid, -1, 20); } if ($event->media_size > 0) { $json['thumb'] = $globals['base_static'] . Upload::get_cache_relative_dir($commentid) . "/media_thumb-comment-{$commentid}.jpg"; } $key = $time . ':' . $type . ':' . $commentid; $events[$key] = $json; if ($time > $last_timestamp) { $last_timestamp = $time; } }