Exemplo n.º 1
 public function onAfterReply($message)
     if (JString::strlen($message->message) > $this->params->get('activity_points_limit', 0)) {
         CFactory::load('libraries', 'userpoints');
     $content = KunenaHtmlParser::plainBBCode($message->message, $this->params->get('activity_stream_limit', 0));
     // Add readmore permalink
     $content .= '<br /><a rel="nofollow" href="' . $message->getTopic()->getPermaUrl() . '" class="small profile-newsfeed-item-action">' . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_READMORE') . '</a>';
     $act = new stdClass();
     $act->cmd = 'wall.write';
     $act->actor = $message->userid;
     $act->target = 0;
     // no target
     $act->title = JText::_('{single}{actor}{/single}{multiple}{actors}{/multiple} ' . JText::sprintf('PLG_KUNENA_COMMUNITY_ACTIVITY_REPLY_TITLE', '<a href="' . $message->getTopic()->getUrl() . '">' . $message->subject . '</a>'));
     $act->content = $content;
     $act->app = 'kunena.post';
     $act->cid = $message->thread;
     $act->access = $this->getAccess($message->getCategory());
     // Comments and like support
     $act->comment_id = $message->thread;
     $act->comment_type = 'kunena.post';
     $act->like_id = $message->thread;
     $act->like_type = 'kunena.post';
     // Do not add private activities
     if ($act->access > 20) {
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'activities');
Exemplo n.º 2
	public function onAfterReply($message) {

		$content = KunenaHtmlParser::plainBBCode($message->message, $this->params->get('activity_stream_limit', 0));
		// Add readmore permalink
		$content .= '<br /><a rel="nofollow" href="'.$message->getTopic()->getPermaUrl().'" class="small profile-newsfeed-item-action">'.JText::_('COM_KUNENA_READMORE').'</a>';

			$msg = AwdwallHelperUser::formatUrlInMsg($msg);			
			$wall 				=& JTable::getInstance('Wall', 'Table');						
			$wall->user_id		= $message->userid;
			$wall->group_id		= NULL;
			$wall->type			= 'text';
			$wall->commenter_id	= $message->userid;
			$wall->user_name	= '';
			$wall->avatar		= '';
			$wall->message		= JText::sprintf ( 'PLG_KUNENA_JOMWALL_ACTIVITY_REPLY_TITLE', '<a href="' . $message->getTopic()->getUrl() . '">' . $message->subject . '</a>' ).'<br>'.$content;
			$wall->reply		= 0;
			$wall->is_read		= 0;
			$wall->is_pm		= 0;
			$wall->is_reply		= 0;
			$wall->posted_id	= NULL;
			$wall->wall_date	= time();
			if (!$wall->store()){				

Exemplo n.º 3
	public function onAfterReply($message) {
		CFactory::load ( 'libraries', 'userpoints' );
		CUserPoints::assignPoint ( 'com_kunena.thread.reply' );

		// Check for permisions of the current category - activity only if public or registered
		if ($message->getCategory()->pub_access <= 0) {
			//activity stream - reply post
			require_once KPATH_SITE.'/lib/kunena.link.class.php';
			$JSPostLink = CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL ( 'view', $message->catid, $message->thread, 0 );

			$content = KunenaHtmlParser::plainBBCode($message->message, $this->_config->activity_limit);

			// Add readmore link
			$content .= '<br /><a href="'.
					CKunenaLink::GetMessageURL($message->id, $message->catid).
					'" class="small profile-newsfeed-item-action">'.JText::sprintf('Read more...').'</a>';

			$act = new stdClass ();
			$act->cmd = 'wall.write';
			$act->actor = $message->userid;
			$act->target = 0; // no target
			$act->title = JText::_ ( '{single}{actor}{/single}{multiple}{actors}{/multiple} ' . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_JS_ACTIVITYSTREAM_REPLY_MSG1' ) . ' <a href="' . $JSPostLink . '">' . $message->subject . '</a> ' . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_JS_ACTIVITYSTREAM_REPLY_MSG2' ) );
			$act->content = $content;
			$act->app = 'kunena.post';
			$act->cid = $message->thread;

			// jomsocial 0 = public, 20 = registered members
			if ($message->getCategory()->pub_access == 0) {
				$act->access = 0;
			} else {
				$act->access = 20;

			CFactory::load ( 'libraries', 'activities' );
			CActivityStream::add ( $act );
Exemplo n.º 4
	public function onAfterReply($message) {
		CFactory::load ( 'libraries', 'userpoints' );
		CUserPoints::assignPoint ( 'com_kunena.thread.reply' );

		$content = KunenaHtmlParser::plainBBCode($message->message, $this->_config->activity_limit);

		// Add readmore permalink
		$content .= '<br /><a rel="nofollow" href="'.
				'" class="small profile-newsfeed-item-action">'.JText::_('COM_KUNENA_READMORE').'</a>';

		$act = new stdClass ();
		$act->cmd = 'wall.write';
		$act->actor = $message->userid;
		$act->target = 0; // no target
		$act->title = JText::_ ( '{single}{actor}{/single}{multiple}{actors}{/multiple} ' . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_JS_ACTIVITYSTREAM_REPLY_MSG1' ) . ' <a href="' . $message->getTopic()->getUrl() . '">' . $message->subject . '</a> ' . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_JS_ACTIVITYSTREAM_REPLY_MSG2' ) );
		$act->content = $content;
		$act->app = 'kunena.post';
		$act->cid = $message->thread;
		$act->access = $this->getAccess($message->getCategory());

		CFactory::load ( 'libraries', 'activities' );
		CActivityStream::add ( $act );
Exemplo n.º 5
	public function sendNotification($url=null) {
		$config = KunenaFactory::getConfig();
		if ($this->hold > 1) {
		} elseif ($this->hold == 1) {
			$mailsubs = 0;
			$mailmods = (bool) $config->mailmod;
			$mailadmins = (bool) $config->mailadmin;
		} else {
			$mailsubs = (bool) $config->allowsubscriptions;
			$mailmods = 0;
			$mailadmins = 0;

		$once = false;
		if ($mailsubs) {
			if (!$this->parent) {
				// New topic: Send email only to category subscribers
				$mailsubs = $config->category_subscriptions != 'disabled' ? 3 : 0;
				$once = $config->category_subscriptions == 'topic';
			} elseif ($config->category_subscriptions != 'post') {
				// Existing topic: Send email only to topic subscribers
				$mailsubs = $config->topic_subscriptions != 'disabled' ? 2 : 0;
				$once = $config->topic_subscriptions == 'first';
			} else {
				// Existing topic: Send email to both category and topic subscribers
				$mailsubs = $config->topic_subscriptions == 'disabled' ? 3 : 1;
				// FIXME: category subcription can override topic
				$once = $config->topic_subscriptions == 'first';

		if (!$url) {
			$url = JURI::root().trim($this->getPermaUrl(null, true), '/');
		//get all subscribers, moderators and admins who will get the email
		$me = KunenaUserHelper::get();
		$acl = KunenaFactory::getAccessControl();
		$emailToList = $acl->getSubscribers($this->catid, $this->thread, $mailsubs, $mailmods, $mailadmins, $me->userid);

		$topic = $this->getTopic();
		if (count ( $emailToList )) {
			if (! $config->email ) {
				KunenaError::warning ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_EMAIL_DISABLED' ) );
				return false;
			} elseif ( ! JMailHelper::isEmailAddress ( $config->email ) ) {
				KunenaError::warning ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_EMAIL_INVALID' ) );
				return false;
			// clean up the message for review
			$message = KunenaHtmlParser::plainBBCode ( $this->message );

			$mailsender = JMailHelper::cleanAddress ( $config->board_title );
			$mailsubject = JMailHelper::cleanSubject ( "[" . $config->board_title . "] " . $topic->subject . " (" . $this->getCategory()->name . ")" );
			$subject = $this->subject ? $this->subject : $topic->subject;

			// Make a list from all receivers
			$sentusers = array();
			$receivers = array(0=>array(), 1=>array());
			foreach ( $emailToList as $emailTo ) {
				if (! $emailTo->email || ! JMailHelper::isEmailAddress ( $emailTo->email )) {
				$receivers[$emailTo->subscription][] = $emailTo->email;
				$sentusers[] = $emailTo->id;

			// Create email
			$mail = JFactory::getMailer();
			$mail->setSender(array($this->_config->email, $mailsender));

			// Send email to all subscribers
			if (!empty($receivers[1])) {
				$mail->setBody($this->createEmailBody(1, $subject, $url, $message, $once));
				$this->sendEmail($mail, $receivers[1]);

			// Send email to all moderators
			if (!empty($receivers[0])) {
				$mail->setBody($this->createEmailBody(0, $subject, $url, $message, $once));
				$this->sendEmail($mail, $receivers[0]);

			// Update subscriptions
			if ($once && $sentusers) {
				$sentusers = implode (',', $sentusers);
				$db = JFactory::getDBO();
				$query = "UPDATE #__kunena_user_topics SET subscribed=2 WHERE topic_id={$this->thread} AND user_id IN ({$sentusers}) AND subscribed=1";
				$db->setQuery ($query);
				$db->query ();
Exemplo n.º 6
	public function sendNotification($url=null) {
		$config = KunenaFactory::getConfig();
		if ($this->hold > 1) {
		} elseif ($this->hold == 1) {
			$mailsubs = 0;
			$mailmods = (bool) $config->mailmod;
			$mailadmins = (bool) $config->mailadmin;
		} else {
			$mailsubs = (bool) $config->allowsubscriptions;
			$mailmods = 0;
			$mailadmins = 0;

		kimport ('kunena.html.parser');
		$once = false;
		if ($mailsubs) {
			if (!$this->parent) {
				// New topic: Send email only to category subscribers
				$mailsubs = $config->category_subscriptions != 'disabled' ? 3 : 0;
				$once = $config->category_subscriptions == 'topic';
			} elseif ($config->category_subscriptions != 'post') {
				// Existing topic: Send email only to topic subscribers
				$mailsubs = $config->topic_subscriptions != 'disabled' ? 2 : 0;
				$once = $config->topic_subscriptions == 'first';
			} else {
				// Existing topic: Send email to both category and topic subscribers
				$mailsubs = $config->topic_subscriptions == 'disabled' ? 3 : 1;
				// FIXME: category subcription can override topic
				$once = $config->topic_subscriptions == 'first';

		if (!$url) {
			$url = JURI::root().trim(CKunenaLink::GetMessageURL($this->id, $this->catid, 0, false), '/');
		//get all subscribers, moderators and admins who will get the email
		$me = KunenaUserHelper::get();
		$acl = KunenaFactory::getAccessControl();
		$emailToList = $acl->getSubscribers($this->catid, $this->thread, $mailsubs, $mailmods, $mailadmins, $me->userid);

		$category = $this->getCategory();
		$topic = $this->getTopic();
		if (count ( $emailToList )) {
			if (! $config->email ) {
				KunenaError::warning ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_EMAIL_DISABLED' ) );
				return false;
			} elseif ( ! JMailHelper::isEmailAddress ( $config->email ) ) {
				KunenaError::warning ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_EMAIL_INVALID' ) );
				return false;
			// clean up the message for review
			$message = KunenaHtmlParser::plainBBCode ( $this->message );

			$mailsender = JMailHelper::cleanAddress ( $config->board_title );
			$mailsubject = JMailHelper::cleanSubject ( "[" . $config->board_title . "] " . $topic->subject . " (" . $category->name . ")" );
			$subject = $this->subject ? $this->subject : $topic->subject;

			$sentusers = array();
			foreach ( $emailToList as $emailTo ) {
				if (! $emailTo->email || ! JMailHelper::isEmailAddress ( $emailTo->email ))

				if ($emailTo->subscription) {
					$msg1 = $this->parent ? JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION1' ) : JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION1_CAT' );
					$msg2 = $this->parent ? JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION2' ) : JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION2_CAT' );
				} else {
					$msg1 = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_MOD1' );
					$msg2 = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_MOD2' );

				$msg = "$emailTo->name,\n\n";
				$msg .= $msg1 . " " . $config->board_title . "\n\n";
				// DO NOT REMOVE EXTRA SPACE, JMailHelper::cleanBody() removes "Subject:" from the message body
				$msg .= JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_MESSAGE_SUBJECT' ) . " : " . $subject . "\n";
				$msg .= JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_GEN_CATEGORY' ) . " : " . $category->name . "\n";
				$msg .= JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_VIEW_POSTED' ) . " : " . $this->name . "\n\n";
				$msg .= "URL : {$url}\n\n";
				if ($config->mailfull) {
					$msg .= JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_GEN_MESSAGE' ) . " :\n-----\n";
					$msg .= $message;
					$msg .= "\n-----\n\n";
				$msg .= $msg2 . "\n";
				if ($emailTo->subscription && $once) {
					if ($this->parent) {
						$msg .= JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_MORE_READ' ) . "\n";
					} else {
				$msg .= "\n";
				$msg .= JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION3' ) . "\n";
				$msg = JMailHelper::cleanBody ( $msg );
				JUtility::sendMail ( $config->email, $mailsender, $emailTo->email, $mailsubject, $msg );
				$sentusers[] = $emailTo->id;
			if ($once && $sentusers) {
				$sentusers = implode (',', $sentusers);
				$db = JFactory::getDBO();
				$query = "UPDATE #__kunena_user_topics SET subscribed=2 WHERE topic_id={$this->thread} AND user_id IN ({$sentusers}) AND subscribed=1";
				$db->setQuery ($query);
				$db->query ();