Exemplo n.º 1
  * Render the error page based on an exception.
  * @param   Exception  $error  The exception for which to render the error page.
  * @return  void
  * @since   3.0
 public static function render(Exception $error)
     try {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $document = JDocument::getInstance('error');
         if (!$document) {
             // We're probably in an CLI environment
         $config = JFactory::getConfig();
         // Get the current template from the application
         $template = $app->getTemplate();
         // Push the error object into the document
         if (ob_get_contents()) {
         $document->setTitle(JText::_('Error') . ': ' . $error->getCode());
         $data = $document->render(false, array('template' => $template, 'directory' => JPATH_THEMES, 'debug' => $config->get('debug')));
         // Failsafe to get the error displayed.
         if (empty($data)) {
         } else {
             // Do not allow cache
             echo $app->toString();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         exit('Error displaying the error page: ' . $e->getMessage() . ': ' . $error->getMessage());
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Resets the document type to format=raw 
  * @return void
  * @since 0.1
  * @todo Figure out if there is a better way to do this
 private function resetDocumentType()
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $raw =& JDocument::getInstance('raw');
     $document = $raw;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Tests JHtml::calendar() method with and without 'readonly' attribute.
 public function testCalendar()
     // Create a world for the test
     $cfg = new JObject();
     JFactory::$session = $this->getMock('JSession', array('_start'));
     JFactory::$application = $this->getMock('ApplicationMock');
     JFactory::$config = $cfg;
     $cfg->live_site = 'http://example.com';
     $cfg->offset = 'Europe/Kiev';
     $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'Test Browser';
     // two sets of test data
     $test_data = array('date' => '2010-05-28 00:00:00', 'friendly_date' => 'Friday, 28 May 2010', 'name' => 'cal1_name', 'id' => 'cal1_id', 'format' => '%Y-%m-%d', 'attribs' => array());
     $test_data_ro = array_merge($test_data, array('attribs' => array('readonly' => 'readonly')));
     foreach (array($test_data, $test_data_ro) as $data) {
         // Reset the document
         JFactory::$document = JDocument::getInstance('html', array('unique_key' => serialize($data)));
         $input = JHtml::calendar($data['date'], $data['name'], $data['id'], $data['format'], $data['attribs']);
         $this->assertEquals((string) $xml->input['title'], $data['friendly_date'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input should have `title == "' . $data['friendly_date'] . '"`');
         $this->assertEquals((string) $xml->input['name'], $data['name'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input should have `name == "' . $data['name'] . '"`');
         $this->assertEquals((string) $xml->input['id'], $data['id'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input should have `id == "' . $data['id'] . '"`');
         $head_data = JFactory::getDocument()->getHeadData();
         if (!isset($data['attribs']['readonly']) || !$data['attribs']['readonly'] === 'readonly') {
             $this->assertArrayHasKey('/media/system/js/calendar.js', $head_data['scripts'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' JS file "calendar.js" should be loaded');
             $this->assertArrayHasKey('/media/system/js/calendar-setup.js', $head_data['scripts'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' JS file "calendar-setup.js" should be loaded');
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Register the API server.
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return  boolean
 public function register()
     $uri = \JURI::getInstance();
     if (!$this->isApi()) {
         return false;
     $app = \JFactory::getApplication();
     $input = $app->input;
     // Restore Joomla handler and using our Json handler.
     // Authentication
     if (!$this->isUserOperation($uri) && $this->option['authorise']) {
         if (!Authentication::authenticate($input->get('session_key'))) {
             throw new \Exception(\JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR'), 403);
     // Set Format to JSON
     $input->set('format', 'json');
     // Store JDocumentJson to Factory
     \JFactory::$document = \JDocument::getInstance('json');
     $router = $app::getRouter();
     // Attach a hook to Router
     $router->attachParseRule(array($this, 'parseRule'));
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Render the error page based on an exception.
  * @param   Exception  $error  The exception for which to render the error page.
  * @return  void
  * @since   3.0
 public static function render(Exception $error)
     try {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $document = JDocument::getInstance('error');
         if (!$document) {
             // We're probably in an CLI environment
         // Get the current template from the application
         $template = $app->getTemplate();
         // Push the error object into the document
         if (ob_get_contents()) {
         $document->setTitle(JText::_('Error') . ': ' . $error->getCode());
         $data = $document->render(false, array('template' => $template, 'directory' => JPATH_THEMES, 'debug' => JDEBUG));
         // Do not allow cache
         // If nothing was rendered, just use the message from the Exception
         if (empty($data)) {
             $data = $error->getMessage();
         echo $app->toString();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Try to set a 500 header if they haven't already been sent
         if (!headers_sent()) {
             header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
         jexit('Error displaying the error page: ' . $e->getMessage() . ': ' . $error->getMessage());
Exemplo n.º 6
 function display()
     $doDisplay = true;
     // Set a default view if none exists
     if (!JRequest::getCmd('view')) {
         JRequest::setVar('view', 'tickets');
     // Handle displaying an attachment
     if (JRequest::getCmd('view') == 'attachment') {
         $model = $this->getModel('attachment');
         $result = $model->download(JRequest::getVar('ArticleID', '', '', 'integer'), JRequest::getVar('AtmID', '', '', 'integer'));
         if (array_key_exists('data', $result)) {
             $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
             $doc =& JDocument::getInstance('raw');
             $document = $doc;
             JResponse::setHeader('Content-length', $result['data']->FilesizeRaw, true);
             $fn = preg_replace('/"/', '\\"', $result['data']->Filename);
             JResponse::setHeader('Content-disposition', sprintf('attachment;filename="%s"', $fn), true);
             echo $result['data']->Content;
             $doDisplay = false;
     if ($doDisplay) {
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Submits a bug report to Dioscouri.
  * Thanks so much!  They really help improve the product!
 function sendBug()
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $body = JRequest::getVar('body');
     $name = JRequest::getVar('title');
     $body .= "\n\n Project: tienda";
     $body .= "\n Tracker: Bug";
     $body .= "\n Affected Version: " . Tienda::getVersion();
     $doc = JDocument::getInstance('raw');
     $option = JRequest::getCmd('option');
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $path = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_admin/';
     require_once $path . 'admin.admin.html.php';
     $path .= 'tmpl/';
     require_once $path . 'sysinfo_system.php';
     require_once $path . 'sysinfo_directory.php';
     require_once $path . 'sysinfo_phpinfo.php';
     require_once $path . 'sysinfo_phpsettings.php';
     require_once $path . 'sysinfo_config.php';
     $contents = ob_get_contents();
     $contents = $doc->render();
     $sitename = $config->get('sitename', $mainframe->getCfg('sitename'));
     // write file with info
     $config = JFactory::getConfig();
     $filename = 'system_info_' . $sitename . '.html';
     $file = JPATH_SITE . '/tmp/' . $filename;
     JFile::write($file, $contents);
     $mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
     $success = false;
     // For now, bug submission goes to info@dioscouri.com,
     // but in the future, it will go to projects@dioscouri.com
     // (once we get the Redmine auto-create working properly
     // and format the subject/body of the email properly)
     $mailfrom = $config->get('emails_defaultemail', $mainframe->getCfg('mailfrom'));
     $fromname = $config->get('emails_defaultname', $mainframe->getCfg('fromname'));
     // check user mail format type, default html
     $sender = array($mailfrom, $fromname);
     $sent = $mailer->send();
     if ($sent == '1') {
         $success = true;
     if ($success) {
         $msg = JText::_('COM_TIENDA_BUG_SUBMIT_OK');
         $msgtype = 'message';
     } else {
         $msg = JText::_('COM_TIENDA_BUG_SUBMIT_FAIL');
         $msgtype = 'notice';
     $mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_tienda&view=dashboard'), $msg, $msgtype);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * @todo Implement testGetInstance().
 public function testGetInstance()
     $this->object = JDocument::getInstance();
     $this->assertThat($this->object, $this->isInstanceOf('JDocumentHtml'));
     $this->object = JDocument::getInstance('custom');
     $this->assertThat($this->object, $this->isInstanceOf('JDocumentRaw'));
     $this->assertThat($this->object->getType(), $this->equalTo('custom'));
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Render the error page based on an exception.
  * @param   Exception|Throwable  $error  An Exception or Throwable (PHP 7+) object for which to render the error page.
  * @return  void
  * @since   3.0
 public static function render($error)
     $expectedClass = PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 7 ? 'Throwable' : 'Exception';
     $isException = $error instanceof $expectedClass;
     // In PHP 5, the $error object should be an instance of Exception; PHP 7 should be a Throwable implementation
     if ($isException) {
         try {
             // If site is offline and it's a 404 error, just go to index (to see offline message, instead of 404)
             if ($error->getCode() == '404' && JFactory::getConfig()->get('offline') == 1) {
             $app = JFactory::getApplication();
             $document = JDocument::getInstance('error');
             if (!$document) {
                 // We're probably in an CLI environment
             // Get the current template from the application
             $template = $app->getTemplate();
             // Push the error object into the document
             if (ob_get_contents()) {
             $document->setTitle(JText::_('Error') . ': ' . $error->getCode());
             $data = $document->render(false, array('template' => $template, 'directory' => JPATH_THEMES, 'debug' => JDEBUG));
             // Do not allow cache
             // If nothing was rendered, just use the message from the Exception
             if (empty($data)) {
                 $data = $error->getMessage();
             echo $app->toString();
             // This return is needed to ensure the test suite does not trigger the non-Exception handling below
         } catch (Throwable $e) {
             // Pass the error down
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Pass the error down
     // This isn't an Exception, we can't handle it.
     if (!headers_sent()) {
         header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
     $message = 'Error displaying the error page';
     if ($isException) {
         $message .= ': ';
         if (isset($e)) {
             $message .= $e->getMessage() . ': ';
         $message .= $error->getMessage();
     echo $message;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Render the error page based on an exception.
  * @param   object  $error  An Exception or Throwable (PHP 7+) object for which to render the error page.
  * @return  void
  * @since   3.0
 public static function render($error)
     $expectedClass = PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 7 ? 'Throwable' : 'Exception';
     $isException = $error instanceof $expectedClass;
     // In PHP 5, the $error object should be an instance of Exception; PHP 7 should be a Throwable implementation
     if ($isException) {
         try {
             $app = JFactory::getApplication();
             $document = JDocument::getInstance('error');
             $code = $error->getCode();
             if (!isset(JHttpResponse::$status_messages[$code])) {
                 $code = '500';
             if (ini_get('display_errors')) {
                 $message = $error->getMessage();
             } else {
                 $message = JHttpResponse::$status_messages[$code];
             if (!$document || PHP_SAPI == 'cli') {
                 // We're probably in an CLI environment
             // Get the current template from the application
             $template = $app->getTemplate();
             // Push the error object into the document
             if (ob_get_contents()) {
             $document->setTitle(JText::_('Error') . ': ' . $code);
             $data = $document->render(false, array('template' => $template, 'directory' => JPATH_THEMES, 'debug' => JFactory::getConfig()->get('debug')));
             // Do not allow cache
             // If nothing was rendered, just use the message from the Exception
             if (empty($data)) {
                 $data = $message;
             echo $app->toString();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Pass the error down
     // This isn't an Exception, we can't handle it.
     if (!headers_sent()) {
         header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
     $message = 'Error displaying the error page';
     if ($isException) {
         $message .= ': ' . $e->getMessage() . ': ' . $message;
     echo $message;
Exemplo n.º 11
 function ezStream()
     $options = array('margin-header' => 5, 'margin-footer' => 10, 'margin-top' => 20, 'margin-bottom' => 20, 'margin-left' => 15, 'margin-right' => 15);
     $pdfDoc =& JDocument::getInstance('pdf', $options);
     header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
     header('Content-disposition: inline; filename="file.pdf"', true);
     echo $pdfDoc->render();
Exemplo n.º 12
 function display($tpl = null)
     $option = 'com_jobboard';
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $doc =& JDocument::getInstance('json');
     // Set the MIME type for JSON output.
     if (version_compare(JVERSION, '2.5.0', 'ge')) {
     } else {
         // Change the suggested filename.
         JResponse::setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="results.json"');
     // Output the JSON data.
     echo json_encode($this->data);
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Tests JHtml::calendar() method with and without 'readonly' attribute.
 public function testCalendar()
     // Create a world for the test
     $cfg = new JObject();
     JFactory::$session = $this->getMock('JSession', array('_start'));
     JFactory::$application = $this->getMock('ApplicationMock');
     JFactory::$config = $cfg;
     $cfg->live_site = 'http://example.com';
     $cfg->offset = 'Europe/Kiev';
     $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'Test Browser';
     // two sets of test data
     $test_data = array('date' => '2010-05-28', 'friendly_date' => 'Friday, 28 May 2010', 'name' => 'cal1_name', 'id' => 'cal1_id', 'format' => '%Y-%m-%d', 'attribs' => array());
     $test_data_ro = array_merge($test_data, array('attribs' => array('readonly' => 'readonly')));
     foreach (array($test_data, $test_data_ro) as $data) {
         // Reset the document
         JFactory::$document = JDocument::getInstance('html', array('unique_key' => serialize($data)));
         $input = JHtml::calendar($data['date'], $data['name'], $data['id'], $data['format'], $data['attribs']);
         $this->assertThat(strlen($input), $this->greaterThan(0), 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar method should return something without error.');
         $xml = new simpleXMLElement('<calendar>' . $input . '</calendar>');
         $this->assertEquals((string) $xml->input['type'], 'text', 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input should have `type == "text"`');
         $this->assertEquals((string) $xml->input['title'], $data['friendly_date'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input should have `title == "' . $data['friendly_date'] . '"`');
         $this->assertEquals((string) $xml->input['name'], $data['name'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input should have `name == "' . $data['name'] . '"`');
         $this->assertEquals((string) $xml->input['id'], $data['id'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input should have `id == "' . $data['id'] . '"`');
         $this->assertEquals((string) $xml->input['value'], $data['date'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input should have `value == "' . $data['date'] . '"`');
         $head_data = JFactory::getDocument()->getHeadData();
         if (isset($data['attribs']['readonly']) && $data['attribs']['readonly'] === 'readonly') {
             $this->assertEquals((string) $xml->input['readonly'], $data['attribs']['readonly'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The readonly calendar input should have `readonly == "' . $data['attribs']['readonly'] . '"`');
             $this->assertFalse(isset($xml->img), 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The readonly calendar input shouldn\'t have a calendar image');
             $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('/media/system/js/calendar.js', $head_data['scripts'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' JS file "calendar.js" shouldn\'t be loaded');
             $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('/media/system/js/calendar-setup.js', $head_data['scripts'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' JS file "calendar-setup.js" shouldn\'t be loaded');
             $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('text/javascript', $head_data['script'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' Inline JS for the calendar shouldn\'t be loaded');
         } else {
             $this->assertFalse(isset($xml->input['readonly']), 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input shouldn\'t have readonly attribute');
             $this->assertTrue(isset($xml->img), 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input should have a calendar image');
             $this->assertEquals((string) $xml->img['id'], $data['id'] . '_img', 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar image should have `id == "' . $data['id'] . '_img' . '"`');
             $this->assertEquals((string) $xml->img['class'], 'calendar', 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar image should have `class == "calendar"`');
             $this->assertFileExists(JPATH_ROOT . $xml->img['src'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar image source should point to an existent file');
             $this->assertArrayHasKey('/media/system/js/calendar.js', $head_data['scripts'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' JS file "calendar.js" should be loaded');
             $this->assertArrayHasKey('/media/system/js/calendar-setup.js', $head_data['scripts'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' JS file "calendar-setup.js" should be loaded');
             $this->assertContains('DHTML Date/Time Selector', $head_data['script']['text/javascript'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' Inline JS for the calendar should be loaded');
Exemplo n.º 14
  * The exception handler.
  * @param \Exception $exception The exception object.
  * @return  void
 public static function exception(\Exception $exception)
     try {
         $response = static::response($exception);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $msg = "Infinity loop in exception handler. \n\nException:\n" . $e;
     $response->code = $exception->getCode();
     if (JDEBUG) {
         $response->backtrace = $exception->getTrace();
     $app = \JFactory::getApplication();
     $doc = \JDocument::getInstance('json');
     $app->setHeader('Content-Type', $doc->getMimeEncoding() . '; charset=' . $doc->getCharset());
     echo $app->toString();
Exemplo n.º 15
 function replaceImage(&$row, $align, $autoresize, $maxchars, $showimage, $width = 0, $height = 0, $hiddenClasses = '')
     global $database, $_MAMBOTS, $current_charset;
     $regex = '#<\\s*img [^\\>]*src\\s*=\\s*(["\'])(.*?)\\1#im';
     preg_match($regex, $row->introtext, $matches);
     if (!count($matches)) {
         preg_match($regex, $row->fulltext, $matches);
     $images = count($matches) ? $matches : array();
     $image = '';
     if (count($images)) {
         $image = trim($images[2]);
     $align = $align ? "align=\"{$align}\"" : "";
     if ($image && $showimage) {
         if ($autoresize && function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor') && ($image1 = modJANewsHelper::processImage($image, $width, $height))) {
             $image = "<img src=\"" . $image1 . "\" alt=\"{$row->title}\" {$align} />";
         } else {
             $width = $width ? "width=\"{$width}\"" : "";
             $height = $height ? "height=\"{$height}\"" : "";
             $image = "<img src=\"" . $image . "\" alt=\"{$row->title}\" {$width} {$height} {$align} />";
     } else {
         $image = '';
     $regex1 = "/\\<img[^\\>]*>/";
     $row->introtext = preg_replace($regex1, '', $row->introtext);
     $regex1 = "/<div class=\"mosimage\".*<\\/div>/";
     $row->introtext = preg_replace($regex1, '', $row->introtext);
     $row->introtext = trim($row->introtext);
     $row->introtext1 = $row->introtext;
     if ($maxchars && strlen($row->introtext) > $maxchars) {
         $doc = JDocument::getInstance();
         if (function_exists('mb_substr')) {
             $row->introtext1 = SmartTrim::mb_trim($row->introtext, 0, $maxchars, $doc->_charset);
         } else {
             $row->introtext1 = SmartTrim::trim($row->introtext, 0, $maxchars);
     // clean up globals
     return $image;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Render the error page based on an exception.
  * @param   Exception  $error  The exception for which to render the error page.
  * @return  void
  * @since   3.0
 public static function render(Exception $error)
     try {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $document = JDocument::getInstance('error');
         $code = $error->getCode();
         if (!isset(JHttpResponse::$status_messages[$code])) {
             $code = '500';
         if (ini_get('display_errors')) {
             $message = $error->getMessage();
         } else {
             $message = JHttpResponse::$status_messages[$code];
         // Exit immediatly if we are in a CLI environment
         if (!$document || PHP_SAPI == 'cli') {
         $config = JFactory::getConfig();
         // Get the current template from the application
         $template = $app->getTemplate();
         if (ob_get_contents()) {
         $document->setTitle(JText::_('Error') . ': ' . $code);
         $data = $document->render(false, array('template' => $template, 'directory' => JPATH_THEMES, 'debug' => $config->get('debug')));
         // Failsafe to get the error displayed.
         if (!empty($data)) {
             // Do not allow cache
             echo $app->toString();
         } else {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         exit('Error displaying the error page: ' . $e->getMessage() . ': ' . $message);
Exemplo n.º 17
 function renderRaw($data)
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $doc =& JDocument::getInstance('raw');
     $document = $doc;
     $view =& $this->getView('user', 'html');
     $view->assign('context', 'profile');
     $view->assignRef('data', $data);
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Create a document object
  * @return JDocument object
  * @see     JDocument
  * @since   11.1
 protected static function createDocument()
     $lang = self::getLanguage();
     $input = self::getApplication()->input;
     $type = $input->get('format', 'html', 'word');
     $attributes = array('charset' => 'utf-8', 'lineend' => 'unix', 'tab' => '  ', 'language' => $lang->getTag(), 'direction' => $lang->isRTL() ? 'rtl' : 'ltr');
     return JDocument::getInstance($type, $attributes);
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Get Articles of K2
  * @param array $catids categories of K2
  * @param object $helper
  * @param object $params
  * @return object
 function getArticles($catids, &$helper, $params)
     $limit = (int) $params->get('introitems', $helper->get('introitems')) + (int) $params->get('linkitems', $helper->get('linkitems'));
     if (!$limit) {
         $limit = 4;
     $ordering = $helper->get('ordering', '');
     //get params of K2 component
     $componentParams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_k2');
     $limitstart = 0;
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $aid = $user->get('aid') ? $user->get('aid') : 1;
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $jnow = JFactory::getDate();
     //$now 				= $jnow->toMySQL();
     if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
         $now = $jnow->toSql();
     } else {
         if (version_compare(JVERSION, '2.5', 'ge')) {
             $now = $jnow->toMySQL();
         } else {
             $now = $jnow->toMySQL();
     $nullDate = $db->getNullDate();
     $query = "SELECT i.*, c.name AS categoryname,c.id AS categoryid, c.alias AS categoryalias, c.name as cattitle, c.params AS categoryparams";
     $query .= "\n FROM #__k2_items as i LEFT JOIN #__k2_categories c ON c.id = i.catid";
     $query .= "\n WHERE i.published = 1 AND i.access <= {$aid} AND i.trash = 0 AND c.published = 1 AND c.access <= {$aid} AND c.trash = 0";
     $query .= "\n AND i.catid IN ({$catids})";
     $query .= "\n AND ( i.publish_up = " . $db->Quote($nullDate) . " OR i.publish_up <= " . $db->Quote($now) . " )";
     $query .= "\n AND ( i.publish_down = " . $db->Quote($nullDate) . " OR i.publish_down >= " . $db->Quote($now) . " )";
     if ($helper->get('featured') == 'hide') {
         $query .= "\n AND i.featured = 0";
     if ($helper->get('featured') == 'only') {
         $query .= "\n AND i.featured = 1";
     if ($helper->get('timerange') > 0) {
         $datenow = JFactory::getDate();
         //$date 		= $datenow->toMySQL();
         if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
             $date = $datenow->toSql();
         } else {
             if (version_compare(JVERSION, '2.5', 'ge')) {
                 $date = $datenow->toMySQL();
             } else {
                 $date = $datenow->toMySQL();
         $query .= " AND i.created > DATE_SUB('{$date}',INTERVAL " . $helper->get('timerange') . " DAY) ";
     $sort_order = $helper->get('sort_order', 'DESC');
     switch ($ordering) {
         case 'ordering':
             $ordering = 'ordering ' . $sort_order;
         case 'rand':
             $ordering = 'RAND()';
         case 'hits':
             $ordering = 'hits ' . $sort_order;
         case 'created':
             $ordering = 'created ' . $sort_order;
         case 'modified':
             $ordering = 'modified ' . $sort_order;
         case 'title':
             $ordering = 'title ' . $sort_order;
     if ($ordering == 'RAND()') {
         $query .= "\n ORDER BY " . $ordering;
     } else {
         $query .= "\n ORDER BY i." . $ordering;
     $db->setQuery($query, 0, $limit);
     $rows = $db->loadObjectList();
     $autoresize = intval(trim($helper->get('autoresize', 0)));
     $width_img = (int) $helper->get('width', 100) < 0 ? 100 : $helper->get('width', 100);
     $height_img = (int) $helper->get('height', 100) < 0 ? 100 : $helper->get('height', 100);
     $img_w = intval(trim($width_img));
     $img_h = intval(trim($height_img));
     //$img_w 				= intval(trim($helper->get('width', 100)));
     //$img_h 				= intval(trim($helper->get('height', 100)));
     $img_align = $helper->get('align', 'left');
     $showimage = $params->get('showimage', $helper->get('showimage', 0));
     $maxchars = intval(trim($helper->get('maxchars', 200)));
     $hiddenClasses = trim($helper->get('hiddenClasses', ''));
     $showdate = $helper->get('showdate', 0);
     $enabletimestamp = $helper->get('timestamp', 0);
     if (count($rows)) {
         foreach ($rows as $j => $row) {
             $row->introtext1 = "";
             $row->cat_link = urldecode(JRoute::_(K2HelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($row->categoryid . ':' . urlencode($row->categoryalias))));
             //Clean title
             $row->title = JFilterOutput::ampReplace($row->title);
             $image = '';
             if (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'media' . DS . 'k2' . DS . 'items' . DS . 'cache' . DS . md5("Image" . $row->id) . '_XL.jpg')) {
                 $image = JURI::root() . 'media/k2/items/cache/' . md5("Image" . $row->id) . '_XL.jpg';
             } elseif (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'media' . DS . 'k2' . DS . 'items' . DS . 'cache' . DS . md5("Image" . $row->id) . '_XS.jpg')) {
                 $image = JURI::root() . 'media/k2/items/cache/' . md5("Image" . $row->id) . '_XS.jpg';
             } elseif (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'media' . DS . 'k2' . DS . 'items' . DS . 'cache' . DS . md5("Image" . $row->id) . '_L.jpg')) {
                 $image = JURI::root() . 'media/k2/items/cache/' . md5("Image" . $row->id) . '_L.jpg';
             } elseif (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'media' . DS . 'k2' . DS . 'items' . DS . 'cache' . DS . md5("Image" . $row->id) . '_S.jpg')) {
                 $image = JURI::root() . 'media/k2/items/cache/' . md5("Image" . $row->id) . '_S.jpg';
             } elseif (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'media' . DS . 'k2' . DS . 'items' . DS . 'cache' . DS . md5("Image" . $row->id) . '_M.jpg')) {
                 $image = JURI::root() . 'media/k2/items/cache/' . md5("Image" . $row->id) . '_M.jpg';
             } elseif (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'media' . DS . 'k2' . DS . 'items' . DS . 'cache' . DS . md5("Image" . $row->id) . '_Generic.jpg')) {
                 $image = JURI::root() . 'media/k2/items/cache/' . md5("Image" . $row->id) . '_Generic.jpg';
             if ($image != '') {
                 $thumbnailMode = $helper->get('thumbnail_mode', 'crop');
                 $aspect = $helper->get('use_ratio', '1');
                 $crop = $thumbnailMode == 'crop' ? true : false;
                 $align = $img_align ? "align=\"{$img_align}\"" : "";
                 $jaimage = JAImage::getInstance();
                 if ($thumbnailMode != 'none' && $jaimage->sourceExited($image)) {
                     $imageURL = $jaimage->resize($image, $img_w, $img_h, $crop, $aspect);
                     $imageURL = str_replace(JURI::base(), '', $imageURL);
                     $imageURL = JURI::base() . $imageURL;
                     $row->image = $imageURL ? "<img class=\"{$img_align}\" src=\"" . $imageURL . "\" alt=\"{$row->title}\" {$align} />" : "";
                 } else {
                     $width = $img_w ? "width=\"{$img_w}\"" : "";
                     $height = $img_h ? "height=\"{$img_h}\"" : "";
                     $imageURL = str_replace(JURI::base(), '', $imageURL);
                     $imageURL = JURI::base() . $imageURL;
                     $row->image = "<img class=\"{$img_align}\" src=\"" . $image . "\" alt=\"{$row->title}\" {$img_w} {$img_h} {$align} />";
                 if ($maxchars && strlen($row->introtext) > $maxchars) {
                     $doc = JDocument::getInstance();
                     if (function_exists('mb_substr')) {
                         $row->introtext1 = SmartTrim::mb_trim($row->introtext, 0, $maxchars, $doc->_charset);
                     } else {
                         $row->introtext1 = SmartTrim::trim($row->introtext, 0, $maxchars);
                 } elseif ($maxchars == 0) {
                     $row->introtext1 = '';
                 $helper->replaceImage($row, $img_align, $autoresize, $maxchars, $showimage, $img_w, $img_h, $hiddenClasses);
             } else {
                 $row->image = $helper->replaceImage($row, $img_align, $autoresize, $maxchars, $showimage, $img_w, $img_h, $hiddenClasses);
                 if ($maxchars == 0) {
                     $row->introtext1 = '';
             // Introtext
             $row->text = $row->introtext;
             //Read more link
             $row->link = urldecode(JRoute::_(K2HelperRoute::getItemRoute($row->id . ':' . urlencode($row->alias), $row->catid . ':' . urlencode($row->categoryalias))));
             $helper->_params->set('parsedInModule', 1);
             $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
             if ($helper->get('JPlugins', 1)) {
                 $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeDisplay', array(&$row, &$helper->_params, $limitstart));
                 $row->event->BeforeDisplay = trim(implode("\n", $results));
                 $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDisplay', array(&$row, &$helper->_params, $limitstart));
                 $row->event->AfterDisplay = trim(implode("\n", $results));
                 $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDisplayTitle', array(&$row, &$helper->_params, $limitstart));
                 $row->event->AfterDisplayTitle = trim(implode("\n", $results));
                 $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeDisplayContent', array(&$row, &$helper->_params, $limitstart));
                 $row->event->BeforeDisplayContent = trim(implode("\n", $results));
                 $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDisplayContent', array(&$row, &$helper->_params, $limitstart));
                 $row->event->AfterDisplayContent = trim(implode("\n", $results));
                 $dispatcher->trigger('onPrepareContent', array(&$row, &$helper->_params, $limitstart));
                 $row->introtext = $row->text;
             //Init K2 plugin events
             $row->event->K2BeforeDisplay = '';
             $row->event->K2AfterDisplay = '';
             $row->event->K2AfterDisplayTitle = '';
             $row->event->K2BeforeDisplayContent = '';
             $row->event->K2AfterDisplayContent = '';
             $row->event->K2CommentsCounter = '';
             //K2 plugins
             if ($helper->get('K2Plugins', 1)) {
                 $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onK2BeforeDisplay', array(&$row, &$helper->_params, $limitstart));
                 $row->event->K2BeforeDisplay = trim(implode("\n", $results));
                 $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onK2AfterDisplay', array(&$row, &$helper->_params, $limitstart));
                 $row->event->K2AfterDisplay = trim(implode("\n", $results));
                 $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onK2AfterDisplayTitle', array(&$row, &$helper->_params, $limitstart));
                 $row->event->K2AfterDisplayTitle = trim(implode("\n", $results));
                 $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onK2BeforeDisplayContent', array(&$row, &$helper->_params, $limitstart));
                 $row->event->K2BeforeDisplayContent = trim(implode("\n", $results));
                 $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onK2AfterDisplayContent', array(&$row, &$helper->_params, $limitstart));
                 $row->event->K2AfterDisplayContent = trim(implode("\n", $results));
                 $dispatcher->trigger('onK2PrepareContent', array(&$row, &$helper->_params, $limitstart));
                 $row->introtext = $row->text;
             //Clean the plugin tags
             $row->introtext = preg_replace("#{(.*?)}(.*?){/(.*?)}#s", '', $row->introtext);
             $row->introtext = '<p>' . $row->introtext . '</p>';
             if ($helper->get('showcreator')) {
                 if (!empty($row->created_by_alias)) {
                     $row->author = $row->created_by_alias;
                     $row->authorGender = NULL;
                 } else {
                     $author = JFactory::getUser($row->created_by);
                     $row->author = $author->name;
                     $query = "SELECT `gender` FROM #__k2_users WHERE userID=" . (int) $author->id;
                     $db->setQuery($query, 0, 1);
                     $row->authorGender = $db->loadResult();
                     //Author Link
                     $row->authorLink = JRoute::_(K2HelperRoute::getUserRoute($row->created_by));
             $row->created = $row->modified != '' && $row->modified != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? $row->modified : $row->created;
             if ($enabletimestamp) {
                 $row->created = $helper->generatTimeStamp($row->created);
             } else {
                 $row->created = JHTML::_('date', $row->created);
             $rows[$j] = $row;
     return $rows;
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Display a custom error page and exit gracefully
  * @param   object  &$error  Exception object
  * @return  void
  * @deprecated  12.1
  * @since   11.1
 public static function customErrorPage(&$error)
     // Deprecation warning.
     JLog::add('JError::customErrorPage() is deprecated.', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated');
     // Initialise variables.
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $document = JDocument::getInstance('error');
     if ($document) {
         $config = JFactory::getConfig();
         // Get the current template from the application
         $template = $app->getTemplate();
         // Push the error object into the document
         // If site is offline and it's a 404 error, just go to index (to see offline message, instead of 404)
         if ($error->getCode() == '404' && JFactory::getConfig()->get('offline') == 1) {
         $document->setTitle(JText::_('Error') . ': ' . $error->get('code'));
         $data = $document->render(false, array('template' => $template, 'directory' => JPATH_THEMES, 'debug' => $config->get('debug')));
         // Failsafe to get the error displayed.
         if (empty($data)) {
             self::handleEcho($error, array());
         } else {
             // Do not allow cache
             echo JResponse::toString();
     } else {
         // Just echo the error since there is no document
         // This is a common use case for Command Line Interface applications.
         self::handleEcho($error, array());
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Tests JHtml::calendar() method with and without 'readonly' attribute.
  * @return  void
  * @since   3.1
 public function testCalendar()
     // @TODO - Test currently failing, fix this later
     $this->markTestSkipped('Skipping failing test');
     $cfg = new JObject();
     JFactory::$session = $this->getMockSession();
     JFactory::$config = $cfg;
     $cfg->live_site = 'http://example.com';
     $cfg->offset = 'Europe/Kiev';
     // Two sets of test data
     $test_data = array('date' => '2010-05-28 00:00:00', 'friendly_date' => 'Friday, 28 May 2010', 'name' => 'cal1_name', 'id' => 'cal1_id', 'format' => '%Y-%m-%d', 'attribs' => array());
     $test_data_ro = array_merge($test_data, array('attribs' => array('readonly' => 'readonly')));
     foreach (array($test_data, $test_data_ro) as $data) {
         // Reset the document
         JFactory::$document = JDocument::getInstance('html', array('unique_key' => serialize($data)));
         $input = JHtml::calendar($data['date'], $data['name'], $data['id'], $data['format'], $data['attribs']);
         $this->assertGreaterThan(strlen($input), 0, 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar method should return something without error.');
         $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<calendar>' . $input . '</calendar>');
         $this->assertEquals('text', (string) $xml->input['type'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input should have `type == "text"`');
         // @todo We can't test this yet due to dependency on language strings
         $this->assertEquals($data['friendly_date'], (string) $xml->input['title'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input should have `title == "' . $data['friendly_date'] . '"`');
         $this->assertEquals($data['name'], (string) $xml->input['name'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input should have `name == "' . $data['name'] . '"`');
         $this->assertEquals($data['id'], (string) $xml->input['id'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input should have `id == "' . $data['id'] . '"`');
         $this->assertEquals($data['date'], (string) $xml->input['value'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input should have `value == "' . $data['date'] . '"`');
         $head_data = JFactory::getDocument()->getHeadData();
         if (isset($data['attribs']['readonly']) && $data['attribs']['readonly'] === 'readonly') {
             $this->assertEquals($data['attribs']['readonly'], (string) $xml->input['readonly'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The readonly calendar input should have `readonly == "' . $data['attribs']['readonly'] . '"`');
             $this->assertFalse(isset($xml->img), 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The readonly calendar input shouldn\'t have a calendar image');
             $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('/media/system/js/calendar.js', $head_data['scripts'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' JS file "calendar.js" shouldn\'t be loaded');
             $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('/media/system/js/calendar-setup.js', $head_data['scripts'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' JS file "calendar-setup.js" shouldn\'t be loaded');
             $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('text/javascript', $head_data['script'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' Inline JS for the calendar shouldn\'t be loaded');
         } else {
             $this->assertFalse(isset($xml->input['readonly']), 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input shouldn\'t have readonly attribute');
             $this->assertTrue(isset($xml->img), 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar input should have a calendar image');
             $this->assertEquals($data['id'] . '_img', (string) $xml->img['id'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar image should have `id == "' . $data['id'] . '_img' . '"`');
             $this->assertEquals('calendar', (string) $xml->img['class'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar image should have `class == "calendar"`');
             $this->assertFileExists(JPATH_ROOT . $xml->img['src'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The calendar image source should point to an existent file');
             $this->assertArrayHasKey('/media/system/js/calendar.js', $head_data['scripts'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' JS file "calendar.js" should be loaded');
             $this->assertArrayHasKey('/media/system/js/calendar-setup.js', $head_data['scripts'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' JS file "calendar-setup.js" should be loaded');
             $this->assertContains('DHTML Date\\/Time Selector', $head_data['script']['text/javascript'], 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' Inline JS for the calendar should be loaded');
Exemplo n.º 22
 public static function setFormat($format = 'html')
     // 	Default to raw output
     $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
     $document = JDocument::getInstance($format);
     $doc = $document;
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Create a document object
  * @return  JDocument object
  * @see     JDocument
  * @since   11.1
 protected static function createDocument()
     $lang = self::getLanguage();
     $attributes = array('charset' => 'utf-8', 'lineend' => 'unix', 'tab' => '  ', 'language' => $lang->getTag(), 'direction' => $lang->isRTL() ? 'rtl' : 'ltr');
     return JDocument::getInstance('html', $attributes);
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Method to run the next batch of content through the indexer.
  * @return  void
  * @since   2.5
 public function batch()
     static $log;
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_finder');
     if ($params->get('enable_logging', '0')) {
         if ($log == null) {
             $options['format'] = '{DATE}\\t{TIME}\\t{LEVEL}\\t{CODE}\\t{MESSAGE}';
             $options['text_file'] = 'indexer.php';
             $log = JLog::addLogger($options);
     // Log the start
     JLog::add('Starting the indexer batch process', JLog::INFO);
     // We don't want this form to be cached.
     header('Pragma: no-cache');
     header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
     header('Expires: -1');
     // Check for a valid token. If invalid, send a 403 with the error message.
     JSession::checkToken('request') or $this->sendResponse(new Exception(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN'), 403));
     // Put in a buffer to silence noise.
     // Remove the script time limit.
     // Get the indexer state.
     $state = FinderIndexer::getState();
     // Reset the batch offset.
     $state->batchOffset = 0;
     // Update the indexer state.
     // Import the finder plugins.
      * We are going to swap out the raw document object with an HTML document
      * in order to work around some plugins that don't do proper environment
      * checks before trying to use HTML document functions.
     $raw = clone JFactory::getDocument();
     $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
     // Get the document properties.
     $attributes = array('charset' => 'utf-8', 'lineend' => 'unix', 'tab' => '  ', 'language' => $lang->getTag(), 'direction' => $lang->isRtl() ? 'rtl' : 'ltr');
     // Get the HTML document.
     $html = JDocument::getInstance('html', $attributes);
     $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
     // Swap the documents.
     $doc = $html;
     // Get the admin application.
     $admin = clone JFactory::getApplication();
     // Get the site app.
     $site = JApplication::getInstance('site');
     // Swap the app.
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $app = $site;
     // Start the indexer.
     try {
         // Trigger the onBeforeIndex event.
         // Trigger the onBuildIndex event.
         // Get the indexer state.
         $state = FinderIndexer::getState();
         $state->start = 0;
         $state->complete = 0;
         // Swap the documents back.
         $doc = $raw;
         // Swap the applications back.
         $app = $admin;
         // Send the response.
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Swap the documents back.
         $doc = $raw;
         // Send the response.
Exemplo n.º 25
  * trim string with max specify
  * @param string $title
  * @param integer $max.
 function trimString($title, $maxchars = 60, $includeTags = NULL)
     if (!empty($includeTags)) {
         $title = $this->trimIncludeTags($title, $this->buildStrTags($includeTags));
     if (function_exists('mb_substr')) {
         $doc = JDocument::getInstance();
         return SmartTrim::mb_trim($title, 0, $maxchars, $doc->_charset);
     } else {
         return SmartTrim::trim($title, 0, $maxchars);
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Display a custom error page and exit gracefully
  * @param   object  $error Exception object
  * @return  void
  * @deprecated
  * @since   11.1
 public static function customErrorPage(&$error)
     // Initialise variables.
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $document = JDocument::getInstance('error');
     $config = JFactory::getConfig();
     // Get the current template from the application
     $template = $app->getTemplate();
     // Push the error object into the document
     $document->setTitle(JText::_('Error') . ': ' . $error->get('code'));
     $data = $document->render(false, array('template' => $template, 'directory' => JPATH_THEMES, 'debug' => $config->get('debug')));
     // Do not allow cache
     echo JResponse::toString();
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Allows the application to load a custom or default document.
  * The logic and options for creating this object are adequately generic for default cases
  * but for many applications it will make sense to override this method and create a document,
  * if required, based on more specific needs.
  * @param   JDocument  $document  An optional document object. If omitted, the factory document is created.
  * @return  InstallationApplicationWeb This method is chainable.
  * @since   3.2
 public function loadDocument(JDocument $document = null)
     if ($document === null) {
         $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
         $type = $this->input->get('format', 'html', 'word');
         $attributes = array('charset' => 'utf-8', 'lineend' => 'unix', 'tab' => '  ', 'language' => $lang->getTag(), 'direction' => $lang->isRtl() ? 'rtl' : 'ltr');
         $document = JDocument::getInstance($type, $attributes);
         // Register the instance to JFactory.
         JFactory::$document = $document;
     $this->document = $document;
     return $this;
function writeContactForm($_this)
    if (!$_this->returnAjaxForm) {
        // header of the adminForm
        // don't remove this line
        echo $_this->getTmplHeader();
		<div id="displayAiContactSafeForm_<?php 
        echo $_this->profile->id;
    if ($_this->returnAjaxForm) {
        $doc = JDocument::getInstance();
        $renderer = $doc->loadRenderer('message');
        echo '<div class="error">';
        echo $renderer->render('message');
        echo '</div>';
        if ($_this->_app->_session->get('isOK:' . $_this->_sTask)) {
            $message = $_this->_app->_session->get('confirmationMessage:' . $_this->_sTask . '_' . $_this->r_id);
            if (strlen($message) > 0) {
                echo '<input type="hidden" id="ajax_message_sent" name="ajax_message_sent" value="1" />';
		<div class="aiContactSafe" id="aiContactSafe_contact_form">
    if ($_this->requested_fields) {
		<div class="aiContactSafe" id="aiContactSafe_info"><?php 
        echo $_this->contactinformations['required_field_notification'];
    foreach ($_this->fields as $field) {
        if (is_null($field->html_label)) {
					<div class="aiContactSafe_row_hidden" id="aiContactSafe_row_<?php 
            echo $field->name;
"><div class="aiContactSafe_contact_form_field_right"><?php 
            echo $field->html_tag;
        } else {
            if ($_this->profile->bottom_row_space > 0) {
                $row_space = '<div class="row_space" style="clear:both; height:' . $_this->profile->bottom_row_space . 'px; line-height:' . $_this->profile->bottom_row_space . 'px;">&nbsp;</div>';
            } else {
                $row_space = '';
            if ($field->label_after_field) {
						<div class="aiContactSafe_row<?php 
                echo $field->has_errors ? ' with_errors' : '';
" id="aiContactSafe_row_<?php 
                echo $field->name;
"><div class="aiContactSafe_contact_form_field_left"><?php 
                echo $field->html_tag;
</div><div class="aiContactSafe_contact_form_field_label_right"><?php 
                echo $field->html_label;
                echo $field->field_required ? '<label class="required_field">' . $_this->profile->required_field_mark . '</label>' : '';
                if ($field->has_errors) {
                    echo '<div class="aiContactSafe_error_msg"><ul>';
                    foreach ($field->error_msg as $msg) {
                        echo '<li>' . $msg . '</li>';
                    echo '</ul></div>';
                echo $row_space;
            } else {
						<div class="aiContactSafe_row<?php 
                echo $field->has_errors ? ' with_errors' : '';
" id="aiContactSafe_row_<?php 
                echo $field->name;
"><div class="aiContactSafe_contact_form_field_label_left"><?php 
                echo $field->html_label;
                echo $field->field_required ? '<label class="required_field">' . $_this->profile->required_field_mark . '</label>' : '';
</div><div class="aiContactSafe_contact_form_field_right"><?php 
                echo $field->html_tag;
                if ($field->has_errors) {
                    echo '<div class="aiContactSafe_error_msg"><ul>';
                    foreach ($field->error_msg as $msg) {
                        echo '<li>' . $msg . '</li>';
                    echo '</ul></div>';
                echo $row_space;
    if ($_this->returnAjaxForm) {
			<br style="clear:all;" />
    } else {
			<br style="clear:all;" />
			<br style="clear:all;" />
			<div id="aiContactSafeBtns"><?php 
        echo $_this->buttons;
			<br style="clear:all;" />
        // footer of the adminForm
        // don't remove this line
        echo $_this->getTmplFooter();
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Create a document object
  * @access private
  * @return object JDocument
  * @since 1.5
 private static function &_createDocument()
     $lang =& JFactory::getLanguage();
     //Keep backwards compatibility with Joomla! 1.0
     $raw = JRequest::getBool('no_html');
     $type = JRequest::getWord('format', $raw ? 'raw' : 'html');
     $attributes = array('charset' => 'utf-8', 'lineend' => 'unix', 'tab' => '  ', 'language' => $lang->getTag(), 'direction' => $lang->isRTL() ? 'rtl' : 'ltr');
     $doc =& JDocument::getInstance($type, $attributes);
     return $doc;
Exemplo n.º 30
	case "cartCheckout":
	case "pdfPreview":
		$id = JRequest::getInt('id');
		$database->setQuery("select * from #__docman_documents where docman_document_id = $id limit 1");
		$row = $database->loadObject();

		if (pathinfo($row->storage_path,PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'pdf') {
			die('This is not a pdf file.');

    	$database = &JFactory::getDBO();
	    $document = &JFactory::getDocument();
	    $doc = &JDocument::getInstance('raw');
	    $document = $doc;
		require_once(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS .'components' . DS. 'com_docmanpaypal' . DS . 'fpdi' . DS . 'FPDI_Protection.php');
		$pdf = new FPDI_Protection();
		if ($dm->cfg['pdfOrientation'] == 'portrait') {
		$pdf->FPDF('P', 'in', array('8.267','11.692'));
		} else {
		$pdf->FPDF('P', 'in', array('11.692','8.267'));
		$sourceFile = $dm->docman_path . DS . $row->storage_path;
		$pdfPreviewPath = dirname($sourceFile) . DS . basename($sourceFile,'.pdf') . "_preview.pdf";