Exemplo n.º 1
require_once DIR_KVZLIB . '/php/classes/KvzHTML.php';
// I find it easy to work with 2 instances.
//     One that will echo directly: $E
// and One that supports nesting: $H
$H = new KvzHTML();
$E = new KvzHTML(array('echo' => true, 'buffer' => true, 'tidy' => true));
// To save you even more typing. The following tags
// have an inconsistent interface:
// a, img, css, js
$E->head($H->title('Report') . $H->style('
            div.page {
                font-family: helvetica;
                font-size: 12px;
                page-break-after: always;
                min-height: 1220px;
                width: 830px;
        ') . $H->css('/css/style.js') . $H->js('/js/jquery.js'));
// Page 1
$E->page(true, array('style' => array('page-break-before' => 'always')));
$E->h1('Report') . $E->p($H->a('http://true.nl', 'Visit our homepage') . $H->img('http://true.truestatic.nl/pivotx/templates/true/img/logo.gif'));
$E->ul($H->li('Health') . $H->li('Uptime') . $H->li('Logs') . $H->li('Recommendations'));
// Page 2