Exemplo n.º 1
  * Save a list of aliases as entered by user in backend to the database
  * @param string $aliasList data from an html textarea field
  * @param string $nonSefUrl the non sef url to which aliases are attached
  * @return boolean true on success
 public function saveFromInput($aliasList, $nonSefUrl)
     // split aliases from raw input data into an array
     $aliasList = explode("\n", $aliasList);
     // delete them all. We should do a transaction, but not worth it
     $query = 'DELETE from #__sh404sef_aliases where newurl = ' . $this->_db->Quote($nonSefUrl);
     // Write new aliases. We use a raw db query instead of table
     // so as to write them all in one pass. Could be done by the table
     if (!empty($aliasList[0])) {
         $query = 'INSERT INTO #__sh404sef_aliases (newurl, alias, type) VALUES __shValues__;';
         $values = '';
         $endOfLine = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
         foreach ($aliasList as $alias) {
             $alias = str_replace($endOfLine, '', $alias);
             if (!empty($alias)) {
                 $values .= '(' . $this->_db->Quote($nonSefUrl) . ', ' . $this->_db->Quote(htmlspecialchars_decode($alias)) . ', ' . $this->_db->Quote(Sh404sefHelperGeneral::COM_SH404SEF_URLTYPE_ALIAS) . '),';
         $query = str_replace('__shValues__', JString::rtrim($values, ','), $query);
         // check errors
         $error = $this->_db->getErrorNum();
         if (!empty($error)) {
             $this->setError('Internal database error # ' . $error);
     // return true if no error
     $error = $this->getError();
     return empty($error);
Exemplo n.º 2
function vm_sef_get_category_title(&$db, &$catDesc, $category_id, $option, $shLangName)
    global $shMosConfig_locale;
    $sefConfig =& shRouter::shGetConfig();
    if (empty($category_id)) {
        return '';
    $q = "SELECT c.category_name, c.category_id, c.category_description, x.category_parent_id FROM #__vm_category AS c";
    $q .= "\n LEFT JOIN #__vm_category_xref AS x ON c.category_id = x.category_child_id;";
    if (!shTranslateUrl($option, $shLangName)) {
        // V 1.2.4.m
        $tree = $db->loadObjectList('category_id', false);
    } else {
        $tree = $db->loadObjectList('category_id');
    $catDesc = $tree[$category_id]->category_description;
    $title = '';
    $securityCounter = 0;
    do {
        // all categories and subcategories
        $title .= ($sefConfig->shInsertCategoryId ? $tree[$category_id]->category_id . $sefConfig->replacement : '') . $tree[$category_id]->category_name . ' | ';
        $category_id = $tree[$category_id]->category_parent_id;
    } while ($category_id != 0 && $securityCounter < 10);
    if ($securityCounter >= 10) {
        JError::raiseError(500, 'Unable to create SEF url for Virtuemart: could not find category with id : ' . $category_id);
    return JString::rtrim($title, ' | ');
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Internally render the plugin, and add required script declarations
  * to the document
  * @return  void
 public function render()
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $c = 0;
     $images = (array) $params->get('coverflow_image');
     $titles = (array) $params->get('coverflow_title');
     $subtitles = (array) $params->get('coverflow_subtitle');
     $listIds = (array) $params->get('coverflow_table');
     $eventData = array();
     foreach ($listIds as $listId) {
         $listModel = JModelLegacy::getInstance('List', 'FabrikFEModel');
         $list = $listModel->getTable();
         $listModel->getPagination(0, 0, 0);
         $image = $images[$c];
         $title = $titles[$c];
         $subtitle = $subtitles[$c];
         $data = $listModel->getData();
         if ($listModel->canView() || $listModel->canEdit()) {
             $elements = $listModel->getElements();
             $imageElement = FArrayHelper::getValue($elements, FabrikString::safeColName($image));
             foreach ($data as $group) {
                 if (is_array($group)) {
                     foreach ($group as $row) {
                         $event = new stdClass();
                         if (!method_exists($imageElement, 'getStorage')) {
                             switch (get_class($imageElement)) {
                                 case 'FabrikModelFabrikImage':
                                     $rootFolder = $imageElement->getParams()->get('selectImage_root_folder');
                                     $rootFolder = JString::ltrim($rootFolder, '/');
                                     $rootFolder = JString::rtrim($rootFolder, '/');
                                     $event->image = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . 'images/stories/' . $rootFolder . '/' . $row->{$image . '_raw'};
                                     $event->image = isset($row->{$image . '_raw'}) ? $row->{$image . '_raw'} : '';
                         } else {
                             $event->image = $imageElement->getStorage()->pathToURL($row->{$image . '_raw'});
                         $event->title = $title === '' ? '' : (string) strip_tags($row->{$title});
                         $event->subtitle = $subtitle === '' ? '' : (string) strip_tags($row->{$subtitle});
                         $eventData[] = $event;
     $json = json_encode($eventData);
     $str = "var coverflow = new FbVisCoverflow({$json});";
     $srcs = FabrikHelperHTML::framework();
     $srcs['Coverflow'] = $this->srcBase . 'coverflow/coverflow.js';
     FabrikHelperHTML::script($srcs, $str);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function init()
     static $_initialized = false;
     if (!$_initialized) {
         $this->originalUri = $this->getURI();
         $uri = JURI::getInstance();
         $this->currentSefUrl = $uri->toString();
         $site = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port'));
         $this->basePath = JString::rtrim(str_replace($site, '', $uri->base()), '/');
Exemplo n.º 5
function su_char_limit($str, $limit = 150, $end_char = '...')
    if (JString::trim($str) == '') {
        return $str;
    // always strip tags for text
    $str = strip_tags(JString::trim($str));
    $find = array("/\r|\n/u", "/\t/u", "/\\s\\s+/u");
    $replace = array(" ", " ", " ");
    $str = preg_replace($find, $replace, $str);
    if (JString::strlen($str) > $limit) {
        $str = JString::substr($str, 0, $limit);
        return JString::rtrim($str) . $end_char;
    } else {
        return $str;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static function getPath($type = 'site')
     $application = JFactory::getApplication();
     if ($type == 'k2') {
         $path = JPATH_SITE . '/media/k2/galleries';
     } else {
         if ($type == 'site') {
             $user = JFactory::getUser();
             if (version_compare(JVERSION, '2.5', 'ge')) {
                 $isAdmin = $user->authorise('core.admin', 'com_sigpro');
             } else {
                 $isAdmin = $user->gid == 25;
             if ($application->isAdmin() || $isAdmin) {
                 if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', 'ge')) {
                     $defaultImagePath = 'images';
                 } else {
                     $defaultImagePath = 'images/stories';
                 $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_sigpro');
                 $path = JPATH_SITE . '/' . $params->get('galleries_rootfolder', $defaultImagePath);
             } else {
                 $folder = self::getUserFolder();
                 $path = JPATH_SITE . '/media/jw_sigpro/users/' . $folder;
                 if (!JFolder::exists($path)) {
         } else {
             if ($type == 'users') {
                 $path = JPATH_SITE . '/media/jw_sigpro/users';
     $path = JPath::clean($path);
     if (JString::substr($path, -1, 1) == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
         $path = JString::rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     return $path;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Draws the html form element
  * @param   array  $data           to pre-populate element with
  * @param   int    $repeatCounter  repeat group counter
  * @return  string	elements html
 public function render($data, $repeatCounter = 0)
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $name = $this->getHTMLName($repeatCounter);
     $value = $this->getValue($data, $repeatCounter);
     $id = $this->getHTMLId($repeatCounter);
     $rootFolder = $this->rootFolder($value);
     if ($rootFolder != '/') {
         $value = str_replace($rootFolder, '', $value);
     // $$$ rob - 30/06/2011 can only select an image if its not a remote image
     $canSelect = $params->get('image_front_end_select', '0') && JString::substr($value, 0, 4) !== 'http';
     // $$$ hugh - tidy up a bit so we don't have so many ///'s in the URL's
     $rootFolder = JString::ltrim($rootFolder, '/');
     $rootFolder = JString::rtrim($rootFolder, '/');
     $rootFolder = $rootFolder === '' ? '' : $rootFolder . '/';
     // $$$ rob - 30/062011 allow for full urls in the image. (e.g from csv import)
     $defaultImage = JString::substr($value, 0, 4) == 'http' ? $value : COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . $rootFolder . $value;
     $float = $params->get('image_float');
     $float = $float != '' ? "style='float:{$float};'" : '';
     $str = array();
     $str[] = '<div class="fabrikSubElementContainer" id="' . $id . '">';
     $rootFolder = str_replace('/', DS, $rootFolder);
     if ($canSelect && $this->isEditable()) {
         $str[] = '<img src="' . $defaultImage . '" alt="' . $value . '" ' . $float . ' class="imagedisplayor"/>';
         if (array_key_exists($name, $data)) {
             if (trim($value) == '' && $rootFolder === '') {
                 $path = "/";
             } else {
                 $bits = explode("/", $value);
                 if (count($bits) > 1) {
                     $path = '/' . array_shift($bits) . '/';
                     $path = $rootFolder . $path;
                     $val = array_shift($bits);
                 } else {
                     $path = $rootFolder;
         } else {
             $path = $rootFolder;
         $images = array();
         $imagenames = (array) JFolder::files(JPATH_SITE . '/' . $path);
         foreach ($imagenames as $n) {
             $images[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $n, $n);
         // $$$rob not sure about his name since we are adding $repeatCounter to getHTMLName();
         $imageName = $this->getGroupModel()->canRepeat() ? FabrikString::rtrimWord($name, "][{$repeatCounter}]") . "_image][{$repeatCounter}]" : $id . '_image';
         $bits = explode('/', $value);
         $image = array_pop($bits);
         // $$$ hugh - append $rootFolder to JPATH_SITE, otherwise we're showing folders
         // they aren't supposed to be able to see.
         $folders = JFolder::folders(JPATH_SITE . DS . $rootFolder);
         // @TODO - if $folders is empty, hide the button/widget?  All they can do is select
         // from the initial image dropdown list, so no point having the widget for changing folder?
         $str[] = '<br/>' . JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $images, $imageName, 'class="inputbox imageselector" ', 'value', 'text', $image);
         $str[] = FabrikHelperHTML::folderAjaxSelect($folders);
         $str[] = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $value . '" class="fabrikinput hiddenimagepath folderpath" />';
     } else {
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $value = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($value, $data);
         $linkURL = $params->get('link_url', '');
         $imgstr = '<img src="' . $defaultImage . '" alt="' . $value . '" ' . $float . ' class="imagedisplayor"/>' . "\n";
         if ($linkURL) {
             $imgstr = '<a href="' . $linkURL . '" target="_blank">' . $imgstr . '</a>';
         $str[] = $imgstr;
         $str[] = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $value . '" class="fabrikinput hiddenimagepath folderpath" />';
     $str[] = '</div>';
     return implode("\n", $str);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Insert appropriate script links into document
 public function onSh404sefInsertSocialButtons(&$page, $sefConfig)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     // are we in the backend - that would be a mistake
     if (!defined('SH404SEF_IS_RUNNING') || $app->isAdmin()) {
     // don't display on errors
     $pageInfo = Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->httpStatus) && $pageInfo->httpStatus == 404) {
     // regexp to catch plugin requests
     $regExp = '#{sh404sef_social_buttons(.*)}#Us';
     // search for our marker}
     if (preg_match_all($regExp, $page, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER) > 0) {
         // process matches
         foreach ($matches as $id => $match) {
             $url = '';
             $imageSrc = '';
             $imageDesc = '';
             // extract target URL
             if (!empty($match[1])) {
                 //normally, there is no quotes around attributes
                 // but a description will probably have spaces, so we
                 // now try to get attributes from both syntax
                 $attributes = JUtility::parseAttributes($match[1]);
                 $url = empty($attributes['url']) ? '' : $attributes['url'];
                 $imageSrc = empty($attributes['img']) ? '' : $attributes['img'];
                 $imageDesc = empty($attributes['desc']) ? '' : $attributes['desc'];
                 $type = empty($attributes['type']) ? '' : $attributes['type'];
                 // now process usual tags
                 $raw = explode(' ', $match[1]);
                 $attributes = array();
                 $enabledButtons = array();
                 foreach ($raw as $attribute) {
                     $attribute = JString::trim($attribute);
                     if (strpos($attribute, '=') === false) {
                     $bits = explode('=', $attribute);
                     if (empty($bits[1])) {
                     switch ($bits[0]) {
                         case 'url':
                             if (empty($url)) {
                                 $base = JURI::base(true);
                                 if (substr($bits[1], 0, 10) == 'index.php?') {
                                     $url = JURI::getInstance()->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')) . JRoute::_($bits[1]);
                                 } else {
                                     if (substr($bits[1], 0, JString::strlen($base)) == $base) {
                                         $url = JURI::getInstance()->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')) . $bits[1];
                                     } else {
                                         if (substr($bits[1], 0, 1) == '/') {
                                             $url = JString::rtrim(JURI::base(), '/') . $bits[1];
                                         } else {
                                             $url = $bits[1];
                         case 'type':
                             $newType = trim(strtolower($bits[1]));
                             if (!in_array($newType, $enabledButtons)) {
                                 $enabledButtons[] = $newType;
                         case 'img':
                             $imageSrc = empty($imageSrc) ? strtolower($bits[1]) : $imageSrc;
                 if (!empty($enabledButtons)) {
                     $this->_enabledButtons = $enabledButtons;
             // get buttons html
             $buttons = $this->_sh404sefGetSocialButtons($sefConfig, $url, $context = '', $content = null, $imageSrc, $imageDesc);
             $buttons = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $buttons);
             // replace in document
             $page = str_replace($match[0], $buttons, $page);
     // insert head links as needed
     $this->_insertSocialLinks($page, $sefConfig);
function shIsAnyHomepage( $string) {

  static $pages = array();
  static $home = '';
  static $cleanedHomeLinks = array();

  if( !isset( $pages[$string])) {
    $pageInfo = & Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo();
    if(empty( $cleanedHomeLinks)) {
      foreach( $pageInfo->homeLinks as $link) {
        $cleanedHomeLinks[] = shCleanUpPag( $link);

    $shTempString = JString::rtrim(str_replace($pageInfo->getDefaultLiveSite(), '', $string), '/');
    $shTempString = shSortUrl(shCleanUpPag($shTempString));

    // check all homepages
    $pages[$string] = false;
    foreach( $cleanedHomeLinks as $link) {
      if( $link == $shTempString) {
        $pages[$string] = true;

  return $pages[$string];
Exemplo n.º 10
  * @group String
  * @covers JString::rtrim
  * @dataProvider rtrimData
 public function testRtrim($string, $charlist, $expect)
     if ($charlist === null) {
         $actual = JString::rtrim($string);
     } else {
         $actual = JString::rtrim($string, $charlist);
     $this->assertEquals($expect, $actual);
Exemplo n.º 11
     //Make sure host name matches our config, we need this later.
     if (strpos($GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'], $shPageInfo->URI->host) === false && strpos($sefConfig->shConfig_live_secure_site, $shPageInfo->URI->host) === false) {
         _log('Redirecting to home : host don\'t match our config : ' . $GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'] . ' | ' . $shPageInfo->URI->host . ' | ' . $sefConfig->shConfig_live_secure_site);
     } else {
         $shPageInfo->shCurrentPageURL = $shPageInfo->URI->protocol . '://' . $shPageInfo->URI->host . (!sh404SEF_USE_NON_STANDARD_PORT || empty($shPageInfo->URI->port) ? '' : ':' . $shPageInfo->URI->port) . $shPageInfo->URI->path;
         _log('Current page URL : ' . $shPageInfo->shCurrentPageURL);
         $shPageInfo->shCurrentPagePath = str_replace($GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'], '', $shPageInfo->shCurrentPageURL);
         _log('Current page path : ' . $shPageInfo->shCurrentPagePath);
         if (empty($sefConfig->shRewriteMode)) {
             $shPageInfo->baseUrl = $shPageInfo->shCurrentPageURL;
         } else {
             $shPageInfo->baseUrl = $GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'] . JString::rtrim($sefConfig->shRewriteStrings[$sefConfig->shRewriteMode], '/') . $shPageInfo->shCurrentPagePath;
         // V 1.2.4.s PR2 : workaround for Virtuemart cookie check issue
         // see second part in shSef404.php
         if (shIsSearchEngine()) {
             // simulate doing successfull cookie check
             _log('Setting VMCHECK cookie for search engine');
             $_COOKIE['VMCHECK'] = 'OK';
             $_REQUEST['vmcchk'] = 1;
             // from VM 1.1.2 onward, result is stored in session, not cookie
             $_SESSION['VMCHECK'] = 'OK';
 } else {
     JError::RaiseError(COM_SH404SEF_NOREAD . "( {$sef404} )<br />" . COM_SH404SEF_CHK_PERMS);
  * Insert appropriate script links into document
 public function onSh404sefInsertSocialButtons(&$page, $sefConfig)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     // are we in the backend - that would be a mistake
     if (!defined('SH404SEF_IS_RUNNING') || $app->isAdmin()) {
     // don't display on errors
     $pageInfo = Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->httpStatus) && $pageInfo->httpStatus == 404) {
     // regexp to catch plugin requests
     $regExp = '#{sh404sef_social_buttons(.*)}#Us';
     // search for our marker}
     if (preg_match_all($regExp, $page, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER) > 0) {
         // process matches
         foreach ($matches as $id => $match) {
             $url = '';
             // extract target URL
             if (!empty($match[1])) {
                 $raw = explode(' ', $match[1]);
                 $attributes = array();
                 $enabledButtons = array();
                 foreach ($raw as $attribute) {
                     $attribute = JString::trim($attribute);
                     if (strpos($attribute, '=') === false) {
                     $bits = explode('=', $attribute);
                     if (empty($bits[1])) {
                     switch ($bits[0]) {
                         case 'url':
                             $base = JURI::base(true);
                             if (substr($bits[1], 0, 10) == 'index.php?') {
                                 $url = JURI::getInstance()->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')) . JRoute::_($bits[1]);
                             } else {
                                 if (substr($bits[1], 0, JString::strlen($base)) == $base) {
                                     $url = JURI::getInstance()->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')) . $bits[1];
                                 } else {
                                     if (substr($bits[1], 0, 1) == '/') {
                                         $url = JString::rtrim(JURI::base(), '/') . $bits[1];
                                     } else {
                                         $url = $bits[1];
                         case 'type':
                             $enabledButtons[] = strtolower($bits[1]);
                 if (!empty($enabledButtons)) {
                     $this->_enabledButtons = $enabledButtons;
             // get buttons html
             $buttons = $this->_sh404sefGetSocialButtons($sefConfig, $url);
             $buttons = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $buttons);
             // replace in document
             $page = str_replace($match[0], $buttons, $page);
     // insert head links as needed
     $this->_insertSocialLinks($page, $sefConfig);
Exemplo n.º 13
function shIsHomepage($string)
    static $pages = array();
    static $home = '';
    global $shHomeLink;
    if (!isset($pages[$string])) {
        if (empty($home) && !empty($shHomeLink)) {
            $home = shSortUrl(shCleanUpLangAndPag($shHomeLink));
        $shTempString = JString::rtrim(str_replace($GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'], '', $string), '/');
        $pages[$string] = shSortUrl(shCleanUpLangAndPag($shTempString)) == $home;
        // version t added sorting
    return $pages[$string];
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Return the absolute URI path to the resource
 public function getURI($storageId)
     $root = JString::rtrim(JURI::root(), '/');
     $storageId = JString::ltrim($storageId, '/');
     return $root . '/' . $storageId;
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Get the path (relative to site root?) to the smaller file
  * @param   string  $file  large file path
  * @param   string  $type  type (thumb or crop)
  * @return  string
 protected function _getSmallerFile($file, $type)
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     // $$$ rob wasn't working when getting thumb path on upload
     $ulDir = JPath::clean($params->get('ul_directory'));
     $ulDir = str_replace("\\", "/", $ulDir);
     // If we're deleting a file, See http://fabrikar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31715
     $file = str_replace("\\", "/", $file);
     // Replace things like $my->id may barf on other stuff
     $afile = str_replace(JURI::root(), '', $file);
     $afile = JString::ltrim($afile, "/");
     $ulDir = JString::ltrim($ulDir, "/");
     $ulDir = JString::rtrim($ulDir, "/");
     $ulDirbits = explode('/', $ulDir);
     $filebits = explode('/', $afile);
     $match = array();
     $replace = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($filebits); $i++) {
         if (array_key_exists($i, $ulDirbits) && $filebits[$i] != $ulDirbits[$i]) {
             $match[] = $ulDirbits[$i];
             $replace[] = $filebits[$i];
     $ulDir = str_replace($match, $replace, $ulDir);
     // $$$ rob wasn't working when getting thumb path on upload
     $typeDir = $type == 'thumb' ? $params->get('thumb_dir') : $params->get('fileupload_crop_dir');
     $thumbdir = str_replace($match, $replace, $typeDir);
     $ulDir = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($ulDir);
     $thumbdir = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($thumbdir);
     $file = str_replace($ulDir, $thumbdir, $file);
     $file = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($file);
     $f = basename($file);
     $dir = dirname($file);
     $ext = JFile::getExt($f);
     // Remove extension
     $fclean = str_replace('.' . $ext, '', $f);
     if ($type == 'thumb') {
         // $f replaced by $fclean, $ext
         $file = $dir . '/' . $params->get('thumb_prefix') . $fclean . $params->get('thumb_suffix') . '.' . $ext;
     } else {
         $file = $dir . '/' . $f;
     return $file;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * internally render the plugin, and add required script declarations
  * to the document
 function render()
     require_once COM_FABRIK_FRONTEND . '/helpers/html.php';
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $config = JFactory::getConfig();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $c = 0;
     $images = (array) $params->get('coverflow_image');
     $titles = (array) $params->get('coverflow_title');
     $subtitles = (array) $params->get('coverflow_subtitle');
     $config = JFactory::getConfig();
     $listids = (array) $params->get('coverflow_table');
     $eventdata = array();
     foreach ($listids as $listid) {
         $listModel = JModel::getInstance('List', 'FabrikFEModel');
         $list = $listModel->getTable();
         $nav = $listModel->getPagination(0, 0, 0);
         $image = $images[$c];
         $title = $titles[$c];
         $subtitle = $subtitles[$c];
         $data = $listModel->getData();
         if ($listModel->canView() || $listModel->canEdit()) {
             $elements = $listModel->getElements();
             $imageElement = JArrayHelper::getValue($elements, FabrikString::safeColName($image));
             $action = $app->isAdmin() ? "task" : "view";
             $nextview = $listModel->canEdit() ? "form" : "details";
             foreach ($data as $group) {
                 if (is_array($group)) {
                     foreach ($group as $row) {
                         $event = new stdClass();
                         if (!method_exists($imageElement, 'getStorage')) {
                             //JError::raiseError(500, 'Looks like you selected a element other than a fileupload element for the coverflows image element');
                             switch (get_class($imageElement)) {
                                 case 'FabrikModelFabrikImage':
                                     $rootFolder = $imageElement->getParams()->get('selectImage_root_folder');
                                     $rootFolder = JString::ltrim($rootFolder, '/');
                                     $rootFolder = JString::rtrim($rootFolder, '/');
                                     $event->image = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . 'images/stories/' . $rootFolder . '/' . $row->{$image . '_raw'};
                                     $event->image = isset($row->{$image . '_raw'}) ? $row->{$image . '_raw'} : '';
                         } else {
                             $event->image = $imageElement->getStorage()->pathToURL($row->{$image . '_raw'});
                         $event->title = (string) strip_tags($row->{$title});
                         $event->subtitle = (string) strip_tags($row->{$subtitle});
                         $eventdata[] = $event;
     $json = json_encode($eventdata);
     $str = "var coverflow = new FbVisCoverflow({$json});";
     $srcs = FabrikHelperHTML::framework();
     $srcs[] = $this->srcBase . 'coverflow/coverflow.js';
     FabrikHelperHTML::script($srcs, $str);
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Parse the url into parts
  * @param &string &$raw_url the raw url to parse
  * @param bool $relative_url allow relative URLs
  * @return an object (if successful) with the parts as attributes (or a error string in case of error)
 private static function parse_url(&$raw_url, $relative_url)
     // Set up the return object
     $result = new JObject();
     $result->error = false;
     $result->relative = $relative_url;
     // Handle relative URLs
     $url = $raw_url;
     if ($relative_url) {
         $uri = JFactory::getURI();
         $url = $uri->base(true) . "/" . $raw_url;
     // Thanks to http://www.roscripts.com/PHP_regular_expressions_examples-136.html
     // For parts of the URL regular expression here
     if (preg_match('^(?P<protocol>\\b[A-Z]+\\b://)?' . '(?P<domain>[-A-Z0-9\\.]+)?' . ':?(?P<port>[0-9]*)' . '(?P<path>/[-A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|!:,.;]*)' . '?(?P<parameters>\\?[-A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|!:,.;]*)?^i', $url, $match)) {
         // Get the protocol (if any)
         $protocol = '';
         if (isset($match['protocol']) && $match['protocol']) {
             $protocol = JString::rtrim($match['protocol'], '/:');
         // Get the domain (if any)
         $domain = '';
         if (isset($match['domain']) && $match['domain']) {
             $domain = $match['domain'];
         // Figure out the port
         $port = null;
         if ($protocol == 'http') {
             $port = 80;
         } elseif ($protocol == 'https') {
             $ports = 443;
         } elseif ($protocol == 'ftp') {
             $ports = 21;
         } elseif ($protocol == '') {
             $port = 80;
         } else {
             // Unrecognized protocol
             $result->error = true;
             $result->error_code = 'url_unknown_protocol';
             $result->error_msg = JText::sprintf('ATTACH_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROTCOL_S_IN_URL_S', $protocol, $raw_url);
             return $result;
         // Override the port if specified
         if (isset($match['port']) && $match['port']) {
             $port = (int) $match['port'];
         // Default to HTTP if protocol/port is missing
         if (!$port) {
             $port = 80;
         // Get the path and reconstruct the full path
         if (isset($match['path']) && $match['path']) {
             $path = $match['path'];
         } else {
             $path = '/';
         // Get the parameters (if any)
         if (isset($match['parameters']) && $match['parameters']) {
             $parameters = $match['parameters'];
         } else {
             $parameters = '';
         // Handle relative URLs (or missing info)
         if ($relative_url) {
             // Do nothing
         } else {
             // If it is not a relative URL, make sure we have a protocl and domain
             if ($protocol == '') {
                 $protocol = 'http';
             if ($domain == '') {
                 // Reject bad url syntax
                 $result->error = true;
                 $result->error_code = 'url_no_domain';
                 $result->error_msg = JText::sprintf('ATTACH_ERROR_IN_URL_SYNTAX_S', $raw_url);
         // Save the information
         $result->protocol = $protocol;
         $result->domain = $domain;
         $result->port = $port;
         $result->path = str_replace('//', '/', $path);
         $result->params = $parameters;
         $result->url = str_replace('//', '/', $path . $result->params);
     } else {
         // Reject bad url syntax
         $result->error = true;
         $result->error_code = 'url_bad_syntax';
         $result->error_msg = JText::sprintf('ATTACH_ERROR_IN_URL_SYNTAX_S', $raw_url);
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 18
                 shRedirect($shPageInfo->URI->protocol . '://' . str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . (!sh404SEF_USE_NON_STANDARD_PORT || empty($shPageInfo->URI->port) ? '' : ':' . $shPageInfo->URI->port)) . $shPageInfo->shSaveRequestURI);
     //Make sure host name matches our config, we need this later.
     if (!empty($shPageInfo->URI->host) && strpos($GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'], $shPageInfo->URI->host) === false && strpos($sefConfig->shConfig_live_secure_site, $shPageInfo->URI->host) === false) {
         _log('Redirecting to home : host don\'t match our config : ' . $GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'] . ' | ' . $shPageInfo->URI->host . ' | ' . $sefConfig->shConfig_live_secure_site);
     } else {
         $shPageInfo->shCurrentPagePath = $shPageInfo->URI->protocol . '://' . $shPageInfo->URI->host . (!sh404SEF_USE_NON_STANDARD_PORT || empty($shPageInfo->URI->port) ? '' : ':' . $shPageInfo->URI->port) . $shPageInfo->URI->path;
         $shPageInfo->shCurrentPagePath = shUrlDecode($shPageInfo->shCurrentPagePath);
         $shPageInfo->shCurrentPagePath = str_replace($GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'], '', $shPageInfo->shCurrentPagePath);
         _log('Current page path : ' . $shPageInfo->shCurrentPagePath);
         $qString = $shPageInfo->URI->getQueryString();
         $shPageInfo->shCurrentPageURL = empty($qString) ? $shPageInfo->shCurrentPagePath : $shPageInfo->shCurrentPagePath . '?' . JString::ltrim($qString, '&');
         $rewriteBit = empty($sefConfig->shRewriteMode) ? '' : JString::rtrim($sefConfig->shRewriteStrings[$sefConfig->shRewriteMode], '/');
         $shPageInfo->baseUrl = $GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'] . $rewriteBit . $shPageInfo->shCurrentPagePath;
         _log('Current base url : ' . $shPageInfo->baseUrl);
         // V 1.2.4.s PR2 : workaround for Virtuemart cookie check issue
         // see second part in shSef404.php
         if (shIsSearchEngine()) {
             // simulate doing successfull cookie check
             _log('Setting VMCHECK cookie for search engine');
             $_COOKIE['VMCHECK'] = 'OK';
             $_REQUEST['vmcchk'] = 1;
             // from VM 1.1.2 onward, result is stored in session, not cookie
             $_SESSION['VMCHECK'] = 'OK';
 } else {
     JError::RaiseError(COM_SH404SEF_NOREAD . "( {$sef404} )<br />" . COM_SH404SEF_CHK_PERMS);
Exemplo n.º 19
 function _parseSefRoute(&$uri)
     $vars = array();
     _log('_parseSefRoute, parsing _uri ' . $uri->_uri);
     _log('_parseSefRoute, parsing _host ' . $uri->_host);
     _log('_parseSefRoute, parsing _path ' . $uri->_path);
     include JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_sh404sef' . DS . 'sh404sef.inc.php';
     if (shIsMultilingual() == 'joomfish') {
         $currentLangShortCode = $GLOBALS['shMosConfig_shortcode'];
         $conf =& JFactory::getConfig();
         $configDefaultLanguage = $conf->getValue('config.language');
         $tmp = explode('-', str_replace('_', '-', $configDefaultLanguage));
         $defaultLangShortCode = $tmp[0];
     } else {
         $currentLang = '';
     $jMenu = null;
     $shMenu = null;
     // set active menu if changed
     if (!empty($vars['Itemid'])) {
         $newItemid = intval($vars['Itemid']);
         if (!empty($newItemid)) {
             $jMenu =& JSite::getMenu();
             $shMenu =& shRouter::shGetMenu();
     //Set the variables
     // set language again, as Joomfish may have set it according to user cookie
     if (shIsMultilingual() == 'joomfish' && !empty($vars['lang']) && $vars['lang'] != $currentLangShortCode) {
         JRequest::setVar('lang', $vars['lang']);
         // we also need to fix the main menu, as joomfish has set it to the wrong language
         if (empty($shMenu) || empty($shMenu)) {
             $jMenu =& JSite::getMenu();
             $shMenu =& shRouter::shGetMenu();
         $sefLang = TableJFLanguage::createByShortcode($vars['lang'], false);
         $jMenu->_items = shGetJFMenu($sefLang->code, false, $jMenu->_items);
         $shMenu->_items = shGetJFMenu($sefLang->code, false, $shMenu->_items);
         // and finally we can set new joomfish language
     // last fix is to remove the home flag if other than default language
     if (shIsMultilingual() == 'joomfish' && !empty($vars['lang']) && $vars['lang'] != $defaultLangShortCode) {
         if (empty($shMenu) || empty($shMenu)) {
             $jMenu =& JSite::getMenu();
             $shMenu =& shRouter::shGetMenu();
         $jDefaultItem =& $jMenu->getDefault();
         $jDefaultItem->home = 0;
         $shDefaultItem =& $shMenu->getDefault();
         $shDefaultItem->home = 0;
     // and finally we can set new joomfish language
     if (shIsMultilingual() == 'joomfish' && !empty($vars['lang']) && $vars['lang'] != $currentLangShortCode) {
     // real last fix is to fix the $uri object, which Joomfish broke as it intended the path to be
     // parsed by Joomla router, not ours
     if (shIsMultilingual() == 'joomfish') {
         $myUri =& JURI::getInstance();
         // fix the path
         if (!empty($sefConfig->shRewriteMode)) {
             $rewriteBit = JString::rtrim($sefConfig->shRewriteStrings[$sefConfig->shRewriteMode], '/');
         } else {
             $rewriteBit = '';
         $path = rtrim($shPageInfo->base, '/') . $rewriteBit . $shPageInfo->shCurrentPagePath;
         // remove the lang query that JF added to $uri
     return $vars;
Exemplo n.º 20

 * SEF extension for Joomla!
 * Originally written for Mambo as 404SEF by W. H. Welch.
 * @author      $Author: shumisha $
 * @copyright   Yannick Gaultier - 2009-2010
 * @package     sh404SEF-15
 * @license     http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL
 * @version     $Id: uninstall.sh404sef.php 1842 2011-03-02 19:51:18Z silianacom-svn $
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');
global $mainframe;
$front_live_site = JString::rtrim(str_replace('/administrator', '', JURI::base()), '/');
// V 1.2.4.t improved upgrading
function shDeletetable($tableName)
    $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
    $sql = 'DROP TABLE #__' . $tableName;
function shDeleteAllSEFUrl($kind)
    $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
    $sql = 'DELETE FROM #__redirection WHERE ';
    if ($kind == 'Custom') {
        $where = '`dateadd` > \'0000-00-00\' and `newurl` != \'\';';
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 21
 protected function _setPageInfo($uri)
     if (self::$requestParsed) {
     // get pageInfo object and set some of its properties
     $pageInfo = Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo();
     $pageInfo->shCurrentPageNonSef = 'index.php' . $uri->toString(array('query', 'fragment'));
     $pageInfo->shCurrentPageURL = $uri->get('_uri');
     $site = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port'));
     $pageInfo->basePath = JString::rtrim(str_replace($site, '', $uri->base()), '/');
Exemplo n.º 22
function shIsHomepage($string)
    static $pages = array();
    global $shHomeLink;
    $md5 = md5($string);
    if (!isset($pages[$md5])) {
        $shTempString = JString::rtrim(str_replace($GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'], '', $string), '/');
        $pages[$md5] = shSortUrl(shCleanUpLangAndPag($shTempString)) == shSortUrl(shCleanUpLangAndPag($shHomeLink));
        // version t added sorting
    return $pages[$md5];
Exemplo n.º 23
    function shSEFConfig()
        $sef_config_file = sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'config/config.sef.php';
        $app = JFactory::getApplication();
        if ($app->isAdmin()) {
        if (shFileExists($sef_config_file)) {
            include $sef_config_file;
        // shumisha : 2007-04-01 new parameters !
        if (isset($shUseURLCache)) {
            $this->shUseURLCache = $shUseURLCache;
        // shumisha : 2007-04-01 new parameters !
        if (isset($shMaxURLInCache)) {
            $this->shMaxURLInCache = $shMaxURLInCache;
        // shumisha : 2007-04-01 new parameters !
        if (isset($shTranslateURL)) {
            $this->shTranslateURL = $shTranslateURL;
        //V 1.2.4.m
        if (isset($shInsertLanguageCode)) {
            $this->shInsertLanguageCode = $shInsertLanguageCode;
        if (isset($notTranslateURLList)) {
            $this->notTranslateURLList = $notTranslateURLList;
        if (isset($notInsertIsoCodeList)) {
            $this->notInsertIsoCodeList = $notInsertIsoCodeList;
        // shumisha : 2007-04-03 new parameters !
        if (isset($shInsertGlobalItemidIfNone)) {
            $this->shInsertGlobalItemidIfNone = $shInsertGlobalItemidIfNone;
        if (isset($shInsertTitleIfNoItemid)) {
            $this->shInsertTitleIfNoItemid = $shInsertTitleIfNoItemid;
        if (isset($shAlwaysInsertMenuTitle)) {
            $this->shAlwaysInsertMenuTitle = $shAlwaysInsertMenuTitle;
        if (isset($shAlwaysInsertItemid)) {
            $this->shAlwaysInsertItemid = $shAlwaysInsertItemid;
        if (isset($shDefaultMenuItemName)) {
            $this->shDefaultMenuItemName = $shDefaultMenuItemName;
        if (isset($shAppendRemainingGETVars)) {
            $this->shAppendRemainingGETVars = $shAppendRemainingGETVars;
        if (isset($shVmInsertShopName)) {
            $this->shVmInsertShopName = $shVmInsertShopName;
        if (isset($shInsertProductId)) {
            $this->shInsertProductId = $shInsertProductId;
        if (isset($shVmUseProductSKU)) {
            $this->shVmUseProductSKU = $shVmUseProductSKU;
        if (isset($shVmInsertManufacturerName)) {
            $this->shVmInsertManufacturerName = $shVmInsertManufacturerName;
        if (isset($shInsertManufacturerId)) {
            $this->shInsertManufacturerId = $shInsertManufacturerId;
        if (isset($shVMInsertCategories)) {
            $this->shVMInsertCategories = $shVMInsertCategories;
        if (isset($shVmAdditionalText)) {
            $this->shVmAdditionalText = $shVmAdditionalText;
        if (isset($shVmInsertFlypage)) {
            $this->shVmInsertFlypage = $shVmInsertFlypage;
        if (isset($shInsertCategoryId)) {
            $this->shInsertCategoryId = $shInsertCategoryId;
        if (isset($shReplacements)) {
            $this->shReplacements = $shReplacements;
        if (isset($shInsertNumericalId)) {
            $this->shInsertNumericalId = $shInsertNumericalId;
        if (isset($shInsertNumericalIdCatList)) {
            $this->shInsertNumericalIdCatList = $shInsertNumericalIdCatList;
        if (isset($shRedirectNonSefToSef)) {
            $this->shRedirectNonSefToSef = $shRedirectNonSefToSef;
        // disabled, can't be implemented safely
        //if (isset($shRedirectJoomlaSefToSef)) $this->shRedirectJoomlaSefToSef = $shRedirectJoomlaSefToSef;
        if (isset($shConfig_live_secure_site)) {
            $this->shConfig_live_secure_site = JString::rtrim($shConfig_live_secure_site, '/');
        if (isset($shActivateIJoomlaMagInContent)) {
            $this->shActivateIJoomlaMagInContent = $shActivateIJoomlaMagInContent;
        if (isset($shInsertIJoomlaMagIssueId)) {
            $this->shInsertIJoomlaMagIssueId = $shInsertIJoomlaMagIssueId;
        if (isset($shInsertIJoomlaMagName)) {
            $this->shInsertIJoomlaMagName = $shInsertIJoomlaMagName;
        if (isset($shInsertIJoomlaMagMagazineId)) {
            $this->shInsertIJoomlaMagMagazineId = $shInsertIJoomlaMagMagazineId;
        if (isset($shInsertIJoomlaMagArticleId)) {
            $this->shInsertIJoomlaMagArticleId = $shInsertIJoomlaMagArticleId;
        if (isset($shInsertCBName)) {
            $this->shInsertCBName = $shInsertCBName;
        if (isset($shCBInsertUserName)) {
            $this->shCBInsertUserName = $shCBInsertUserName;
        if (isset($shCBInsertUserId)) {
            $this->shCBInsertUserId = $shCBInsertUserId;
        if (isset($shCBUseUserPseudo)) {
            $this->shCBUseUserPseudo = $shCBUseUserPseudo;
        if (isset($shInsertMyBlogName)) {
            $this->shInsertMyBlogName = $shInsertMyBlogName;
        if (isset($shMyBlogInsertPostId)) {
            $this->shMyBlogInsertPostId = $shMyBlogInsertPostId;
        if (isset($shMyBlogInsertTagId)) {
            $this->shMyBlogInsertTagId = $shMyBlogInsertTagId;
        if (isset($shMyBlogInsertBloggerId)) {
            $this->shMyBlogInsertBloggerId = $shMyBlogInsertBloggerId;
        if (isset($shInsertDocmanName)) {
            $this->shInsertDocmanName = $shInsertDocmanName;
        if (isset($shDocmanInsertDocId)) {
            $this->shDocmanInsertDocId = $shDocmanInsertDocId;
        if (isset($shDocmanInsertDocName)) {
            $this->shDocmanInsertDocName = $shDocmanInsertDocName;
        if (isset($shLog404Errors)) {
            $this->shLog404Errors = $shLog404Errors;
        if (isset($shLMDefaultItemid)) {
            $this->shLMDefaultItemid = $shLMDefaultItemid;
        if (isset($shInsertFireboardName)) {
            $this->shInsertFireboardName = $shInsertFireboardName;
        if (isset($shFbInsertCategoryName)) {
            $this->shFbInsertCategoryName = $shFbInsertCategoryName;
        if (isset($shFbInsertCategoryId)) {
            $this->shFbInsertCategoryId = $shFbInsertCategoryId;
        if (isset($shFbInsertMessageSubject)) {
            $this->shFbInsertMessageSubject = $shFbInsertMessageSubject;
        if (isset($shFbInsertMessageId)) {
            $this->shFbInsertMessageId = $shFbInsertMessageId;
        if (isset($shDoNotOverrideOwnSef)) {
            // V 1.2.4.m
            $this->shDoNotOverrideOwnSef = $shDoNotOverrideOwnSef;
        if (isset($shEncodeUrl)) {
            // V 1.2.4.m
            $this->shEncodeUrl = $shEncodeUrl;
        if (isset($guessItemidOnHomepage)) {
            // V 1.2.4.q
            $this->guessItemidOnHomepage = $guessItemidOnHomepage;
        if (isset($shForceNonSefIfHttps)) {
            // V 1.2.4.q
            $this->shForceNonSefIfHttps = $shForceNonSefIfHttps;
        if (isset($shRewriteMode)) {
            // V 1.2.4.s
            $this->shRewriteMode = $shRewriteMode;
        if (isset($shRewriteStrings)) {
            // V 1.2.4.s
            $this->shRewriteStrings = $shRewriteStrings;
        if (isset($shMetaManagementActivated)) {
            // V 1.2.4.s
            $this->shMetaManagementActivated = $shMetaManagementActivated;
        if (isset($shRemoveGeneratorTag)) {
            // V 1.2.4.s
            $this->shRemoveGeneratorTag = $shRemoveGeneratorTag;
        if (isset($shPutH1Tags)) {
            // V 1.2.4.s
            $this->shPutH1Tags = $shPutH1Tags;
        if (isset($shInsertContentTableName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.s
            $this->shInsertContentTableName = $shInsertContentTableName;
        if (isset($shContentTableName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.s
            $this->shContentTableName = $shContentTableName;
        if (isset($shAutoRedirectWww)) {
            // V 1.2.4.s
            $this->shAutoRedirectWww = $shAutoRedirectWww;
        if (isset($shVmInsertProductName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.s
            $this->shVmInsertProductName = $shVmInsertProductName;
        if (isset($shDMInsertCategories)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shDMInsertCategories = $shDMInsertCategories;
        if (isset($shDMInsertCategoryId)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shDMInsertCategoryId = $shDMInsertCategoryId;
        if (isset($shForcedHomePage)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shForcedHomePage = $shForcedHomePage;
        if (isset($shInsertContentBlogName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shInsertContentBlogName = $shInsertContentBlogName;
        if (isset($shContentBlogName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shContentBlogName = $shContentBlogName;
        if (isset($shInsertMTreeName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shInsertMTreeName = $shInsertMTreeName;
        if (isset($shMTreeInsertListingName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shMTreeInsertListingName = $shMTreeInsertListingName;
        if (isset($shMTreeInsertListingId)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shMTreeInsertListingId = $shMTreeInsertListingId;
        if (isset($shMTreePrependListingId)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shMTreePrependListingId = $shMTreePrependListingId;
        if (isset($shMTreeInsertCategories)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shMTreeInsertCategories = $shMTreeInsertCategories;
        if (isset($shMTreeInsertCategoryId)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shMTreeInsertCategoryId = $shMTreeInsertCategoryId;
        if (isset($shMTreeInsertUserName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shMTreeInsertUserName = $shMTreeInsertUserName;
        if (isset($shMTreeInsertUserId)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shMTreeInsertUserId = $shMTreeInsertUserId;
        if (isset($shInsertNewsPName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shInsertNewsPName = $shInsertNewsPName;
        if (isset($shNewsPInsertCatId)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shNewsPInsertCatId = $shNewsPInsertCatId;
        if (isset($shNewsPInsertSecId)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shNewsPInsertSecId = $shNewsPInsertSecId;
        if (isset($shInsertRemoName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shInsertRemoName = $shInsertRemoName;
        if (isset($shRemoInsertDocId)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shRemoInsertDocId = $shRemoInsertDocId;
        if (isset($shRemoInsertDocName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shRemoInsertDocName = $shRemoInsertDocName;
        if (isset($shRemoInsertCategories)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shRemoInsertCategories = $shRemoInsertCategories;
        if (isset($shRemoInsertCategoryId)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shRemoInsertCategoryId = $shRemoInsertCategoryId;
        if (isset($shCBShortUserURL)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shCBShortUserURL = $shCBShortUserURL;
        if (isset($shKeepStandardURLOnUpgrade)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shKeepStandardURLOnUpgrade = $shKeepStandardURLOnUpgrade;
        if (isset($shKeepCustomURLOnUpgrade)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shKeepCustomURLOnUpgrade = $shKeepCustomURLOnUpgrade;
        if (isset($shKeepMetaDataOnUpgrade)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shKeepMetaDataOnUpgrade = $shKeepMetaDataOnUpgrade;
        if (isset($shKeepModulesSettingsOnUpgrade)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shKeepModulesSettingsOnUpgrade = $shKeepModulesSettingsOnUpgrade;
        if (isset($shMultipagesTitle)) {
            // V 1.2.4.t
            $this->shMultipagesTitle = $shMultipagesTitle;
        // shumisha end of new parameters
        if (isset($Enabled)) {
            $this->Enabled = $Enabled;
        if (isset($replacement)) {
            $this->replacement = $replacement;
        if (isset($pagerep)) {
            $this->pagerep = $pagerep;
        if (isset($stripthese)) {
            $this->stripthese = $stripthese;
        if (isset($friendlytrim)) {
            $this->friendlytrim = $friendlytrim;
        if (isset($suffix)) {
            $this->suffix = $suffix;
        if (isset($addFile)) {
            $this->addFile = $addFile;
        if (isset($LowerCase)) {
            $this->LowerCase = $LowerCase;
        if (isset($HideCat)) {
            $this->HideCat = $HideCat;
        if (isset($replacement)) {
            $this->UseAlias = $UseAlias;
        if (isset($UseAlias)) {
            $this->page404 = $page404;
        if (isset($predefined)) {
            $this->predefined = $predefined;
        if (isset($skip)) {
            $this->skip = $skip;
        if (isset($nocache)) {
            $this->nocache = $nocache;
        // V x
        if (isset($shKeepConfigOnUpgrade)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->shKeepConfigOnUpgrade = $shKeepConfigOnUpgrade;
        if (isset($shSecEnableSecurity)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->shSecEnableSecurity = $shSecEnableSecurity;
        if (isset($shSecLogAttacks)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->shSecLogAttacks = $shSecLogAttacks;
        if (isset($shSecOnlyNumVars)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->shSecOnlyNumVars = $shSecOnlyNumVars;
        if (isset($shSecAlphaNumVars)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->shSecAlphaNumVars = $shSecAlphaNumVars;
        if (isset($shSecNoProtocolVars)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->shSecNoProtocolVars = $shSecNoProtocolVars;
        $this->ipWhiteList = shReadFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'security/sh404SEF_IP_white_list.dat');
        $this->ipBlackList = shReadFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'security/sh404SEF_IP_black_list.dat');
        $this->uAgentWhiteList = shReadFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'security/sh404SEF_uAgent_white_list.dat');
        $this->uAgentBlackList = shReadFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'security/sh404SEF_uAgent_black_list.dat');
        if (isset($shSecCheckHoneyPot)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->shSecCheckHoneyPot = $shSecCheckHoneyPot;
        if (isset($shSecDebugHoneyPot)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->shSecDebugHoneyPot = $shSecDebugHoneyPot;
        if (isset($shSecHoneyPotKey)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->shSecHoneyPotKey = $shSecHoneyPotKey;
        if (isset($shSecEntranceText)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->shSecEntranceText = $shSecEntranceText;
        if (isset($shSecSmellyPotText)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->shSecSmellyPotText = $shSecSmellyPotText;
        if (isset($monthsToKeepLogs)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->monthsToKeepLogs = $monthsToKeepLogs;
        if (isset($shSecActivateAntiFlood)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->shSecActivateAntiFlood = $shSecActivateAntiFlood;
        if (isset($shSecAntiFloodOnlyOnPOST)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->shSecAntiFloodOnlyOnPOST = $shSecAntiFloodOnlyOnPOST;
        if (isset($shSecAntiFloodPeriod)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->shSecAntiFloodPeriod = $shSecAntiFloodPeriod;
        if (isset($shSecAntiFloodCount)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->shSecAntiFloodCount = $shSecAntiFloodCount;
        //  if (isset($insertSectionInBlogTableLinks))  // V 1.2.4.x
        //    $this->insertSectionInBlogTableLinks = $insertSectionInBlogTableLinks;
        $this->shLangTranslateList = $this->shInitLanguageList(isset($shLangTranslateList) ? $shLangTranslateList : null, 0, 0);
        $this->shLangInsertCodeList = $this->shInitLanguageList(isset($shLangInsertCodeList) ? $shLangInsertCodeList : null, 0, 0);
        if (isset($defaultComponentStringList)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->defaultComponentStringList = $defaultComponentStringList;
        $this->pageTexts = $this->shInitLanguageList(isset($pageTexts) ? $pageTexts : null, isset($pagetext) ? $pagetext : 'Page-%s', isset($pagetext) ? $pagetext : 'Page-%s');
        // use value from prev versions if any
        if (isset($shAdminInterfaceType)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->shAdminInterfaceType = $shAdminInterfaceType;
        // compatibility with version earlier than V x
        if (isset($shShopName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->defaultComponentStringList['virtuemart'] = $shShopName;
        if (isset($shIJoomlaMagName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->defaultComponentStringList['magazine'] = $shIJoomlaMagName;
        if (isset($shCBName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->defaultComponentStringList['comprofiler'] = $shCBName;
        if (isset($shFireboardName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->defaultComponentStringList['fireboard'] = $shFireboardName;
        if (isset($shMyBlogName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->defaultComponentStringList['myblog'] = $shMyBlogName;
        if (isset($shDocmanName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->defaultComponentStringList['docman'] = $shDocmanName;
        if (isset($shMTreeName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->defaultComponentStringList['mtree'] = $shMTreeName;
        if (isset($shNewsPName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->defaultComponentStringList['news_portal'] = $shNewsPName;
        if (isset($shRemoName)) {
            // V 1.2.4.x
            $this->defaultComponentStringList['remository'] = $shRemoName;
        // end of compatibility code
        // V 1.3 RC
        if (isset($shInsertNoFollowPDFPrint)) {
            $this->shInsertNoFollowPDFPrint = $shInsertNoFollowPDFPrint;
        if (isset($shInsertReadMorePageTitle)) {
            $this->shInsertReadMorePageTitle = $shInsertReadMorePageTitle;
        if (isset($shMultipleH1ToH2)) {
            $this->shMultipleH1ToH2 = $shMultipleH1ToH2;
        // V 1.3.1 RC
        if (isset($shVmUsingItemsPerPage)) {
            $this->shVmUsingItemsPerPage = $shVmUsingItemsPerPage;
        if (isset($shSecCheckPOSTData)) {
            $this->shSecCheckPOSTData = $shSecCheckPOSTData;
        if (isset($shSecCurMonth)) {
            $this->shSecCurMonth = $shSecCurMonth;
        if (isset($shSecLastUpdated)) {
            $this->shSecLastUpdated = $shSecLastUpdated;
        if (isset($shSecTotalAttacks)) {
            $this->shSecTotalAttacks = $shSecTotalAttacks;
        if (isset($shSecTotalConfigVars)) {
            $this->shSecTotalConfigVars = $shSecTotalConfigVars;
        if (isset($shSecTotalBase64)) {
            $this->shSecTotalBase64 = $shSecTotalBase64;
        if (isset($shSecTotalScripts)) {
            $this->shSecTotalScripts = $shSecTotalScripts;
        if (isset($shSecTotalStandardVars)) {
            $this->shSecTotalStandardVars = $shSecTotalStandardVars;
        if (isset($shSecTotalImgTxtCmd)) {
            $this->shSecTotalImgTxtCmd = $shSecTotalImgTxtCmd;
        if (isset($shSecTotalIPDenied)) {
            $this->shSecTotalIPDenied = $shSecTotalIPDenied;
        if (isset($shSecTotalUserAgentDenied)) {
            $this->shSecTotalUserAgentDenied = $shSecTotalUserAgentDenied;
        if (isset($shSecTotalFlooding)) {
            $this->shSecTotalFlooding = $shSecTotalFlooding;
        if (isset($shSecTotalPHP)) {
            $this->shSecTotalPHP = $shSecTotalPHP;
        if (isset($shSecTotalPHPUserClicked)) {
            $this->shSecTotalPHPUserClicked = $shSecTotalPHPUserClicked;
        if (isset($prependToPageTitle)) {
            $this->prependToPageTitle = $prependToPageTitle;
        if (isset($appendToPageTitle)) {
            $this->appendToPageTitle = $appendToPageTitle;
        if (isset($debugToLogFile)) {
            $this->debugToLogFile = $debugToLogFile;
        if (isset($debugStartedAt)) {
            $this->debugStartedAt = $debugStartedAt;
        if (isset($debugDuration)) {
            $this->debugDuration = $debugDuration;
        // V 1.3.1
        if (isset($shInsertOutboundLinksImage)) {
            $this->shInsertOutboundLinksImage = $shInsertOutboundLinksImage;
        if (isset($shImageForOutboundLinks)) {
            $this->shImageForOutboundLinks = $shImageForOutboundLinks;
        // V 1.0.12
        if (isset($useCatAlias)) {
            $this->useCatAlias = $useCatAlias;
        if (isset($useMenuAlias)) {
            $this->useMenuAlias = $useMenuAlias;
        // V 1.5.3
        if (isset($alwaysAppendItemsPerPage)) {
            $this->alwaysAppendItemsPerPage = $alwaysAppendItemsPerPage;
        if (isset($redirectToCorrectCaseUrl)) {
            $this->redirectToCorrectCaseUrl = $redirectToCorrectCaseUrl;
        // V 1.5.5
        if (isset($jclInsertEventId)) {
            $this->jclInsertEventId = $jclInsertEventId;
        if (isset($jclInsertCategoryId)) {
            $this->jclInsertCategoryId = $jclInsertCategoryId;
        if (isset($jclInsertCalendarId)) {
            $this->jclInsertCalendarId = $jclInsertCalendarId;
        if (isset($jclInsertCalendarName)) {
            $this->jclInsertCalendarName = $jclInsertCalendarName;
        if (isset($jclInsertDate)) {
            $this->jclInsertDate = $jclInsertDate;
        if (isset($jclInsertDateInEventView)) {
            $this->jclInsertDateInEventView = $jclInsertDateInEventView;
        if (isset($ContentTitleShowCat)) {
            $this->ContentTitleShowCat = $ContentTitleShowCat;
        if (isset($ContentTitleUseAlias)) {
            $this->ContentTitleUseAlias = $ContentTitleUseAlias;
        if (isset($ContentTitleUseCatAlias)) {
            $this->ContentTitleUseCatAlias = $ContentTitleUseCatAlias;
        if (isset($pageTitleSeparator)) {
            $this->pageTitleSeparator = $pageTitleSeparator;
        if (isset($ContentTitleInsertArticleId)) {
            $this->ContentTitleInsertArticleId = $ContentTitleInsertArticleId;
        if (isset($shInsertContentArticleIdCatList)) {
            $this->shInsertContentArticleIdCatList = $shInsertContentArticleIdCatList;
        // 1.5.8
        if (isset($shJSInsertJSName)) {
            $this->shJSInsertJSName = $shJSInsertJSName;
        if (isset($shJSShortURLToUserProfile)) {
            $this->shJSShortURLToUserProfile = $shJSShortURLToUserProfile;
        if (isset($shJSInsertUsername)) {
            $this->shJSInsertUsername = $shJSInsertUsername;
        if (isset($shJSInsertUserFullName)) {
            $this->shJSInsertUserFullName = $shJSInsertUserFullName;
        if (isset($shJSInsertUserId)) {
            $this->shJSInsertUserId = $shJSInsertUserId;
        if (isset($shJSInsertUserFullName)) {
            $this->shJSInsertUserFullName = $shJSInsertUserFullName;
        if (isset($shJSInsertGroupCategory)) {
            $this->shJSInsertGroupCategory = $shJSInsertGroupCategory;
        if (isset($shJSInsertGroupCategoryId)) {
            $this->shJSInsertGroupCategoryId = $shJSInsertGroupCategoryId;
        if (isset($shJSInsertGroupId)) {
            $this->shJSInsertGroupId = $shJSInsertGroupId;
        if (isset($shJSInsertGroupBulletinId)) {
            $this->shJSInsertGroupBulletinId = $shJSInsertGroupBulletinId;
        if (isset($shJSInsertDiscussionId)) {
            $this->shJSInsertDiscussionId = $shJSInsertDiscussionId;
        if (isset($shJSInsertMessageId)) {
            $this->shJSInsertMessageId = $shJSInsertMessageId;
        if (isset($shJSInsertPhotoAlbum)) {
            $this->shJSInsertPhotoAlbum = $shJSInsertPhotoAlbum;
        if (isset($shJSInsertPhotoAlbumId)) {
            $this->shJSInsertPhotoAlbumId = $shJSInsertPhotoAlbumId;
        if (isset($shJSInsertPhotoId)) {
            $this->shJSInsertPhotoId = $shJSInsertPhotoId;
        if (isset($shJSInsertVideoCat)) {
            $this->shJSInsertVideoCat = $shJSInsertVideoCat;
        if (isset($shJSInsertVideoCatId)) {
            $this->shJSInsertVideoCatId = $shJSInsertVideoCatId;
        if (isset($shJSInsertVideoId)) {
            $this->shJSInsertVideoId = $shJSInsertVideoId;
        if (isset($shFbInsertUserName)) {
            $this->shFbInsertUserName = $shFbInsertUserName;
        if (isset($shFbInsertUserId)) {
            $this->shFbInsertUserId = $shFbInsertUserId;
        if (isset($shFbShortUrlToProfile)) {
            $this->shFbShortUrlToProfile = $shFbShortUrlToProfile;
        if (isset($shPageNotFoundItemid)) {
            $this->shPageNotFoundItemid = $shPageNotFoundItemid;
        if (isset($autoCheckNewVersion)) {
            $this->autoCheckNewVersion = $autoCheckNewVersion;
        if (isset($error404SubTemplate)) {
            $this->error404SubTemplate = $error404SubTemplate;
        if (isset($enablePageId)) {
            $this->enablePageId = $enablePageId;
        if (isset($compEnablePageId)) {
            $this->compEnablePageId = $compEnablePageId;
        // V 2.1.0
        if (isset($analyticsEnabled)) {
            $this->analyticsEnabled = $analyticsEnabled;
        if (isset($analyticsReportsEnabled)) {
            $this->analyticsReportsEnabled = $analyticsReportsEnabled;
        if (isset($analyticsType)) {
            $this->analyticsType = $analyticsType;
        if (isset($analyticsId)) {
            $this->analyticsId = $analyticsId;
        if (isset($analyticsUser)) {
            $this->analyticsUser = $analyticsUser;
        if (isset($analyticsPassword)) {
            $this->analyticsPassword = $analyticsPassword;
        if (isset($analyticsAccount)) {
            $this->analyticsAccount = $analyticsAccount;
        if (isset($analyticsExcludeIP)) {
            $this->analyticsExcludeIP = $analyticsExcludeIP;
        if (isset($analyticsMaxUserLevel)) {
            $this->analyticsMaxUserLevel = $analyticsMaxUserLevel;
        if (isset($analyticsProfile)) {
            $this->analyticsProfile = $analyticsProfile;
        if (isset($autoCheckNewAnalytics)) {
            $this->autoCheckNewAnalytics = $autoCheckNewAnalytics;
        if (isset($analyticsDashboardDateRange)) {
            $this->analyticsDashboardDateRange = $analyticsDashboardDateRange;
        if (isset($analyticsEnableTimeCollection)) {
            $this->analyticsEnableTimeCollection = $analyticsEnableTimeCollection;
        if (isset($analyticsEnableUserCollection)) {
            $this->analyticsEnableUserCollection = $analyticsEnableUserCollection;
        if (isset($analyticsDashboardDataType)) {
            $this->analyticsDashboardDataType = $analyticsDashboardDataType;
        if (isset($slowServer)) {
            $this->slowServer = $slowServer;
        // V 2.1.10
        if (isset($useJoomsefRouter)) {
            $this->useJoomsefRouter = $useJoomsefRouter;
        if (isset($useAcesefRouter)) {
            $this->useAcesefRouter = $useAcesefRouter;
        // V 2.1.11
        if (isset($insertShortlinkTag)) {
            $this->insertShortlinkTag = $insertShortlinkTag;
        if (isset($insertRevCanTag)) {
            $this->insertRevCanTag = $insertRevCanTag;
        if (isset($insertAltShorterTag)) {
            $this->insertAltShorterTag = $insertAltShorterTag;
        if (isset($canReadRemoteConfig)) {
            $this->canReadRemoteConfig = $canReadRemoteConfig;
        if (isset($stopCreatingShurls)) {
            $this->stopCreatingShurls = $stopCreatingShurls;
        if (isset($shurlBlackList)) {
            $this->shurlBlackList = $shurlBlackList;
        if (isset($shurlNonSefBlackList)) {
            $this->shurlNonSefBlackList = $shurlNonSefBlackList;
        // V 3.0.0
        if (isset($includeContentCat)) {
            $this->includeContentCat = $includeContentCat;
        if (isset($includeContentCatCategories)) {
            $this->includeContentCatCategories = $includeContentCatCategories;
        if (isset($contentCategoriesSuffix)) {
            $this->contentCategoriesSuffix = $contentCategoriesSuffix;
        if (isset($contentTitleIncludeCat)) {
            $this->contentTitleIncludeCat = $contentTitleIncludeCat;
        if (isset($useContactCatAlias)) {
            $this->useContactCatAlias = $useContactCatAlias;
        if (isset($contactCategoriesSuffix)) {
            $this->contactCategoriesSuffix = $contactCategoriesSuffix;
        if (isset($includeContactCat)) {
            $this->includeContactCat = $includeContactCat;
        if (isset($includeContactCatCategories)) {
            $this->includeContactCatCategories = $includeContactCatCategories;
        if (isset($useWeblinksCatAlias)) {
            $this->useWeblinksCatAlias = $useWeblinksCatAlias;
        if (isset($weblinksCategoriesSuffix)) {
            $this->weblinksCategoriesSuffix = $weblinksCategoriesSuffix;
        if (isset($includeWeblinksCat)) {
            $this->includeWeblinksCat = $includeWeblinksCat;
        if (isset($includeWeblinksCatCategories)) {
            $this->includeWeblinksCatCategories = $includeWeblinksCatCategories;
        $this->liveSites = $this->shInitLanguageList(isset($liveSites) ? $liveSites : array(), '', '');
        if (isset($alternateTemplate)) {
            $this->alternateTemplate = $alternateTemplate;
        if (isset($useJoomlaRouter)) {
            $this->useJoomlaRouter = $useJoomlaRouter;
        if (isset($slugForUncategorizedContent)) {
            $this->slugForUncategorizedContent = $slugForUncategorizedContent;
        if (isset($slugForUncategorizedContact)) {
            $this->slugForUncategorizedContact = $slugForUncategorizedContact;
        if (isset($slugForUncategorizedWeblinks)) {
            $this->slugForUncategorizedWeblinks = $slugForUncategorizedWeblinks;
        // 3.4
        if (isset($enableMultiLingualSupport)) {
            $this->enableMultiLingualSupport = $enableMultiLingualSupport;
        if (isset($enableOpenGraphData)) {
            $this->enableOpenGraphData = $enableOpenGraphData;
        if (isset($ogEnableDescription)) {
            $this->ogEnableDescription = $ogEnableDescription;
        if (isset($ogType)) {
            $this->ogType = $ogType;
        if (isset($ogImage)) {
            $this->ogImage = $ogImage;
        if (isset($ogEnableSiteName)) {
            $this->ogEnableSiteName = $ogEnableSiteName;
        if (isset($ogSiteName)) {
            $this->ogSiteName = $ogSiteName;
        if (isset($ogEnableLocation)) {
            $this->ogEnableLocation = $ogEnableLocation;
        if (isset($ogLatitude)) {
            $this->ogLatitude = $ogLatitude;
        if (isset($ogLongitude)) {
            $this->ogLongitude = $ogLongitude;
        if (isset($ogStreetAddress)) {
            $this->ogStreetAddress = $ogStreetAddress;
        if (isset($ogLocality)) {
            $this->ogLocality = $ogLocality;
        if (isset($ogPostalCode)) {
            $this->ogPostalCode = $ogPostalCode;
        if (isset($ogRegion)) {
            $this->ogRegion = $ogRegion;
        if (isset($ogCountryName)) {
            $this->ogCountryName = $ogCountryName;
        if (isset($ogEnableContact)) {
            $this->ogEnableContact = $ogEnableContact;
        if (isset($ogEmail)) {
            $this->ogEmail = $ogEmail;
        if (isset($ogPhoneNumber)) {
            $this->ogPhoneNumber = $ogPhoneNumber;
        if (isset($ogFaxNumber)) {
            $this->ogFaxNumber = $ogFaxNumber;
        if (isset($fbAdminIds)) {
            $this->fbAdminIds = $fbAdminIds;
        if (isset($insertPaginationTags)) {
            $this->insertPaginationTags = $insertPaginationTags;
        // define default values for seldom used params
        if (!defined('sh404SEF_PROTECT_AGAINST_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ERROR')) {
            // SECTION : GLOBAL PARAMETERS for sh404sef ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            $shDefaultParamsHelp['sh404SEF_PROTECT_AGAINST_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ERROR'] = '// if not 0, urls for pdf documents and rss feeds  will be only partially turned into sef urls. 
//The query string &format=pdf or &format=feed will be still be appended.
// This will protect against malfunctions when using some plugins which makes a call
// to JFactory::getDocument() from a onAfterInitiliaze handler
// At this time, SEF urls are not decoded and thus the document type is set to html instead of pdf or feed
// resulting in the home page being displayed instead of the correct document';
            $shDefaultParams['sh404SEF_PROTECT_AGAINST_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ERROR'] = 0;
                   $shDefaultParamsHelp['sh404SEF_PROTECT_AGAINST_BAD_NON_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_MENU_HOMELINK'] =
                   '// Joomla mod_mainmenu module forces usage of JURI::base() for the homepage link
                   // On multilingual sites, this causes homepage link in other than default language to
                   // be wrong. If the following parameter is non-zero, such a homepage link
                   // will be replaced by the correct link, similar to www.mysite.com/es/ for instance';
                   $shDefaultParams['sh404SEF_PROTECT_AGAINST_BAD_NON_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_MENU_HOMELINK'] = 1;
            $shDefaultParamsHelp['sh404SEF_REDIRECT_IF_INDEX_PHP'] = '// if not 0, sh404SEF will do a 301 redirect from http://yoursite.com/index.php
// or http://yoursite.com/index.php?lang=xx to http://yoursite.com/
// this may not work on some web servers, which transform yoursite.com into
// yoursite.com/index.php, thus creating and endless loop. If your server does
// that, set this param to 0';
            $shDefaultParams['sh404SEF_REDIRECT_IF_INDEX_PHP'] = 1;
            $shDefaultParamsHelp['sh404SEF_NON_SEF_IF_SUPERADMIN'] = '// if superadmin logged in, force non-sef, for testing and setting up purpose';
            $shDefaultParams['sh404SEF_NON_SEF_IF_SUPERADMIN'] = 0;
            $shDefaultParamsHelp['sh404SEF_DE_ACTIVATE_LANG_AUTO_REDIRECT'] = '// set to 1 to prevent 303 auto redirect based on user language
// use with care, will prevent language switch to work for users without javascript';
            $shDefaultParams['sh404SEF_DE_ACTIVATE_LANG_AUTO_REDIRECT'] = 1;
            $shDefaultParamsHelp['sh404SEF_CHECK_COMP_IS_INSTALLED'] = '// if 1, SEF URLs will only be built for installed components.';
            $shDefaultParams['sh404SEF_CHECK_COMP_IS_INSTALLED'] = 1;
            $shDefaultParamsHelp['sh404SEF_REDIRECT_OUTBOUND_LINKS'] = '// if 1, all outbound links on page will be reached through a redirect
// to avoid page rank leakage';
            $shDefaultParams['sh404SEF_REDIRECT_OUTBOUND_LINKS'] = 0;
            $shDefaultParamsHelp['sh404SEF_PDF_DIR'] = '// if not empty, urls to pdf produced by Joomla will be prefixed with this
// path. Can be : \'pdf\' or \'pdf/something\' (ie: don\'t put leading or trailing slashes)
// Allows you to store some pre-built PDF in a directory called /pdf, with the same name
// as a page. Such a pdf will be served directly by the web server instead of being built on
// the fly by Joomla. This will save CPU and RAM. (only works this way if using htaccess';
            $shDefaultParams['sh404SEF_PDF_DIR'] = 'pdf';
            $shDefaultParamsHelp['SH404SEF_URL_CACHE_TTL'] = '// time to live for url cache in hours : default = 168h = 1 week
// Set to 0 to keep cache forever';
            $shDefaultParams['SH404SEF_URL_CACHE_TTL'] = 168;
            $shDefaultParamsHelp['SH404SEF_URL_CACHE_WRITES_TO_CHECK_TTL'] = '// number of cache write before checking cache TTL.';
            $shDefaultParams['SH404SEF_URL_CACHE_WRITES_TO_CHECK_TTL'] = 1000;
            $shDefaultParamsHelp['sh404SEF_SEC_MAIL_ATTACKS_TO_ADMIN'] = '// if set to 1, an email will be send to site admin when an attack is logged
// if the site is live, you could be drowning in email rapidly !!!';
            $shDefaultParams['sh404SEF_SEC_MAIL_ATTACKS_TO_ADMIN'] = 0;
            $shDefaultParams['sh404SEF_SEC_EMAIL_TO_ADMIN_SUBJECT'] = 'Your site %sh404SEF_404_SITE_NAME% was subject to an attack';
            $shDefaultParams['sh404SEF_SEC_EMAIL_TO_ADMIN_BODY'] = 'Hello !' . "\n\n" . 'This is sh404SEF security component, running at your site (%sh404SEF_404_SITE_URL%).' . "\n\n" . 'I have just blocked an attack on your site. Please check details below : ' . "\n" . '------------------------------------------------------------------------' . "\n" . '%sh404SEF_404_ATTACK_DETAILS%' . "\n" . '------------------------------------------------------------------------' . "\n\n" . 'Thanks for using sh404SEF!' . "\n\n";
            $shDefaultParamsHelp['SH404SEF_PAGES_TO_CLEAN_LOGS'] = '// number of pages between checks to remove old log files
// if 1, we check at every page request';
            $shDefaultParams['SH404SEF_PAGES_TO_CLEAN_LOGS'] = 10000;
            $shDefaultParamsHelp['SH_VM_ALLOW_PRODUCTS_IN_MULTIPLE_CATS'] = '// SECTION : Virtuemart plugin parameters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// set to 1 for products to have requested category name included in url
// useful if some products are in more than one category. If param set to 0,
// only one category will be used for all pages. Not recommended now that sh404SEF
// automatically handle rel=canonical on such pages';
            $shDefaultParams['SH_VM_ALLOW_PRODUCTS_IN_MULTIPLE_CATS'] = 1;
            $shDefaultParamsHelp['sh404SEF_SOBI2_PARAMS_ALWAYS_INCLUDE_CATS'] = '// SECTION : SOBI2 plugin parameters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// set to 1 to always include categories in SOBI2 entries
// details pages url';
            $shDefaultParams['sh404SEF_SOBI2_PARAMS_ALWAYS_INCLUDE_CATS'] = 0;
            $shDefaultParamsHelp['sh404SEF_SOBI2_PARAMS_INCLUDE_ENTRY_ID'] = '// set to 1 so that entry id is prepended to url';
            $shDefaultParams['sh404SEF_SOBI2_PARAMS_INCLUDE_ENTRY_ID'] = 0;
            $shDefaultParamsHelp['sh404SEF_SOBI2_PARAMS_INCLUDE_CAT_ID'] = '// set to 1 so that category id is prepended to category name';
            $shDefaultParams['sh404SEF_SOBI2_PARAMS_INCLUDE_CAT_ID'] = 0;
            // end of parameters
            $sef_custom_config_file = sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'custom.sef.php';
            // read user defined values, possibly recovered while upgrading
            if (JFile::exists($sef_custom_config_file)) {
                include $sef_custom_config_file;
            // generate string for parameter modification
            if ($app->isAdmin()) {
                // only need to modify custom params in back-end
                $this->defaultParamList = '<?php
// custom.sef.php : custom.configuration file for sh404SEF
// - anything-digital.com/sh404sef/seo-analytics-and-security-for-joomla.html

if (!defined(\'_JEXEC\')) die(\'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.\');
                foreach ($shDefaultParams as $key => $value) {
                    $this->defaultParamList .= "\n";
                    if (!empty($shDefaultParamsHelp[$key])) {
                        $this->defaultParamList .= $shDefaultParamsHelp[$key] . "\n";
                    // echo help text, if any
                    $this->defaultParamList .= '$shDefaultParams[\'' . $key . '\'] = ' . (is_string($value) ? "'{$value}'" : $value) . ";\n";
            // read user set values for these params and create constants
            if (!empty($shDefaultParams)) {
                foreach ($shDefaultParams as $key => $value) {
                    define($key, $value);
        // compatiblity variables, for sef_ext files usage from OpenSef/SEf Advance V 1.2.4.p
        $this->encode_page_suffix = '';
        // if using an opensef sef_ext, we don't let  them manage suffix
        $this->encode_space_char = $this->replacement;
        $this->encode_lowercase = $this->LowerCase;
        $this->encode_strip_chars = $this->stripthese;
        $this->content_page_name = empty($this->pageTexts[Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo()->shMosConfig_locale]) ? 'Page' : str_replace('%s', '', $this->pageTexts[Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo()->shMosConfig_locale]);
        // V 1.2.4.r
        $this->content_page_format = '%s' . $this->replacement . '%d';
        // V 1.2.4.r
        $shTemp = $this->shGetReplacements();
        foreach ($shTemp as $dest => $source) {
            $this->spec_chars_d .= $dest . ',';
            $this->spec_chars .= $source . ',';
        JString::rtrim($this->spec_chars_d, ',');
        JString::rtrim($this->spec_chars, ',');
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Recursive file name incrementation until no file with existing name
  * exists
  * @param   string  $origFileName  Initial file name
  * @param   string  $newFileName   This recursions file name
  * @param   int     $version       File version
  * @return  string  New file name
 public static function incrementFileName($origFileName, $newFileName, $version)
     if (JFile::exists($newFileName)) {
         $bits = explode('.', $newFileName);
         $ext = array_pop($bits);
         $f = implode('.', $bits);
         $f = JString::rtrim($f, $version - 1);
         $newFileName = $f . $version . "." . $ext;
         $newFileName = self::incrementFileName($origFileName, $newFileName, $version);
     return $newFileName;
Exemplo n.º 25
  * This is a better truncate implementation than what we
  * currently have available in the library. In particular,
  * on index.php/Banners/Banners/site-map.html JHtml's truncate
  * method would only return "Article...". This implementation
  * was taken directly from the Stack Overflow thread referenced
  * below. It was then modified to return a string rather than
  * print out the output and made to use the relevant JString
  * methods.
  * @link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1193500/php-truncate-html-ignoring-tags
  * @param mixed $html
  * @param mixed $maxLength
 public static function truncate($html, $maxLength = 0)
     $printedLength = 0;
     $position = 0;
     $tags = array();
     $output = '';
     if (empty($html)) {
         return $output;
     while ($printedLength < $maxLength && preg_match('{</?([a-z]+)[^>]*>|&#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;}', $html, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $position)) {
         list($tag, $tagPosition) = $match[0];
         // Print text leading up to the tag.
         $str = JString::substr($html, $position, $tagPosition - $position);
         if ($printedLength + JString::strlen($str) > $maxLength) {
             $output .= JString::substr($str, 0, $maxLength - $printedLength);
             $printedLength = $maxLength;
         $output .= $str;
         $lastCharacterIsOpenBracket = JString::substr($output, -1, 1) === '<';
         if ($lastCharacterIsOpenBracket) {
             $output = JString::substr($output, 0, JString::strlen($output) - 1);
         $printedLength += JString::strlen($str);
         if ($tag[0] == '&') {
             // Handle the entity.
             $output .= $tag;
         } else {
             // Handle the tag.
             $tagName = $match[1][0];
             if ($tag[1] == '/') {
                 // This is a closing tag.
                 $openingTag = array_pop($tags);
                 $output .= $tag;
             } else {
                 if ($tag[JString::strlen($tag) - 2] == '/') {
                     // Self-closing tag.
                     $output .= $tag;
                 } else {
                     // Opening tag.
                     $output .= $tag;
                     $tags[] = $tagName;
         // Continue after the tag.
         if ($lastCharacterIsOpenBracket) {
             $position = $tagPosition - 1 + JString::strlen($tag);
         } else {
             $position = $tagPosition + JString::strlen($tag);
     // Print any remaining text.
     if ($printedLength < $maxLength && $position < JString::strlen($html)) {
         $output .= JString::substr($html, $position, $maxLength - $printedLength);
     // Close any open tags.
     while (!empty($tags)) {
         $output .= sprintf('</%s>', array_pop($tags));
     $length = JString::strlen($output);
     $lastChar = JString::substr($output, $length - 1, 1);
     $characterNumber = ord($lastChar);
     if ($characterNumber === 194) {
         $output = JString::substr($output, 0, JString::strlen($output) - 1);
     $output = JString::rtrim($output);
     return $output . '&hellip;';
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Builds an array containing the filters value and condition
  * @param   string  $value      initial value
  * @param   string  $condition  intial $condition
  * @param   string  $eval       how the value should be handled
  * @return  array	(value condition)
 public function getFilterValue($value, $condition, $eval)
     $this->escapeQueryValue($condition, $value);
     $db = FabrikWorker::getDbo();
     if (is_array($value)) {
         // Ranged search
         list($value, $condition) = $this->getRangedFilterValue($value);
     } else {
         switch ($condition) {
             case 'notequals':
             case '<>':
                 $condition = "<>";
                 // 2 = subquery so dont quote
                 $value = $eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY ? '(' . $value . ')' : $db->quote($value);
             case 'equals':
             case '=':
                 $condition = "=";
                 $value = $eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY ? '(' . $value . ')' : $db->quote($value);
             case 'begins':
             case 'begins with':
                 $condition = "LIKE";
                 $value = $eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY ? '(' . $value . ')' : $db->quote($value . '%');
             case 'ends':
             case 'ends with':
                 // @TODO test this with subsquery
                 $condition = "LIKE";
                 $value = $eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY ? '(' . $value . ')' : $db->quote('%' . $value);
             case 'contains':
                 // @TODO test this with subsquery
                 $condition = "LIKE";
                 $value = $eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY ? '(' . $value . ')' : $db->quote('%' . $value . '%');
             case '>':
             case '&gt;':
             case 'greaterthan':
                 $condition = '>';
             case '<':
             case '&lt;':
             case 'lessthan':
                 $condition = '<';
             case '>=':
             case '&gt;=':
             case 'greaterthanequals':
                 $condition = '>=';
             case '<=':
             case '&lt;=':
             case 'lessthanequals':
                 $condition = '<=';
             case 'in':
                 $condition = 'IN';
                 $value = $eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY ? '(' . $value . ')' : '(' . $value . ')';
             case 'not_in':
                 $condition = 'NOT IN';
                 $value = $eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY ? '(' . $value . ')' : '(' . $value . ')';
         switch ($condition) {
             case '>':
             case '<':
             case '>=':
             case '<=':
                 if ($eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY) {
                     $value = '(' . $value . ')';
                 } else {
                     if (!is_numeric($value)) {
                         $value = $db->quote($value);
         // $$$ hugh - if 'noquotes' (3) selected, strip off the quotes again!
         if ($eval == FABRKFILTER_NOQUOTES) {
             // $$$ hugh - darn, this is stripping the ' of the end of things like "select & from foo where bar = '123'"
             $value = JString::ltrim($value, "'");
             $value = JString::rtrim($value, "'");
         if ($condition == '=' && $value == "'_null_'") {
             $condition = " IS NULL ";
             $value = '';
     return array($value, $condition);
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Get the root folder for images
  * @param   string  $value  Value
  * @return  string  root folder
 protected function rootFolder($value = '')
     $rootFolder = '';
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $canSelect = $params->get('image_front_end_select', '0') && JString::substr($value, 0, 4) !== 'http';
     $defaultImg = $params->get('imagepath');
     // Changed first || from a && - http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?threads/3-1rc1-image-list-options-bug.36585/#post-184266
     if ($canSelect || (JFolder::exists($defaultImg) || JFolder::exists(COM_FABRIK_BASE . $defaultImg))) {
         $rootFolder = $defaultImg;
     // $$$ hugh - tidy up a bit so we don't have so many ///'s in the URL's
     $rootFolder = JString::ltrim($rootFolder, '/');
     $rootFolder = JString::rtrim($rootFolder, '/');
     $rootFolder = $rootFolder === '' ? '' : $rootFolder . '/';
     return $rootFolder;
 protected function isCacheable($uri = '')
     if (empty($uri)) {
         $uri = JFactory::getURI()->toString();
     $uriSchemeHostPortPathParts = JFactory::getURI()->getScheme() . '://' . JFactory::getURI()->getHost() . JFactory::getURI()->getPort() . JFactory::getURI()->base(true);
     $relativeUriPathToCompare = str_replace($uriSchemeHostPortPathParts, '', $uri);
     $relativeUriPathToCompare = str_replace('index.php/', '', $relativeUriPathToCompare);
     $allowedRelativeUriPaths = array();
     if ($this->params->get('homepagecache', 1)) {
         // Add relative paths that could be used for the homepage:
         $allowedRelativeUriPaths[] = '';
         $allowedRelativeUriPaths[] = '/';
         $allowedRelativeUriPaths[] = 'index.php';
     if ($this->params->get('priority_one_cache_switch', 1)) {
         // Add switchable on/off Priority One Cache Relative URLs:
         $priorityOneCache = $this->params->get('priority_one_cache', '');
         $priorityOneCache = JString::trim($priorityOneCache);
         if (!empty($priorityOneCache)) {
             $priorityOneUris = explode("\r\n", $priorityOneCache);
             foreach ($priorityOneUris as $priorityOneUri) {
                 $priorityOneUri = JString::trim($priorityOneUri);
                 $priorityOneUri = str_replace('index.php/', '', $priorityOneUri);
                 $priorityOneUri = JString::ltrim($priorityOneUri, '/');
                 $priorityOneUri = JString::rtrim($priorityOneUri, '/');
                 $allowedRelativeUriPaths[] = $priorityOneUri;
     if ($this->params->get('priority_two_cache_switch', 1)) {
         // Add switchable on/off Priority Two Cache Relative URLs:
         $priorityTwoCache = $this->params->get('priority_two_cache', '');
         $priorityTwoCache = JString::trim($priorityTwoCache);
         if (!empty($priorityTwoCache)) {
             $priorityTwoUris = explode("\r\n", $priorityTwoCache);
             foreach ($priorityTwoUris as $priorityTwoUri) {
                 $priorityTwoUri = JString::trim($priorityTwoUri);
                 $priorityTwoUri = str_replace('index.php/', '', $priorityTwoUri);
                 $priorityTwoUri = JString::ltrim($priorityTwoUri, '/');
                 $priorityTwoUri = JString::rtrim($priorityTwoUri, '/');
                 $allowedRelativeUriPaths[] = $priorityTwoUri;
     if ($this->params->get('priority_three_cache_switch', 1)) {
         // Add switchable on/off Priority Three Cache Relative URLs:
         $priorityThreeCache = $this->params->get('priority_three_cache', '');
         $priorityThreeCache = JString::trim($priorityThreeCache);
         if (!empty($priorityThreeCache)) {
             $priorityThreeUris = explode("\r\n", $priorityThreeCache);
             foreach ($priorityThreeUris as $priorityThreeUri) {
                 $priorityThreeUri = JString::trim($priorityThreeUri);
                 $priorityThreeUri = str_replace('index.php/', '', $priorityThreeUri);
                 $priorityThreeUri = JString::ltrim($priorityThreeUri, '/');
                 $priorityThreeUri = JString::rtrim($priorityThreeUri, '/');
                 $allowedRelativeUriPaths[] = $priorityThreeUri;
     $relativeUriPathToCompare = JString::ltrim($relativeUriPathToCompare, '/');
     $relativeUriPathToCompare = JString::rtrim($relativeUriPathToCompare, '/');
     $result = in_array($relativeUriPathToCompare, $allowedRelativeUriPaths);
     if (!$result) {
         if ($this->params->get('allow_wildcards', 0)) {
             foreach ($allowedRelativeUriPaths as $allowedRelativeUriPath) {
                 $wildcardResult = fnmatch($allowedRelativeUriPath, $relativeUriPathToCompare);
                 if ($wildcardResult) {
                     $result = $wildcardResult;
     return $result;