/** * @param array $router * @param string $path * @return array */ private function _dispatch_to_method($router, $path) { if (!isset($router[$path])) { return ['errno' => Da\Sys_Router::ERRNO_NOT_FOUND, 'data' => 'path [' . $path . '] not exists.']; } $rules = $router[$path]; $count = count($rules); $http_method = 'get'; if ($count > 2) { $http_method = $rules[2]; if (strtolower($http_method) == 'post' && empty($_POST)) { return ['errno' => Da\Sys_Router::ERRNO_NOT_FOUND, 'data' => 'ONLY SUPPORT POST FOR URL:' . $path . ', but got empty Post vars.']; } } $method = array_slice($rules, 0, 2); if (!is_callable($method)) { return ['errno' => Da\Sys_Router::ERRNO_NOT_FOUND, 'data' => 'method ' . json_encode($method) . ' not exists']; } $this->_carry_current_url_path(); $this->_current_url_info['url_path'] = self::current_url_path(); $this->_current_url_info['rule'] = $rules; foreach ($this->_pre_route_hooks as $_hook) { if (is_callable($_hook)) { call_user_func($_hook); } } try { $result = call_user_func($method); } catch (Exception $ex) { \Lib_Log::error('Runtime error errno: [%d], msg: [%s]', [$ex->getCode(), $ex->getMessage()]); return ['errno' => Da\Sys_Router::ERRNO_SERVER_ERR, 'data' => 'something error!']; } return ['errno' => 200, 'data' => 'REUQEST OK!']; }
/** * @return array The return value should include 'errno' and 'data' */ function dispatch() { $parse_url = $this->parse_url(); if ($parse_url['errno'] != self::ERRNO_OK) { return $parse_url; } $url_piece = $parse_url['data']; $router = call_user_func($this->_router, $url_piece); if (isset($router['errno']) && $router['errno'] === self::ERRNO_OK) { return ['errno' => self::ERRNO_OK, 'data' => $router]; } elseif (isset($router['errno'])) { switch ($router['errno']) { case self::ERRNO_FORBIDDEN: \Lib_Log::info('forbidden page! url:[%s] case:[%s]', [json_encode($parse_url), json_encode($router)]); return ['errno' => self::ERRNO_FORBIDDEN, 'data' => 'You cannot visit this page!']; case self::ERRNO_SERVER_ERR: \Lib_Log::error('page err! url:[%s] case:[%s]', [json_encode($parse_url), json_encode($router)]); return ['errno' => self::ERRNO_SERVER_ERR, 'data' => 'Something wrong!']; case self::ERRNO_NOT_FOUND: default: \Lib_Log::notice('page not found! url:[%s] case:[%s]', [json_encode($parse_url), json_encode($router)]); return ['errno' => self::ERRNO_NOT_FOUND, 'data' => 'PAGE NOT FOUND!']; } } else { \Lib_Log::notice('page not found! url:[%s] case:[%s]', [json_encode($parse_url), json_encode($router)]); return ['errno' => self::ERRNO_FORBIDDEN, 'data' => 'PAGE NOT FOUND!']; } }
/** * 获取实例的方法 * @return array */ public static function get_instance() { if (is_null(self::$_instance)) { $class = __CLASS__; self::$_instance = new $class(); } return self::$_instance; }
/** * @param array * @return array */ static function process_result($result) { if ($result['errno'] !== 0) { Lib_Log::error("Redis: get result failed! result: %s", json_encode($result)); return Lib_Helper::get_err_struct(Const_Err_DataAccess::ERR_GET_CARD, 'get card failed! result:' . json_encode($result)); } return Lib_Helper::get_return_struct($result['data']); }
/** * init the log manager */ private function _init_log() { $config = Sys_Config::config('log/base'); if ($config) { $this->_configure['path']['log'] = isset($config['path']) ? $config['path'] : 'logs'; $config['path'] = self::log_path(); } else { $config = []; } \Lib_Log::get_instance()->init($config); }
/** * @return array */ static function module_info() { $modules_info = new Model_ModulesInfo(); $module_info = $modules_info->get_module_by_indentify(self::indentify()); if ($module_info['errno'] !== Const_Err_Base::ERR_OK) { Lib_Log::error(__METHOD__ . ' faild! cause: ' . json_encode($module_info['data'])); self::$module_id = self::MODULE_UNREG_ID; return Lib_Helper::get_err_struct(Const_Err_Db::ERR_GET_DATA_FAIL, '获取模块失败', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $module_info = $module_info['data']; if (empty($module_info)) { self::$module_id = self::MODULE_UNREG_ID; return Lib_Helper::get_err_struct(Const_Err_DataAccess::ERR_MODULE_UNREG, '模块未注册', __FILE__, __LINE__); } self::$module_id = $module_info['_id']; return ['errno' => Const_Err_Base::ERR_OK, 'data' => $module_info]; }
/** * @param int $id * @return $this|null */ function set_current_ap($id) { if (isset($this->_ap_list[$id])) { $this->_current_ap_id = $id; $this->_current_ap = $this->_ap_list[$id]; } else { $ap_info = Module_AccessPoint_Ap::get_ap($id); if ($ap_info['errno'] !== Const_Err_Base::ERR_OK) { Lib_Log::notice('Get ap faild! Result: %s', Lib_Helper::format_err_struct($ap_info)); $this->_current_ap_id = null; $this->_current_ap = null; return null; } $ap_info = $ap_info['data']; $this->set_current_ap_info($id, $ap_info); } return $this; }
/** * @param string $hook_type * @param string $hook_name * @return null|array */ function get_hook($hook_type, $hook_name) { if (!$this->hook_exists($hook_type, $hook_name)) { return null; } $hook = $this->_hooks[$hook_type][$hook_name]; if (!isset($hook[1])) { Lib_Log::notice("Hook: [%s.%s] [%s] not has run_once flag", [strval($hook_type), $hook_name, var_export($hook[1], true)]); unset($this->_hooks[$hook_type][$hook_name]); return null; } if (!is_callable($hook[0])) { Lib_Log::notice("Hook: [%s.%s] [%s] not callable", [strval($hook_type), $hook_name, json_encode($hook[0])]); unset($this->_hooks[$hook_type][$hook_name]); return null; } return $hook; }
/** * 信号处理函数 * @param number $signo * @param number $pid * @param number $status * @return boolean */ public function childSignalHandler($signo, $pid = null, $status = null) { //If no pid is provided, that means we're getting the signal from the system. Let's figure out //which child process ended if (!$pid) { $pid = pcntl_waitpid(-1, $status, WNOHANG); } //Make sure we get all of the exited children while ($pid > 0) { if ($pid && isset($this->currentJobs[$pid])) { $exitCode = pcntl_wexitstatus($status); if ($exitCode != 0) { Lib_Log::info("{$pid} exited with status " . $exitCode); } unset($this->currentJobs[$pid]); } else { if ($pid) { //Oh no, our job has finished before this parent process could even note that it had been launched! //Let's make note of it and handle it when the parent process is ready for it Lib_Log::info("..... Adding {$pid} to the signal queue ....."); $this->signalQueue[$pid] = $status; } } $pid = pcntl_waitpid(-1, $status, WNOHANG); } return true; }
/** * @param string * @param null|string * @return array|bool * @throws \Exception */ public function get_config($str, $path = null) { $path_array = explode('/', $str); if (!isset($path_array[0])) { return false; } $file = ''; $filepath = ''; $section = array_pop($path_array); empty($path_array) || ($file = array_pop($path_array)); empty($path_array) || ($filepath = implode($path_array)); empty($path) && ($path = $this->get_config_path()); if (!empty($filepath)) { $path .= '/' . $filepath; } if (empty($file)) { $file = $section; $section = null; } if (is_file($path . '/' . $file . '.ini')) { } elseif (!empty($file) && is_dir($path . '/' . $file)) { $path = $path . '/' . $file; $file = $section; $section = null; } else { return false; } $run_mode = Sys_App::app()->get_run_mode(); $run_mode == DA_RUN_MODE_PRO && $this->check_run_mode_suffix(false); $run_mode_abbr = self::run_mode_abbr($run_mode); $run_mode_conf_file = empty($run_mode_abbr) ? $file : $file . '.' . $run_mode_abbr; if ($this->_check_run_mode_suffix && is_file($path . '/' . $run_mode_conf_file . '.ini')) { $file = $run_mode_conf_file; \Lib_Log::debug("use run mode config file: [%s]", $file); } $file .= '.ini'; $config = $this->get_config_from_file($file, $section, $path); return $config; }
/** * @param int $ap_id * @param int $mode * @param array $options * @param string $php_script * @return array */ static function exec_task_by_cli($ap_id, $mode = Module_FlowManager_Main::RUN_MODE_CALLBACK, $options = ['meta' => true], $php_script = 'tools/access_point.php') { $script = self::get_run_ap_script($ap_id, $mode, $options, $php_script); $result = 0; $output = null; exec($script, $output, $result); if ($result != 0) { Lib_Log::notice("run ap script failed. case: %s", $output); return Lib_Helper::get_err_struct($result, '执行失败'); } return Lib_Helper::get_return_struct('运行成功'); }
/** * @param int $task_id * @param int $mid * @param array $data * @return bool|int */ private function _write_meta_file($task_id, $mid, $data) { // 检查meta选项,如果有则生成meta文件 if (isset($this->options[Module_FlowManager_Main::EXPORT_META_FILE]) && $this->options[Module_FlowManager_Main::EXPORT_META_FILE] == Module_FlowManager_Main::META_FILE_CREATE) { Lib_Log::debug("%s use meta file, task: %d, mid %d", [__CLASS__, $task_id, $mid]); $meta_file = self::meta_file_path($task_id, $mid); if ($meta_file) { return file_put_contents($meta_file, json_encode($data)); } } return false; }
/** * @param int $id * @param string $value * @return array */ private static function _format_field_value($id, $value) { if (!is_array($value)) { Lib_Log::debug('filed values is not array, values: %s', json_encode($value)); return []; } foreach ($value as $_k => $_v) { if (is_array($_v) && isset($_v[Const_Interface::FIELD_ATTR_RELATION])) { $new_value = []; if (!is_array($_v[Const_Interface::FIELD_ATTR_RELATION])) { Lib_Log::error('Fields error, please check relaction fields :' . json_encode($_v) . ' in an array'); continue; } foreach ($_v[Const_Interface::FIELD_ATTR_RELATION] as $__value) { $new_value[] = [Const_Interface::FIELD_ATTR_KEY => $__value, Const_Interface::FIELD_ATTR_MODULE => $id]; } $value[$_k][Const_Interface::FIELD_ATTR_RELATION] = $new_value; } } return $value; }
/** * @param $action * @param $args * @return array|mixed|null */ protected function _do_action($action, $args) { $result = null; $falid_things = function ($result) use($action, $args) { Lib_Log::warn('REDIS-ACTION: ' . strtoupper($action) . ' FAILD, args: ' . json_encode($args) . ', result: ' . json_encode($result)); $this->_reconnect(); }; foreach (range(1, self::RETRY_COUNT) as $_count) { try { if (!$this->_redis || !$this->_is_connecting()) { $this->_create_connection(); } if (!$this->_redis || !$this->_is_connecting()) { $result = ['errno' => 1, 'data' => 'redis is not connected']; } else { $result = call_user_func_array([$this->_redis, $action], $args); $result = ['errno' => 0, 'data' => $result]; break; } } catch (RedisException $ex) { try { $falid_things([$ex->getCode(), $ex->getMessage(), 'retry count: ' . $_count]); } catch (RedisException $ex) { Lib_Log::warn("Redis reconnect failed, err: %s", json_encode($ex)); } $result = ['errno' => $ex->getCode(), 'data' => $ex->getMessage()]; } } return $result; }
/** * @param int $mid * @param array $stuff_mids * @param array $id_map * @return callable */ static function after_run_module_record_hook($mid, $stuff_mids, $id_map) { if ($stuff_mids === null) { $stuff_mids = []; } if (!isset($id_map[$mid][1])) { Lib_Log::warn("%s gen record id and order failed!", __METHOD__); } return function ($task_id, $module_id, $class, $result) use($mid, $stuff_mids, $id_map) { $record_id = $id_map[$mid][0]; $model_module_record = new Model_TaskRunModuleRecord(); // log for record Lib_Log::debug('record after hook task_id: [%d], module_id: [%d], record_id: [%d]', [$task_id, $module_id, $record_id]); // end log $stat = []; $end_time = time(); $counts = Module_ControlCentre_Counter::get_all_counts(); if (!isset($result['errno']) || $result['errno'] !== Const_Err_Base::ERR_OK) { $record = ['status' => Module_ModuleManager_Main::RUN_MODULE_STATUS_FAILED, 'result' => $result, 'end_time' => $end_time]; if (isset($result[Const_DataAccess::MREK_STATUS])) { $record['status'] = $result[Const_DataAccess::MREK_STATUS]; } } else { $record = ['status' => Module_ModuleManager_Main::RUN_MODULE_STATUS_FINISH, 'end_time' => $end_time]; $data = $result['data']; if (method_exists($class, 'format_record_msg')) { $stat = call_user_func([$class, 'format_record_msg'], $data); } if (!empty($stat)) { $record['result'] = ['errno' => Const_Err_Base::ERR_OK, 'msg' => $stat]; $record['stat'] = $stat; } } if ($counts['errno'] != Const_Err_Base::ERR_OK) { $stuff_mids = []; } else { $counts = $counts['data']; $_tmp_stat = Module_ControlCentre_Counter::formated_counts($mid, $counts); if (is_array($_tmp_stat) && !empty($_tmp_stat)) { $record['stat'] = isset($record['stat']) ? array_merge($_tmp_stat, $record['stat']) : $_tmp_stat; } unset($_tmp_stat); } $model_module_record->update_record($record_id, $record); foreach ($stuff_mids as $_mid) { $stat = []; $record_id = $id_map[$_mid][0]; $_tmp_stat = Module_ControlCentre_Counter::formated_counts($_mid, $counts); is_array($_tmp_stat) && ($stat = array_merge($_tmp_stat, $stat)); unset($_tmp_stat); $record = ['status' => Module_ModuleManager_Main::RUN_MODULE_STATUS_CALLED, 'end_time' => $end_time]; if (!empty($stat)) { $record['stat'] = $stat; } $model_module_record->update_record($record_id, $record); } }; }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * * @see TyDB_Abstract::_connect() */ protected function _connect($isReader = true) { // $config = $isReader ? $this->_reader : $this->_writer; $config = $this->_writer; try { if (empty($this->pdo)) { $this->pdo = new \PDO("mysql:host={$config['host']};dbname={$config['dbname']};port={$config['port']};charset={$config['charset']}", $config['user'], $config['password'], array(\PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true, \PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, \PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT => 2, \PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => true)); } } catch (\PDOException $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); Lib_Log::write('system_sql', 'connect', $msg); } }
<?php if (!defined('DA_INIT')) { // 防止重复初始化 define("DA_INIT", 1); // 版本检查 if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400) { exit("Need PHP-5.4.0 or upper." . PHP_EOL); } ini_set('memory_limit', '30G'); define('DA_PATH_INIT_FILE', dirname(__FILE__)); define('DA_PATH_HOME', dirname(DA_PATH_INIT_FILE)); define('DA_PATH_SYS', DA_PATH_INIT_FILE . '/sys'); // functions require_once DA_PATH_SYS . '/function.php'; // start app require_once DA_PATH_SYS . '/app.php'; Da\Sys_App::app(DA_PATH_HOME . '/conf/app.ini')->bootstrap(); file_exists(DA_PATH_INIT_FILE . '/extra.php') && (require_once DA_PATH_INIT_FILE . '/extra.php'); Lib_Log::DEBUG('Framework(v' . DA_VERSION . ') init ok'); } // end of if DA_LIB_INIT
<?php if (!defined('DA_UT_PATH')) { define('DA_UT_PATH', dirname(__FILE__)); define('DA_UT_DATA_PATH', DA_UT_PATH . '/data'); // 版本检查 if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400) { exit("Need PHP-5.4.0 or upper." . PHP_EOL); } ini_set('memory_limit', '10240M'); //require_once 'PHPUnit/Autoload.php'; // start app defined('DA_PATH_HOME') || define('DA_PATH_HOME', dirname(dirname(DA_UT_PATH))); // functions if (DA_PATH_HOME) { $app = DA_PATH_HOME . '/app/sys/app.php'; $conf = DA_PATH_HOME . '/conf/unit.ini'; require_once $app; require_once DA_PATH_HOME . '/app/sys/function.php'; Da\Sys_App::app($conf)->bootstrap(); Lib_Log::DEBUG('Unit test init ok'); } else { throw new Exception('UT: wrong path.'); } require_once DA_UT_PATH . '/helper.php'; } // end of if DA_UT_INIT
/** * @brief * 定时器,用来检测是否有子进程超时 * 同时增加超时控制 * @see * @note * @author duxin01 * @date 2014/04/17 13:32:38 **/ public function childAlarmHandler($signo) { foreach ($this->currentJobs as $pid => $startTime) { if (time() - $startTime < $this->childTimeout) { continue; } Lib_Log::warn("child timeout, kill -9 {$pid}"); $this->pushFaildData($pid); posix_kill($pid, SIGKILL); // clear pid of current jobs unset($this->currentJobs[$pid]); } pcntl_alarm($this->childTimeout); //重新设置闹钟 return true; }
<?php session_start(); require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/app/init.php'; Module_HttpRequest_Router::get_instance()->register_pre_router_hook(['Module_Account_Manager', 'check_perm']); Module_View_Main::view()->set_template_dir(Da\Sys_App::template_path()); $router = [Module_HttpRequest_Router::get_instance(), 'route']; if (Da\Sys_Router::get_instance()->register_router($router)) { MT::lang(MT::LANG_ZH_CN); $dispatch = Da\Sys_Router::get_instance()->dispatch(); if ($dispatch['errno'] != Da\Sys_Router::ERRNO_OK) { echo $dispatch['data']; exit; } } else { Lib_Log::error('Route rules ' . json_encode($rules) . ' is not callable!'); }
/** * @param int $module_id * @return array */ static function functional_module_class_name($module_id) { $module = self::get_instance()->get_module_info_by_id($module_id); if (empty($module)) { return Lib_Helper::get_err_struct(Const_Err_DataAccess::ERR_MODULE_NOT_EXISTS, '模块[' . $module_id . ']不存在'); } if (!isset($module[Const_Module::META_TYPE])) { Lib_Log::error('errno:' . Const_Err_DataAccess::ERR_MODULE_INCORRECT_INFO . ' module not has meta type, module_id: ' . $module_id); return Lib_Helper::get_err_struct(Const_Err_DataAccess::ERR_MODULE_INCORRECT_INFO, ' module not has meta type, module_id: ' . $module_id); } if (strcmp($module[Const_Module::META_TYPE], Const_Module::TYPE_FUNCTIONAL) !== 0) { Lib_Log::error('errno:' . Const_Err_DataAccess::ERR_MODULE_WRONG_TYPE . ' module is not functional module, module_id: ' . $module_id); return Lib_Helper::get_err_struct(Const_Err_DataAccess::ERR_MODULE_WRONG_TYPE, ' module not has meta type, module_id: ' . $module_id); } $class_name = $module[Model_ModulesInfo::FIELD_MODULE_CLASS]; if (!class_exists($class_name)) { Lib_Log::error("errno: %d, err: module class %s not exists!", [Const_Err_DataAccess::ERR_MODULE_CLASS_NOT_EXISTS, $class_name]); return Lib_Helper::get_err_struct(Const_Err_DataAccess::ERR_MODULE_CLASS_NOT_EXISTS, 'Module class ' . $class_name . ' not exists!'); } return Lib_Helper::get_return_struct($class_name); }
} } public function writeLog($message) { $ip = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ''; $debug = debug_backtrace(true); $string = date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\t"; $string .= $ip."\t"; $string .=$debug[0]['file']."\t"; $string .= "\tline" . $debug[0]['line']."\t"; $string .= json_encode($message)."\r\n"; if(!fwrite($this->fileHander, $string)){ die('the log file can not be written!'); } } public function __destruct() { if($this->fileHander!=null){ fclose($this->fileHander); } } } $log = new Lib_Log(); $log->writeLog('the error debug!'); echo "</pre>"; ?>
/** * @param $callback * @return null|array * @throws Exception */ protected function _doAction($callback) { Lib_Log::debug(__METHOD__ . ': do action begin!'); if (empty($this->_currentDbName) || empty($this->_currentTableName)) { throw new Exception(__METHOD__ . 'empty param ! DB:' . var_export($this->_currentDbName, true) . ' Table: ' . var_export($this->_currentTableName, true), self::ERRNO_EMPTY_PARAMS); } Lib_Log::debug(__METHOD__ . ': data check finish!'); $doAct = function () use($callback) { $dbName = $this->_currentDbName; $tableName = $this->_currentTableName; if (empty($this->_conn->{$dbName})) { $this->ReConnect(); } $collection = $this->_conn->{$dbName}->{$tableName}; $ret = $callback($collection); return $ret; }; Lib_Log::debug(__METHOD__ . ': create function finish!'); $retryCount = self::RETRY_COUNT - 1; $ret = null; do { Lib_Log::debug(__METHOD__ . ': begin do action! retry count is: %d', $retryCount); try { $ret = $doAct(); $retryCount = -1; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($retryCount < 0) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } else { Lib_Log::warn("MONGO Retry,retry time: %d, Exception code: %s, msg: %s", array(self::RETRY_COUNT - $retryCount, strval($e->getCode()), $e->getMessage())); } } } while (is_null($ret) && $retryCount-- >= 0); return $ret; }
static function task_list_action() { $task_id = Lib_Request::get_int('task_id'); $ap_name = Lib_Request::get_var('ap_name'); $ap_name = trim($ap_name); $src_id = Lib_Request::get_var('sub_src'); $src_id = trim($src_id); $status = Lib_Request::get_int('status'); $time_begin = Lib_Request::get_var('time_begin'); $time_begin = trim($time_begin); $time_end = Lib_Request::get_var('time_end'); $time_end = trim($time_end); $cond = []; $search_vars = []; $ap_cond = []; if (!empty($task_id)) { $cond = ['_id' => $task_id]; $search_vars = ['task_id' => $task_id]; } else { if (strpos($src_id, ',')) { $src_ids = explode(',', $src_id); $int_src_ids = []; foreach ($src_ids as $k => $v) { $int_src_ids[] = intval($v); } $cond['src_id'] = ['$in' => array_merge($src_ids, $int_src_ids)]; } elseif (!empty($src_id)) { $cond['src_id'] = ['$in' => [$src_id, intval($src_id)]]; } if (!empty($status)) { $cond['status'] = $status; $search_vars['status'] = $status; } if (!empty($time_begin) || !empty($time_end)) { $time_cond = []; if (!empty($time_begin)) { $time_begin = strtotime($time_begin); $time_cond['$gt'] = $time_begin; } if (!empty($time_end)) { $time_end = strtotime($time_end); $time_cond['$lte'] = $time_end; } if ($time_begin >= $time_end) { unset($time_cond['$lte']); } if (!empty($time_cond)) { $cond['create_time'] = $time_cond; } } } if (!Module_Account_User::has_perms([Module_Account_Perm::PERM_AP_ADMIN])) { $ap_cond['interface_people'] = new MongoRegex("/" . Module_Account_User::get_current_user() . "/"); } if (!empty($ap_name)) { $ap_cond = ['ap_name' => new MongoRegex("/" . $ap_name . "/")]; } if (!empty($ap_cond)) { $search_vars['ap_name'] = $ap_name; $ap_ids = []; $int_ap_ids = []; $model = new Model_AccessPoint(); $ap_infos = $model->get_all($ap_cond); if ($ap_infos['errno'] == Const_Err_Base::ERR_OK) { foreach ($ap_infos['data'] as $k => $ap) { $ap_ids[] = $ap['ap_id']; $int_ap_ids[] = intval($ap['ap_id']); } } $cond['ap_id'] = ['$in' => array_merge($ap_ids, $int_ap_ids)]; } $model_task = new Model_Task(); $total_num = $model_task->get_tasks_count($cond); $current_page = Lib_Request::get_int('page'); //当前页码,必须 $total_size = isset($total_num['data']) ? intval($total_num['data']) : 0; //总记录数,必须 $page_size = 15; //每页条数,必须 $skip = ($current_page - 1) * $page_size; //跳过记录,必须 $skip = $skip < 0 ? 0 : $skip; $mode = 2; //页码模式,决定页码个数,默认1 $tasks = $model_task->get_all($cond, $page_size, $skip); if ($tasks['errno'] !== Const_Err_Base::ERR_OK) { Lib_Log::error(Lib_Helper::format_err_struct($tasks)); $tasks = []; Lib_Request::flash('未获取到任务信息'); } $tasks = $tasks['data']; $ap_infos = []; $ap_model = new Model_AccessPoint(); foreach ($tasks as $_k => $_t) { $ap_info = $ap_model->get_ap_by_id($_t['ap_id']); $ap_info['ap_id'] = $_t['ap_id']; if ($ap_info['errno'] !== Const_Err_Base::ERR_OK) { Lib_Log::error(Lib_Helper::format_err_struct($ap_info)); Lib_Request::flash('获取接入点信息失败'); Module_HttpRequest_Router::redirect_to('/'); } $ap_info = $ap_info[Const_DataAccess::MREK_DATA]; $ap_infos[$_t['ap_id']] = $ap_info; } $source_model = new Model_Source(); $all_sources = $source_model->get_all(); $sources = $all_sources[Const_DataAccess::MREK_DATA]; $all_src_type = []; foreach ($all_sources['data'] as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($v['src_type'], $all_src_type)) { $all_src_type[] = $v['src_type']; } } asort($all_src_type); $task_status_list = Module_ControlCentre_Main::$task_status_list; $pages = Module_View_Template::get_pages_html($current_page, $total_size, $page_size, $mode); Module_Page_Main::render('control_centre/task_list', ['ap_info' => $ap_infos, 'tasks' => $tasks, 'sources' => $sources, 'pages' => $pages, 'all_src_type' => $all_src_type, 'status_list' => $task_status_list, 'search_vars' => $search_vars]); }
/** * @param int $task_id * @param int $module_id * @param array $data * @param array $options * @return array */ function run_module($task_id, $module_id, $data, $options) { $class = $this->get_module_class($module_id); Lib_Log::debug("%s begin run module [%d]\ttask_id:[%d]\toptions:%s", [__METHOD__, $module_id, $task_id, json_encode($options)]); $class->set_options($options); $this->run_hooks(self::get_run_module_hook_type(self::HOOK_TYPE_BEFORE_RUN_MODULE_PREFIX, $module_id), [$task_id, $module_id, $class, $data]); $this->run_hooks(self::HOOK_TYPE_BEFORE_RUN, [$task_id, $module_id, $class, $data]); try { $result = $class->run($task_id, $data); } catch (Exception $ex) { $code = $ex->getCode(); $msg = $ex->getMessage(); Lib_Log::error("Got a Exception, code [%d], message [%s]", [$code, $msg]); $result = Lib_Helper::get_err_struct($code, $msg); } $this->run_hooks(self::get_run_module_hook_type(self::HOOK_TYPE_AFTER_RUN_MODULE_PREFIX, $module_id), [$task_id, $module_id, $class, $result]); $this->run_hooks(self::HOOK_TYPE_AFTER_RUN, [$task_id, $module_id, $class, $result]); return $result; }
public function __destruct() { $_ENV['tongji']['cost'] = time() - $_ENV['tongji']['cost']; Lib_Log::tongji($_ENV['tongji']); }
/** * @param array * @param string * @param string * @param string * @param string * @param string * @param string * @param int * @param string * @return array */ function save_fail_data($db, $task_id, $ap_id, $ts, $uid, $content, $module, $errno, $errmsg) { $data = []; $data['_id'] = $task_id . '_' . $uid; $data['task_id'] = $task_id; $data['uid'] = $uid; $data['ap_id'] = $ap_id; $data['ts'] = $ts; $data['content'] = $content; $data['module'] = $module; $data['errno'] = $errno; $data['errmsg'] = $errmsg; $this->get_db()->set_db_name('fail_data'); $this->get_db()->set_table_name('t_fail_data'); $ret = $this->get_db()->save($data); if (0 != $ret['errno']) { Lib_Log::error(__METHOD__ . ' Fail to save fail data.'); } return $ret; }
/** * @param $callback * @param array $args */ function fork_count_processor($callback, $args) { $this->_counter_pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($this->_counter_pid < 0) { Lib_Log::warn("%s fork failed! result: %s", [__METHOD__, var_export($this->_counter_pid, true)]); $this->_counter_pid = null; } elseif ($this->_counter_pid == 0) { call_user_func_array($callback, $args); exit; } }
/** * 获取并发curl结果 * 为防止假死,设置循环最大执行时间,为0为不设最大执行时间 * @param int $max_timeout * @return array */ public function multiGet($max_timeout = 0) { $active = null; $t1 = time(); do { $mrc = curl_multi_exec($this->mh, $active); } while ($mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM); while ($active && $mrc == CURLM_OK) { if ($max_timeout > 0 && time() - $t1 > $max_timeout) { Lib_Log::warn("exec time out,exit loop"); break; } //PHP_VERSION_ID < 50214 ? usleep(5000) : curl_multi_select($this->mh, 0.2); if (curl_multi_select($this->mh, 0.2) != -1) { do { $mrc = curl_multi_exec($this->mh, $active); } while ($mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM); } } $stat = array(); $data = array(); foreach ($this->handles as $key => $ch) { $d = array(); $d['errno'] = curl_errno($ch); if ($d['errno'] != CURLE_OK) { $d['error'] = curl_error($ch); continue; } else { $d['total_time'] = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME); $d['code'] = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); $d['data'] = curl_multi_getcontent($ch); } $data[$key] = $d; curl_multi_remove_handle($this->mh, $ch); curl_close($ch); } $this->handles = array(); return array('errno' => 0, 'data' => $data); }
/** * @param array $cond * @return array */ public function get_tables($cond = []) { switch ($this->_driver) { case self::DB_DRIVER_MONGO: default: Lib_Log::debug(__METHOD__ . ': Use mongo driver, cond: %s', [json_encode($cond)]); try { $result = $this->_db->GetTables($cond); if (is_null($result)) { $result = Lib_Helper::get_err_struct(Const_Err_Db::ERR_MONGO_COLLECTIONS_FAIL, '获取数据集失败', __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { $result = Lib_Helper::get_return_struct($result); } } catch (Exception $ex) { Lib_Log::error(__METHOD__ . " get faild! cond: %s, code: %d, messsage: %s", [json_encode($cond), $ex->getCode(), $ex->getMessage()]); $result = Lib_Helper::get_err_struct(Const_Err_Db::ERR_MONGO_COLLECTIONS_FAIL, '获取数据集失败', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } return $result; }