public static function destroy($id) { self::check_logged_in(); $itemtype = new ItemType(array('id' => $id)); $itemtype->destroy(); Redirect::to('/itemtype', array('message' => 'The item type has been removed successfully!')); }
/** * sample_RelistItem::dispatchCall() * * Dispatch the call * * @param array $params array of parameters for the eBay API call * * @return boolean success */ public function dispatchCall($params) { $req = new RelistItemRequestType(); $item = new ItemType(); $item->setItemID($params['ItemID']); $req->setItem($item); $res = $this->proxy->RelistItem($req); if ($this->testValid($res)) { $this->dumpObject($res); return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * sample_AddLiveAuctionItem::dispatchCall() * * Dispatch the call * * @param array $params array of parameters for the eBay API call * * @return boolean success */ public function dispatchCall($params) { $req = new AddLiveAuctionItemRequestType(); $item = new ItemType(); $item->setStartPrice($params['StartPrice']); $la = new LiveAuctionDetailsType(); $la->setLotNumber($params['LotNumber']); $item->setLiveAuctionDetails($la); $req->setItem($item); $res = $this->proxy->AddLiveAuctionItem($req); if ($this->testValid($res)) { $this->dumpObject($res); return true; } else { return false; } }
private static function _addPlayerElement() { if (element_exists(ElementSet::ITEM_TYPE_NAME, 'Player')) { return; } $db = get_db(); $table = $db->getTable('ItemType'); $mpType = $table->findByName('Moving Image'); if (!is_object($mpType)) { $mpType = new ItemType(); $mpType->name = "Moving Image"; $mpType->description = "A series of visual representations imparting an impression of motion when shown in succession. Examples include animations, movies, television programs, videos, zoetropes, or visual output from a simulation."; $mpType->save(); } $mpType->addElements(array(array('name' => 'Player', 'description' => 'html for embedded player to stream video content'))); $mpType->save(); }
public function ryi($params) { $this->session->setRequestToken($params['AuthToken']); $scope = $params['scope']; $req = new ReviseItemRequestType(); $item = new ItemType(); $item->setItemID($params['ItemID']); if (in_array('description', $scope)) { $item->setDescription($params['Description']); } if (in_array('sku', $scope)) { $item->setApplicationData($params['ApplicationData']); $item->setSKU($params['SKU']); } $item->setHitCounter("HiddenStyle"); $req->setItem($item); $res = $this->proxy->ReviseItem($req); switch ($res->getAck()) { case AckCodeType::CodeType_Success: return true; break; case AckCodeType::CodeType_Warning: echo "Item ID: {$params['ItemID']}<br>"; echo $this->proxy->getErrorsToString($res, true); return true; break; default: echo "Item ID: {$params['ItemID']}<br>"; echo $this->proxy->getErrorsToString($res, true); $this->dumpObject($res); return false; break; } }
public static function update($id) { self::check_logged_in(); $params = $_POST; $attributes = array('id' => $id, 'itemtype_id' => Item::find($id)->itemtype_id, 'description' => $params['description']); $item = new Item($attributes); $errors = $item->errors(); if (count($errors) > 0) { $item = Item::find($id); $itemtype = ItemType::find($item->itemtype_id); View::make('item/edit.html', array('errors' => $errors, 'given_description' => $params['description'], 'item' => $item, 'itemtype' => $itemtype)); } else { $item->update(); Redirect::to('/item/' . $item->id, array('message' => 'The item has been modified successfully!')); } }
public function __construct($itemId, $typeId, $typeName, $name, $ref, $unit, $desc, $features, $manufacturer, $rprice, $wprice, $tax, $img, $plength, $pwidth, $pheight, $pweight, $pshape) { parent::__construct($typeId, $typeName, $unit); $this->itemId = $itemId; $this->name = $name; $this->reference = $ref; $this->description = $desc; $this->retail_price = $rprice; $this->wholesale_price = $wprice; $this->taxcode = $tax; $this->image = $img; $this->manufacturer = $manufacturer; $this->setFeatures($features); $this->setImages(); $this->setShippingDetails($plength, $pwidth, $pheight, $pweight, $pshape); }
} if ($edited_Itemtype->is_special()) { // Don't edit a name of special post types $Form->info(T_('Name'), $edited_Itemtype->name); } else { // Display a field to edit a name $Form->text_input('ityp_name', $edited_Itemtype->name, 50, T_('Name'), '', array('maxlength' => 30, 'required' => true)); } $Form->textarea_input('ityp_description', $edited_Itemtype->description, 2, T_('Description'), array('cols' => 47)); $Form->radio('ityp_perm_level', $edited_Itemtype->perm_level, array(array('standard', T_('Standard')), array('restricted', T_('Restricted')), array('admin', T_('Admin'))), T_('Permission level')); $Form->text_input('ityp_backoffice_tab', $edited_Itemtype->backoffice_tab, 25, T_('Back-office tab'), T_('Items of this type will be listed in this back-office tab. If empty, items will be found only in the "All" tab.'), array('maxlength' => 30)); $Form->text_input('ityp_template_name', $edited_Itemtype->template_name, 25, T_('Template name'), T_('b2evolution will automatically append .main.php or .disp.php'), array('maxlength' => 40)); $Form->end_fieldset(); $options = array(array('required', T_('Required')), array('optional', T_('Optional')), array('never', T_('Never'))); // Check if current type is intro and set specific params for the fields "ityp_allow_breaks" and "ityp_allow_featured": $intro_type_disabled = ItemType::is_intro($edited_Itemtype->ID); $intro_type_note = $intro_type_disabled ? T_('This feature is not compatible with Intro posts.') : ''; $Form->begin_fieldset(T_('Features') . get_manual_link('item-type-features'), array('id' => 'itemtype_features')); $Form->radio('ityp_use_title', $edited_Itemtype->use_title, $options, T_('Use title')); $Form->radio('ityp_use_text', $edited_Itemtype->use_text, $options, T_('Use text')); $Form->checkbox('ityp_allow_html', $edited_Itemtype->allow_html, T_('Allow HTML'), T_('Check to allow HTML in posts.') . ' (' . T_('HTML code will pass several sanitization filters.') . ')'); $Form->checkbox('ityp_allow_breaks', $edited_Itemtype->allow_breaks, T_('Allow Teaser and Page breaks'), $intro_type_note, '', 1, $intro_type_disabled); $Form->checkbox('ityp_allow_attachments', $edited_Itemtype->allow_attachments, T_('Allow attachments')); $Form->checkbox('ityp_allow_featured', $edited_Itemtype->allow_featured, T_('Allow featured'), $intro_type_note, '', 1, $intro_type_disabled); $Form->end_fieldset(); $Form->begin_fieldset(T_('Use of Advanced Properties') . get_manual_link('item-type-advanced-properties'), array('id' => 'itemtype_advprops')); $Form->radio('ityp_use_tags', $edited_Itemtype->use_tags, $options, T_('Use tags')); $Form->radio('ityp_use_excerpt', $edited_Itemtype->use_excerpt, $options, T_('Use excerpt')); $Form->radio('ityp_use_url', $edited_Itemtype->use_url, $options, T_('Use URL')); $Form->radio('ityp_use_parent', $edited_Itemtype->use_parent, $options, T_('Use Parent ID')); $Form->radio('ityp_use_title_tag', $edited_Itemtype->use_title_tag, $options, htmlspecialchars(T_('Use <title> tag')));
?> ", dataType: 'html', success: function(results) { $("#item_prop_values").empty(); $(results).appendTo("#item_prop_values"); } }); } }); </script> <?php $cri = new CDbCriteria(array('condition' => 'enabled = 1')); $ItemType = ItemType::model()->findAll($cri); $list = CHtml::listData($ItemType, 'type_id', 'name'); echo $form->DropDownListRow($model, 'type_id', $list, array('empty' => '请选择商品类型', 'hint' => '请选择商品的所属类型,进而完善此商品的属性')); //$props_list = Item::model()->findByPk($model->item_id); //$props_arr = explode(';', $props_list->props); //foreach ($props_arr as $k => $v) { // $newarr[] = explode(':', $v); //} //foreach ($newarr as $k => $v) { // $v_arr = explode(',', $v[1]); // $arr[$v[0]] = $v_arr; //} //print_r($arr); ?>
/** * Install default profile * * Install default item types, elements, and profiles for easy setup * * @param array An array of parameters with names and descriptions * of the default values we are setting up * @return void */ public function installDefaults($params) { if (!($itemType = get_db()->getTable('ItemType')->findByName($params['typeName']))) { $itemType = new ItemType(); $itemType->name = $params['typeName']; $itemType->description = $params['typeDesc']; $id = $itemType->save(); } require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/models/MmdProfile.php'; $profile = new MmdProfile(); $profile->setViewer($this); $profile->name = $params['profileName']; $profile->viewer = $this->name; foreach ($this->_paramInfo as $param) { //$element = new Element(); //check if element exists in Dublin Core $element = get_db()->getTable('Element')->findByElementSetNameAndElementName('Dublin Core', $param['name']); if (empty($element)) { $element = get_db()->getTable('Element')->findByElementSetNameAndElementName('Dublin Core', ucfirst($param['name'])); } if (empty($element)) { $element = get_db()->getTable('Element')->findByElementSetNameAndElementName('Dublin Core', strtoupper($param['name'])); } if (empty($element)) { $element = get_db()->getTable('Element')->findByElementSetNameAndElementName('Item Type Metadata', $param['name']); } if (empty($element)) { $element = get_db()->getTable('Element')->findByElementSetNameAndElementName('Item Type Metadata', ucfirst($param['name'])); } if (empty($element)) { $element = get_db()->getTable('Element')->findByElementSetNameAndElementName('Item Type Metadata', strtoupper($param['name'])); } if (empty($element)) { $element = new Element(); $element->setElementSet('Item Type Metadata'); $element->setName($param['name']); $element->setDescription($param['description']); try { $element->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { print_r($e); die; } } $itemType->addElementById($element->id); if (isset($param['default']) && $param['default'] !== '') { $profile->setAuxParam($param['name'], $param['default'], 1); } if (isset($param['files'])) { $multiple = isset($param['multiple']) && $param['multiple'] != 'single' && $param['multiple'] ? 1 : 0; $fileparam = array('multiple' => isset($param['multiple']) && $param['multiple'] != 'single' && $param['multiple'] ? 1 : 0, 'extensions' => $param['files']); $profile->setAuxParam($param['name'], $fileparam, 2); } $profile->setAuxParam($param['name'], $element->id, 0); } $itemType->save(); $item_type_id = $itemType->id; $profile->save(); $profile_id = $profile->id; require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/models/MmdAssign.php'; $assign = new MmdAssign(); $assign->item_type_id = $item_type_id; $assign->profile_id = $profile_id; $assign->filetypes = $this->_allowedFiletypes; $assign->save(); return 'Defaults installed successfully'; }
AND itc_coll_ID = ' . $DB->quote($blog)); $Messages->add(T_('Post type has been disabled for this collection.'), 'success'); } } // Redirect so that a reload doesn't write to the DB twice: header_redirect($admin_url . '?ctrl=itemtypes&blog=' . $blog . '&tab=' . $tab . '&tab3=' . $tab3 . '', 303); // Will EXIT // We have EXITed already at this point!! break; case 'default': // Set default item type for the selected collection: // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request: $Session->assert_received_crumb('itemtype'); // Check permission: $current_User->check_perm('blog_properties', 'edit', true, $blog); if ($edited_Itemtype && !ItemType::is_reserved($edited_Itemtype->ID)) { // Do only when item type exists in DB: // Update default item type to new selected: $Blog->set_setting('default_post_type', $edited_Itemtype->ID); $Blog->dbupdate(); // Enable new default item type for the selected collection automatically: $DB->query('REPLACE INTO T_items__type_coll ( itc_ityp_ID, itc_coll_ID ) VALUES ( ' . $DB->quote($edited_Itemtype->ID) . ', ' . $DB->quote($blog) . ' )'); $Messages->add(T_('The item type has been set as the default for this collection.'), 'success'); } // Redirect so that a reload doesn't write to the DB twice: header_redirect($admin_url . '?ctrl=itemtypes&blog=' . $blog . '&tab=' . $tab . '&tab3=' . $tab3 . '', 303); // Will EXIT // We have EXITed already at this point!! break;
if ($addItem) { require_once $ebatns_dir . 'EbatNs_ServiceProxy.php'; require_once $ebatns_dir . 'EbatNs_Logger.php'; require_once $ebatns_dir . 'VerifyAddItemRequestType.php'; require_once $ebatns_dir . 'AddItemRequestType.php'; require_once $ebatns_dir . 'ItemType.php'; require_once $ebatns_dir . 'ListingEnhancementsCodeType.php'; require_once $ebatns_dir . 'BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType.php'; require_once $ebatns_dir . 'CountryCodeType.php'; $session = create_ebay_session(); if ($session) { $ListingEnhancementsCodeType = new BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType(); $PaymentMethodCode = new BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType(); $CountryCodeType = new CountryCodeType(); $cs = new EbatNs_ServiceProxy($session); $item = new ItemType(); //auction type $item->setListingType($auction_type_name); $item->Currency = DEFAULT_CURRENCY; //currency $item->Site = 'Germany'; //site ( //use sheduling if there is one if (isset($future_auction)) { $item->setScheduleTime($mynewstarttime); } //set title $product_title = stripcslashes($product_title); $product_title = striptags($product_title); $item->Title = $product_title; //set subtitle
<?php $this->breadcrumbs = array(Yii::t('weekdays', 'Weekdays') => array('index'), Yii::t('weekdays', 'Manage')); $this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDialog', array('id' => 'jobDialog', 'options' => array('title' => Yii::t('weekdays', 'Create Job'), 'autoOpen' => true, 'modal' => 'true', 'width' => 'auto', 'height' => 'auto'))); ?> <?php echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'item_type_id', CHtml::listData(ItemType::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'type'), array('empty' => 'select Type')); ?> <?php $this->endWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDialog');
break; // end default // end default case 'save': $ERRORS = array(); $class_id = stripinput($_POST['item']['class_id']); if ($class_id == null) { $ERRORS[] = 'No class specified.'; } else { $class = new ItemClass($db); $class = $class->findOneByItemClassId($class_id); if ($class == null) { $ERRORS[] = 'Invalid class specified.'; } } // end id given if (sizeof($ERRORS) > 0) { draw_errors($ERRORS); } else { $item = new ItemType($db); $item->setItemClassId($class->getItemClassId()); $item->setUniqueItem('N'); $item->setTransferableItem('Y'); $item->save(); redirect(null, null, "admin-items-edit/?item[id]={$item->getItemTypeId()}"); } // end no errors break; // end save } // end state switch
/** * Check if this post type is special( reserved in system ) * * @param integer Use this param ID of post type when object is not created * @return boolean */ function is_special($ID = NULL) { $special_range = ItemType::get_special_range(); if ($ID === NULL) { // Get ID of this object $ID = $this->ID; } return $ID >= $special_range[0] && $ID <= $special_range[1]; }
/** * Assert that the supplied post type can be used by the current user in * the post's extra categories' context. * * @param integer Item type ID * @param array The extra cats of the post. */ function check_perm_posttype($item_typ_ID, $post_extracats) { global $Blog, $current_User; $ItemTypeCache =& get_ItemTypeCache(); $ItemType =& $ItemTypeCache->get_by_ID($item_typ_ID); if (ItemType::is_reserved($ItemType->ID)) { // Don't allow to use a reserved post type: debug_die('This post type is reserved and cannot be used. Please choose another one.'); } if (!$Blog->is_item_type_enabled($ItemType->ID)) { // Don't allow to use a not enabled post type: debug_die('This post type is not enabled. Please choose another one.'); } // Check permission: $current_User->check_perm('cats_item_type_' . $ItemType->perm_level, 'edit', true, $post_extracats); }
<?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/../'; Template::SetTitle('首页'); $options = array('type_id' => (int) $_REQUEST['type']); $itemType = ItemType::getList(); $itemList = Item::getList($options); Template::assign('itemType', $itemType); Template::assign('itemList', $itemList); Template::display('list.tpl');
} break; case 'delete': if ($id) { $result = ItemType::deleteItem($id); $code = $result['code']; $msg = $result['msg']; $data = $result['data']; } else { $code = 1; $msg = "无效的id"; } break; case 'get': $result = ItemType::getItemByID($id); $code = $result['code']; $msg = $result['msg']; $data = $result['data'][0]; break; case 'list': break; case 'reload': $count = ItemType::count(); $list = ItemType::getAllItem(); Template::assign(array('p' => $p, 'total' => $count, 'items' => $list['data'])); $data = Template::Render('op/typegrid.tpl'); break; default: $code = 1; $msg = '没有这个操作'; }
*/ if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) { die('Please, do not access this page directly.'); } load_class('items/model/_itemtype.class.php', 'ItemType'); global $dispatcher; // Create query $SQL = new SQL(); $SQL->SELECT('*'); $SQL->FROM('T_items__type'); // Create result set: $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'ptyp_'); $Results->title = T_('Item/Post/Page types'); // get reserved ids global $reserved_ids; $reserved_ids = ItemType::get_reserved_ids(); /** * Callback to build possible actions depending on item type id * */ function get_actions_for_itemtype($id) { global $reserved_ids; $action = action_icon(T_('Duplicate this item type...'), 'copy', regenerate_url('action', 'ptyp_ID=' . $id . '&action=new')); if ($id < $reserved_ids[0] || $id > $reserved_ids[1]) { // not reserved id $action = action_icon(T_('Edit this item type...'), 'edit', regenerate_url('action', 'ptyp_ID=' . $id . '&action=edit')) . $action . action_icon(T_('Delete this item type!'), 'delete', regenerate_url('action', 'ptyp_ID=' . $id . '&action=delete&' . url_crumb('itemtype') . '')); } return $action; } /**
<?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/../'; Template::SetTitle('首页'); if (isset($_REQUEST['type'])) { $options = array('type' => (int) $_REQUEST['type']); } $itemType = ItemType::getList($options); Template::assign('itemType', $itemType); Template::display('index.tpl');
/** * Is this an Intro post * * @return boolean */ function is_intro() { return ItemType::is_intro($this->ityp_ID); }
function buildItem($id, $session, $reviseItem = false, $preview = false) { // fetch record from db $listing = ListingsModel::getItem($id); $post_id = $listing['post_id']; $profile_details = $listing['profile_data']['details']; $hasVariations = ProductWrapper::hasVariations($post_id); $isVariation = ProductWrapper::isSingleVariation($post_id); // remember listing id and account id for checkItem() and buildPayment() $this->listing_id = $id; $this->account_id = $listing['account_id']; // adjust profile details from product level options $profile_details = $this->adjustProfileDetails($id, $post_id, $profile_details); // create Item $item = new ItemType(); // set quantity // $item->Quantity = $listing['quantity']; // get current quantity from WooCommerce $woocom_stock = ProductWrapper::getStock($post_id); // get max_quantity from profile $max_quantity = isset($profile_details['max_quantity']) && intval($profile_details['max_quantity']) > 0 ? $profile_details['max_quantity'] : PHP_INT_MAX; $item->Quantity = min($max_quantity, intval($woocom_stock)); // handle fixed quantity if (intval($profile_details['quantity']) > 0) { $item->Quantity = $profile_details['quantity']; } if ($item->Quantity < 0) { $item->Quantity = 0; } // prevent error for negative qty // set listing title $item->Title = $this->prepareTitle($listing['auction_title']); // set listing duration $product_listing_duration = get_post_meta($post_id, '_ebay_listing_duration', true); $item->ListingDuration = $product_listing_duration ? $product_listing_duration : $listing['listing_duration']; // omit ListingType when revising item if (!$reviseItem) { $product_listing_type = get_post_meta($post_id, '_ebay_auction_type', true); $ListingType = $product_listing_type ? $product_listing_type : $listing['auction_type']; // handle classified ads if ($ListingType == 'ClassifiedAd') { $ListingType = 'LeadGeneration'; $item->setListingSubtype2('ClassifiedAd'); } $item->setListingType($ListingType); } // set eBay Site $item = $this->setEbaySite($item, $session); // add prices $item = $this->buildPrices($id, $item, $post_id, $profile_details, $listing); // add images $item = $this->buildImages($id, $item, $post_id, $profile_details, $session); // if this is a split variation, use parent post_id for all further processing if ($isVariation) { // prepare item specifics / variation attributes $this->prepareSplitVariation($id, $post_id, $listing); // use parent post_id for all further processing $post_id = ProductWrapper::getVariationParent($post_id); } // add various options from $profile_details $item = $this->buildProfileOptions($item, $profile_details); // add various options that depend on $profile_details and $post_id $item = $this->buildProductOptions($id, $item, $post_id, $profile_details, $listing, $hasVariations, $isVariation); // add payment and return options $item = $this->buildPayment($item, $profile_details); // add shipping services and options $item = $this->buildShipping($id, $item, $post_id, $profile_details, $listing, $isVariation); // add seller profiles $item = $this->buildSellerProfiles($id, $item, $post_id, $profile_details); // add ebay categories and store categories $item = $this->buildCategories($id, $item, $post_id, $profile_details); // add variations if ($hasVariations) { if (@$profile_details['variations_mode'] == 'flat') { // don't build variations - list as flat item $item = $this->flattenVariations($id, $item, $post_id, $profile_details); } else { // default: list as variations $item = $this->buildVariations($id, $item, $profile_details, $listing, $session); } } // add item specifics (attributes) - after variations $item = $this->buildItemSpecifics($id, $item, $listing, $post_id); // add part compatibility list $item = $this->buildCompatibilityList($id, $item, $listing, $post_id); // set listing description - after $item has been built $item->Description = $this->getFinalHTML($id, $item, $preview); // adjust item if this is a ReviseItem request if ($reviseItem) { $item = $this->adjustItemForRevision($id, $item, $profile_details, $listing); } else { $item = $this->buildSchedule($item, $profile_details); } // add UUID to prevent duplicate AddItem or RelistItem calls if (!$reviseItem) { // build UUID from listing Title, product_id, previous ItemID and today's date and hour $uuid_src = $item->Title . $post_id . $listing['ebay_id'] . date('Y-m-d h'); $item->setUUID(md5($uuid_src)); WPLE()->logger->info('UUID src: ' . $uuid_src); } // filter final item object before it's sent to eBay $item = apply_filters('wplister_filter_listing_item', $item, $listing, $profile_details, $post_id); $item = apply_filters('wple_filter_listing_item', $item, $listing, $profile_details, $post_id, $reviseItem); return $item; }
/** * sample_AddItem::dispatchCall() * * Dispatch the call * * @param array $params array of parameters for the eBay API call * * @return boolean success */ public function dispatchCall($params) { $reqPic = new UploadSiteHostedPicturesRequestType(); $reqPic->setPictureData(file_get_contents("/var/www/apache2-default/playground/johann/php5/Fotolia.jpg")); $reqPic->setPictureSet(PictureSetCodeType::CodeType_Supersize); $resPic = $this->proxy->UploadSiteHostedPictures($reqPic); if ($this->testValid($resPic)) { $pictureUrl = $resPic->getSiteHostedPictureDetails()->getFullURL(); $reqItem = new AddItemRequestType(); $item = new ItemType(); $item->setTitle('ipod'); $item->setQuantity(1); $item->setCurrency('EUR'); $item->setCountry('DE'); $item->setStartPrice('5.00'); $item->setListingDuration('Days_7'); $item->setLocation('Cologne'); $item->setPaymentMethods('CashOnPickup'); $item->setListingType('Chinese'); $item->setDescription('Neuer iPod mit Kopfhörer Ladekabel und Pc-Anschlusskabel.'); $item->setSubTitle('Brandneuer iPod Mini!'); $item->setHitCounter('BasicStyle'); $item->setListingEnhancement('Highlight'); $listingDesigner = new ListingDesignerType(); $listingDesigner->setLayoutID('7710001'); $listingDesigner->setThemeID('7730714'); $item->setListingDesigner($listingDesigner); $primaryCategory = new CategoryType(); $primaryCategory->setCategoryID(10610); $item->setPrimaryCategory($primaryCategory); $secondaryCategory = new CategoryType(); $secondaryCategory->setCategoryID(8267); $item->setSecondaryCategory($secondaryCategory); $picture = new PictureDetailsType(); $picture->setPictureURL($pictureUrl); $item->setPictureDetails($picture); $attSet = new AttributeSetType(); $attSet->setTypeAttribute('attributeSetID', 1950); $att = new AttributeType(); $att->setTypeAttribute('attributeID', 10244); $attValue = new ValType(); $attValue->setValueID(10426); $att->setValue($attValue, 0); $attSet->setAttribute($att, 0); $atts = new AttributeSetArrayType(); $atts->setAttributeSet($attSet, 0); $attSet2 = new AttributeSetType(); $attSet2->setTypeAttribute('attributeSetID', 2136); $att2 = new AttributeType(); $att2->setTypeAttribute('attributeID', 3803); $attValue2 = new ValType(); $attValue2->setValueID(32040); $att2->setValue($attValue2, 0); $att3 = new AttributeType(); $att3->setTypeAttribute('attributeID', 3806); $attValue3 = new ValType(); $attValue3->setValueID(-3); $attValue3->setValueLiteral('siehe Artikelbeschreibung'); $att3->setValue($attValue3, 0); $attSet2->setAttribute($att3, 1); $atts->setAttributeSet($attSet2, 1); $item->setAttributeSetArray($atts); $reqItem->setItem($item); $resItem = $this->proxy->AddItem($reqItem); if ($this->testValid($resItem)) { $this->dumpObject($resItem); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
/** * sample_AddItem::dispatchCall() * * Dispatch the call * * @param array $params array of parameters for the eBay API call * * @return boolean success */ public function dispatchCall($params) { $a = new ShippingServiceOptionsType(); $a->setShippingService('UPS2ndDay'); $a->setShippingServicePriority('1'); $a->setShippingServiceCost('5'); $b = new ShippingDetailsType(); //print '<pre>'.print_r(get_class_methods($b),true).'</pre><br>'; $b->setShippingServiceOptions($a); //$b->setDefaultShippingCost(5); $b->setShippingType('Flat'); $req = new AddItemRequestType(); $item = new ItemType(); $item->setTitle($params['Title']); $item->setQuantity($params['Quantity']); $item->setCurrency($params['Currency']); $item->setCountry($params['Country']); $item->setStartPrice($params['StartPrice']); $item->setListingDuration($params['ListingDuration']); $item->setLocation($params['Location']); $item->setPaymentMethods($params['PaymentMethods']); $item->setListingType($params['ListingType']); $item->setDescription($params['Description']); $item->ShippingService = 'UPS Ground'; $item->setShippingDetails($b); //print '<pre>'.print_r(get_class_methods($a),true).'</pre><br>'; //$this->dumpObject($a); //$this->dumpObject($item); $primaryCategory = new CategoryType(); $primaryCategory->setCategoryID($params['CategoryID']); $item->setPrimaryCategory($primaryCategory); $req->setItem($item); $res = $this->proxy->AddItem($req); $this->dumpObject($res); if ($this->testValid($res)) { $this->dumpObject($res); return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * Adds an object to the instance pool. * * Propel keeps cached copies of objects in an instance pool when they are retrieved * from the database. In some cases -- especially when you override doSelect*() * methods in your stub classes -- you may need to explicitly add objects * to the cache in order to ensure that the same objects are always returned by doSelect*() * and retrieveByPK*() calls. * * @param ItemType $value A ItemType object. * @param string $key (optional) key to use for instance map (for performance boost if key was already calculated externally). */ public static function addInstanceToPool(ItemType $obj, $key = null) { if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) { if ($key === null) { $key = (string) $obj->getId(); } // if key === null self::$instances[$key] = $obj; } }
/** * sample_VerifyAddItem::dispatchCall() * * Dispatch the call * * @param array $params array of parameters for the eBay API call * * @return boolean success */ public function dispatchCall($params) { $req = new VerifyAddItemRequestType(); $item = new ItemType(); $item->setTitle($params['Title']); $item->setQuantity($params['Quantity']); $item->setCurrency($params['Currency']); $item->setCountry($params['Country']); $item->setStartPrice($params['StartPrice']); $item->setListingDuration($params['ListingDuration']); $item->setLocation($params['Location']); $item->setPaymentMethods($params['PaymentMethods']); $item->setListingType($params['ListingType']); $item->setDescription($params['Description']); $primaryCategory = new CategoryType(); $primaryCategory->setCategoryID($params['CategoryID']); $item->setPrimaryCategory($primaryCategory); $req->setItem($item); $res = $this->proxy->VerifyAddItem($req); if ($this->testValid($res)) { $this->dumpObject($res); return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * sample_AddItem::dispatchCall() * * Dispatch the call * * @param array $params array of parameters for the eBay API call * * @return boolean success */ public function dispatchCall($params) { $req = new AddItemRequestType(); $item = new ItemType(); $item->setTitle($params['Title']); $item->setQuantity($params['Quantity']); $item->setCurrency($params['Currency']); $item->setCountry($params['Country']); $item->setStartPrice($params['StartPrice']); $item->setListingDuration($params['ListingDuration']); $item->setLocation($params['Location']); $item->setPaymentMethods($params['PaymentMethods']); $item->setListingType($params['ListingType']); $item->setDescription($params['Description']); $item->setSubTitle($params['SubTitle']); $item->setHitCounter($params['HitCounter']); $item->setListingEnhancement($params['ListingEnhancement']); $listingDesigner = new ListingDesignerType(); $listingDesigner->setLayoutID($params['LayoutID']); $listingDesigner->setThemeID($params['ThemeID']); $item->setListingDesigner($listingDesigner); $primaryCategory = new CategoryType(); $primaryCategory->setCategoryID($params['CategoryID']); $item->setPrimaryCategory($primaryCategory); $secondaryCategory = new CategoryType(); $secondaryCategory->setCategoryID($params['secondaryCategoryID']); $item->setSecondaryCategory($secondaryCategory); $picture = new PictureDetailsType(); $picture->setPictureURL($params['PictureURL']); $item->setPictureDetails($picture); $req->setItem($item); $res = $this->proxy->AddItem($req); if ($this->testValid($res)) { $this->dumpObject($res); return true; } else { return false; } }
public function addToRecipients($recipient) { if (is_string($recipient)) { $address = new Mailbox(); $address->setEmailAddress($recipient); $recipient = $address; } return parent::addToRecipients($recipient); }
function ityp_row_perm_level($level, $id) { if (ItemType::is_reserved($id)) { // It is reserved item type, Don't display perm level return ''; } $perm_levels = array('standard' => T_('Standard'), 'restricted' => T_('Restricted'), 'admin' => T_('Admin')); return isset($perm_levels[$level]) ? $perm_levels[$level] : $level; }
/** * Declares an association between this object and a ItemType object. * * @param ItemType $v * @return Item The current object (for fluent API support) * @throws PropelException */ public function setItemType(ItemType $v = null) { if ($v === null) { $this->setItemTypeId(NULL); } else { $this->setItemTypeId($v->getId()); } $this->aItemType = $v; // Add binding for other direction of this n:n relationship. // If this object has already been added to the ItemType object, it will not be re-added. if ($v !== null) { $v->addItem($this); } return $this; }