c() public method

Create child.
public c ( string $name, string $ns = null, array $attrs = [], string $text = null ) : JAXLXml
$name string
$ns string
$attrs array
$text string
return JAXLXml
Exemplo n.º 1
 public function test_xmpp_stanza_nested()
     $xml = new JAXLXml('message', array('to' => '1@a.z', 'from' => '2@b.c'));
     $xml->c('body')->attrs(array('xml:lang' => 'en'))->t('hello')->up()->c('thread')->t('1234')->up()->c('nested')->c('nest')->t('nest1')->up()->c('nest')->t('nest2')->up()->c('nest')->t('nest3')->up()->up()->c('c')->attrs(array('hash' => '84jsdmnskd'));
     $stanza = new XMPPStanza($xml);
     $this->assertEquals('<message to="1@a.z" from="2@b.c"><body xml:lang="en">hello</body><thread>1234</thread><nested>' . '<nest>nest1</nest><nest>nest2</nest><nest>nest3</nest></nested><c hash="84jsdmnskd"></c></message>', $stanza->to_string());
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function __set($prop, $val)
     switch ($prop) {
         // access to jaxl xml properties
         case 'name':
         case 'ns':
         case 'text':
         case 'attrs':
         case 'children':
             return $this->xml->{$prop} = $val;
             // access to common xml attributes
         // access to common xml attributes
         case 'to':
         case 'from':
         case 'id':
         case 'type':
             $this->xml->attrs[$prop] = $val;
             return true;
             // access to parts of common xml attributes
         // access to parts of common xml attributes
         case 'to_node':
         case 'to_domain':
         case 'to_resource':
         case 'from_node':
         case 'from_domain':
         case 'from_resource':
             list($attr, $key) = explode('_', $prop);
             $val1 = isset($this->xml->attrs[$attr]) ? $this->xml->attrs[$attr] : null;
             if (!$val1) {
                 $val1 = '';
             $val1 = new XMPPJid($val1);
             $val1->{$key} = $val;
             $this->xml->attrs[$attr] = $val1->to_string();
             return true;
             // access to first child element text
         // access to first child element text
         case 'status':
         case 'show':
         case 'priority':
         case 'body':
         case 'thread':
         case 'subject':
             $val1 = $this->xml->exists($prop);
             if (!$val1) {
             } else {
                 $this->xml->update($prop, $val1->ns, $val1->attrs, $val);
             return true;
             return null;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function set_form($domain, $form)
     $query = new JAXLXml('query', NS_INBAND_REGISTER);
     foreach ($form as $k => $v) {
         $query->c($k, null, array(), $v)->up();
     $pkt = $this->jaxl->get_iq_pkt(array('to' => $domain, 'type' => 'set'), $query);
Exemplo n.º 4
function on_auth_success_callback()
    global $client;
    JAXLLogger::info("got on_auth_success cb, jid " . $client->full_jid->to_string());
    // create node
    //$client->xeps['0060']->create_node('pubsub.localhost', 'dummy_node');
    // publish
    $item = new JAXLXml('item', null, array('id' => time()));
    $item->c('entry', 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom');
    $item->c('summary')->t('To be, or not to be: that is the question')->up();
    $item->c('link', null, array('rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'text/html', 'href' => 'http://denmark.lit/2003/12/13/atom03'))->up();
    $client->xeps['0060']->publish_item('pubsub.localhost', 'dummy_node', $item);
 public function get_bind_pkt($resource)
     $stanza = new JAXLXml('bind', NS_BIND);
     return $this->get_iq_pkt(array('type' => 'set'), $stanza);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function get_create_node_pkt($service, $node)
     $child = new JAXLXml('pubsub', NS_PUBSUB);
     $child->c('create', null, array('node' => $node));
     return $this->get_iq_pkt($service, $child);
Exemplo n.º 7
// initialize JAXL object with initial config
require_once 'jaxl.php';
$client = new JAXL(array('jid' => $argv[1], 'pass' => $argv[2], 'log_level' => JAXL_INFO));
// add necessary event callbacks here
$client->add_cb('on_auth_success', function () {
    global $client;
    _info("got on_auth_success cb, jid " . $client->full_jid->to_string());
    // create node
    //$client->xeps['0060']->create_node('pubsub.localhost', 'dummy_node');
    // publish
    $item = new JAXLXml('item', null, array('id' => time()));
    $item->c('entry', 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom');
    $item->c('summary')->t('To be, or not to be: that is the question')->up();
    $item->c('link', null, array('rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'text/html', 'href' => 'http://denmark.lit/2003/12/13/atom03'))->up();
    $client->xeps['0060']->publish_item('pubsub.localhost', 'dummy_node', $item);
$client->add_cb('on_auth_failure', function ($reason) {
    global $client;
    _info("got on_auth_failure cb with reason {$reason}");
$client->add_cb('on_disconnect', function () {
    _info("got on_disconnect cb");