
 Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Instantor AB (SE), <http://www.instantor.com/>
  In order to use the InstantorRequest class, the following
  requirements must be met:

  php mcrypt extension must be loaded,
  PEAR modules Net_URL2 and HTTP_Request2 must be installed

  To install the pear modules, use the following syntax:
  > pear install HTTP_Request2-2.0.0RC1
  > pear install Net_URL2-0.3.1
require "InstantorRequest.php";
$url = 'https://www.instantor.com/api';
$source = 'test_source';
$api_key = 'test_API_key';
$msg_id = rand();
$action = 'test/echo';
$payload = '<payload>
  Example <code>XML</code>
$r = InstantorRequest::sendPostRequest($url, $source, $api_key, $msg_id, $action, $payload);

 Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Instantor AB (SE), <http://www.instantor.com/>
  In order to use the InstantorRequest class, the following
  requirements must be met:

  php mcrypt extension must be loaded,
  PEAR modules Net_URL2 and HTTP_Request2 must be installed

  To install the pear modules, use the following syntax:
  > pear install HTTP_Request2-2.0.0RC1
  > pear install Net_URL2-0.3.1
require "InstantorRequest.php";
$source = '';
// Enter your source name
$api_key = '';
// Enter your API key
$r = InstantorRequest::receivePostRequest($source, $api_key, $payload);
echo $r;