Exemplo n.º 1
  * Method to parse all link to css files from the html markup
  * and compress it
  * @param   string  $htmlMarkup  HTML Content to response to browser
  * @return  void
 public static function compress($htmlMarkup)
     // Get object for working with URI
     $uri = JUri::getInstance();
     // Generate link prefix if current scheme is HTTPS
     $prefix = '';
     if ($uri->getScheme() == 'https') {
         $prefix = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port'));
     // Initialize variables
     $groupIndex = 0;
     $groupType = 'default';
     $groupFiles = array();
     $compress = array();
     // Sometime, script file need to be stored in the original location and file name
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $leaveAlone = preg_split('/[\\r\\n]+/', $document->params->get('compressionExclude'));
     // We already know some files must be excluded from compression
     $leaveAlone[] = 'modal.js';
     $leaveAlone[] = 'tiny_mce.js';
     $leaveAlone[] = 'tinymce.min.js';
     // Parse script tags
     foreach (explode('>', $htmlMarkup[0]) as $line) {
         $attributes = JSNMobilizeCompressHelper::parseAttributes($line);
         // Set default group
         $attributes['group'] = 'default';
         // Skip if not have attibute src
         if (!isset($attributes['src'])) {
         // Add to result list if this is external file
         if (!($isInternal = JUri::isInternal($attributes['src'])) or strpos($attributes['src'], '//') === 0) {
             // Add collected files to compress list
             if (!empty($groupFiles)) {
                 $compress[] = array('files' => $groupFiles[$groupIndex], 'group' => $groupType);
                 $groupFiles = array();
             $compress[] = array('src' => $attributes['src']);
         // Add to result list if this is dynamic generation content
         $questionPos = false;
         if (($questionPos = strpos($attributes['src'], '?')) !== false) {
             $isDynamic = substr($attributes['src'], $questionPos - 4, 4) == '.php';
             $path = JSNMobilizeCompressHelper::getFilePath(substr($attributes['src'], 0, $questionPos));
             // Check if this is a dynamic generation content
             if (!$isDynamic and JUri::isInternal($attributes['src'])) {
                 $isDynamic = !is_file($path);
             if ($isDynamic) {
                 // Add collected files to compress list
                 if (!empty($groupFiles)) {
                     $compress[] = array('files' => $groupFiles[$groupIndex], 'group' => $groupType);
                     $groupFiles = array();
                 $compress[] = array('src' => $attributes['src']);
         // Check if reserving script file name is required
         $scriptName = basename($questionPos !== false ? $path : $attributes['src']);
         if (in_array($scriptName, $leaveAlone)) {
             $attributes['group'] = 'reserve|' . $scriptName;
         // Create new compression group if reserving script file name is required
         if ($attributes['group'] != $groupType) {
             // Add collected files to compress list
             if (isset($groupFiles[$groupIndex]) and !empty($groupFiles[$groupIndex])) {
                 $compress[] = array('files' => $groupFiles[$groupIndex], 'group' => $groupType);
             // Increase index number of the group
             $groupType = $attributes['group'];
         // Initial group
         if (!isset($groupFiles[$groupIndex])) {
             $groupFiles[$groupIndex] = array();
         $src = $attributes['src'];
         $queryStringIndex = strpos($src, '?');
         if ($queryStringIndex !== false) {
             $src = substr($src, 0, $queryStringIndex);
         // Add file to the group
         $groupFiles[$groupIndex][] = $src;
     // Add collected files to result list
     if (isset($groupFiles[$groupIndex]) and !empty($groupFiles[$groupIndex])) {
         $compress[] = array('files' => $groupFiles[$groupIndex], 'group' => $groupType);
     // Initial compress result
     $compressResult = array();
     // Get template details
     $templateName = JFactory::getApplication()->getTemplate();
     $cacheDirectory = 'cache';
     // Generate path to store compressed files
     if (!preg_match('#^(/|\\|[a-z]:)#i', $cacheDirectory)) {
         $compressPath = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . rtrim($cacheDirectory, '\\/');
     } else {
         $compressPath = rtrim($cacheDirectory, '\\/');
     $compressPath = $compressPath . '/' . $templateName . '/';
     // Create directory if not exists
     if (!is_dir($compressPath)) {
     // Loop to each compress element to compress file
     foreach ($compress as $group) {
         // Ignore compress when group is a external file
         if (isset($group['src'])) {
             $compressResult[] = sprintf('<script src="%s" type="text/javascript"></script>', $group['src']);
         // Check if reserving script file name is required
         if (isset($group['group']) and preg_match('/^reserve\\|(.+)$/', $group['group'])) {
             $compressResult[] = sprintf('<script src="%s" type="text/javascript"></script>', $group['files'][0]);
         // Generate compress file name
         $compressFile = md5(implode('', $group['files'])) . '.js';
         $lastModified = 0;
         $splittedFiles = array();
         // Check last modified time for each file in the group
         foreach ($group['files'] as $file) {
             $path = JSNMobilizeCompressHelper::getFilePath($file);
             $lastModified = is_file($path) && filemtime($path) > $lastModified ? filemtime($path) : $lastModified;
         // Compress group when expired
         if (!is_file($compressPath . $compressFile) or filemtime($compressPath . $compressFile) < $lastModified) {
             // Preset compression buffer
             $buffer = '';
             // Preset some variables to hold compression status
             $processedFiles = array();
             $maxFileSize = 1024 * (int) $document->params->get('maxCompressionSize');
             $currentSize = 0;
             // Read content of each file and write it to the cache file
             foreach ($group['files'] as $file) {
                 $filePath = JSNMobilizeCompressHelper::getFilePath($file);
                 // Skip when cannot access to file
                 if (!is_file($filePath) or !is_readable($filePath)) {
                 // Prepend path to source file
                 $source = ($currentSize == 0 ? '' : "\n\n") . '/* FILE: ' . str_replace(str_replace('\\', '/', JPATH_ROOT), '', str_replace('\\', '/', $filePath)) . ' */' . "\n" . JFile::read($filePath);
                 // Get length of processed content
                 $length = strlen($source);
                 if ($length > $maxFileSize or $currentSize + $length > $maxFileSize) {
                     // Write buffer to cache file
                     JFile::write($compressPath . $compressFile, $buffer);
                     // Rename created cache file
                     if ($currentSize > 0) {
                         $newFileName = md5(implode('', $processedFiles)) . '.js';
                         JFile::move($compressPath . $compressFile, $compressPath . $newFileName);
                         // Store splitted file URL for later reference
                         $splittedFiles[] = $prefix . str_replace(str_replace('\\', '/', JPATH_ROOT), JUri::root(true), str_replace('\\', '/', $compressPath)) . $newFileName;
                     // Reset compression buffer
                     $buffer = '';
                     // Reset current file size
                     $currentSize = $length;
                     $processedFiles = array($filePath);
                 } else {
                     // Update current file size
                     $currentSize += $length;
                     $processedFiles[] = $filePath;
                 // Append processed content to buffer
                 $buffer .= $source . ";\n";
             // Write buffer to cache file
             JFile::write($compressPath . $compressFile, $buffer);
             // Prepend splitted compress files into trackable compress file
             if (count($splittedFiles)) {
                 for ($n = count($splittedFiles), $i = $n - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
                     JSNMobilizeCompressHelper::prependIntoFile("// Include: {$splittedFiles[$i]}" . ($i + 1 < $n ? "\n" : "\n\n"), $compressPath . $compressFile);
         } else {
             // Read compressed file for list of splitted file
             $include = JFile::read($compressPath . $compressFile);
             $include = substr($include, 0, strpos($include, "\n\n"));
             // Parse splitted compress file
             foreach (explode("\n", $include) as $line) {
                 if (strpos($line, '// Include: ') === 0) {
                     $splittedFiles[] = str_replace('// Include: ', '', $line);
         // Load splitted compress file
         if (count($splittedFiles)) {
             foreach ($splittedFiles as $file) {
                 $compressResult[] = sprintf('<script src="%s" type="text/javascript"></script>', $file);
         // Add compressed file to the compress result list
         $compressUrl = str_replace(str_replace('\\', '/', JPATH_ROOT), JUri::root(true), str_replace('\\', '/', $compressPath)) . $compressFile;
         $compressResult[] = sprintf('<script src="%s" type="text/javascript"></script>', $prefix . $compressUrl);
     return implode("\r\n", $compressResult);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Load content from a file and append into existing opened file
  * @param   string    $buffer              Compression buffer.
  * @param   string    $sourcePath          Path to source file.
  * @param   integer   $maxFileSize         Maximum allowed file size.
  * @param   integer   &$currentFileSize    Current file size.
  * @param   array     &$remoteFilesImport  Array of remotely imported file.
  * @return  mixed  Compressed content if max file size is reached.
 private static function _loadFileInto(&$buffer, $sourcePath, $maxFileSize, &$currentFileSize, &$remoteFilesImport)
     // Read source file
     $source = JFile::read($sourcePath);
     // Rewrite all relative URLs
     if (preg_match_all('/(@import\\s+|[^:,;\\}\\r\\n]*)([^,;\\}\\r\\n]*)url\\s*\\(([^\\)]+)\\)([^,;\\}\\r\\n]*[,;\\}])/i', $source, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
         foreach ($matches as $match) {
             $fileUrl = JSNMobilizeCompressHelper::getRelativeFilePath(dirname($sourcePath), trim($match[3], '"\''));
             if (trim($match[1]) != '@import') {
                 $fileUrl = ltrim(str_replace('\\', '/', $fileUrl), '/');
                 if (strpos($match[3], '://') === false && strpos($match[3], '//') !== 0) {
                     $source = str_replace($match[0], $match[1] . $match[2] . 'url(/' . $fileUrl . ')' . $match[4], $source);
             } elseif (!preg_match('#^https?://#', $match[3])) {
                 // Get file path
                 $filePath = getenv('DOCUMENT_ROOT') . $fileUrl;
                 // Compress file being imported
                 $imports[] = self::_loadFileInto($buffer, $filePath, $maxFileSize, $currentFileSize, $remoteFilesImport);
                 // Remove @import file inclusion for local file
                 $source = str_replace($match[0], '', $source);
             } else {
                 // Store @import file inclusion for remote file
                 $remoteFilesImport[] = $match[3];
     // Strip all tab, return and new-line characters
     $source = preg_replace('/[\\t\\r\\n]/', '', $source);
     // Prepend path to source file
     $source = ($currentFileSize == 0 ? '' : "\n\n") . '/* FILE: ' . str_replace(str_replace('\\', '/', JPATH_ROOT), '', str_replace('\\', '/', $sourcePath)) . ' */' . "\n{$source}";
     // Get length of processed content
     $length = strlen($source);
     // Update current file size
     $currentFileSize += $length;
     // Check if max file size is reached
     if ($length > $maxFileSize or $currentFileSize > $maxFileSize) {
         return (isset($imports) ? implode($imports) : '') . $source;
     // Append processed content to buffer
     $buffer .= $source;
     return '';