protected function _checkSystemState() { $_error = false; $_state = SystemManager::getSystemState(); if (!$this->_activated && $_state != PlatformStates::INIT_REQUIRED) { $_state = PlatformStates::ADMIN_REQUIRED; } if (!empty($this->_remoteError)) { $_error = 'error=' . urlencode($this->_remoteError); } if (PlatformStates::READY == $_state) { $_defaultApp = Pii::getParam('dsp.default_app', static::DEFAULT_STARTUP_APP); // Try local launchpad if (is_file(\Kisma::get('app.app_path') . $_defaultApp)) { $_defaultApp = rtrim($_defaultApp . Curl::urlSeparator($_defaultApp) . $_error, '?'); $this->redirect($_defaultApp); } // Log::notice( // 'No default application defined/found. Running launchpad...' . // PHP_EOL . // '==============================' . // PHP_EOL . // 'Config dump:' . // PHP_EOL . // print_r( \Kisma::get( null ), true ) . // '==============================' . // PHP_EOL . // '==============================' . // PHP_EOL . // 'Params dump:' . // PHP_EOL . // print_r( Pii::params(), true ) . // '==============================' . // PHP_EOL // ); // If we have no app, run the launchpad $this->redirect(static::DEFAULT_STARTUP_APP); } else { if (!$this->_handleAction($_state)) { Log::error('Invalid state "' . $_state . '" or no handler configured.'); } } }
<?php /** * Var dumper */ $_cwd = getcwd(); $_home = dirname($_cwd); $_vendor = $_home . '/vendor'; $_app = $_home . '/app'; $_models = $_app . '/models'; $_autoload = file_exists($_vendor . '/autoload.php') && is_readable($_vendor . '/autoload.php'); $_appRight = is_dir($_models); $_html = null; $_vars = \Kisma::get(null); if (!empty($_vars)) { foreach ($_vars as $_key => $_value) { switch ($_value) { case false === $_value: $_value = '<strong>FALSE</strong>'; break; case true === $_value: $_value = '<strong>TRUE</strong>'; break; case null === $_value: $_value = '<strong>NULL</strong>'; break; default: case is_string($_value): $_value = '' . $_value . ''; break; case !is_scalar($_value):
/** * Returns the validated URL that has been called to get here * * @param bool $includeQuery If true, query string is included * @param bool $includePath If true, the uri path is included * * @return string */ public static function currentUrl($includeQuery = true, $includePath = true) { // Are we SSL? Check for load balancer protocol as well... $_port = intval(Option::get($_SERVER, 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT', Option::get($_SERVER, 'SERVER_PORT', 80))); $_protocol = Option::get($_SERVER, 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', 'http' . (Option::getBool($_SERVER, 'HTTPS') ? 's' : null)) . '://'; $_host = Option::get($_SERVER, 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST', Option::get($_SERVER, 'HTTP_HOST', gethostname())); $_parts = parse_url($_protocol . $_host . Option::get($_SERVER, 'REQUEST_URI')); if ((empty($_port) || !is_numeric($_port)) && null !== ($_parsePort = Option::get($_parts, 'port'))) { $_port = @intval($_parsePort); } if (null !== ($_query = Option::get($_parts, 'query'))) { $_query = static::urlSeparator($_query) . http_build_query(explode('&', $_query)); } if (false !== strpos($_host, ':') || $_protocol == 'https://' && $_port == 443 || $_protocol == 'http://' && $_port == 80) { $_port = null; } else { $_port = ':' . $_port; } if (false !== strpos($_host, ':')) { $_port = null; } $_currentUrl = $_protocol . $_host . $_port . (true === $includePath ? Option::get($_parts, 'path') : null) . (true === $includeQuery ? $_query : null); if (\Kisma::get('debug.curl.current_url')) { Log::debug('Parsed current URL to be: ' . $_currentUrl, $_parts); } return $_currentUrl; }
unset($_salts); } /** * Application Paths */ \Kisma::set(array('app.app_name' => $_appName, 'app.project_root' => $_basePath, 'app.vendor_path' => $_vendorPath, 'app.log_path' => $_logFilePath, 'app.log_file_name' => $_logFileName, 'app.install_type' => array($_installType => $_installName), 'app.fabric_hosted' => $_fabricHosted, 'app.doc_root' => $_docRoot)); /** * Database Caching */ $_dbCache = $_dbCacheEnabled ? array('class' => 'CDbCache', 'connectionID' => 'db', 'cacheTableName' => 'df_sys_cache', 'autoCreateCacheTable' => true) : null; $_storageKey = \Kisma::get('platform.storage_key'); /** * Set up and return the common settings... */ if ($_fabricHosted) { $_storagePath = $_storageBasePath = LocalStorageTypes::FABRIC_STORAGE_BASE_PATH . '/' . $_storageKey; $_privatePath = \Kisma::get('platform.private_path'); $_storagePath = $_storageBasePath . (version_compare(DSP_VERSION, '2.0.0', '<') ? '/blob' : null); $_identity = array('dsp.storage_id' => $_storageKey, 'dsp.private_storage_id' => \Kisma::get('platform.private_storage_key')); } else { $_storagePath = $_storageBasePath = $_basePath . LocalStorageTypes::LOCAL_STORAGE_BASE_PATH; $_privatePath = $_basePath . '/storage/.private'; $_identity = array('dsp.storage_id' => null, 'dsp.private_storage_id' => null); } // Merge the common junk with specifics $_instanceSettings = array_merge($_identity, array(LocalStorageTypes::STORAGE_BASE_PATH => $_storageBasePath, LocalStorageTypes::STORAGE_PATH => $_storagePath, LocalStorageTypes::PRIVATE_PATH => $_privatePath, LocalStorageTypes::LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH => $_privatePath . '/config', LocalStorageTypes::SNAPSHOT_PATH => $_privatePath . '/snapshots', LocalStorageTypes::APPLICATIONS_PATH => $_storagePath . '/applications', LocalStorageTypes::LIBRARY_PATH => $_storagePath . '/plugins', LocalStorageTypes::PLUGINS_PATH => $_storagePath . '/plugins', LocalStorageTypes::SWAGGER_PATH => $_storagePath . '/swagger')); // Keep these out of the global space unset($_storageBasePath, $_storagePath, $_privatePath, $_identity, $_storageKey); /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ return array_merge($_instanceSettings, array('base_path' => $_basePath, 'dsp.version' => DSP_VERSION, 'dsp_name' => \Kisma::get('platform.dsp_name'), 'dsp.auth_endpoint' => DEFAULT_INSTANCE_AUTH_ENDPOINT, 'dsp.fabric_hosted' => $_fabricHosted, 'dsp.no_persistent_storage' => false, 'cloud.endpoint' => DEFAULT_CLOUD_API_ENDPOINT, 'oauth.salt' => 'rW64wRUk6Ocs+5c7JwQ{69U{]MBdIHqmx9Wj,=C%S#cA%+?!cJMbaQ+juMjHeEx[dlSe%h%kcI', 'keys' => $_keys, 'dsp.allow_remote_logins' => true, 'dsp.allow_admin_remote_logins' => true, 'adminEmail' => DEFAULT_SUPPORT_EMAIL, 'dsp.service_config' => require __DIR__ . SERVICES_CONFIG_PATH, 'dsp.service_location_map' => array(), 'dsp.default_services' => array(array('api_name' => 'user', 'name' => 'User Login'), array('api_name' => 'system', 'name' => 'System Configuration'), array('api_name' => 'api_docs', 'name' => 'API Documentation')), 'dsp.install_type' => $_installType, 'dsp.install_name' => $_installName, 'dsp.restricted_verbs' => InstallationTypes::getRestrictedVerbs($_installType), 'dsp.default_app' => '/launchpad/index.html', 'dsp.confirm_invite_url' => '/' . $_defaultController . '/confirmInvite', 'dsp.confirm_register_url' => '/' . $_defaultController . '/confirmRegister', 'dsp.confirm_reset_url' => '/' . $_defaultController . '/confirmPassword', 'dsp.db_max_records_returned' => 1000, 'dsp.enable_profiler' => false, 'dsp.debug_level' => LoggingLevels::WARNING, 'dsp.enable_event_observers' => true, 'dsp.enable_rest_events' => true, 'dsp.enable_platform_events' => true, 'dsp.enable_event_scripts' => true, 'dsp.enable_user_scripts' => true, 'dsp.log_events' => true, 'dsp.log_all_events' => false, 'dsp.log_script_memory_usage' => false, 'dsp.log_cache_stats' => false, 'dsp.cache_stats_event' => '', 'login.remember_me_copy' => 'Remember Me'), $_dspSalts);
/** * Makes sure we have a log file name and path * * @deprecated in v0.2.20. To be removed in v0.3.0. Replaced by Monolog */ protected static function _checkLogFile() { if (null !== static::$_logger) { return static::$_logFileValid = true; } if (empty(static::$_logFilePath)) { // Try and figure out a good place to log... static::$_logFilePath = (\Kisma::get('app.log_path', \Kisma::get('app.base_path')) ?: dirname(getcwd())) . '/log'; } if (!is_dir(static::$_logFilePath)) { if (false === @mkdir(static::$_logFilePath, 0777, true)) { error_log('Unable to create default log directory: ' . static::$_logFilePath); return static::$_logFileValid = false; } } if (empty(static::$_logFileName)) { static::$_logFileName = static::DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_NAME; } static::$_defaultLog = static::$_logFilePath . '/' . trim(static::$_logFileName, '/'); static::$_logger = new Logger(static::DEFAULT_CHANNEL_NAME); static::$_logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(static::$_defaultLog)); // If we're in debug mode and these haven't been disabled, enable... if (\Kisma::get(CoreSettings::DEBUG)) { static::$_enableChromePhp = static::$_enableChromePhp ?: true; static::$_enableFirePhp = static::$_enableFirePhp ?: true; } // Enable conditional handlers if (static::$_enableFirePhp) { static::$_logger->pushHandler(new FirePHPHandler()); } if (static::$_enableChromePhp) { static::$_logger->pushHandler(new ChromePHPHandler()); } return static::$_logFileValid = true; }
// Where the log files go and the name... $_logFilePath = $_basePath . '/log'; $_logFileName = basename(\Kisma::get('app.log_file')); // Our app's name $_appName = 'Portal Sandbox Test Suite'; /** * Aliases */ file_exists(__DIR__ . ALIASES_CONFIG_PATH) && (require __DIR__ . ALIASES_CONFIG_PATH); /** * Application Paths */ \Kisma::set('app.app_name', $_appName); \Kisma::set('app.doc_root', $_docRoot); \Kisma::set('app.log_path', $_logFilePath); \Kisma::set('app.vendor_path', $_vendorPath); \Kisma::set('app.log_file_name', $_logFileName); \Kisma::set('app.project_root', $_basePath); /** * Database Caching */ $_dbCache = $_dbCacheEnabled ? array('class' => 'CDbCache', 'connectionID' => 'db', 'cacheTableName' => 'df_sys_cache', 'autoCreateCacheTable' => true) : null; /** * Set up and return the common settings... */ if (Fabric::fabricHosted()) { $_instanceSettings = array('storage_base_path' => '/data/storage/' . \Kisma::get('platform.storage_key'), 'storage_path' => '/data/storage/' . \Kisma::get('platform.storage_key') . '/blob', 'private_path' => \Kisma::get('platform.private_path'), 'snapshot_path' => \Kisma::get('platform.private_path') . '/snapshots', 'applications_path' => '/data/storage/' . \Kisma::get('platform.storage_key') . '/blob/applications', 'library_path' => '/data/storage/' . \Kisma::get('platform.storage_key') . '/blob/lib', 'plugins_path' => '/data/storage/' . \Kisma::get('platform.storage_key') . '/blob/plugins', 'dsp_name' => \Kisma::get('platform.dsp_name'), 'dsp.storage_id' => \Kisma::get('platform.storage_key'), 'dsp.private_storage_id' => \Kisma::get('platform.private_storage_key')); } else { $_instanceSettings = array('storage_base_path' => $_basePath . '/storage', 'storage_path' => $_basePath . '/storage', 'private_path' => $_basePath . '/storage/.private', 'snapshot_path' => $_basePath . '/storage/.private/snapshots', 'applications_path' => $_basePath . '/storage/applications', 'library_path' => $_basePath . '/storage/lib', 'plugins_path' => $_basePath . '/storage/plugins', 'dsp_name' => gethostname(), 'dsp.storage_id' => null, 'dsp.private_storage_id' => null); } return array_merge($_instanceSettings, array('base_path' => $_basePath, 'dsp.version' => DSP_VERSION, '' => $_instanceSettings['dsp_name'], 'dsp.auth_endpoint' => DEFAULT_INSTANCE_AUTH_ENDPOINT, 'cloud.endpoint' => DEFAULT_CLOUD_API_ENDPOINT, 'oauth.salt' => 'rW64wRUk6Ocs+5c7JwQ{69U{]MBdIHqmx9Wj,=C%S#cA%+?!cJMbaQ+juMjHeEx[dlSe%h%kcI', 'dsp.allow_remote_logins' => true, 'dsp.allow_admin_remote_logins' => true, 'adminEmail' => DEFAULT_SUPPORT_EMAIL, 'dsp.service_config' => require __DIR__ . SERVICES_CONFIG_PATH, 'dsp.service_location_map' => array(), 'dsp.default_services' => array(array('api_name' => 'user', 'name' => 'User Login'), array('api_name' => 'system', 'name' => 'System Configuration'), array('api_name' => 'api_docs', 'name' => 'API Documentation')), 'dsp.default_app' => '/launchpad/index.html', 'dsp.confirm_invite_url' => '/confirm_invite.html', 'dsp.confirm_register_url' => '/confirm_reg.html', 'dsp.confirm_reset_url' => '/confirm_reset.html', 'dsp.db_max_records_returned' => 1000, 'admin.resource_schema' => require __DIR__ . DEFAULT_ADMIN_RESOURCE_SCHEMA, 'admin.default_theme' => 'united'));
/** * Returns an array of standard values passed to all views * * @param null $viewFile * @param array $additional * * @return array */ protected static function _getBaseRenderPayload($viewFile = null, $additional = array()) { $additional = array_merge($additional, \Kisma::get('view.defaults', array())); if (null !== $viewFile) { $additional = array_merge($additional, \Kisma::get('view.config.' . $viewFile, array())); } $_payload = array('app_name' => \Kisma::get(''), 'app_root' => \Kisma::get('app.root'), 'app_version' => \Kisma::get('app.version'), 'page_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'vendor_path' => \Kisma::get('app.base_path') . '/vendor', 'navbar' => \Kisma::get('app.navbar')); return array_merge($_payload, $additional); }
/** * @covers Kisma::get */ public function testGet() { $this->assertTrue(\Kisma::get('testSetOption')); }
} unset($_salts); } /** * Application Paths */ \Kisma::set(array('app.app_name' => $_appName, 'app.project_root' => $_basePath, 'app.vendor_path' => $_vendorPath, 'app.log_path' => $_logFilePath, 'app.log_file_name' => $_logFileName, 'app.install_type' => array($_installType => $_installName), 'app.fabric_hosted' => $_fabricHosted, 'app.doc_root' => $_docRoot)); /** * Database Caching */ $_dbCache = $_dbCacheEnabled ? array('class' => 'CDbCache', 'connectionID' => 'db', 'cacheTableName' => 'df_sys_cache', 'autoCreateCacheTable' => true) : null; $_storageKey = \Kisma::get('platform.storage_key'); /** * Set up and return the common settings... */ if ($_fabricHosted) { $_storagePath = $_storageBasePath = LocalStorageTypes::FABRIC_STORAGE_BASE_PATH . '/' . $_storageKey; $_privatePath = \Kisma::get('platform.private_path'); $_storagePath = $_storageBasePath . (version_compare(DSP_VERSION, '2.0.0', '<') ? '/blob' : null); $_identity = array('dsp.storage_id' => $_storageKey, 'dsp.private_storage_id' => \Kisma::get('platform.private_storage_key'), 'dsp_name' => \Kisma::get('platform.dsp_name')); } else { $_storagePath = $_storageBasePath = $_basePath . LocalStorageTypes::LOCAL_STORAGE_BASE_PATH; $_privatePath = $_basePath . '/storage/.private'; $_identity = array('dsp.storage_id' => null, 'dsp.private_storage_id' => null, 'dsp_name' => \Kisma::get('platform.host_name')); } // Merge the common junk with specifics $_instanceSettings = array_merge($_identity, array(LocalStorageTypes::STORAGE_BASE_PATH => $_storageBasePath, LocalStorageTypes::STORAGE_PATH => $_storagePath, LocalStorageTypes::PRIVATE_PATH => $_privatePath, LocalStorageTypes::LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH => $_privatePath . '/config', LocalStorageTypes::PRIVATE_CONFIG_PATH => $_privatePath . '/config', LocalStorageTypes::SNAPSHOT_PATH => $_privatePath . '/snapshots', LocalStorageTypes::APPLICATIONS_PATH => $_storagePath . '/applications', LocalStorageTypes::LIBRARY_PATH => $_storagePath . '/plugins', LocalStorageTypes::PLUGINS_PATH => $_storagePath . '/plugins', LocalStorageTypes::SWAGGER_PATH => $_storagePath . '/swagger')); // Keep these out of the global space unset($_storageBasePath, $_storagePath, $_privatePath, $_identity, $_storageKey); /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ return array_merge($_instanceSettings, array('platform.timestamp_format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'app.base_path' => $_basePath, 'app.private_path' => $_basePath . $_instanceSettings[LocalStorageTypes::PRIVATE_PATH], 'app.plugins_path' => $_basePath . $_instanceSettings[LocalStorageTypes::PLUGINS_PATH], 'app.enable_profiler' => false, 'app.debug_level' => LoggingLevels::WARNING, 'base_path' => $_basePath, 'dsp.version' => DSP_VERSION, 'dsp.auth_endpoint' => DEFAULT_INSTANCE_AUTH_ENDPOINT, 'dsp.fabric_hosted' => $_fabricHosted, 'dsp.no_persistent_storage' => false, 'cloud.endpoint' => DEFAULT_CLOUD_API_ENDPOINT, 'dsp.metadata_endpoint' => DEFAULT_METADATA_ENDPOINT, 'oauth.salt' => 'rW64wRUk6Ocs+5c7JwQ{69U{]MBdIHqmx9Wj,=C%S#cA%+?!cJMbaQ+juMjHeEx[dlSe%h%kcI', 'keys' => $_keys, 'dsp.allow_remote_logins' => false, 'dsp.allow_admin_remote_logins' => false, 'dsp.hpp_hosts' => array(), 'adminEmail' => DEFAULT_SUPPORT_EMAIL, 'dsp.service_config' => require __DIR__ . SERVICES_CONFIG_PATH, 'dsp.service_location_map' => array(), 'dsp.default_services' => array(array('api_name' => 'user', 'name' => 'User Login'), array('api_name' => 'system', 'name' => 'System Configuration'), array('api_name' => 'api_docs', 'name' => 'API Documentation')), 'dsp.install_type' => $_installType, 'dsp.install_name' => $_installName, 'dsp.restricted_verbs' => InstallationTypes::getRestrictedVerbs($_installType), 'dsp.default_app' => DEFAULT_ADMIN_APP_PATH . '/index.html', 'dsp.confirm_invite_url' => DEFAULT_ADMIN_APP_PATH . '/#/user-invite', 'dsp.confirm_register_url' => DEFAULT_ADMIN_APP_PATH . '/#/register-confirm', 'dsp.confirm_reset_url' => DEFAULT_ADMIN_APP_PATH . '/#/reset-password', 'dsp.db_max_records_returned' => 1000, 'dsp.db_time_format' => null, 'dsp.db_date_format' => null, 'dsp.db_datetime_format' => null, 'dsp.db_timestamp_format' => null, 'dsp.log_cors_info' => false, 'dsp.enable_event_observers' => true, 'dsp.enable_rest_events' => true, 'dsp.enable_platform_events' => true, 'dsp.enable_event_scripts' => true, 'dsp.enable_user_scripts' => true, 'dsp.log_events' => true, 'dsp.log_all_events' => false, 'dsp.log_script_memory_usage' => false, 'dsp.scripting.user_libraries' => array(), 'dsp.log_cache_stats' => false, 'dsp.cache_stats_event' => '', 'login.remember_me_copy' => 'Remember Me', 'dsp.chat_launchpad' => false, 'dsp.chat_admin' => true), $_dspSalts);
/** * Cleans up a trace array * * @param array $trace * @param int $skipLines * @param null $basePath * * @return null|string */ protected static function _cleanTrace(array &$trace, $skipLines = null, $basePath = null) { $_trace = array(); $_basePath = $basePath ?: \Kisma::get('app.base_path'); // Skip some lines if (!empty($skipLines) && count($trace) > $skipLines) { $trace = array_slice($trace, $skipLines); } foreach ($trace as $_index => $_code) { $_traceItem = array(); Scalar::sins($trace[$_index], 'file', 'Unspecified'); Scalar::sins($trace[$_index], 'line', 0); Scalar::sins($trace[$_index], 'function', 'Unspecified'); $_traceItem['file_name'] = trim(str_replace(array($_basePath, "\t", "\r", "\n", PHP_EOL, 'phar://'), array(null, ' ', null, null, null, null), $trace[$_index]['file'])); $_args = null; if (isset($_code['args']) && !empty($_code['args'])) { foreach ($_code['args'] as $_arg) { if (is_object($_arg)) { $_args .= get_class($_arg) . ', '; } else { if (is_array($_arg)) { $_args .= '[array], '; } else { if (is_bool($_arg)) { if ($_arg) { $_args .= 'true, '; } else { $_args .= 'false, '; } } else { if (is_numeric($_arg)) { $_args .= $_arg . ', '; } else { if (is_scalar($_arg)) { $_args .= '"' . $_arg . '", '; } else { $_args .= '"' . gettype($_arg) . '", '; } } } } } } } $_traceItem['line'] = $trace[$_index]['line']; if (isset($_code['type'])) { $_traceItem['function'] = (isset($_code['class']) ? $_code['class'] : null) . $_code['type'] . $_code['function']; } else { $_traceItem['function'] = $_code['function']; } $_traceItem['function'] .= '(' . ($_args ? ' ' . trim($_args, ', ') . ' ' : null) . ')'; $_traceItem['index'] = $_index; $_trace[] = $_traceItem; } return $_trace; }