function getJobtoUserMap($station_id)
     //If the user is not in the list, that means they are allowed to ALL jobs.
     Debug::Text('Getting JobToUser Map for Station ID: ' . $station_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     if ($station_id == '') {
         return FALSE;
     if (getTTProductEdition() != TT_PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL) {
         return FALSE;
     $slf = new StationListFactory();
     if ($slf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         $s_obj = $slf->getCurrent();
         $company_id = $s_obj->getCompany();
         Debug::Text('Company ID: ' . $company_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         if ($company_id != FALSE) {
             //Gets all users allowed to punch in/out from this station
             $jlf = new JobListFactory();
             $job_to_user_map = $jlf->getJobToUserMapByCompanyIdAndStatus($company_id, 10);
             if (is_array($job_to_user_map)) {
                 foreach ($job_to_user_map as $key => $arr) {
                     $list["'{$key}'"] = array('job_id' => (int) $arr['job_id'], 'user_id' => (int) $arr['user_id']);
                 if (isset($list)) {
                     return $list;
             $jualf = new JobUserAllowListFactory();
             $jualf->getByCompanyIdAndStatus( $company_id, 10);
             if ( $jualf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
             	foreach( $jualf as $jua_obj) {
             		$list["'$x'"] = array(
             						'job_id' => (int)$jua_obj->getJob(),
             						'user_id' => (int)$jua_obj->getUser(),
             	if ( isset($list) ) {
             		return $list;
     Debug::Text('Returning FALSE!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     return FALSE;