Exemplo n.º 1
  * Saves the record on an edit form submit
  * @acces public
  * @since 1.5
 function save()
     // Check for request forgeries
     JRequest::checkToken() or jexit('Invalid Token');
     // Get some objects from the JApplication
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     // Must be logged in
     if ($user->get('id') < 1) {
         JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('ALERTNOTAUTH'));
     //get data from the request
     $post = JRequest::getVar('jform', array(), 'post', 'array');
     $model = $this->getModel('weblink');
     if ($model->store($post)) {
         $msg = JText::_('Weblink Saved');
     } else {
         $msg = JText::_('Error Saving Weblink');
     // Check the table in so it can be edited.... we are done with it anyway
     // admin users gid
     $gid = 25;
     // list of admins
     $query = 'SELECT email, name' . ' FROM #__users' . ' WHERE gid = ' . $gid . ' AND sendEmail = 1';
     if (!$db->query()) {
         JError::raiseError(500, $db->stderr(true));
     $adminRows = $db->loadObjectList();
     // send email notification to admins
     foreach ($adminRows as $adminRow) {
         JUtility::sendAdminMail($adminRow->name, $adminRow->email, '', JText::_('Web Link'), $post['title'] . " URL link " . $post[url], $user->get('username'), JURI::base());
     $this->setRedirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_weblinks&view=category&id=' . $post['catid'], false), $msg);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Testing sendAdminMail().
  * @param   array	Arguments for method call
  * @param   array	Arguments received by method
  * @param   bool	Expected return from call
  * @return void
  * @dataProvider casesSendAdminMail
 public function testSendAdminMail($args, $expectedArgs, $expResult)
     $mockMailer = $this->getMock('JMail', array('sendAdminMail'));
     $mockMailer->expects($this->once())->method('sendAdminMail')->with($this->equalTo($expectedArgs['adminName']), $this->equalTo($expectedArgs['adminEmail']), $this->equalTo($expectedArgs['email']), $this->equalTo($expectedArgs['type']), $this->equalTo($expectedArgs['title']), $this->equalTo($expectedArgs['author']), $this->equalTo($expectedArgs['url']))->will($this->returnValue($expResult));
     JFactory::$mailer = $mockMailer;
     $this->assertThat(JUtility::sendAdminMail($args['adminName'], $args['adminEmail'], $args['email'], $args['type'], $args['title'], $args['author'], $args['url']), $this->equalTo($expResult));