Exemplo n.º 1

defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
$items = $this->items;
global $jacconfig;
$helper = new JACommentHelpers();
if ($avatarSize == 1) {
    $size = 'height:18px; width:18px;';
} else {
    if ($avatarSize == 2) {
        $size = 'height:26px; width:26px;';
    } else {
        if ($avatarSize == 3) {
            $size = 'height:42px; width:42px;';
$currentCommentID = 0;
if (isset($this->currentCommentID)) {
    $currentCommentID = $this->currentCommentID;
$searchItems = array();
if (isset($this->searchItems)) {
    $searchItems = $this->searchItems;
$rootParentID = 0;
if (isset($this->rootParentID)) {
    $rootParentID = $this->rootParentID;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * JA Nex Template for Joomla 2.5
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2011 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
 * @license - Copyrighted Commercial Software
 * Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd
 * Websites:  http://www.joomlart.com -  http://www.joomlancers.com
 * This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// check iPhone browser
$ipBrowser = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "iPhone");
$items = $this->items;
global $jacconfig;
$helper = new JACommentHelpers();
$isCloseThread = $jacconfig["general"]->get("is_close_thread", 0);
if ($avatarSize == 1) {
    $size = 'height:18px; width:18px;';
} else {
    if ($avatarSize == 2) {
        $size = 'height:26px; width:26px;';
    } else {
        if ($avatarSize == 3) {
            $size = 'height:42px; width:42px;';
$currentCommentID = 0;
if (isset($this->currentCommentID)) {
    $currentCommentID = $this->currentCommentID;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * JA Nex Template for Joomla 2.5
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2011 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
 * @license - Copyrighted Commercial Software
 * Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd
 * Websites:  http://www.joomlart.com -  http://www.joomlancers.com
 * This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jacomment' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'comments.php';
require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jacomment' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'jahelper.php';
$model = new JACommentModelComments();
$helper = new JACommentHelpers();
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
//add style of template for component
JHTML::stylesheet('style.css', 'components/com_jacomment/themes/' . $theme . '/css/');
if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $app->getTemplate() . DS . 'html' . DS . "com_jacomment" . DS . "themes" . DS . $theme . DS . "css" . DS . "style.css")) {
    JHTML::stylesheet('style.css', 'templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/html/com_jacomment/themes/' . $theme . '/css/');
$lang =& JFactory::getLanguage();
if ($lang->isRTL()) {
    if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE . DS . 'components/com_jacomment/themes/' . $theme . '/css/style_rtl.css')) {
        JHTML::stylesheet('style_rtl.css', 'components/com_jacomment/themes/' . $theme . '/css/');
    if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $app->getTemplate() . DS . 'html' . DS . "com_jacomment" . DS . "themes" . DS . $theme . DS . "css" . DS . "style_rtl.css")) {
        JHTML::stylesheet('style_rtl.css', 'templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/html/com_jacomment/themes/' . $theme . '/css/');
Exemplo n.º 4

 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * JA Nex Template for Joomla 2.5
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2011 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
 * @license - Copyrighted Commercial Software
 * Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd
 * Websites:  http://www.joomlart.com -  http://www.joomlancers.com
 * This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
$helper = new JACommentHelpers();
$captcha->valid_text = false;
$captcha->draw_lines = false;
$captcha->draw_lines_over_text = false;
$captcha->arc_linethrough = false;
$captcha->arcline_colors = "#8080ff,#cccfff,#000fff,#fffccc";
$captcha->text_color = "#ff0000";
$captcha->usepatern = false;
// use P=point,L=line,C=circle,E=elipse,CF=fillcircle,EF=fillelipse;T=text
$captcha->paternType = "p,l,c,e,cf,ef,t";
$captcha->paternRandColor = 0;
$captcha->use_multi_text = true;
$captcha->multi_text_color = "#222222,#222222,#222222";
$captcha->image_bg_color = "#FFFFFF";
$captcha->xpos_start = 4;
$captcha->font_size = 35;