public function __construct(Kernel $kernel) { $this->kernel = $kernel; $this->db = $kernel->getClass('dbEngine'); $this->user = $kernel->getClass('User'); $this->_initEngine(); }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->kernel = new AppKernel('test', true); $this->kernel->boot(); $this->container = $this->kernel->getContainer(); }
/** * Initializes context. * * @param Kernel $kernel */ public function __construct($kernel) { $this->kernel = $kernel; $this->container = $kernel->getContainer(); $this->doctrine = $kernel->getContainer()->get('doctrine'); $this->em = $this->doctrine->getManager(); }
public function fromString() { $string = '[[-1.0, -1.0, -1.0], [-1.0, 16.0, -1.0], [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0]]'; $matrix = array(array(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0), array(-1.0, 16.0, -1.0), array(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)); $k = new Kernel($string); $this->assertEquals($matrix, $k->getMatrix()); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function get($name) { $command = parent::get($name); if ($command instanceof ContainerAwareInterface) { $command->setContainer($this->kernel->getContainer()); } return $command; }
public function __construct() { chdir(__DIR__); require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $configPath = __DIR__ . '/../app/config/'; $kernel = new Kernel($configPath); $kernel->loadContainer(); $this->container = $kernel->getContainer(); }
public function __construct(Kernel $kernel) { $this->db = $kernel->getClass('dbEngine'); if (isset($_POST['loginform']) === true) { $this->_checkAuth(); } if ($this->_isGuest() === false) { $this->_buildUserInfo(); //$this->forceGuestUser(); } //print_r($this->userInfo); }
public function _createContent(&$toReturn) { $ppo = new CopixPPO(); // Récupération des paramètres $ppo->classeurId = $this->getParam('classeurId'); $ppo->dossierId = $this->getParam('dossierId', null); $ppo->dossierCourant = $this->getParam('dossierCourant'); // Paramètres pour la vue popup $ppo->field = $this->getParam('field'); $ppo->format = $this->getParam('format'); $ppo->withPersonal = $this->getParam('withPersonal', true); $ppo->moduleType = $this->getParam('moduleType', null); $ppo->moduleId = $this->getParam('moduleId', null); $ppo->estAdmin = Kernel::getLevel('MOD_CLASSEUR', $ppo->classeurId) >= PROFILE_CCV_PUBLISH; $ppo->withLockers = $ppo->estAdmin || is_null($ppo->dossierId); // Récupération des dossiers $dossierDAO = _ioDAO('classeur|classeurdossier'); $ppo->dossiers = $dossierDAO->getEnfantsDirects($ppo->classeurId, $ppo->dossierId, $ppo->withLockers); _classInclude('classeurservice'); $ppo->dossiersOuverts = ClasseurService::getFoldersTreeState(); if (!is_array($ppo->dossiersOuverts)) { $ppo->dossiersOuverts = array(); } $toReturn = $this->_usePPO($ppo, '_arborescence_dossiers.tpl'); }
public function startExec() { if (_currentUser()->isConnected()) { $userId = _currentUser()->getId(); $userInfos = Kernel::getUserInfo('ID', $userId); $this->director = false; $this->animator = _currentUser()->hasAssistance(); $this->idEn = isset($userInfos['id']) ? $userInfos['id'] : null; $this->id = $userId * 1; $this->type = isset($userInfos['type']) ? $userInfos['type'] : null; $this->root = false; $this->login = $userInfos['login']; $this->nom = $userInfos['nom']; $this->prenom = $userInfos['prenom']; $this->connected = true; $this->chartValid = isset($_SESSION['chartValid']) ? $_SESSION['chartValid'] : false; } else { $this->director = false; $this->animator = false; $this->id = 0; $this->type = 'USER_ANON'; $this->root = false; $this->login = '******'; $this->nom = 'Anon'; $this->prenom = 'Anon'; $this->connected = false; $this->idEn = 0; $this->chartValid = true; } }
public static function getInstance() { if (!self::$instance) { self::$instance = new Kernel(); } return self::$instance; }
public function processRequest(MMapRequest $request, MMapResponse $response) { ob_start('mb_output_handler'); MMapManager::startSession(); MMapManager::checkSessionExpiration(); $username = $request->issetPOST('username') ? $request->getPOST('username') : ''; $password = $request->issetPOST('password') ? $request->getPOST('password') : ''; $loginPage = $request->issetPOST('loginPage') ? $request->getPOST('loginPage') : ''; $subject = new Subject(); $loginContext = new LoginContext('eyeos-login', $subject); $cred = new EyeosPasswordCredential(); $cred->setUsername($username); $cred->setPassword($password, true); $subject->getPrivateCredentials()->append($cred); try { $loginContext->login(); $memoryManager = MemoryManager::getInstance(); Kernel::enterSystemMode(); $memoryManager->set('isExternLogin', 1); $memoryManager->set('username', $username); $memoryManager->set('password', $password); $memoryManager->set('loginPage', $loginPage); Kernel::exitSystemMode(); header("Location: index.php"); } catch (Exception $e) { header("Location:" . $loginPage . "?errorLogin=1"); } }
public function _createContent(&$toReturn) { $ppo = new CopixPPO(); // Récupération des paramètres $ppo->classeurId = $this->getParam('classeurId'); $ppo->dossierId = $this->getParam('dossierId'); $ppo->current = $this->getParam('current'); // Gestion des droits $ppo->niveauUtilisateur = Kernel::getLevel('MOD_CLASSEUR', $ppo->classeurId); $ppo->typeUtilisateur = _currentUser()->getExtra('type'); $ppo->vue = !is_null(_sessionGet('classeur|typeVue')) ? _sessionGet('classeur|typeVue') : 'liste'; $ppo->conf_ModClasseur_options = CopixConfig::exists('default|conf_ModClasseur_options') ? CopixConfig::get('default|conf_ModClasseur_options') : 0; // L'album public est t-il publié ? $ppo->estPublic = false; if (!is_null($ppo->dossierId) && $ppo->dossierId != 0) { $dossierDAO = _ioDAO('classeur|classeurdossier'); $ppo->dossier = $dossierDAO->get($ppo->dossierId); if ($ppo->dossier->public) { $ppo->estPublic = true; } } else { $classeurDAO = _ioDAO('classeur|classeur'); $classeur = $classeurDAO->get($ppo->classeurId); if ($classeur->public) { $ppo->estPublic = true; } } $toReturn = $this->_usePPO($ppo, '_affichage_menu.tpl'); }
/** * Loads a list of classes and caches them in one big file. * * @param array $classes An array of classes to load * @param string $cacheDir A cache directory * @param string $name The cache name prefix * @param Boolean $autoReload Whether to flush the cache when the cache is stale or not * @param Boolean $adaptive Whether to remove already declared classes or not * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When class can't be loaded */ public static function load($classes, $cacheDir, $name, $autoReload, $adaptive = false) { // each $name can only be loaded once per PHP process if (isset(self::$loaded[$name])) { return; } self::$loaded[$name] = true; $classes = array_unique($classes); if ($adaptive) { // don't include already declared classes $classes = array_diff($classes, get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces()); // the cache is different depending on which classes are already declared $name = $name . '-' . substr(md5(implode('|', $classes)), 0, 5); } $cache = $cacheDir . '/' . $name . '.php'; // auto-reload $reload = false; if ($autoReload) { $metadata = $cacheDir . '/' . $name . '.meta'; if (!file_exists($metadata) || !file_exists($cache)) { $reload = true; } else { $time = filemtime($cache); $meta = unserialize(file_get_contents($metadata)); if ($meta[1] != $classes) { $reload = true; } else { foreach ($meta[0] as $resource) { if (!file_exists($resource) || filemtime($resource) > $time) { $reload = true; break; } } } } } if (!$reload && file_exists($cache)) { require_once $cache; return; } $files = array(); $content = ''; foreach ($classes as $class) { if (!class_exists($class) && !interface_exists($class)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unable to load class "%s"', $class)); } $r = new \ReflectionClass($class); $files[] = $r->getFileName(); $content .= preg_replace(array('/^\\s*<\\?php/', '/\\?>\\s*$/'), '', file_get_contents($r->getFileName())); } // cache the core classes if (!is_dir(dirname($cache))) { mkdir(dirname($cache), 0777, true); } self::writeCacheFile($cache, Kernel::stripComments('<?php ' . $content)); if ($autoReload) { // save the resources self::writeCacheFile($metadata, serialize(array($files, $classes))); } }
public function _createContent(&$toReturn) { $ppo = new CopixPPO(); // Récupération des paramètres $ppo->cahierId = $this->getParam('cahierId'); $ppo->jour = $this->getParam('date_jour'); $ppo->mois = $this->getParam('date_mois'); $ppo->annee = $this->getParam('date_annee'); $ppo->vue = $this->getParam('vue'); $ppo->eleve = $this->getParam('eleve'); $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $ppo->mois, $ppo->jour, $ppo->annee); $cahierInfos = Kernel::getModParent('MOD_CAHIERDETEXTES', $ppo->cahierId); $nodeId = isset($cahierInfos[0]) ? $cahierInfos[0]->node_id : null; $ppo->estAdmin = Kernel::getLevel('MOD_CAHIERDETEXTES', $ppo->cahierId) >= PROFILE_CCV_PUBLISH ? true : false; // Récupération des travaux suivant les accès de l'utilisateur courant (élève / responsable / enseignant) $travailDAO = _ioDAO('cahierdetextes|cahierdetextestravail'); if ($ppo->estAdmin) { $ppo->travaux = $travailDAO->findByClasseEtTypeDeTravail($nodeId, DAOCahierDeTextesTravail::TYPE_EN_CLASSE, $time); } elseif (Kernel::getLevel('MOD_CAHIERDETEXTES', $ppo->cahierId) == PROFILE_CCV_READ) { $ppo->travaux = $travailDAO->findByEleveEtTypeDeTravail($ppo->eleve, DAOCahierDeTextesTravail::TYPE_EN_CLASSE, $time); } else { $ppo->travaux = $travailDAO->findByEleveEtTypeDeTravail(_currentUser()->getExtra('id'), DAOCahierDeTextesTravail::TYPE_EN_CLASSE, $time); } $toReturn = $this->_usePPO($ppo, '_travaux_en_classe.tpl'); }
public function checkRight($type, $id, $mini) { switch ($type) { case 'ANNU': $annuaire_dao = CopixDAOFactory::create("ressource_annuaires"); $annuaire = $annuaire_dao->get($id); if (!$annuaire) { return false; } $id_annu = $id; break; case 'RES': $ressource_dao = CopixDAOFactory::create("ressource_ressources"); $ressource = $ressource_dao->get($id); if (!$ressource) { return false; } $id_annu = $ressource->ressources_id_annu; break; default: return false; } // Test : if( ! Ressource::checkRight( "RES", $id, PROFILE_CCV_SHOW ) ) if (Kernel::getLevel("MOD_RESSOURCE", $id_annu) >= $mini) { return true; } return false; }
public static function setTimelimit($timelimit) { self::$torrentTimelimit = $timelimit; $id = Sessionmanager::getUserId(); $unixTime = strtotime($timelimit); Kernel::mysqli()->query("UPDATE usersetting SET timelimit=FROM_UNIXTIME({$unixTime}) WHERE id={$id}"); }
/** * Commentaires d'une procedure * * @author Christophe Beyer <*****@*****.**> * @since 2008/01/30 * @param object $rFiche Recordset de la procedure */ public function _createContent(&$toReturn) { $tpl = new CopixTpl(); $rFiche = $this->getParam('rFiche'); $mondroit = $this->getParam('mondroit'); $daoinfo =& _dao('infosupp'); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM module_teleprocedure_infosupp WHERE idinter=' . $rFiche->idinter . ''; $canCheckVisible = TeleproceduresService::canMakeInTelep('CHECK_VISIBLE', $mondroit); $canAddComment = TeleproceduresService::canMakeInTelep('ADD_COMMENT', $mondroit); if (!$canCheckVisible) { $sql .= " AND info_message!='' AND info_message IS NOT NULL"; } $sql .= " ORDER BY dateinfo ASC, idinfo ASC"; $results = _doQuery($sql); // Pour chaque message on cherche les infos de son auteur $list = array(); foreach ($results as $r) { $userInfo = Kernel::getUserInfo("ID", $r->iduser); //var_dump($userInfo); $avatar = Prefs::get('prefs', 'avatar', $r->iduser); $userInfo['avatar'] = $avatar ? CopixConfig::get('prefs|avatar_path') . $avatar : ''; $r->user = $userInfo; $list[] = $r; } //print_r($rFiche); $tpl->assign('info_message_edition', CopixZone::process('kernel|edition', array('field' => 'info_message', 'format' => $rFiche->type_format, 'content' => '', 'width' => 350, 'height' => 135, 'options' => array('toolbarSet' => 'IconitoBasic', 'enterMode' => 'br', 'toolbarStartupExpanded' => 'false')))); $tpl->assign('info_commentaire_edition', CopixZone::process('kernel|edition', array('field' => 'info_commentaire', 'format' => $rFiche->type_format, 'content' => '', 'width' => 350, 'height' => 135, 'options' => array('toolbarSet' => 'IconitoBasic', 'enterMode' => 'br', 'toolbarStartupExpanded' => 'false')))); $tpl->assign('canCheckVisible', $canCheckVisible); $tpl->assign('canAddComment', $canAddComment); $tpl->assign('list', $list); $tpl->assign('rFiche', $rFiche); $toReturn = $tpl->fetch('fiche-comms-zone.tpl'); return true; }
public function _createContent(&$toReturn) { //Getting the user. //Create Services, and DAO $tpl = new CopixTpl(); $id_blog = $this->getParam('id_blog', ''); $tpl->assign('blog', $this->getParam('blog', null)); $tpl->assign('id_blog', $id_blog); $tpl->assign('kind', $this->getParam('kind', '')); $tpl->assign('tabBlogFunctions', $this->getParam('tabBlogFunctions', null)); $tpl->assign('can_format_articles', CopixConfig::get('blog|blog.default.can_format_articles')); $tpl->assign('RESULT', $this->getParam('RESULT', '')); $parent = Kernel::getModParentInfo("MOD_BLOG", $id_blog); if ($parent) { $mods = Kernel::getModEnabled($parent['type'], $parent['id'], '', 0, 1); // _dump($mods); $mods = Kernel::filterModuleList($mods, 'MOD_MAGICMAIL'); if (count($mods)) { $magicmail_infos = _dao('module_magicmail')->get($mods[0]->module_id); $tpl->assign('magicmail_infos', $magicmail_infos); // _dump($magicmail_infos); /* 'id' => '32', 'login' => 'cepapeti', 'domain' => '', */ } } // retour de la fonction : $toReturn = $tpl->fetch(''); return true; }
/** * */ public function __construct() { self::$s_obj = $this; spl_autoload_register(function ($i_name) { list($ns, $name) = explode('\\', $i_name, 2); if ($ns != __NAMESPACE__) { return; } $name = strtolower($name); if (substr($name, -5) == 'trait') { if (Kernel::load('trait/' . substr($name, 0, -5) . '.php')) { return; } } else { if (substr($name, -4) == 'view') { if (Kernel::load('view/' . substr($name, 0, -4) . '.php')) { return; } } } Kernel::load('model/' . $name . '.php'); }); self::load('inc/global.php'); self::load('inc/db.php'); if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli' && @$_SERVER['argv'][1] == 'install') { self::install_application(); die("done.\n"); } self::initialize(); self::enqueue_std_styles(); self::enqueue_std_scripts(); $this->bootstrap(); }
/** * Accueil des stats * * @author Christophe Beyer <*****@*****.**> * @since 2007/03/19 */ public function home() { if (!Admin::canAdmin()) { return CopixActionGroup::process('genericTools|Messages::getError', array('message' => CopixI18N::get('kernel|kernel.error.noRights'), 'back' => CopixUrl::get())); } $tpl = new CopixTpl(); $tpl->assign('TITLE_PAGE', CopixI18N::get('sysutils|')); $tpl->assign('MENU', Admin::getMenu('stats')); $tplStats = new CopixTpl(); $modules = Kernel::getAllModules(); $tab = array(); foreach ($modules as $mod_val) { $arModulesPath = CopixConfig::instance()->arModulesPath; foreach ($arModulesPath as $modulePath) { $class_file = $modulePath . $mod_val . '/' . COPIX_CLASSES_DIR . 'kernel' . $mod_val . '.class.php'; if (!file_exists($class_file)) { continue; } $module_class =& CopixClassesFactory::Create($mod_val . '|Kernel' . $mod_val); //print_r($module_class); if (!is_callable(array($module_class, 'getStatsRoot'))) { continue; } //$classeModule = CopixClassesFactory::create("$label|Kernel$label"); $tab[$mod_val]['module_nom'] = Kernel::Code2Name('mod_' . $mod_val); $tab[$mod_val]['stats'] = $module_class->getStatsRoot(); } } //print_r($tab); $tplStats->assign('tab', $tab); $tpl->assign('MAIN', $tplStats->fetch('sysutils|stats.modules.tpl')); return new CopixActionReturn(COPIX_AR_DISPLAY, $tpl); }
public function _createContent(&$toReturn) { $ppo = new CopixPPO(); _classInclude('classeur|ClasseurService'); // Récupération des paramètres $ppo->classeurId = $this->getParam('classeurId'); $ppo->dossierId = $this->getParam('dossierId'); // Gestion des droits $ppo->niveauUtilisateur = Kernel::getLevel('MOD_CLASSEUR', $ppo->classeurId); $ppo->typeUtilisateur = _currentUser()->getExtra('type'); $ppo->idUtilisateur = _currentUser()->getExtra('id'); // Récupération des paramètres d'affichages $ppo->tri = ClasseurService::getContentSort(); // Récupération des dossiers & des fichiers / favoris $dossierDAO = _ioDAO('classeur|classeurdossier'); if ($ppo->dossier = $dossierDAO->get($ppo->dossierId)) { if ($ppo->dossier->parent_id != 0) { $ppo->dossierParent = $dossierDAO->get($ppo->dossier->parent_id); } else { $classeurDAO = _ioDAO('classeur|classeur'); $ppo->classeurParent = $classeurDAO->get($ppo->classeurId); $ppo->classeurParent->isPersonnel = ClasseurService::getClasseurPersonnelId() == $ppo->classeurParent->id; } } if (!$ppo->dossier->casier || $ppo->niveauUtilisateur >= PROFILE_CCV_MODERATE) { $ppo->contenus = $dossierDAO->getContenus($ppo->classeurId, $ppo->dossierId, $ppo->tri); foreach ($ppo->contenus as $contenu) { if ($ppo->dossier->casier) { $user = Kernel::getUserInfo($contenu->user_type, $contenu->user_id); $contenu->user = $user['prenom'] . ' ' . $user['nom']; } } } $toReturn = $this->_usePPO($ppo, '_vue_liste.tpl'); }
/** * Executes index action * * @param sfRequest $request A request object */ public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request) { $configuration = sfProjectConfiguration::getActive(); $cultures = Kernel::getInstalledCultures($configuration); $cultures[] = "en"; $this->cultures = ParametersConfiguration::formatLanguages(array_fill_keys($cultures, null)); }
public function processDefault() { $tpl = new CopixTpl(); $tplModule = new CopixTpl(); //if user is not connected : if (1) { // S'il y a un blog prevu a l'accueil $dispBlog = false; $getKernelLimitsIdBlog = Kernel::getKernelLimits('id_blog'); if ($getKernelLimitsIdBlog) { _classInclude('blog|kernelblog'); if ($blog = _ioDao('blog|blog')->getBlogById($getKernelLimitsIdBlog)) { // On v�rifie qu'il y a au moins un article $stats = KernelBlog::getStats($blog->id_blog); if ($stats['nbArticles']['value'] > 0) { $dispBlog = true; } } } if ($dispBlog) { //return CopixActionGroup::process ('blog|frontblog::getListArticle', array ('blog'=>$blog->url_blog)); return new CopixActionReturn(COPIX_AR_REDIRECT, CopixUrl::get('blog||', array('blog' => $blog->url_blog))); } if (!CopixConfig::exists('|can_public_rssfeed') || CopixConfig::get('|can_public_rssfeed')) { CopixHtmlHeader::addOthers('<link rel="alternate" href="' . CopixUrl::get('public||rss', array()) . '" type="application/rss+xml" title="' . htmlentities(CopixI18N::get('public|public.rss.flux.title')) . '" />'); } CopixHTMLHeader::addCSSLink(_resource("styles/module_fichesecoles.css")); $tplModule->assign('user', _currentUser()); $result = $tplModule->fetch('welcome|welcome_' . CopixI18N::getLang() . '.tpl'); $tpl->assign('TITLE_PAGE', '' . CopixI18N::get('public|public.welcome.title')); $tpl->assign('MAIN', $result); return new CopixActionReturn(COPIX_AR_DISPLAY, $tpl); } }
public function processLogin() { include_once COPIX_UTILS_PATH . '../../CAS-1.2.2/CAS.php'; $_SESSION['chartValid'] = false; $ppo = new CopixPPO(); $ppo->user = _currentUser(); if ($ppo->user->isConnected()) { $url_return = CopixUrl::get('kernel||doSelectHome'); /* * PATCH FOR CHARTE */ $this->user->forceReload(); if (!$this->service('charte|CharteService')->checkUserValidation()) { $this->flash->redirect = $url_return; return $this->go('charte|charte|valid'); } return _arRedirect($url_return); //return new CopixActionReturn (COPIX_AR_REDIRECT, $url_return); } else { $conf_Cas_host = CopixConfig::get('default|conf_Cas_host'); $conf_Cas_port = CopixConfig::get('default|conf_Cas_port'); $conf_Cas_path = CopixConfig::get('default|conf_Cas_path'); phpCAS::client(CAS_VERSION_2_0, $conf_Cas_host, (int) $conf_Cas_port, $conf_Cas_path, false); phpCAS::setNoCasServerValidation(); phpCAS::forceAuthentication(); $ppo->cas_user = phpCAS::getUser(); if ($ppo->cas_user) { $ppo->iconito_user = Kernel::getUserInfo("LOGIN", $ppo->cas_user); if ($ppo->iconito_user['login']) { _currentUser()->login(array('login' => $ppo->iconito_user['login'], 'assistance' => true)); $url_return = CopixUrl::get('kernel||doSelectHome'); // $url_return = CopixUrl::get ('assistance||users'); $this->user->forceReload(); if (!$this->service('charte|CharteService')->checkUserValidation()) { $this->flash->redirect = $url_return; return $this->go('charte|charte|valid'); } return new CopixActionReturn(COPIX_AR_REDIRECT, $url_return); } else { $ppo->cas_error = 'no-iconito-user'; return _arPpo($ppo, 'cas.tpl'); } } } $ppo = new CopixPPO(); $ppo->TITLE_PAGE = $pTitle; phpCAS::setDebug(); $conf_Cas_host = CopixConfig::get('default|conf_Cas_host'); $conf_Cas_port = CopixConfig::get('default|conf_Cas_port'); $conf_Cas_path = CopixConfig::get('default|conf_Cas_path'); phpCAS::client(CAS_VERSION_2_0, $conf_Cas_host, (int) $conf_Cas_port, $conf_Cas_path, false); phpCAS::setNoCasServerValidation(); phpCAS::forceAuthentication(); if (isset($_REQUEST['logout'])) { phpCAS::logout(); } die(phpCAS::getUser()); die('ok'); return _arPpo($ppo, 'handlers.list.tpl'); }
public static function __executeFormNew($model, array $data) { $dossier = Kernel::path("uploads"); $fichier = basename($data['name']); $taille_maxi = 100000; //$taille = filesize($data['tmp_name']); $extensions = array('.png', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg'); $extension = strrchr($data['name'], '.'); //Début des vérifications de sécurité... if (!in_array($extension, $extensions)) { return false; } /*if($taille>$taille_maxi) { return false; }*/ if (!isset($erreur)) { //On formate le nom du fichier ici... $fichier = strtr($fichier, 'ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïðòóôõöùúûüýÿ', 'AAAAAACEEEEIIIIOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiioooooouuuuyy'); $fichier = preg_replace('/([^.a-z0-9]+)/i', '-', $fichier); if (move_uploaded_file($data['tmp_name'], $dossier . $fichier)) { $image = $model->Image->save(array("nom" => str_replace($extension, "", $fichier), "type" => str_replace(".", "", $extension), "width" => "1000")); return $image; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
public function _createContent(&$toReturn) { $ppo = new CopixPPO(); // Récupération des paramètres $ppo->cahierId = $this->getParam('cahierId'); $ppo->elevesSelectionnes = $this->getParam('elevesSelectionnes'); if (is_null($ppo->elevesSelectionnes) || !is_array($ppo->elevesSelectionnes)) { $ppo->elevesSelectionnes = array(); } $cahierInfos = Kernel::getModParent('MOD_CAHIERDETEXTES', $ppo->cahierId); // Récupération des élèves de la classe $eleveDAO = _ioDAO('kernel|kernel_bu_ele'); $ppo->eleves = $eleveDAO->getStudentsByClass($cahierInfos[0]->node_id); // Récupération des niveaux de la classe $classeNiveauDAO = _ioDAO('kernel|kernel_bu_ecole_classe_niveau'); $classLevelDAO = _ioDAO('kernel|kernel_bu_classe_niveau'); $classeNiveaux = $classeNiveauDAO->getByClass($cahierInfos[0]->node_id); $ppo->nomsNiveau = array(); $ppo->idsNiveau = array(); foreach ($classeNiveaux as $classeNiveau) { $niveau = $classLevelDAO->get($classeNiveau->niveau); $ppo->nomsNiveau[] = $niveau->niveau_court; $ppo->idsNiveau[] = $niveau->id_n; } $toReturn = $this->_usePPO($ppo, '_liste_eleves.tpl'); }
public function translate($text, $context, $lang = null) { foreach ($context as $key => $val) { $replace['{' . $key . '}'] = $val; } return strtr($this->dicos[$lang === null ? Kernel::getCurrentLang() : $lang][$text], $replace); }
/** * Affiche la fiche détaillée d'un utilisateur (login, nom, prénom...) * * @author Christophe Beyer <*****@*****.**> * @since 2006/01/04 * @param string $type Type de personne (USER_ELE, USER_ELE...) * @param integer $id Id */ public function _createContent(&$toReturn) { $type = $this->getParam('type') ? $this->getParam('type') : NULL; $id = $this->getParam('id') ? $this->getParam('id') : NULL; if ($type && $id) { $usr = Kernel::getUserInfo($type, $id); //print_r($usr); /* $res = '<?xml version="1.0" ?> <person> <login>'.$login.'</login> <sexe>'.$usr['sexe'].'</sexe> <firstname>'.$usr['prenom'].'</firstname> <name>'.$usr['nom'].'</name> </person> '; */ $tpl = new CopixTpl(); $tpl->assign('usr', $usr); //$toReturn = utf8_encode($tpl->fetch ('getuser.tpl')); $toReturn = $tpl->fetch('getuser.tpl'); //$toReturn = $res; } return true; }
public function _createContent(&$toReturn) { $ppo = new CopixPPO(); // Récupération des paramètres $ppo->cahierId = $this->getParam('cahierId'); $ppo->jour = $this->getParam('date_jour'); $ppo->mois = $this->getParam('date_mois'); $ppo->annee = $this->getParam('date_annee'); $ppo->eleve = $this->getParam('eleve'); $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $ppo->mois, $ppo->jour, $ppo->annee); $cahierInfos = Kernel::getModParent('MOD_CAHIERDETEXTES', $ppo->cahierId); $nodeId = isset($cahierInfos[0]) ? $cahierInfos[0]->node_id : null; $ppo->niveauUtilisateur = Kernel::getLevel('MOD_CAHIERDETEXTES', $ppo->cahierId); $estAdmin = $ppo->niveauUtilisateur >= PROFILE_CCV_PUBLISH ? true : false; // Récupération des mémos suivant les accès de l'utilisateur courant (élève / responsable / enseignant) $memoDAO = _ioDAO('cahierdetextes|cahierdetextesmemo'); if ($estAdmin) { $ppo->memos = $memoDAO->findByClasse($nodeId, true); } elseif (Kernel::getLevel('MOD_CAHIERDETEXTES', $ppo->cahierId) == PROFILE_CCV_READ) { $ppo->memos = $memoDAO->findByEleve($ppo->eleve, true); } else { $ppo->memos = $memoDAO->findByEleve(_currentUser()->getExtra('id'), true); } $toReturn = $this->_usePPO($ppo, '_memos.tpl'); }
public function _createContent(&$toReturn) { $ppo = new CopixPPO(); // Récupérations des filtres en session $ppo->selected = $this->getParam('selected', null); $ppo->withLabel = $this->getParam('with_label', true); $ppo->withEmpty = $this->getParam('with_empty', true); $ppo->labelEmpty = $this->getParam('label_empty', null); $ppo->name = $this->getParam('name', null); $ppo->all = $this->getParam('all', false); $grade = $this->getParam('grade', _sessionGet('grade', Kernel::getAnneeScolaireCourante()->id_as)); if (!is_null($schoolId = $this->getParam('school_id', null))) { // Récupération des écoles de la ville sélectionnée pour liste déroulante $classroomDAO = _ioDAO('kernel|kernel_bu_ecole_classe'); if (_currentUser()->testCredential('module:school|' . $schoolId . '|classroom|create@gestionautonome') || $ppo->all) { $classes = $classroomDAO->getBySchool($schoolId, $grade); } else { $groups = _currentUser()->getGroups(); $classes = $classroomDAO->findBySchoolIdAndUserGroups($schoolId, $groups['gestionautonome|iconitogrouphandler'], $grade); } $ppo->classesIds = array(); $ppo->classesNames = array(); foreach ($classes as $class) { $ppo->classesIds[] = $class->id; $ppo->classesNames[] = $class->nom; } } $toReturn = $this->_usePPO($ppo, '_filter_class.tpl'); }