public function add_passport_column()
     \Jigsaw::add_column('promo', 'Passport', function ($pid) {
         // This is a render callback
         $data = array();
         $data = new \TimberPost($pid);
         if (null !== json_decode($data->selected_passport)) {
             $object = json_decode($data->selected_passport);
             echo isset($object->title) ? $object->title : $object->id;
         } else {
             echo "No Passport";
     }, 5);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function apply_admin_customizations()
     if (class_exists('Jigsaw')) {
         Jigsaw::add_column('highlights', 'Thumb', function ($pid) {
             $data = array();
             $data['post'] = new TimberPost($pid);
             Timber::render('admin/portfolio-square-preview.twig', $data);
         }, -1000);
         Jigsaw::add_column('portfolio', 'Preview', function ($pid) {
             $data = array();
             $data['post'] = new TimberPost($pid);
             Timber::render('admin/portfolio-square-preview.twig', $data);
         }, -1000);
         if (method_exists('Jigsaw', 'add_css')) {
function add_apple_news_status_column($post_type)
    \Jigsaw::add_column($post_type, 'Apple News Status', function ($pid) {
        $apple_id = get_post_meta($pid, 'apple_news_api_id');
        if ($apple_id) {
            $last_modified = get_post_meta($pid, 'apple_news_api_modified_at')[0];
            $post_created = get_post_meta($pid, 'apple_news_api_created_at')[0];
            $time_ago = new \TimeAgo();
            $last_update = $time_ago->inWords($last_modified);
            $created = $time_ago->inWords($post_created);
            echo "<strong>Status:</strong></br>";
            echo "<span style='color:green;'>Synced</span></br>";
            echo "<hr>";
            echo "<strong>Created:</strong></br>";
            echo "<span title='{$post_created}'> {$created}</span></br>";
            echo "<hr>";
            echo "<strong>Last Modified:</strong></br>";
            echo "<span title='{$last_modified}'>{$last_update}</span></br>";
        } else {
            echo "<span>Not synced</span>";
    }, 5);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static function add_versioning($gitPath, $pathFromRoot = '/')
     $db = '';
     if (is_multisite()) {
         $db = get_site_option('database_version');
     } else {
         $db = get_option('database_version');
     if (!strlen($db)) {
         Jigsaw::show_notice('Database version not found');
     add_filter('update_footer', function ($default) use($gitPath, $pathFromRoot, $db) {
         // SQL row with the meta_key of "database_version," located in the "sitemeta" sql table
         // Edit that row every time you export a database for handoff
         $gitPath = trailingslashit($gitPath) . 'commit/';
         $gitMeta = '';
         exec('cd ' . ABSPATH . $pathFromRoot . '; git rev-parse --verify HEAD 2> /dev/null', $output);
         $hash = substr($output[0], 0, 6);
         // $gitMeta = if(isset($meta)) {'by ' . $meta . ', '};
         // exec('cd ' . $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/wp-content/themes; git log -1 --pretty=format:"%an, %ar"', $meta);
         $db = apply_filters('jigsaw_versioning_database', $db);
         $commit = ', <strong>Code Commit:</strong> ' . '<a href="' . $gitPath . $output[0] . '">' . $hash . '</a>, ' . $gitMeta;
         $return = '<strong>Database:</strong> ' . $db . $commit . $default;
         return $return;
     }, 11);

//add menus to site
Jigsaw::add_column('roundtable', 'Stories', function ($post_id) {
    $roundtable = new ClientCustomPostClass($post_id);
    foreach ($roundtable->get_roundtable_children() as $child) {
        echo '<a href="' . $child->edit_link() . '">' . $child->post_title . '</a></li>';
Jigsaw::add_column('event', 'Units', function ($post_id) {
    $page = get_post($post_id);
    echo the_field('#_of_units');
}, 3);
function register_theme_menus()
    register_nav_menus(array('primary-menu' => _('Primary Menu')));
add_action('init', 'register_theme_menus');
//to import CSS and fonts
function load_fonts()
    wp_register_style('googleFonts', ',300,600,700');
add_action('wp_print_styles', 'load_fonts');
function auction_theme_styles()
    wp_enqueue_style('smoothness_css', '');
    wp_enqueue_style('normalize_css', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/normalize.css');
function swsctp_class_column_mod()
    if (class_exists('Jigsaw')) {
        Jigsaw::add_column('tribe_events', 'Instructor(s)', function ($post_id) {
            $tribe_events_inst1 = get_post_meta($post_id, '_tribe_events_inst1', TRUE);
            $tribe_events_inst2 = get_post_meta($post_id, '_tribe_events_inst2', TRUE);
            $tribe_events_inst3 = get_post_meta($post_id, '_tribe_events_inst3', TRUE);
            $tribe_events_inst1_stat = get_post_meta($post_id, '_tribe_events_inst1_stat', TRUE);
            $tribe_events_inst2_stat = get_post_meta($post_id, '_tribe_events_inst2_stat', TRUE);
            $tribe_events_inst3_stat = get_post_meta($post_id, '_tribe_events_inst3_stat', TRUE);
            $user_data1 = get_userdata($tribe_events_inst1);
            $user_data2 = get_userdata($tribe_events_inst2);
            $user_data3 = get_userdata($tribe_events_inst3);
            if ($user_data1->last_name !== null) {
                echo "<span class='tribe_inst {$tribe_events_inst1_stat}'>" . $user_data1->last_name . ", " . $user_data1->first_name . "</span>";
                if ($user_data2->last_name !== null) {
                    echo "<br><span class='tribe_inst {$tribe_events_inst2_stat}'>" . $user_data2->last_name . ", " . $user_data2->first_name . "</span>";
                    if ($user_data3->last_name !== null) {
                        echo "<br><span class='tribe_inst {$tribe_events_inst3_stat}'>" . $user_data3->last_name . ", " . $user_data3->first_name . "</span>";
            } else {
                echo "None Assigned";
        }, 2);
        Jigsaw::add_column('tribe_events', 'Status', function ($post_id) {
            $tribe_events_status = get_post_meta($post_id, '_tribe_events_status', TRUE);
            if ($tribe_events_status == "scheduled") {
                $status = "Scheduled";
            } else {
                if ($tribe_events_status == "cancelled") {
                    $status = "Cancelled";
                } else {
                    if ($tribe_events_status == "completed") {
                        $status = "Completed";
            echo $status;
        }, 3);
        Jigsaw::add_column('tribe_events', 'Class Date', function ($post_id) {
            $class_date = tribe_get_start_date($post_id);
            echo $class_date;
        }, 4);
        Jigsaw::add_column('tribe_events', 'Location', function ($post_id) {
            $venue = tribe_get_venue($post_id);
            $location = tribe_get_full_address($post_id, true);
            echo $venue . "<br>" . $location;
        }, 5);
        Jigsaw::add_column('tribe_events', 'Date Added', function ($post_id) {
            $pfx_date = get_the_date('m/d/Y', $post_id);
            echo $pfx_date;
        }, 10);
        Jigsaw::remove_column('tribe_events', 'comments');
        Jigsaw::remove_column('tribe_events', 'author');
        Jigsaw::remove_column('tribe_events', 'feature');
        Jigsaw::remove_column('tribe_events', 'image');
        Jigsaw::remove_column('tribe_events', 'thumb');
        Jigsaw::remove_column('tribe_events', 'thumbnail');
        Jigsaw::remove_column('tribe_events', 'date');
        Jigsaw::remove_column('tribe_events', 'start-date');
        Jigsaw::remove_column('tribe_events', 'end-date');
        Jigsaw::remove_column('tribe_events', 'tags');
 function add_tags()
     \Jigsaw::add_column('pugpig_edition', 'Tags', function ($pid) {
         echo wp_get_post_tags($pid);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function interpret($variables, Jigsaw $jigsaw)
     global $ONCE_ONLY;
     if (!isset($ONCE_ONLY[$this->_tag])) {
         $ONCE_ONLY[$this->_tag] = true;
         return $jigsaw->interpret($this->_content, $variables);
     } else {
         return null;

 * @wordpress-plugin
 * Plugin Name:       Agreable Instant Articles Plugin
 * Description:       A WordPress plugin to generate Instant Articles Format content.
 * Version:           1.0.0
 * Author:            Shortlist Media
 * Author URI:
 * License:           MIT
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php')) {
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
} else {
    require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../vendor/autoload.php';
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/getherbert/framework/bootstrap/autoload.php')) {
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/getherbert/framework/bootstrap/autoload.php';
} else {
    require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../vendor/getherbert/framework/bootstrap/autoload.php';
    \Jigsaw::show_notice("<b>NOTICE</b>: FB_INSTANT_ARTICLES_DEVELOPMENT_MODE missing from .env", 'error');