/** * Tests the chosen method. * * @return void * * @since 3.1 */ public function testChosen() { // Initialise the chosen script JHtmlFormbehavior::chosen('testSelect'); // Get the document instance $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $this->assertArrayHasKey('/media/jui/js/jquery.min.js', $document->_scripts, 'Verify that the chosen method initialises jQuery as well'); $this->assertArrayHasKey('/media/jui/js/chosen.jquery.min.js', $document->_scripts, 'Verify that the Chosen JS is loaded'); $this->assertArrayHasKey('/media/jui/css/chosen.css', $document->_styleSheets, 'Verify that the Chosen CSS is loaded'); $this->assertContains("jQuery('testSelect').chosen", $document->_script['text/javascript'], 'Verify that the Chosen JS is initialised with the supplied selector'); }
function build() { //Chosen should not be used if (!$this->useFramework('chosen')) { return; } //Chosen is already in the core since Joomla 3.0. Load it from the class. if ($this->jVersion('3.0')) { JHtmlFormbehavior::chosen(); return; } JDom::_('framework.jquery.ui'); // Add chosen.jquery.js language strings JText::script('JGLOBAL_SELECT_SOME_OPTIONS'); JText::script('JGLOBAL_SELECT_AN_OPTION'); JText::script('JGLOBAL_SELECT_NO_RESULTS_MATCH'); $this->attachJs[] = 'chosen.jquery.min.js'; $this->attachCss[] = 'chosen.css'; }
<?php /** * Part of Component {{extension.name.cap}} files. * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2016 {ORGANIZATION}. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later. */ // No direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die; JHtmlBootstrap::tooltip(); JHtmlFormbehavior::chosen('select'); JHtmlBehavior::formvalidator(); /** * Prepare data for this template. * * @var $this \Windwalker\View\Engine\PhpEngine * @var $container \Windwalker\DI\Container * @var $data \Windwalker\Data\Data * @var $item \stdClass */ $container = $this->getContainer(); $form = $data->form; $item = $data->item; // Setting tabset $tabs = array('tab_basic'); ?> <!-- Validate Script --> <script type="text/javascript"> Joomla.submitbutton = function(task) {
/** * @param JForm $form The form to be altered. * @param array $data The associated data for the form. * * @return boolean */ public function onContentPrepareForm($form, $data) { // Check we are manipulating a valid form. $name = $form->getName(); if (!in_array($name, $this->allow_context)) { return true; } // Include UserXTD core API. $this->initComponent(); $result = null; $UXParams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_userxtd'); // Prepare Data // ============================================================================ // Set Chosen JHtmlFormbehavior::chosen('select'); // Prepare Form // ============================================================================ // Get Form if (!$form instanceof JForm) { $this->_subject->setError('JERROR_NOT_A_FORM'); return false; } // Hide some fields in registration $context = $this->getContext(); $array = array(); $reg_context = array('com_users.registration', 'com_userxtd.registration'); $profile_context = array('com_users.profile'); $catid = null; if (in_array($context, $reg_context) || $this->get('hide_registration_field')) { $array['hide_in_registration'] = true; $catid = $UXParams->get('CoreRegistration_Categories', array('*')); } elseif (in_array($context, $profile_context)) { $catid = $UXParams->get('CoreRegistration_Categories_InUserInfo', array('*')); } // Set category if (!is_array($catid)) { $catid = array($catid); } if (!in_array('*', $catid)) { $catid = implode(',', $catid); } else { $catid = null; } $form = \Userxtd\Form\FormHelper::getFieldsByCategory($catid, $form, $array); return $result; }