public static function searchByKeywords($keywords, $filter = null) { $items = Item::with(array('company', 'tags', 'categories', 'territory')); if (!empty($keywords)) { $items->where(function ($q) use($keywords) { $q->where('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $keywords . "%"); $q->orWhere('description', 'LIKE', '%' . $keywords . "%"); }); } if (!empty($filter) && is_array($filter)) { if (count($filter['categories'])) { $items->whereHas('categories', function ($q) use($filter) { $q->whereIn('item_categories.category_id', $filter['categories']); }); } if (!empty($filter['min']) && !empty($filter['max'])) { $items->where('min_investment', '>=', $filter['min'] * 10000); $items->where('min_investment', '<=', $filter['max'] * 10000); } elseif (!empty($filter['min']) && empty($filter['max'])) { $items->where('min_investment', '>=', $filter['min'] * 10000); } elseif (empty($filter['min']) && !empty($filter['max'])) { $items->where('min_investment', '<=', $filter['max'] * 10000); } } return $items->get(); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $access_token = Util::getAccessToken(); $user = User::findUserByToken($access_token); if ($user->hasRole('admin')) { $bookmarks = BookmarkObject::all(); foreach ($bookmarks as $bookmark) { if ($bookmark->type == 'item') { $bookmark->object = Item::with(array('company', 'tags', 'categories'))->find($bookmark->object_id); } elseif ($bookmark->type == 'company') { $bookmark->object = Company::with(array('tags'))->find($bookmark->object_id); } } } else { $bookmarks = BookmarkObject::where('user_id', $user->id)->get(); foreach ($bookmarks as $bookmark) { if ($bookmark->type == 'item') { $bookmark->object = Item::with(array('company', 'tags'))->find($bookmark->object_id); } elseif ($bookmark->type == 'company') { $bookmark->object = Company::with(array('tags'))->find($bookmark->object_id); } } } return Response::json(array('success_code' => 'OK', 'data' => $bookmarks->toArray())); }
/** * Show the profile for the given user. */ public function trending() { $pinned = array('pins' => function ($query) { $query->where('user_id', '=', Auth::id()); }, 'user'); $items = Item::with($pinned)->get()->take(25); return View::make('trending', array('items' => $items)); }
public function testWithBelongsTo() { $user = User::create(array('name' => 'John Doe')); Item::create(array('type' => 'knife', 'user_id' => $user->_id)); Item::create(array('type' => 'shield', 'user_id' => $user->_id)); Item::create(array('type' => 'sword', 'user_id' => $user->_id)); Item::create(array('type' => 'bag', 'user_id' => null)); $items = Item::with('user')->orderBy('user_id', 'desc')->get(); $user = $items[0]->getRelation('user'); $this->assertInstanceOf('User', $user); $this->assertEquals('John Doe', $user->name); $this->assertEquals(1, count($items[0]->getRelations())); $this->assertEquals(null, $items[3]->getRelation('user')); }
public function getView($id = 0) { $item = Item::with('name', 'vendors', 'vendors.npc', '', 'vendors.npc.location', '')->where('id', $id)->remember(Config::get('site.cache_length'))->first(); $vendors = array(); foreach ($item->vendors as $vendor) { $npc = array('id' => $vendor->npc->id, 'name' => $vendor->npc->name->term, 'color' => $vendor->pivot->color); foreach ($vendor->npc->location as $loc) { if (!isset($vendors[$loc->id])) { $vendors[$loc->id] = array('name' => $loc->name->term, 'npcs' => array()); } $vendors[$loc->id]['npcs'][] = array_merge($npc, $loc->pivot->x ? array('coords' => array('x' => $loc->pivot->x, 'y' => $loc->pivot->y)) : array()); } } ksort($vendors); exit(json_encode(array('html' => View::make('vendors.modal', array('item' => $item, 'vendors' => $vendors))->render()))); }
public function getBeasts($id = 0) { $item = Item::with('name', 'beasts', '', 'beasts.location', '')->where('id', $id)->remember(Config::get('site.cache_length'))->first(); $beasts = array(); foreach ($item->beasts as $beast) { foreach ($beast->location as $loc) { @($beasts[$loc->name->term][ltrim($beast->name->term, '\\x20') . ($loc->pivot->triggered ? '*' : '')][] = $loc->pivot->levels); } } // echo View::make('beasts.modal', array( // 'item' => $item, // 'beasts' => $beasts // ))->render(); // exit; exit(json_encode(array('html' => View::make('beasts.modal', array('item' => $item, 'beasts' => $beasts))->render()))); }
public function getIndex() { // Items that are Materia $results = Item::with('name', 'en_name', 'baseparam', '', 'baseparam.en_name')->where('itemcategory_id', 13)->orderBy('id')->get(); // Flatten materia list $materia = array(); foreach ($results as $row) { preg_match('/^(.*)\\sMateria\\s(.*)$/', $row->en_name->term, $matches); list($ignore, $name, $power) = $matches; if (!isset($materia[$name])) { $materia[$name] = array('icon' => $row->baseparam[0]->en_name->term, 'stat' => $row->baseparam[0]->name->term, 'power' => array()); } $materia[$name]['power'][$power] = array('id' => $row->id, 'amount' => $row->baseparam[0]->pivot->nq_amount); } // Let's move a few up front // First, Crafters, then Gatherers, then the rest (Battling) return View::make('pages.materia')->with('materia_list', $materia); }
public function show($id) { $user = UserService::getLoggedInUser(); $item = DB::transaction(function () use($id, $user) { if ($user) { Item::updateStatus($id, $user, 'read'); } $item = Item::with('tags', 'userStatuses')->find($id); return $item; }); if (!$item) { return Response::json(array('error_code' => Config::get('constants.ERROR.ITEM_NOT_FOUND'), 'error_message' => 'Item not found'), 500); } if ($user) { return Response::json(array('success_code' => 'OK', 'data' => $item->toArray($user))); } else { return Response::json(array('success_code' => 'OK', 'data' => $item->toArray())); } }
public function getIndex() { // Get the list $list = Session::get('list', array()); foreach ($list as $k => &$l) { // $l starts as the amount integer and we're transforming it to an array $l = array('amount' => $l, 'item' => Item::with(array('recipe' => function ($query) { $query->limit(1); }, 'name'))->find($k)); if (count($l['item']->recipe) == 0) { unset($list[$k]); } } unset($l); $saved = array(); if ($list) { foreach ($list as $id => $info) { $saved[] = $id . ',' . $info['amount']; } } $saved = implode(':', $saved); return View::make('pages.list')->with('active', 'list')->with('list', $list)->with('saved_link', $saved)->with('job_list', ClassJob::get_name_abbr_list()); }
public function postIndex() { $title = preg_replace('/\\s+/m', ' ', preg_replace("/\n/", '', trim(Input::get('title')))); View::share('map_title', $title); $posted_list = explode('||', Input::get('items')); $item_list = array(); foreach ($posted_list as $row) { list($id, $amount) = explode('|', $row); $item_list[$id] = $amount; } if (!empty($item_list)) { $items = Item::with('name', 'vendors', 'vendors.npc', '', 'vendors.npc.location', '', 'clusters', 'clusters.classjob', '', 'clusters.classjob.abbr', 'clusters.location', '', 'clusters.nodes', 'beasts', '', 'beasts.location')->whereIn('id', array_keys($item_list))->remember(Config::get('site.cache_length'))->get(); $map_data = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { foreach ($item->vendors as $v) { foreach ($v->npc->location as $l) { if (!isset($map_data[$l->id])) { $map_data[$l->id] = array('name' => $l->name->term); } if (!isset($map_data[$l->id]['vendors'])) { $map_data[$l->id]['vendors'] = array(); } // // Map ID // NPC ID if (!isset($map_data[$l->id]['vendors'][$v->npc->id])) { $map_data[$l->id]['vendors'][$v->npc->id] = array('name' => $v->npc->name->term, 'x' => $l->pivot->x, 'y' => $l->pivot->y, 'items' => array()); } $map_data[$l->id]['vendors'][$v->npc->id]['items'][$item->id] = array('needed' => $item_list[$item->id], 'name' => $item->name->term, 'min_price' => $item->min_price, 'max_price' => $item->max_price); } } foreach ($item->clusters as $c) { if (!isset($map_data[$c->placename_id])) { $map_data[$c->placename_id] = array('name' => is_null($c->location) ? 'unknown' : $c->location->name->term); } if (!isset($map_data[$c->placename_id]['clusters'])) { $map_data[$c->placename_id]['clusters'] = array(); } if (!isset($map_data[$c->placename_id]['clusters'][$c->id])) { $map_data[$c->placename_id]['clusters'][$c->id] = array('icon' => $c->icon, 'level' => $c->level, 'classjob' => $c->classjob_id, 'classjob_name' => $c->classjob->name->term, 'classjob_abbr' => $c->classjob->abbr->term, 'x' => $c->x, 'y' => $c->y, 'items' => array()); } $map_data[$c->placename_id]['clusters'][$c->id]['items'][$item->id] = array('needed' => $item_list[$item->id], 'name' => $item->name->term, 'min_price' => $item->min_price, 'max_price' => $item->max_price); } foreach ($item->beasts as $b) { foreach ($b->location as $l) { if (!isset($map_data[$l->id])) { $map_data[$l->id] = array('name' => $b->name->term); } if (!isset($map_data[$l->id]['beasts'])) { $map_data[$l->id]['beasts'] = array(); } // // Map ID // NPC ID if (!isset($map_data[$l->id]['beasts'][$b->id])) { $map_data[$l->id]['beasts'][$b->id] = array('name' => $b->name->term, 'levels' => $b->pivot->levels, 'triggered' => $b->pivot->triggered, 'items' => array()); } $map_data[$l->id]['beasts'][$b->id]['items'][$item->id] = array('needed' => $item_list[$item->id], 'name' => $item->name->term); } } } View::share('map_data', $map_data); View::share('items', $items); } return $this->getIndex(); }
public function getIndex() { list($sections, $translations) = Cache::get('food_sections_' . Config::get('language'), function () { // Items that are Food $results = Item::with('name', 'baseparam', '', 'baseparam.en_name', 'vendors')->where('itemcategory_id', 5)->orderBy('id')->get(); // Group the food up $food_groups = $translations = array(); foreach ($results as $item) { $stats = $names = $key_name = array(); foreach ($item->baseparam as $baseparam) { $nq_limit = $baseparam->pivot->nq_limit ?: (int) $baseparam->pivot->nq_amount; $hq_limit = $baseparam->pivot->hq_limit ?: (int) $baseparam->pivot->hq_amount; $translations[$baseparam->en_name->term] = $baseparam->name->term; $stats[$baseparam->en_name->term] = array('name' => $baseparam->name->term, 'nq' => array('amount' => (int) $baseparam->pivot->nq_amount, 'limit' => $nq_limit, 'threshold' => round($nq_limit / ($baseparam->pivot->nq_amount / 100))), 'hq' => array('amount' => (int) $baseparam->pivot->hq_amount, 'limit' => $hq_limit, 'threshold' => $baseparam->pivot->hq_amount == 0 ? 0 : round($hq_limit / ($baseparam->pivot->hq_amount / 100)))); } $names = array_keys($stats); sort($names); if (empty($names)) { continue; } $food_groups[implode('|', $names)][] = array('id' => $item->id, 'has_hq' => $item->has_hq, 'name' => $item->name->term, 'min_price' => $item->min_price, 'vendor_count' => count($item->vendors), 'stats' => $stats); } ksort($food_groups); // Break these up into groups $sections_base = array('data' => array(), 'headers' => array(), 'intersections' => array()); // This order determines how they show up on the page, so it's kind of important to keep it this way $sections = array('Crafting' => $sections_base, 'Gathering' => $sections_base, 'Battle' => $sections_base, 'Resistances' => $sections_base); foreach ($food_groups as $key => $value) { $keys = explode('|', $key); $belongs_to = 'Battle'; if (count(array_intersect(array('CP', 'Control', 'Craftsmanship'), $keys)) > 0) { $belongs_to = 'Crafting'; } elseif (count(array_intersect(array('GP', 'Gathering', 'Perception'), $keys)) > 0) { $belongs_to = 'Gathering'; } elseif (preg_match('/Resistance/', $key)) { $belongs_to = 'Resistances'; } $sections[$belongs_to]['data'][$key] = $value; } foreach ($sections as $section_key => $section_array) { $single_keys = array(); foreach (array_keys($section_array['data']) as $keys) { $single_keys = array_merge($single_keys, explode('|', $keys)); } $single_keys = array_unique($single_keys); sort($single_keys); $sections[$section_key]['headers'] = $single_keys; // Also get the Intersections $intersections = array(); foreach ($single_keys as $i) { if (!isset($intersections[$i])) { $intersections[$i] = array(); } foreach ($single_keys as $j) { if (!isset($intersections[$i][$j])) { $intersections[$i][$j] = 0; } $looking_for = $i == $j ? 1 : 2; foreach ($section_array['data'] as $key => $value) { $keys = explode('|', $key); $matched = 0; $bonus = 0; if (in_array($i, $keys)) { $matched++; } if ($i != $j && in_array($j, $keys)) { $matched++; } if (preg_match('/Vitality/', $key)) { $bonus = 1; $matched++; } if ($matched == $looking_for + $bonus && count($keys) == $looking_for + $bonus) { // Count base items $intersections[$i][$j] += count($value); // Count HQ items foreach ($value as $x) { if ($x['has_hq']) { $intersections[$i][$j]++; } } } } } } $sections[$section_key]['intersections'] = $intersections; } unset($food_groups); return array($sections, $translations); }); return View::make('')->with('sections', $sections)->with('translations', $translations); }
public static function calculate($job_id = 0, $level = 1, $range = 0, $craftable_only = TRUE, $rewardable_too = TRUE) { $cache_key = __METHOD__ . '|' . Config::get('language') . '|' . $job_id . ',' . $level . ',' . $range . ($craftable_only ? 'T' . ($rewardable_too ? 'T' : 'F') : 'F'); // Does cache exist? Return that instead if (Cache::has($cache_key)) { return Cache::get($cache_key); } // Get the job IDs $job = ClassJob::with('en_abbr')->find($job_id); $equipment_list = array_flip(Config::get('site.equipment_roles')); array_walk($equipment_list, function (&$i) { $i = array(); }); // Slot data $slots = Config::get('site.defined_slots'); $slot_alias = Config::get('site.slot_alias'); $slot_cannot_equip = Config::get('site.slot_cannot_equip'); foreach ($slot_cannot_equip as &$sce) { foreach ($sce as &$ce) { $ce = $slots[$ce]; } } unset($sce, $ce); // Make sure the slot avoids pieces with certain stats $stat_ids_to_avoid = Stat::get_ids(Stat::avoid($job->en_abbr->term)); $stat_ids_to_focus = Stat::get_ids(Stat::focus($job->en_abbr->term)); $boring_stat_ids = Stat::get_ids(Stat::boring()); $advanced_stat_avoidance = Stat::advanced_avoidance($job->en_abbr->term); foreach ($advanced_stat_avoidance as &$ava) { // These are in a very specific order. // Keep that order in tact. list($a, $b) = explode(' w/o ', $ava); $ava[0] = Stat::get_ids(array($a))[0]; $ava[1] = Stat::get_ids(array($b))[0]; } unset($ava); // Get all items where: // Slot isn't zero // It's between the level & level - 10 // The class can use it // craftable only? // rewardable? foreach ($slots as $slot_identifier => $slot_name) { $query = Item::with('name', 'baseparam', '', 'vendors', 'recipe', 'recipe.classjob', '')->where('slot', $slot_identifier)->whereBetween('equip_level', array($level - 10, $level + $range))->whereHas('classjob', function ($query) use($job_id) { $query->where('', $job_id); })->whereHas('baseparam', function ($query) use($stat_ids_to_focus) { $query->whereIn('', $stat_ids_to_focus); })->orderBy('items.equip_level', 'DESC')->orderBy('items.level', 'DESC')->limit(20); if ($craftable_only && $rewardable_too) { $query->where(function ($query) { $query->whereHas('recipe', function ($query) { $query->where('recipes.item_id', DB::raw('')); })->orWhere('items.achievable', '1')->orWhere('items.rewarded', '1'); }); } elseif ($craftable_only) { $query->whereHas('recipe', function ($query) { $query->where('recipes.item_id', DB::raw('')); }); } $items = $query->remember(Config::get('site.cache_length'))->get(); $slot = isset($slot_alias[$slot_identifier]) ? $slot_alias[$slot_identifier] : $slot_identifier; $role = $slots[$slot]; foreach ($items as $item) { // Kick it to the curb because of attributes? // Compare the focused vs the avoids $focus = $avoid = 0; $param_count = array_fill(1, 100, 0); // 73 total stats, 100's pretty safe, not to mention we only really focus on the first dozen foreach ($item->baseparam as $param) { $param_count[$param->id]++; if (in_array($param->id, $stat_ids_to_avoid)) { $avoid++; } elseif (in_array($param->id, $stat_ids_to_focus)) { $focus++; } } if ($advanced_stat_avoidance) { foreach ($advanced_stat_avoidance as $ava) { // If the [0] stat exists, but the [1] stat doesn't, drop the piece completely if ($param_count[$ava[0]] > 0 && $param_count[$ava[1]] == 0) { $avoid += 10; } } } // Really sell that this should be avoided # echo '<strong>' . $item->name->term . ' [' . $item->id . ']</strong> for ' . $role . ' (' . $focus . ',' . $avoid . ')<br>'; if ($avoid >= $focus || $focus == 0) { continue; } // if ($item->name->term == 'Linen Cowl') // dd($item->name->term, $item->slot, $slot, $slot_cannot_equip, $slot_cannot_equip[$item->slot]); // Cannot equip attribute? if (isset($slot_cannot_equip[$item->slot])) { $item->cannot_equip = implode(',', $slot_cannot_equip[$item->slot]); } $equipment_list[$role][] = $item; # echo '<strong>+ ' . $item->name->term . ' [' . $item->id . ']</strong> for ' . $role . '<br>'; } unset($items); } $two_handed_weapon_ids = ItemUICategory::two_handed_weapon_ids(); $leveled_equipment = array(); // We now have a proper list, but now we need to widdle down further by ilvl foreach (range($level, $level + $range) as $l) { $leveled_equipment[$l] = array(); foreach ($equipment_list as $role => $items) { $leveled_equipment[$l][$role] = array(); $max_equip_level = 0; // Find max foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item->equip_level <= $l && $item->equip_level > $max_equip_level) { $max_equip_level = $item->equip_level; } } // Drop lesser items // OR figure out cannot equip stuff for weapons foreach ($items as $key => $item) { if ($item->equip_level == $max_equip_level) { if (empty($item->cannot_equip) && in_array($item->itemuicategory_id, $two_handed_weapon_ids)) { $item->cannot_equip = 'Off Hand'; } //$item->cannot_equip = array_flip(Config::get('site.defined_slots'))['Off Hand']; if (!isset($leveled_equipment[$l][$role][$item->level])) { $leveled_equipment[$l][$role][$item->level] = array(); } $leveled_equipment[$l][$role][$item->level][] = $item; } } // Place highest ilvl first krsort($leveled_equipment[$l][$role]); // Re-key the list for good measure //$items = array_values($items); //$leveled_equipment[$l][$role] = $items; } } // We should mostly have a list of just single items now // Cache the results Cache::put($cache_key, $leveled_equipment, Config::get('site.cache_length')); return $leveled_equipment; }