Exemplo n.º 1

 * Installation file
define("G_VERSIONTYPE_CODEBASE", "community");
define("G_VERSIONTYPE", "community");
define("G_BUILD", "18024");
//Initialize session
//error_reporting( E_ALL );ini_set("display_errors", true); 		//Uncomment this to get a full list of errors
/*The inclusion directory*/
$path = "../../libraries/";
//Read current version from sample_config file
preg_match("/define\\('G_VERSION_NUM', '(.*)'\\);/", file_get_contents("sample_config.php"), $matches);
define("G_VERSION_NUM", $matches[1]);
define("PREPROCESSED", false);
#cpp#ifdef COMMUNITY
$versionTypes = array('educational' => 'Educational', 'enterprise' => 'Enterprise', 'standard' => 'Community++', 'community' => 'Community');
/*Disable output buffering during installation for better error handling*/
define("NO_OUTPUT_BUFFERING", true);
//Set some ini properties we need
ini_set("display_errors", true);
ini_set('include_path', $path . '../PEAR/');
ini_get("max_execution_time") < 120 ? ini_set("max_execution_time", "120") : null;
//It is imperative that the smarty directory is writable in order to continue
if (!is_writable($path . 'smarty/themes_cache')) {
    echo Installation::printErrorMessage("Directory <b>" . realpath($path . 'smarty/themes_cache') . "</b> must be writable by the server in order to continue");