$bannedName = "";
    if (!empty($_GET['serverId'])) {
        $serverId = $_GET['serverId'];
    } else {
        $serverId = 0;
    if (!empty($_GET['reasonId'])) {
        $reasonId = $_GET['reasonId'];
    } else {
        $reasonId = 0;
    // Initialize Objects
    $serverQueries = new ServerQueries();
    $reasonQueries = new ReasonQueries();
    $lengthQueries = new LengthQueries();
    // Get the list of servers
    $serverList = $serverQueries->getServers();
    // List of Reasons
    $banReasons = $reasonQueries->getReasonList();
    // List of Ban Lengths
    $banLengths = $lengthQueries->getLengthList();
<script type="text/javascript">
function formVerify() {
  var errorFound = false;

  // Validate Steam ID
  var regex = /^STEAM_[01]:[01]:\d{0,10}$/;
  var steamId = document.getElementById("steamdId").value;
  if(!steamId.match(regex)) {
// Steam ID of banner
$serverId = $_GET['sid'];
$nameOfBanned = $_GET['name'];
// Name of banned user
$ipOfBanned = $_GET['ip'];
// IP address of banned user
// Make sure the process in ES is calling it
// otherwise it is a hack attempt from the outside
if ($hash == $config->matchHash) {
    // Make sure special chars for MySQL are escaped
    $nameOfBanned = addslashes($nameOfBanned);
    $nameOfBanned = str_ireplace(array("\"", "\r\n", "\n", "\r", ";"), "", $nameOfBanned);
    // Remove ; to prevent kick command inyection like name; quit or ; _restart
    $banQueries = new BanQueries();
    $userQueries = new UserQueries();
    $lengthQueries = new LengthQueries();
    $user = $userQueries->getUserInfoBySteamId($banner);
    // i for ignore
    if ($timeScale == "i") {
        $length = $lengthQueries->getBanLength($lengthId);
    } else {
        $length = new Length();
    $isUserMember = false;
    // If we are not allowing admin bans, then make sure the one being banned is not an admin
    if (!$config->allowAdminBans) {
        $isUserMember = $userQueries->isMember($steamId);
    $username = trim($user->getName());
<script src="javascript/functions.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function deleteVerify(id, length, timeScale) {
 " + length + " " + timeScale + "<?php 
")) {
$lengthQueries = new LengthQueries();
$error = false;
// If this is set, then that means a server is being added
if (isset($_POST['submitAdd'])) {
    $length = $_POST['length'];
    $timeScale = $_POST['timeScale'];
    $newLengthId = $lengthQueries->addLength($length, $timeScale);
    if ($newLengthId < 1) {
        $error = true;
// If a reason is being deleted
if (isset($_POST['deleteLength'])) {
// Get list of reasons